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Taverna Taverna

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Notificationes global in anglese (traduction).

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Bon anno nove 2008

Car interlinguistas, io vos desira un felice anno 2008!

Recorda etiam que le 15 de januario es le international Die de Interlingua!

Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 23:58, 8 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Bon anno nove a tu Julian e totes! :D --Jondel 07:55, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io non sapeva que il ha un die international de interlingua! Felice anno nove a totes e congratulationes! --André. 13:35, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Portal namespace

Io ha requestate le creation de un spatio de nomine (namespace) pro le portales e lor discussiones. Le numero de requesta es: 12557 . Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 00:12, 9 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le requesta ha essite jam processate. Nunc, nos ha portales in su proprie namespace. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 00:01, 10 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Illo me sembla un bon idea, e io spera que isto nos encoragia a crear nove portales. Gratias, Julian. Amicalmente, —André. 22:40, 15 januario 2008 (UTC).[responder]

4000 articulos e Die International de Interlingua

Congratulationes a tote le wikipedianos que ha contribuite al creation e melioration de Wikipedia!

Etiam, congratulationes perque hodie es le die international de interlingua! Cordialmente, —André. 14:02, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Felice die international de interlingua! --Julian (disc.) 21:17, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Patrono e categoria pro le articulos eminente

Salute! Io ha create un patrono e un categoria pro le articulos eminente monstrate in le Frontispicio. Io ha ponite le patrono al 5 articulos monstrate previemente (Geometria-Installation radioamatori), sed nos necessita adder le patrono a tote le articulos eminente. Le patrono adde automaticmente le articulo al Categoria:Articulos eminente. Per iste ration, io suggere cambiar iste lista pro le categoria que io creava. In le lista del articulo Wikipedia:Articulo eminente nos poterea monstrar solmente le articulo e le data in que illo esseva monstrate. Per exemplo, nos poterea monstrar solmente

in vice de

  • Installation radioamatori (2008-01-01 — …): Le construction del prime installation radioamatori depende multo del classe del certificato radioamatori e le desiros proprie. Radioamatori con signo de appello de classe E comencia sovente con un apparato de radio a mano o usa un apparato de radio mobile a un antenna montate fixemente.

Que pensa vos? Cordialmente, —André. 16:07, 15 januario 2008 (UTC).[responder]

Il me sembla un bon idea. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 21:17, 15 januario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the Japanese language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. In fact, of 1,762 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 24.12% of the messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 126 extensions, with 2,174 messages. Many of them are used in WMF projects and they are vital for understanding the wiki. Currently 0.00% of the WMF extension messages have been translated. Translators for over 90 languages contribute their work to MediaWiki this way every month.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator privileges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we will be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Thanks, Malafaya@Betawiki 17:53, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Iste message ha essite lassate in mi pagina de discussion pro su divulgation in le taverna. --Julian (disc.) 18:25, 8 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Ben, io ha create un conto e facite un sollicitation a devenir traductor pro interlingua. — Martijn 03:04, 28 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le traduction del interfacie principal pro le sitos de Wikimedia (excludente le extensiones) es nunc complete; io continuara a tener lo al currente. Sed io nota que non tote le traductiones actualisate ha essite incorporate in ia.wikipedia, ben que altere sitos wiki (quando io selige interlingua como le lingua de interfacie in le preferentias) de facto monstra le nove traductiones. Post alcun recercas io ha trovate que Special:Allmessages lista pro multe messages duo traductiones: un que ha essite importate de betawiki, e un local que supplanta le altere. Post que Betawiki/Translatewiki es nunc le medio preferite de traducer le interfacie, io propone deler tote le traductiones local a fin que le traductiones de Betawiki pote entrar in effecto. Objectiones? – Martijn 14:09, 6 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Isto es nunc facite, ma io lassava alcun messages local que pareva specific a Wikipedia in interlingua. Io spera que le traduction actualisate del interfacie vos place. Pro repeter, le principio a partir de nunc es que omne cambiamentos con relevantia equal a altere wikis deberea esser facite in Betawiki. – Martijn 12:52, 9 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

In mi pagina personal in Betawiki io ha create un lista de traductiones pro le quales poterea exister plure optiones, pro assecurar le consistentia in le traductiones. Naturalmente io sempre apprecia reciper suggestiones a proposito de iste traductiones, sed es importante cercar consenso e cambiar systematicamente tote le traductiones de un certe parola o concepto si un altere termino es decidite de esser melior pro illo. – Martijn 14:09, 6 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Congratulationes Martijn, tu faceva un grande labor! Io ha requestate esser etiam traductor in Betawiki. Io lassava te plus parolas pro adder al lista. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 17:09, 21 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Declaration universal...

