Enrollment for Students with Disabilities

Special Education Services in District Schools

(Districts 1-32)

We are committed to ensuring that all NYC students with disabilities have access to a quality education. All DOE public schools serve students with disabilities and are expected to provide the special education programs and services on students' Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

Learn more about special education.

3-K and Pre-K

3-K and pre-K programs welcome and serve all students with disabilities. Many 3-K and pre-K students can get their special education services at a general education 3-K or pre-K program. Some families will work with their local Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) to find a program that meets their child’s needs.

Students New to Special Education

Free special education services are available for three- and four-year-old students with disabilities or delays in development that affect learning. If you think your child could benefit from these services, you can contact your Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) to request an evaluation.

Students Who Already Have IEPs

If your child has an IEP, enrollment in a 3-K or pre-K program is based on their IEP recommendation. To find your child’s recommendation, refer to the Recommended Special Education Programs and Services section of their IEP. If you still have questions, please contact your CPSE.

Students with IEPs that Recommend a Special Education Itinerant Teacher and/or Related Services

Your child can get these services at a general education 3-K or pre-K program at any of the following: a district school, NYC Early Education Center (NYCEEC), or Pre-K Center. Pre-K students can also get these services at a charter school.

Apply using the 3-K or pre-K application process.

  • To find out whether a particular program has only Special Class in an Integrated Setting classrooms, call programs directly.
  • Learn how to apply for programs on our 3-K and Pre-K admissions pages.

Students with IEPs that Recommend Special Class or Special Class in an Integrated Setting

Work with your local CPSE to find an appropriate placement at a preschool special education program. The 3-K and pre-K application processes do not include enrollment in these settings. Contact your CPSE if you have any questions about your child’s placement.

You may choose to apply to a 3-K or pre-K program if:

  • Your child is reevaluated by the CPSE and the new IEP recommendation is Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) and/or Related Services.
  • You would like your child to attend a general education 3-K or pre-K program before or after his or her special education program (full-day or half-day). Contact your CPSE to enroll in the preschool special education program. Email [email protected] for more information about participating in a general education 3-K or pre-K program for the remainder of the day.

Learn more about special education for 3-K and pre-K students on the Moving to Preschool page.

Elementary School

Every elementary school welcomes and serves students with disabilities according to their IEPs.

Applicants with IEPs

Most students with IEPs will attend their zoned school for kindergarten, just like general education students. Apply to kindergarten to secure your child's kindergarten seat—learn how on our Kindergarten page.

Evaluation for School Age Special Education Services

Some incoming kindergarten students will be eligible for special education services—these students will receive an IEP.

  • If your child received special education services in pre-K, they will be reevaluated to see if they are eligible for school age special education services.
  • If your child does not currently get special education services, but you believe they may have a disability and may need special education services, contact the Committee on Special Education (CSE) for the district where you live.
  • Learn more about special education programs for kindergarten students on our Moving to Kindergarten page:

Middle School and High School

Every DOE middle school and high school welcomes and serves students with disabilities according to their IEPs. Students with disabilities can apply to all middle schools and high schools and/or programs, including all programs with screened or audition admissions methods. When your child tests or auditions, we will provide any testing accommodations in their IEP as long as these accommodations do not change the skills or content the test is measuring.

Find out about applying to:

Learn more about special education programs for middle school and high school on our Moving to Middle School and Moving to High School pages.

After High School

Thinking about your child’s future? Learn more about their options and opportunities after high school.

Special Education Services in District 75 Programs

District 75 provides highly specialized instruction in programs for students with disabilities who require more significant and specialized supports.