
Want to Transfer Schools?

Learn about different ways to transfer below. Select the reason that best applies to your situation to learn what to do. If your family’s situation does not match any of these reasons, or if you aren’t sure which reason best applies, contact a Family Welcome Center. Our enrollment counselors will work with you to understand your situation and discuss next steps, including any transfer options. Learn about how to contact us on our Family Welcome Center page. 

Current School is Unsafe for my Child

We are committed to ensuring that all students can attend school safely.

  • Reach out to a school staff member if you have safety concerns regarding your child’s school and they will work with you to address the concerns.
  • If you believe that your child is not safe at their school and want to request a transfer to another school, let your school know. The school will work with you to submit any documentation that you provide, such as a written statement or police report, to the Family Welcome Center responsible for handling your transfer request. The Family Welcome Center will follow up with you to discuss your request.
  • You can also request a transfer by contacting a Family Welcome Center and providing documentation, such as a written statement or a police report.

For concerns about students in a District 75 program, contact [email protected].

Alleged Discrimination, Harassment or Sexual Harassment, Intimidation and/or Bullying

If you believe that your child is not safe in school and should be transferred because of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying involving your child, contact your school or a Family Welcome Center to request a transfer. They will work with you to provide transfer options.

Such transfer requests must be approved and transfers must be expedited.

Corporal Punishment or Verbal Abuse

If it is alleged that your child has been the victim of a corporal punishment or verbal abuse complaint and it is decided that it would be unsafe for them to stay at their current school, we will approve transfer requests based on the criteria in Chancellor’s Regulation A-101.

Accessibility Need

If you have or your child has a medical condition or disability that prevents physical access to the school, you can request a medical transfer. Contact a Family Welcome Center and provide documentation from your medical provider on their letterhead. The document should explain the health condition and why they recommend a transfer. With your permission, our staff may contact the medical provider to get more information.

Academic or Social Concerns

Are you concerned that your child is not progressing or achieving academically or socially? If you think a different school could help, you can request a guidance transfer when Family Welcome Center buildings are open.

  • Our staff may contact your child’s principal for more information and supporting documentation before making a transfer decision.
  • Your child’s school cannot request this transfer for you; you will need to contact a Family Welcome Center to make the request.

Moved Within NYC

If you have moved within NYC and want your child to go to a school closer to your new home, you can enroll in a different school.

Elementary and Middle School

Type your home address into Find a School to learn if you have a zoned school.

  • If you have a zoned school and your child is in elementary or middle school, you can register directly at that school when school buildings are open.
  • If you don’t have a zoned school or if you’d like to explore other options, contact a Family Welcome Center.

Use the Pre-Registration Checklist to learn what you need to bring to the school or Family Welcome Center to register.

High School

If your child is in high school, contact a Family Welcome Center to register.

  • Before you speak to Family Welcome Center staff, use MySchools to make a list of high schools and programs that interest you.

Sibling at Different School

Elementary School Only

If you want your child to go to the same school as their sibling, you can request a sibling transfer. Siblings include half-siblings, step-siblings, and foster siblings who live in the same home as your child. Contact a Family Welcome Center to make the request.

Childcare Hardship

Elementary School Only

If your child’s school location creates a hardship due to your employment and/or childcare situation, you can request a childcare transfer. Contact a Family Welcome Center and bring documentation from your employer and/or childcare provider that confirms the hardship.

Travel Hardship

High School Only

If your commute to high school is more than 75 minutes and/or requires more than three transfers on public transportation, you can request a travel hardship transfer. Contact a Family Welcome Center and provide documentation that shows your home address.


Read the Pre-Registration checklist and Chancellor's Regulations to help with transfers for your child.

  • Call Us

    Call Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm at 718-935-2009.

  • Get Support

    Family Welcome Center staff are here to help.