Family and Community Engagement (FACE)

Woman and child embracing

The Office of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) is committed to strengthening the relationships between NYC Public Schools, families, and communities for student success.


Our vision is to create a future where students achieve their full potential through the power of family-school partnerships. We believe that when family expertise and school expertise intersect, students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we are shaping a brighter future. 


Our mission is to improve student outcomes through building the capacity of all stakeholders to develop meaningful partnerships between families and schools. We work collaboratively with district leaders, school leaders, family-facing staff, parent leaders, and all families to cultivate spaces that foster learning, growth, and transformation.

Our Core Principles to Engage Families as True Partners:

  1. Acknowledging Families as Partners 
  2. Fostering Safe Connected Spaces 
  3. Establishing a Culture of Shared Responsibility
  4. Building Holistic Community Partnerships 
  5. Creating a Sense of Belonging 

Our New Work Streams: 

Governance Team 

The Governance Team supports the New York City Schools Parent and Community Leadership Structures by providing professional development, guidance, and customized support to:

  • Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council
  • Citywide Education Councils
  • Build the capacity of Family Leadership to support Community Education Councils and President Councils

Community Partnerships Team  

The Community Partnerships Team works with a diverse portfolio of internal and external stakeholders to identify and align resources, meeting the diverse needs of families and school communities. The team creates and grows relationships with:

  • City agencies
  • Corporations
  • Non-Profit and Community Based Organizations
  • Cultural Institutions
  • Advocates

Parent Mentorship Team 

The Parent Mentorship Team works on building trust between families and schools. Their approach unfolds in two ways. Firstly, through citywide professional development tailored to Parent Coordinators. Secondly, through school-based collaboration to foster authentic family engagement practices, setting the stage for lasting growth.

Home-School Partnership Team 

A cornerstone of our work revolves around a transformative mindset shift. Therefore, our Home-School Partnership Team collaborates with district superintendents, principals, and assistant principals. Together, they develop frameworks, curriculums, and systems that recognize families as equal partners and experts. This allows families to activity shape school policies, practices, and community initiatives.

Creating a Sense of Belonging 

FACE celebrates the diverse background and experiences of our students and families. We support teaching methods that respect and respond to all cultures. We aim to ensure that every family feels seen and understood and encourage schools to offer resources in multiple languages, enabling families to be actively engaged and informed.

FACE Structure and Contacts

Visit Parent University!

Parent University is a course registration and management system where NYC families can find free trainings on a wide range of topics. Parent University serves all families, from early childhood through adulthood, and seeks to educate and empower them as partners and advocates through free courses, resources, events, and activities.

Visit the Parent University Website!



Training Sessions for Community Education Council Members

Videos from Previous Sessions

If you have questions, please email [email protected].