
Your school needs to know if your child has asthma. That way, your child can take advantage of health programs that will help keep their asthma under control.

When your child’s asthma is under control, they will have:

  • fewer visits to the emergency room and school medical rooms
  • fewer school absences
  • greater participation in school physical fitness activities

Asthma Medication Administration Form

Let your child get the relief they need. Your child can use their asthma medicine in school if you submit an Asthma Medication Administration Form (Asthma MAF). Daily use of a controller medicine in school can improve asthma control. Also, students with an Asthma MAF on file are less likely to need to visit the emergency room.

After turning in your child's Asthma MAF, your child will receive:

  • Training on taking medicine. Your school nurse will watch your child when they are taking asthma medicine. If your school nurse notices that your child is using the inhaler and spacer incorrectly, the nurse will correct your child’s usage and teach him or her better methods.
  • Help taking medicine. If a student is unable to take medicine himself, a trained individual will assist in giving your child medicine.
  • Free medicine. We provide free Flovent 110 at school with a prescription. Since your child will be taking their morning dose in school, the home controller will last longer. If your child suffers an asthma attack, free Albuterol is also provided with a prescription.

Asthma Consultations

Make sure your school nurse knows your child has asthma by giving your school a completed asthma medication administration form (asthma MAF). We will accept the forms on a rolling basis, but we recommend submitting them by May 31 . That way your child does not experience a break in access to their medication.

Once your school nurse knows your child has asthma, they will keep track of your child’s asthma symptoms. The nurse will let you know if your child visits the medical room, and if they think your child’s asthma is getting worse.

If your child is struggling with his or her asthma at school, the Office of School Health’s medical team may reach out. They will work with you and your child’s medical provider to create a better treatment plan to help your child feel healthier.

Asthma Case Management

Are you concerned about your child’s asthma at school? Talk to an Asthma Case Manager. Asthma Case Managers work with the student, family, PCP, and school health care workers to form a strategy to control your child’s asthma. They can be reached at [email protected].

Open Airways

Does your child have asthma, and are they in grades 3-5? If so, ask your school nurse to enroll your child in the Open Airways program.

Open Airways gives a basic overview of asthma and asthma medicines. It also teaches students how to spot asthma warning signs, manage asthma symptoms, and recognize and control asthma triggers.

Enhanced Asthma School Intervention

Your school nurse is prepared for any asthma-related emergency. All of our OSH school nurses are trained in Enhanced Asthma School Intervention (EASI) guidelines. These guidelines teach nurses how to respond to a wide range of asthma-related emergencies.

Find Out More

Visit our Health Services page, or the NYC Department of Health Asthma page.