IEP Meeting

You will be invited to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting after your child's evaluation is completed.

At the meeting, the IEP team, of which you are a member, will review information from the evaluation and other sources to determine if your child is eligible for special education services. If so, the team will work together at the meeting to develop an IEP.


If English is not your preferred language, make a request for an interpreter in writing at least 72 hours before the meeting.

If you are a deaf or hard of hearing parent, guardian or DOE staff, you have the legal right to a sign language interpreter during an IEP meeting. For sign language interpretation services, please contact your school’s parent coordinator or the Office of Sign Language Interpreting Services via email at [email protected].

Meeting Location

The location of the meeting is determined by:

  • Your child’s age/grade level
  • The type of school your child attends

Preschool-Age (Ages?) Students

School-Age (Ages 5-17yrs.) Students in Public School

  • The meeting will be held at your child’s school.

School-Age Students Enrolled in Religious, Private, or Charter Schools, or Not Enrolled in School

  • The meeting will be held at the district Committee on Special Education (CSE).
  • If your child is or will attend a private or religious school in New York City, and the IEP team finds your child eligible for special education, the IEP team will develop an Individualized Education Services Program (IESP) instead of an IEP. The IESP will describe the special education services and/or related services to be provided while your child attends the private or religious school.

Preparing for the Meeting

  • Be prepared to discuss your child’s strengths and needs, and how they affect his or her academic, social, emotional, and physical development.
  • Use Ask & Share Guides
  • Invite other people to the meeting who know your child and can help make decisions, such as a doctor, childcare provider, relative or advocate.
  • If you want a certified IEP Parent Member to attend, make your request in writing at least 72 hours before the meeting. Visit the Parent Members page for more information:

Members of the IEP Team

  • Parent(s) or anyone in a parental relationship with your child
  • A general education teacher (when your child is or may be in general education)
  • A special education teacher (if applicable)
  • Related service providers (if applicable)
  • A school psychologist (if the meeting is an initial evaluation or reevaluation for students in grades K-12, or in other meetings when applicable)
  • A school social worker (if he or she is involved in the evaluation process for students in grades K-12)
  • A district representative (CPSE administrator for preschool children)
  • A school physician (if requested in writing by you or a member of the school at least 72 hours before the meeting for students in grades K-12)
  • A certified IEP parent member (if requested in writing by you or a member of the school at least 72 hours before the meeting)
  • An Early Intervention (EI) service coordinator (for preschool children, if requested by a parent)
  • Your child (the student), if appropriate (if your child is 14 years old or older he or she must be invited)

Your Role

You are a legally mandated member of the IEP team. You know your child best and can speak about his or her strengths and needs. As a member of the IEP team, you should:

  • Offer observations about how your child learns
  • Share information about your child’s interests
  • Talk about how your child uses (or does not use) the skills he or she learns in school and at home
  • Listen to what the other team members think your child needs to work on in school and share your suggestions
  • Ask questions and speak up if you don't understand something
  • Work with the rest of the team to develop the IEP

Resolving Issues

You have the right to request another IEP meeting to discuss your concerns. If you and the IEP team cannot come to an agreement, you can get help or challenge the decision through mediation or an impartial hearing. Visit our Impartial Hearings page for more information.