Salute, es un nove usator de le Wikipedia in Interlingua. Ha scribite justo nunc un articulo-pecietta: Declaration universal del derectos del homine, in sequer le rubie ligamentos a partir da le articulos del linguages. Ergo io notava que estava un articulo Declaration Universal del Derectos Human. Que face? --Cryptex 17:57, 16 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias pro tu contributiones Cryptex, e benvenite!. Io jam ha fusionate le articulos. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 18:51, 16 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Perfecte! --Cryptex 13:28, 17 februario 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Apertura del Wikiprojecto de Mathematica

Salute! Io ha aperite le Wikiprojecto:Mathematica. Le mechanica que essera usate in iste wikiprojecto totevie non es official, assi que tu pote suggerer cambios. Si il non ha objectiones, le mechanica essera approbate le 15 martio 2008. Cordialmente, André. 01:34, 5 martio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Il me sembla un idea multo bon. Io faceva un parve cambio: scindeva le nomine Wikiprojecto en Wikipedia:Projecto. Assi, io poneva le pagina in namespace 4 (Wikipedia) in vice de namespace 0 (Articulo). Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 14:56, 5 martio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Multo ben, Julian, multe gratias. Io habeva le dubita del spatio de nomine... Etiam gratias pro adder le interwikis. —André. 02:37, 6 martio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Election Notice - Please translate

The 2008 Board election committee announces the 2008 election process. Wikimedians will have the opportunity to elect one candidate from the Wikimedia community to serve as a representative on the Board of Trustees. The successful candidate will serve a one-year term, ending in July 2009.

Candidates may nominate themselves for election between May 8 and May 22, and the voting will occur between 1 June and 21 June. For more information on the voting and candidate requirements, see <>.

The voting system to be used in this election has not yet been confirmed, however voting will be by secret ballot, and confidentiality will be strictly maintained.

Votes will again be cast and counted on a server owned by an independent, neutral third party, Software in the Public Interest (SPI). SPI will hold cryptographic keys and be responsible for tallying the votes and providing final vote counts to the Election Committee. SPI provided excellent help during the 2007 elections.

Further information can be found at <>. Questions may be directed to the Election Committee at <>. If you are interested in translating official election pages into your own language, please see <>.

For the election committee,
Philippe Beaudette

Imagine principal

Il me sembla que il ha un error technic: io non pote vider le imagine principal de Wikipedia! —André. 02:11, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Etiam io non pote vider imagine.--Jondel 05:09, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io ha corrigite isto. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 09:23, 19 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Multo bone! Gratias!--Jondel 11:51, 25 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Unification de login

Car communitate, nunc le login unificate es utilisabile publicamente per omnes. Isto permitte haber un sol conto (SUL, single-user login) pro tote le projectos Wikimedia. Io vos recommenda unificar vostre contos. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 11:24, 30 maio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Patrono: docpatrono

Salute! Io ha facite un nove patrono: {{docpatrono}}, pro adder un documentation a cata patrono. Il esserea bon que nos adde iste documentation al patronos existente e etiam al nove patronos. Cordialmente, —André. 01:10, 1 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Manual de stilo

Salute! Io invita a tote le communitate al creation del manual de stilo de Wikipedia in interlingua. In iste manual nos definira le formato que nos usara in tote le articulos. Propone ideas e da opiniones in le Discussion Wikipedia:Manual de stilo/Temp. Quando nos ha consenso, le manual essera convertite in un directiva official. —André. 02:06, 7 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le proposition actual acceptate (on supone que ha consenso) es disponibile in Wikipedia:Manual de stilo. Cordialmente —André. 02:19, 20 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Lo que Wikipedia non es

Salute! Io invita a tote le communitate a emmiter su opinion, discuter e cercar consenso super Wikipedia:Lo que Wikipedia non es. Io volerea que nos converte iste proposition in politica official de Wikipedia in interlingua. Io ha basate le construction del pagina in le homonymo del Wikipedia in anglese. Cordialmente, –André. 15:48, 17 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io ha collocate le patrono de politica official. —André. 16:43, 22 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Plus politicas e directivas

