Tests for English Language Learners

NY State Identification Test for English Language Learners

Who takes this test?

New students who speak languages other than English at home take the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL). The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners tests students’ English language skills and determines if they are an English language learner and entitled to support and services to learn English. 

When is this test given?

Students take the NYSITELL within their first ten school days of their enrollment in a school in NY State. 

What is on the test?

The NYSITELL includes multiple choice, written response, and oral response questions in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

How is the test scored?

The NYSITELL is administered and scored by a qualified NY State educator. 

How are the results reported?

The school in which your child is enrolled will mail a parent notification letter that will indicate the score and any additional actions that you need to take. If your child is identified as an English Language Learner, you will be asked to attend an orientation session at which you will learn about English Language Learners programs and services that are available for your child.

How are the results used?

Educators use the results of the test to determine if your child is an English Language Learner.

NY State English as a Second Language Achievement Test

Who takes this test?

The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is given to all students who are identified as English Language Learners. The purpose of the test is to determine how well they are learning English. All English Language Learners in kindergarten through grade 12 take the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test every year. 


When is this test given?

In school year 2024-25 administration dates are from Monday, April 14 to Friday, May 23 for the Speaking portion and Monday, May 12 to Friday, May 23 for the Listening, Reading, and Writing portions. The NYSESLAT can be administered on any school day within the testing window. 

What is on the test?

The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test has six levels:

  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3−4
  • Grade 5−6
  • Grade 7−8
  • Grade 9−12

It tests students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills defined by New York State English as a Second Language Learning Standards.

  • The speaking section is administered individually and asks students to respond to a word or statement read aloud or to a picture.
  • The other sections can be administered to students in a group:
    • The reading section asks students to answer questions about stories printed in their test books.
    • The writing section asks students to write in response to questions and prompts in their test books.
    • The listening section asks students to select the correct response to a picture and/or word or statement read aloud.

How are the tests scored?

Exams are scored in school by licensed teachers. Schools are given guidance that no teacher should score their own students’ exams.

How are the results reported?

The results are reported in raw scores, scale scores, and performance levels. The “raw score” is the number of correct answers, which is converted to a “scale score,” to make it possible to compare scores across grade levels. Scale scores are divided into the following five performance levels that show how well students have mastered English language skills.


  • Students function fluently in listening, reading, writing, and speaking
  • Students' skills are equal to those of native English speakers at their appropriate grade level
  • These students have gained the skills necessary to participate in an English-speaking classroom


  • Students are able to use skills at a higher level than intermediate students.
  • Although their knowledge and use of English is at a more advanced level, these students make mistakes usually involving more:
    • subtle use of language
    • difficult levels of vocabulary and grammar


  • Students have better English skills than students at the basic level
  • However, these students' skills are often not well developed and they make significant errors in the four skill areas


  • A student at the Emerging level needs some supports and structures to improve their academic language skills


  • Students are at the beginning level in the four skill areas
  • These students’ English skills are minimal

How are the results used?

Students will continue to receive English as a New Language or bilingual services until their scores on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test show that they have learned English well enough to participate in English-only classes. Educators also use students’ New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test scores to help decide which instructional standards to focus on, and to evaluate their programs.