
All public school students should have access to high-quality arts education. Arts education refers to dance, moving image, music, theater, and visual arts. An arts education teaches creativity, cooperation, discipline, analysis, and other important life skills. Students also develop positive outlets for self-expression and exercise their voice. The city is working to ensure that all schools provide these opportunities through certified arts teachers, arts and cultural organizations, and exposing students to arts careers and pathways.

Arts Program Opportunities for Students

The following are Arts programs available to NYC public school students. To learn more about the specific arts opportunities in your child's school, please contact your child's principal or arts teacher.

The Summer Arts Institute

The Summer Arts Institute (SAI) is a free, four-week intensive arts program for public school students entering grades 8–12. Students study dance, theater, vocal music, instrumental music, visual art, or film under DOE arts teachers, arts organizations, and master guest artists. Students build portfolios and develop audition skills. They also help students plan for their next level of study, be it an arts-focused high school, college, or conservatory. Watch a video about SAI (

Email [email protected] with any questions.

The All-City High School Music Program

The All-City High School Music Program is open to all NYC public high school students. Students audition for chorus, concert band, jazz ensemble, marching band, and orchestra.

If you have questions, email Laura Bucko, Arts Program Manager, at [email protected].

The Salute to Music Program

The Salute to Music Program is open by audition to all New York City public school students in grades 4–8. Students audition for the chorus or instrumental programs in their borough. If you are interested in this program, email Robert Rams, Salute to Music Program Manager, at [email protected].