Salute! Io invita al communitate pro revider le sequente propositiones de politicas e directivas official:

Si il non ha objectiones, le propositiones essera official. —André. 17:41, 22 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io ha ponite le patrono de politica e directiva official, respectivemente. —André. 21:44, 26 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io pensa que quatro dies non es bastante longe pro attender un responsa. Viste que non totes visita iste wiki cata die, io pensa que un periodo de duo septimanas esserea minimal, specialmente pro cosas essential como politicas e directivas. – Martijn 00:17, 17 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Multo ben, io va considerar lo le proxime vice. —André. 20:26, 19 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le articulo Wikipedia contine un articulo scribite per me, originalmente pro le revista Voce de Interlingua. Io esseva un poco surprendite de incontrar un requesta de "mundification" de iste articulo. (Que? Mi articulo es immunde? Que es tanto repugnante in illo?) Naturalmente io comprendeva tosto que isto es un traduction litteral del anglese "cleanup", sed io non pensa que isto se traduce ben in interlingua de iste maniera… le gente qui non comprende ben anglese poterea mal comprender lo! Io suggere que nos besonia un altere termino plus comprensibile. Que pensa vos de "reorganisation"? – Martijn 00:17, 17 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le articulo Wikipedia non necessita mundification ni reorganisation. Io jam corrigeva isto. Comocunque, io non se oppone a cambiar le nomine del patrono. Le parolas que on usa in altere wikipedias es:
Forsan "reorganisation" es nimis molle (comparate con le alteres). Que pensa vos de "polimento"? --Julian (disc.) 10:06, 17 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Salute! Io creava le patrono {{mundificar}} e io lo poneva in le articulo Wikipedia. Martijn: Pardono si tu considera que io te ha offendite per alique! Illo non esseva mi intention. Io creava le patrono originalmente como {{qualitate}}, e si vos vole cambiar le nomine, io suggere alique que mantine le intention original, que esseva meliorar le qualitate (forsan polimento essera bon). Mi intention esseva usar le patrono quando un articulo ha information inconsistente, dubitose, inexacte, o scripte sin observar un stilo encyclopedic. Particularmente, io pensa que le articulo Wikipedia non es scripte in un stilo encyclopedic; vide per exemplo le questiones e exclamationes presente, le articulo finalisa in un conclusion, o que le articulo usa pronomines in secunde persona:

Le articulos presente es jam disponibile a vostre utilisation libere. Solmente isto es un bon incentivo ethic a render a iste communitate alique de vostre effortio in excambio pro le beneficio que illo jam dona al communitate de interlingua integre. (Wikipedia#Conclusion).

