Digital Citizenship

Both parents and teachers need to help students be good digital citizens. They both need to support students in using the internet in ways that are safe, responsible, and appropriate. They also help students follow the rules and act in ways that lead to effective digital learning. Here are the responsibilities expected of, parents, students, and teachers:

Parent Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

Follow the rules

  • Follow all school and class rules for using technology
  • Act responsibly to all—both online and face-to-face
  • Collaborate in positive ways that help you learn
  • Use technology to support an inclusive school community

Stay safe

  • Only use accounts that belong to you.
  • Protect passwords—don’t share them with others
  • Don’t automatically save passwords on school devices
  • Don’t give out personal information online without your parent’s permission
  • Have permission from a parent before meeting anyone in person that you have met only online

Take care of things

  • Respect and care for both:
    • Student work (yours and your peers)
    • Devices

Take care of each other

  • Only download music, photographs, or video if you have permission from your teacher
  • Follow the owner’s instructions for use
  • If you don't know whether you can use something you found online, ask the owner for permission
  • Follow your teacher’s directions for fundraising online
  • See something that is inappropriate, threatening, or unkind? Here is what you can do:
  • Reach out to a trusted adult
  • Email [email protected]
  • Call Respect for All at 212-374-2350

Students who do not act responsibly may face the consequences explained in the Discipline Code and Chancellor’s Regulations.

Families, Students, and Social Media

Families today have a new role: helping children behave safely and responsibly when they're using social media. The Student Social Media Guidelines focus on these areas:

  • Create Your Digital Image
  • Post Responsibly
  • Consider the Consequences
  • Cyberbullying

Read the guides available for Students 12 and Younger or 13 and Older. And families of Students 12 and Younger or 13 and Older.

Teacher Responsibilities

To Students

  • Teach students how to act when working online with others
  • Go over the online guidelines with students. Make sure they know:
    • How to use the internet safely and responsibly
    • Appropriate ways to react to cyberbullying
  • If students misbehave, they may lose their online rights.
    • You must then offer other ways that they can complete their work.
  • Protect student information as stated in the:
  • As part of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) we have filters that block websites if they are:
    • inappropriate for minors
    • lack educational or work-related content
    • poses a threat.
      If such a site is discovered, the teacher should inform their principal to address the issue.

To Parents

  • Let parents know if students need to communicate with people outside of your class (other classes, experts, authors).
  • You usually need parental consent to share student information. There are some exceptions. Refer to the Privacy Policy to learn how information is protected, collected, and used.
  • Review the discipline code.

To Themselves

  • Follow Chancellor’s Regulation A-610 to raise money for school activities.
  • Review the educator materials under Helpful Links on the Digital Citizenship page of the Employee InfoHub .
  • Contact a supervisor if you encounter:
    • Inappropriate use
    • Communications that violate DOE policies or regulations