Annual English Language Learner (ELL) Parent Meeting

Every year, schools are mandated to hold an annual meeting to inform parents of English language learners about their academic and language progress in school. This is a great opportunity for parents to meet individually with school-based staff including guidance counselors and discuss the child’s progress as well as the services the school is providing. This is in addition to initial parent orientations, regular parent-teacher conferences, and other meetings.

The Annual Parent Meeting should let you know about:

You can ask your child's teacher in advance for a qualified interpreter or translator in your preferred language, and one will be provided.

Annual meetings are great opportunities to get answers to any questions you may have about your child’s education. To help you, we’ve created some questions you can ask.

Questions to Ask

  1. What is my child expected to learn at this grade level?
  2. How many years will my child remain in this program?
  3. What are major projects my child will be doing in your class this year?
  4. Throughout the year, how will I know if my child is meeting language and grade-level expectations?
  5. What does my child do well?
  6. What does my child struggle with?
  7. If my child needs extra language supports or wants to learn more about a subject, what are the resources available to help my child learn outside the classroom?
  8. Does my child turn in homework on time?
  9. Does my child participate in class discussions and activities?
  10. Are there ways that I can be involved in the classroom or at school?