In summario, io pensa que le stilo de iste articulo es pro un revista, es bon pro Voce de Interlingua, sed (le version currente) non pro un encyclopedia. Nonobstante, io etiam pensa que le contento actual es utile e poterea esser meliorate pro haber stilo encyclopedic, per iste ration io collocava le patrono. Etiam, le articulo Wikipedia ha essite copiate de un altere fonte integremente: vide Wikipedia:Lo que Wikipedia non es#Wikipedia non es un directorio web ni un collection de fontes. Cordialmente, André. 20:23, 17 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Pardono, io pensava que Wikipedia esseva Wikipedia:Wikipedia, i.e. in le spatio de Wikipedia e non in le spatio principal (main namespace). Per exemplo, Wikipedia:Benvenite invita a contribuer, sed illo es in le spatio de Wikipedia. Tu ha ration, André, un articulo in le spatio principal debe esser encyclopedic. Nos poterea mover le articulo a Wikipedia:Wikipedia, o cambiar lo a un articulo que (per exemplo) comenciarea:
Wikipedia es un encyclopedia libere, gratuite, multilingual, de contento aperte operate per le Fundation Wikimedia. ...
Que pensa vos? --Julian (disc.) 23:18, 17 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Completemente de accordo que le articulo in forma presente non es in stilo encyclopedic; io clarmente non ha objectiones contra corriger isto. Mi puncto concerneva solmente le nomine del patrono/concepto 'mundification'; le resto esseva destinate a servir de illustration de mi puncto. Quanto al suggestiones, io pensa que "recyclage" es associate troppo con le recyclage de residuos pro uso in nove productos; "polimento" me pare acceptabile, ben que io besoniava un dictionario pro comprender le analogia. Le version german es de facto Überarbeitung = revision, reelaboration. "Revision" es troppo proxime a nostre existente "revision linguistic", ma que pensa vos de "reelaboration" o "re-elaboration"? "Iste articulo debe esser reelaborate pro conformar lo al standardes de qualitate de Wikipedia." Bastante forte? — Martijn 14:25, 18 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io videva le articulo Wikipedia:A proposito e pensa que le articulo de Martijn eserea perfecte illac; le version currente es troppo parve. Reelaboration non me sembla un bon nomine perque —pro me— indica que le majoritate o tote le articulo deberea esser cambiate. Le idea es rescriber le information, verificar datos, facer lo plus exacte e precise, non necessariemente cambiar tote le articulo o non usar le information existente. Per isto, polimento me sembla bon, sed pro esser clar e evitar confusiones futur, nos deberea haber un pagina pro explicar que significa polimento in Wikipedia (como Wikificar, per exemplo). —André. 16:01, 18 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Ben, io ha tansferite mi articulo a Wikipedia:A proposito, ma io continua a non poner objectiones si alcuno vole modificar lo pro render lo plus pertinente a su inclusion in Wikipedia. In addition, post que io me occupava totevia de ille pagina, io ha renominate tote le paginas de informationes in altere linguas como subpaginas de illo.
Quanto al terminologia, io suspecta que le duo de nos interpreta alcun parolas differentemente a causa de influentias de nostre respective linguas materne. "Rescriber", per exemplo, me sembla indicar un action plus total que "reelaborar": in mi mente, rescriber un articulo = rader toto e recomenciar ab nihil, reelaborar = prender le texto existente e reorganisar/polir/corriger/verificar/meliorar lo. Iste confusion interessante me servi de illustration que es imporante evitar omne ambiguitate in le communication international. In omne caso, "polir" es un compromisso acceptabile a me. – Martijn 19:06, 18 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Multo ben. Io moveva le patrono mundificar a {{polimento}}. Io etiam scribeva un pecietta del pagina super polimento. Io tentava condensar lo que vos diceva con respecto a iste topico. Il es un grande gaudio pro me que nostre taverna es active. --Julian (disc.) 11:18, 19 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io es totalmente de accordo. —André. 18:49, 19 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Articulo eminente

Salute, novemente! Io ha vidite que nos habeva le articulo Mathematica como articulo eminente ab martio! Que nos poterea facer pro crear nove articulos eminente? Io pensa que nos necessita un plano pro coordinar nos e redactar nove articulos eminente. Isto es, disveloppar al minus un articulo de forma coordinate durante le mense e publicar lo in le frontispicio. Que pensa vos? —André. 18:57, 19 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Salute. Io pensa que que nos pote optar un del articulos que omne Wikipedia deberea haber, e facer un eminente.

--Fandens Ridder 13:02, 21 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io etiam pensa isto, sed (pro me) il esserea melior si plure wikipedistas face le articulo... pro un wikipedista sol il es multo labor; rememora que le articulos eminente debe esser del melior qualitate possibile. —André. 13:24, 21 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Salute omnes! Pensa io alicun articulo de medicina o Grecia ancian o qualcunque pro le articulo eminente. Essaya io dar labor.--Jondel 00:50, 22 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Que pensa vos de crear un Wikiprojecto pro le articulos eminente, e que nos nos distribue le labores pro crear un articulo eminente per mense? —André. 13:48, 22 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io pensa que illo es un idea multo ben. Nos pote optar un articulo e conlaborar. Per exemplo, nos pote divider illo e cata uno travaliar con su section. Que pensa vos? --Fandens Ridder 16:18, 22 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Salute! Io es etiam de accordo con le creation del projecto. Per exemplo, nos poterea seliger le articulos a meliorar considerante al minus iste tres categorias:
Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 19:57, 22 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Salute. Io pensa que como nos es in le taverna, le prime articulo pote ser Bira. Que pensa? --Fandens Ridder 10:59, 23 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Bira poterea esser un bon articulo, sed io pensa que forsan le prime articulos que nos debe crear es les que ha un grande notabilitate, isto es, articulos como Agricultura, Renascentia, Gravitation o Alphabeto.—André. 13:49, 23 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io jam ha create le projecto articulos eminente. —André. 13:49, 23 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Iste discussion ha essite movite a Discussion Wikipedia:Projecto articulos eminenteAndré. 17:52, 24 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Tell us about your Wikipedia

Please Tell us about your Wikipedia language edition, answering some questions, and learn about others.--Ziko 22:19, 19 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Ben, io ha introducite un responsa... alteres, per favor modifica lo si vos ha alque pro adder o modificar! — Martijn 12:23, 20 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io legeva tu responsa, Martijn, e io es de accordo con illo. --Julian (disc.) 16:12, 20 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Parolas de informatica

Discussion movite a Discussion Wikipedia:Interfacie MediaWiki.

