Campaigning Guidelines


  • Do create distribution lists so that you can easily send campaign materials to groups of potential voters by email, social media, and mail.
  • Do create a special email address that easily identifies your campaign communications (e.g., [email protected]). 
  • Do use your personal social media accounts, blogs or websites to promote your candidacy. 
  • Do write articles, op-eds, or blog posts, that help promote your opinions and knowledge about educational issues. 
  • Do allow friends and family to volunteer to help you promote your campaign. 
  • Do host and participate in virtual meetings and events that allow you to promote your ideas and provide potential voters the opportunity to ask you questions. 
  • Do distribute flyers and other campaign materials in your neighborhood, at community meetings, near schools (not on DOE property), in parks or other public locations where you may find potential voters. 
  • Do promote your candidacy at non-DOE public or private forums, like community board meetings, community precinct meetings, and other events. 
  • Do bring and display campaign materials at DOE- sanctioned campaign events, like the Candidate Forums. 
  • Do keep a record a record (e.g., receipts or invoices) of the money you spend on your campaign. 


These guidelines generally reflect the provisions of Chancellor’s Regulation D-130, which governs the use of DOE buildings and resources by candidates for office.

  • Don’t use contact information or distribution lists that you have obtained from a DOE employee or by virtue of a current or prior parent leadership role within the DOE. 
  • Don't display backgrounds or other materials identifying you as a candidate, or campaign in DOE-supported virtual spaces (e.g., PA/PTA, Presidents’ Council, SLT, Title I PAC, DPAC, CPAC and CCEC meetings) except for DOE- sanctioned Candidate Forums, including meetings of parent organizations to which all candidates have been invited. 
  • Don’t use school or DOE equipment or resources to make or distribute campaign materials. 
  • Don’t post or distribute campaign materials in a school or on DOE property, including by mailing the materials to the PA/PTA or anyone else. 
  • Don’t send campaign materials to the official DOE email address of parent organizations. 
  • Don’t post, or ask anyone to post, campaign materials on social media accounts or websites of any DOE-supported parent organization (e.g., PA/PTA, Presidents’ Council, SLT, Title I PAC, DPAC, CPAC and CCECs). 
  • Don’t ask a DOE employee or a CCEC Administrative Assistant to distribute campaign materials on your behalf. 
  • Don't share campaign resources with other candidates, including organizing joint events, producing joint campaign materials or donating funds or services to other candidates. 
  • Don't spend more than $500 dollars on your campaign. 
  • Don’t solicit or accept campaign contributions or donations from any person or organization, including services such as phone banking or advertising. 
  • Don't solicit or accept endorsements from political parties and party officials, or from elected officials, including current Community or Citywide Education Council members.