Shirley Aubin, Appeals Committee Chair

Shirley Aubin has extensive experience in all corners of educational advocacy. She has been an active parent since her daughter entered the NYC public school system and continues to champion the voices of scholars and their families. Shirley became a parent on the School Leadership Team (SLT), an active PA/PTA member in every school her daughter attended, and served in leadership roles on the Title I Parent Advisory Counsil (PAC) as the Chairperson and Alternate Chair. On a district level, Shirley served as Co-President for D28 Presidents’ Council, Co-Chair of D28 DLT (District Leadership Team and continues to do so) and the Title I DPAC Chair for District 28. 

As a Board Member of CPAC Shirley was on DOE’s A660bBridge Team in 2021 and is currently serving on A655 Working Group and Special Education Advisory Board. In addition, Shirley serves as President of Francis Lewis High School PTA (FLHS PTA) as she has done for the previous 3 school years. Through her involvement with PTA leadership; as the President of Queens High School Presidents’ Council (QHSPC), Shirley has been working closely with other Queens HS stakeholders, parents, and families. In October of 2023, Shirley was re-elected to the executive board of the Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Council (CPAC) as one of the Co-Chairs, for the 3rd time with Randi Garay.

Throughout all of her endeavors in these spaces Shirley's goals have, and continue to be, finding ways to help cement NYCPS as one of the country's most elite school systems. Not just the largest school system, but one founded on principles of equity for ALL of the scholars it serves. She continues to empower others and pays forward the support and training she has and continues to receive. Shirley is an advocate, leader, and community builder to her core.

Email: [email protected]