Vide tamben le pagina: Wikipedia:Interfacie_MediaWiki.

Resources on learning Interlingua

Hi. Could you point me to (good) resources on learning Interlingua please? The material I found so far is quite simplistic... Cheers, Malafaya 17:40, 27 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Hi, I have the same question. The material found here Adjuta:Referentias_pro_apprender_interlingua is basic.
Salute, Io habe le idem question. Le material trovabile hic Adjuta:Referentias_pro_apprender_interlingua es basic.
Le dictionario Interlingua-English se pote usar pro trovar Anglese paroles, ma le cerca es limitata a 25 entradas - pro example io cerca "with" - no pote trova le Interlingua senso.
The Interlingua-English dictionary can be used to find English words translated in Interlingua (works English->Interlingua and Interlingua-English), but the results of the search is limited to 25 entries - for example I search "with" - I cannot find the Interlingua translation of "with" in the first 25 entries.

I believe we need a guide of "how to make a guide to learn a language". Malafaya, I see you are an Esperanto and a Volapuk speaker, and I think you have seen better "guides" on how to learn a language. Can you please tell what you find important to have in such a guide?
Gratias / Thanks ------- 22:31, 27 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

The best resource I found so far is the "Interlingua Course for Beginners" by Thomas Breinstrup (English translation by Asmund Knutson Aukland) available at, but still this is quite basic. Based on that, I would never write like you guys here. As for what I find important in a guide, that's hard to describe. A guide I found very interesting is the "Volapük Vifik" by Ralph Midgley (for Volapük language) probably because it presents the info in steps instead of teaching solely "by examples". Another problem with many constructed languages is that usually the best grammar available is in the target language, making it difficult to learn. I wonder how most of you learned the language. What's your "bible" :)? Malafaya 08:48, 28 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Hi. I sent a message to INTERLNG, our e-mail list. The suggestions I received so far are:
If you understand enough, I suggest you to learn Interlingua directly in Interlingua. Personally, I read Grammatica de interlingua, and I often use the Interlingua-English Dictionary. If you speak English and have some knowledge of Spanish (for example), you are half way done. The grammar in Interlingua is very simple. The vocabulary is taken from words present in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, and in some cases using German or Russian as a reference. These words are usually coming from Latin (or New Latin). There is a small set of words called the set of grammatical particles. In this set many words are directly Latin words since Latin is the common ancestor.
Interlingua is also called "the beautiful language". I hope you like it. Cheers, --Julian (disc.) 13:48, 28 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Where is a good English->Interlingua dictionary? (I use for that the "Interlingua-English Dictionario" but it does not work if the english word is not found in the first 25 search matches.
What meaning have the words marked inside square brackets? For example: [alsi], [atque], [et], [ma], [nec] etc. Are they retired words? If yes, what forum retired them, and and when were these retired? Shouldn't be an explanation in the dictionary about these [] brackets usage? Am I missing something?
On [] Radio Interlingua I heard that they reffer the program to be in Interlingua Reformate - what is this? When was reformed? What modifications were made?
Thank you :-) ------ 18:46, 28 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]
I found this English-Interlingua Dictionary but it seems rather concise, not as good as IED. Malafaya 00:14, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

My reaction to some of the above, not interspersed but added at the bottom to avoid confusion:

