Family and Community Wellness Collective

Join the Family and Community Wellness Collective!

Building on our trauma-informed work with school staff, we are empowering parents and caregivers in 900+ schools to become Family Healing Ambassadors. This initiative is being launched Citywide at schools located in the 33 neighborhoods most impacted by COVID-19.

Following a 4-part professional learning series designed to deepen skills and knowledge about mental health and wellness, Family Healing Ambassadors will lead healing sessions for families at their schools.

A community of parents or caregivers who want to learn more about how to care for themselves and their school community. Those registered will:

  • Participate in a 4-part professional learning series
  • Become the school’s Family Healing Ambassador
  • Facilitate a session for families at their school
  • Receive a stipend for their participation.

The PA/PTA will identify the school’s ambassador, using the following criteria:

  • Has a child attending the school next fall.
  • Can fulfill the time commitment (4 summer sessions, 1 fall school facilitation).
  • Consult with the SLT
  • Use a fair and equitable process to select an ambassador (i.e., vote at PA/PTA meeting)
  • The school’s ambassador can be any parent in the school community.

How to become a Family Healing Ambassador

  • See the list of eligible schools that can select a caregiver to participate. 
  • Register for the sessions
    • Parent Coordinators can use the same link to register
  • Questions?
    • Contact your school’s PTA/PA to indicate interest.

The Office of Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) and District staff will work with eligible school(s) that do not have a functional PA/PTA.

Save the Date: Sessions

Parent Ambassador must attend four online learning sessions on:

  • July 20
  • July 27
  • August 3
  • August 10
  • (Optional) September 14

Fall 2021: The parent/caregiver facilitates a school session

Why is this important?

This initiative focuses on 33 communities “hardest hit” by COVID-19, in addition to communities that have a high percentage of other health and socioeconomic disparities. The DOE is committed to supporting trauma-responsive educational practices and resources and this initiative does that. Parent leaders will be key partners to the school’s leadership team to help champion and advance trauma-informed approaches within the school community. Parent leaders will also have access to families through existing PA/PTA channels independent of efforts taken by school leaders and staff.

For questions email : [email protected]