  • Radio Interlingua is definitely in standard IALA's Interlingua and not in any kind of reformed version of it! I thought someone might be riling a bit against "reformists" of the language, since that was an occasionally recurring theme at the conference at which the material for this podcast was recorded, but I just listened again and could not find any reference to that. If you indicate the minute and second where you heard that, maybe I can clarify.
  • The introduction to the 1951 Interlingua-English Dictionary (IED) is a tough read, but does explain that the words between brackets are the ones that deviate from the usual method of derivation of Interlingua words, but (for varying reasons) they found necessary to include anyway. Many of them were inspired by other international auxiliary languages. Some of them are in actual use today (including "troppo", "ma", "anque", "alcun"), many are not, and some were never really used. The IED should be seen partially as a historical document: along with Gode and Blair's Grammar of Interlingua, it's the initial step into making Interlingua from a theoretical concept into a concrete language. The language has developed since then, foremost in its use of grammatical words, but also by the addition of thousands of new international words derived from the source language using IALA's method.
  • As for learning Interlingua, I have nothing to add to the recommendations already given, except to confirm that the truly good courses are still only available in old-fashioned dead tree form. (The Servicio de Libros UMI's site looks outdated and is hard to navigate, and I'm aware of this – hopefully I'll find the time and energy to overhaul it some time soon. However, we do send books after receiving payment for them.) Anyway, personally I've never really had the patience to actually dive into a course, and just started writing once I was comfortable enough not to look totally ridiculous. And I still became fluent, especially when I started speaking it in voice as well. Practice makes perfect. If you really want to get good (and have great fun too), come to a conference! The next one will be in Germany some time in 2009.

Hope this helps. – Martijn 02:22, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

I ordered "Interlingua Today" from UMI yesterday (looks like a word play :)). Let's see if it's a good choice. Too bad one can't browse part of the book to see if it's worthwhile. Thanks, Malafaya 15:33, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io modifica Adjuta:Referentias_pro_apprender_interlingua pro adder le recommendationes ante e altere referencias. Gratias -- 23:15, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Statos american

Que nomine on debe usar pro le statos american? Exemplo: South Carolina (vide Columbia, South Carolina) o Carolina del Sud (vide IED)? Tote Wikipedia Interlingua contine le forma "South Carolina". Malafaya 16:12, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Pro trovar un responsa a tal questiones, mi methodo es usar le ligamines interwiki pro vider lo que face le altere quatro linguas de fonte primari. es:Carolina del Sur, pt:Carolina do Sul, fr:Caroline du Sud, e it:Carolina del Sud pare decider le question solidemente a favor de Carolina del Sud. – Martijn 22:20, 29 augusto 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Pronunciation in Interlingua (ENGLISH: Interlingua pronunciation)

Io cerca un curso o un articulo pro apprender pronunciation in interlingua.

Como se pronuncia g in garantia ?

Como se pronuncia ge in geographia ?

Como se pronuncia j - illo se pronuncia como g in le parola anglese geographia or como j in le parola francese jeux?

Como se pronuncia ce - como se or como tse ?

Como se pronuncia gue in guerra - como in espaniol ?

Que altere regulas de pronunciation existe ?

Per favor, modifica errores grammatical in iste section.

Gratias --- 20:58, 8 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Le responas a tote iste questiones se trova in le capitulo super le pronunciation in le Grammatica de Interlingua per Gode & Blair. Vide le original anglese a [1] e le traduction in interlingua a [2].
Multo brevemente: le g es normalmente dur (e in garantia e in geographia), ma es dulce in -age (viage) e -agi- (viagiar). Le j es como anglese just. ce se dice como tse. Le u in guerra es pronunciate, illo non es un indication de un g dur como in espaniol, proque le g es (quasi) sempre dur.
Tu pote obtener un impression global del pronunciation con alcun articulos de Wikipedia que io ha legite in alto. Vide Categoria:Articulos con audio. Io spera que isto te sia de adjuta.
(Como tu requestava, io ha corrigite tu message.) – Martijn 02:37, 9 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Gratias Martin pro tu response. --- 17:40, 9 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Orthographia in Interlingua

quote: "se trova in le Grammatica de Interlingua per Gode & Blair. Vide le original anglese a [3] e le traduction in interlingua a [4] - – Martijn "

Io legeva le Grammatica de Interlingua per Gode & Blair e in le section $15 Orthographia collateral / (ENG: Collateral Orthography) es describite un systema simplificate de position equal a illo describite in $1-$14. Si isto es vero, perque isto systema simplificate no es usato in le articoles de Wikipedia? Per me, isto systema simplificate face multe senso, io considera illo plus importante. Interlingua es un lingua construite, e como Esperanto o Lingua Franca Nova (LFN: "LFN es scriveda como el sona. No enfante deve pasa multe anios studia nonregulas!") un lingua artficial es provise que es plus facile e simplificate. Io no habeva cognition per la existentia del paragrafe $15 de IALA Gode & Blair - isto esseva de la nascentia de Interlingua, ma ora io considera que isto "ortographia phonemic" no se pote ignorar.

Io considera $15 "Orthographia collateral" o "Ortografia colateral" que debe usate in Interlingua, pro nos haber un Interlingua que "se scripte como se audi", un lingua international vero, perque le major defecto de Anglese es que e un lingua que continer 2 linguas: un lingua de parlar distincte de un lingua de scripter. Per omni palabra in anlese un persona debe apprender un parola scripte e un parola de parlar. Multe linguas in el mundo habe un orthographia phonemic (ENG: e pro un lingua construeva isto carcteristica es vital. Proque un lingua construeva debe esser plus facile in comparation con le linguas natural, no? Es multe bene que Interlingua habe isto "Ortografia colateral" de la nascentia del illo. Io creo que isto "lingua fonetica" o "ortografia fonemic" es un plus potente e multe importante characteristica de Interlingua e nos debe usar ille. Que pensa? Gratias --- 00:47, 11 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Il existeva e totevia existe multe tentativas pro simplificar interlingua. Le problema con alicun de illos es que illos complica nimis altere aspectos del lingua.
Le orthographia collateral distantia interlingua ab le scriptura del latino, e ergo del anglese e del francese. Isto non solmente complica le derivation de parolas, sed etiam complica le lectura, per exemplo, pro illes que non apprendeva italiano, espaniol o portugese, sed apprendeva anglese o francese. --Julian (disc.) 09:07, 12 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Request for usurpation

Hi, I'm Cantor from Russian Wikipedia. I'd like to have the local Usator:Cantor usurped for my unified account (SUL). This user has only 6 edits in 2006 year. - 12:50, 12 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]


A propos de patronos/templates - there are lots of missing templates in ia wiki. I created templates for cities, countries, international unions, mammals, endangered species etc. based on the en wiki templates. The English wiki templates are up-to-date, performant and because the en wikipedia is the largest community I think they are the best templates of the wiki. These templates are very good, a huge effort of programmers*hours was involved to develop and polish them, and now they are mature and they are protected. I believe they are continually improved, even if they are protected. I don't think the ia community has so many people interested in doing programming for templates to recreate from scratch those templates. I believe everyone agree that the scope of this "encyclopedia created by the community" is to focus mainly on encyclopedia articles and less in doing tedious work in programming to create and develop the templates. Because in the world of programming languages, English is everywhere used, I believe we can just copy some of the templates from the English wikipedia, translating only the output text (the text visible in the encyclopedia pages) and leave the internal text as is. Frankly speaking, for the same reason, I see no reason why we cannot leave even the name of the "Template" as is (there are Wikipedias that did this), because this will help people making easy back connection to the original English templates. What do you think about this? --Architengi 20:00, 25 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Another thing about templates - Julian asked me why am I creating other templates when there are "more general" templates already in ia? The answer is - I was just translating articles from English using the existing templates from there and I did not know of the existence/ didn't see other existing templates, more general, that can be applied, and I created the templates based on the very good and up-to-date English templates, thinking other people might benefit in the future from these created templates when they translate articles from English.

For example, when an article about a city is created it is very easy to copy - paste from the English Wikipedia many city facts and statistics using the template:

{{Infobox Settlement}}

and just copying all the "Infobox Settlement" information from the English wikipedia.

See the {{ Infobox Settlement usage here (Sacramento usage of Infobox-settlement example) or on the right-side, included in this comment.

Images, names of the province, numeric data, dates don't need transation so they are good after a simple copy-paste operation, good "as is", no changes needed.

As an example, I am copying the Infobox Settlement of English wiki "Sacramento" here to analize it a bit - how it looks like the output text of it (not translated, just "as is") in Interlingua.

The images are preserved, so no need to upload a image of the city, no need to upload the city flag and no need to upload the city location map (this is because the images are stored in wikimedia which is a shared place between wikis).

What needs to be translated?

|map_caption = Location of Sacramento in Sacramento County, California

That is. Simple, isn't it?

No need to upload city images, no need to upload city map, no need to write down the city mayor, no need to write the population, the metropolitan area etc, etc. All of these are just there in the "Infobox Settlement" for an easy copy/paste and they are copied together just by copying all the template "Infobox Settlement" from the English article.

What is your opinion?

Thank you -- Architengi

Excuse io ha scribite in Anglese, ma io no ha tempore scriber in Interlingua. Vos poter responder in Interlingua, io comprende plus ben. Gratias -- Architengi 20:43, 25 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Architengi, gratias pro le importation de patronos. Tu proposition me sembla un bon idea.
Mi observation esseva unicamente tentar evitar haber patronos specific como iste quando nos jam ha le forma general como iste. Gratias, --Julian (disc.) 14:44, 26 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Sed le patrono "Infobox Soria" esseva create per Usator:Chabi. Malafaya 14:56, 26 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Si, io solmente lo monstrava como exemplo. Vide etiam le patronos in Categoria:Country data templates. --Julian (disc.) 15:22, 26 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Nunc io comprende. Si, illos son multes... Malafaya 15:30, 26 septembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Julian, gratias pro le detalio, io ora comprende.
Malafaya, multe gratias pro tu contributiones de translatar le patronos (le nomines de paises in le patronos). --- Architengi 00:08, 3 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Patrono - problema in calcular le expression numeric

Car contributores, car Julian,

Io ha un problema con un expression calculate in un patrono.

Patrono:Phanerozoic_200px le problema es le errore: Error in expression: Character de punctuation "[" non recognoscite

Per favor, pote dar un mano de adjuta?

Multe gratias, Architengi 00:52, 21 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Io crede que illo jam functiona. Gratias Architengi pro tu active labor. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 00:50, 22 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias Julian pro tu fix - isto ha essite plus rapido.
Un question per favor: Como ha fixate tu le problema? Io ha visualisate le patronos nove, create de te, ma io no comprende le ligamentes de isto patronos tu ha create (N Patrono:Next period‎; N Patrono:Period end‎; N Patrono:Period start) ‎con le patrono con problema (Patrono:Phanerozoic_200px). Multe gratias, Architengi 19:26, 22 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Io ha observate le uso de patronos. {{Phanerozoic_200px}} usa {{fossil range/bar}}, illo usa {{period start}} e {{period end}}, e finalmente iste ultime patrono usa {{next period}}. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 11:44, 28 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]
Gratias, es claro ora. Architengi 16:35, 28 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Proponite Apollon como articulo eminente

OctobreNovembre 2008 articulo eminente

Io propone Apollon como articulo eminente. Que pensa vos? Per favor, votar pro (o contra) ille. Gratias, --Architengi 23:57, 27 octobre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Fundraising 2008

Io ha facite le traduction del messages pro le collection de fundos (fundraising). Si vos ha tempore, per favor vide iste traduction e le texto original. Multe gratias, --Julian (disc.) 12:58, 1 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Un belle labor, gratias! Io ha facite le lection de probas e implementate alcun modificationes con le quales io spera que tu es de accordo. Con le adjuta del dictionarios de Cleij, io ha cambiate i.a.:
  • non-profit: sin intention de lucro => sin scopo lucrative
  • to give (in le senso de "to donate"): dar => donar
  • goal: proposito => objectivo
  • way (in le senso de "manner"): via => modo
  • live: vive => in directo
  • free of charge: libere de cargo => gratuite(mente)
  • advertising: advertimento => publicitate
  • by: pro => per
  • privacy: privatia => confidentialitate
Martijn 23:40, 6 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias pro le correctiones, Martijn. Io es de accordo con illos. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 10:10, 7 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]


Le usator m:User:Melancholie opera le bot m:User:WikimediaNotifier. Illo mantene actualisate notificationes facite pro tote le wikipedias. Al momento, iste notificationes es disponibile solmente in anglese. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 23:22, 5 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

E ora il ha un version in interlingua. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 10:49, 13 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]


Il ha un function disponibile pro mantener revisiones stable de articulos. Io ha facite un requesta pro includer iste function. Illo ha essite usate in uso de production in le wikipedia in germano. Pro plus information, vide Wikipedia:Notificationes_global#FlaggedRevs_review_feature. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 16:06, 28 novembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Spatio de nomines File

Como il ha non solmente imagines locate in le spatio de nomines "Imagine" (o "Image" in anglese), illo ha essite cambiate a "File". Per favor, in le futur usa "File" in vice de "Imagine" o "Image".

Le bot Synthbot facera le cambios pro le pagina jam existente.

Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 13:08, 13 decembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Synthbot jam ha facite le cambios de Imagine a File. Illo facera nunc un standardisation de titulos de referentias monstrate in cata articulo (Referentias, Ligamines externe, Vide etiam) e le parola pro categorisation: Categoria. Cordialmente, --Julian (disc.) 12:07, 18 decembre 2008 (UTC)[responder]