

Études économiques consacrées périodiquement par l'OCDE à l’économie de la Hongrie. Chaque étude analyse les grands enjeux auxquels le pays fait face. Elle examine les perspectives à court terme et présente des recommandations détaillées à l’intention des décideurs politiques. Des chapitres thématiques analysent des enjeux spécifiques. Les tableaux et graphiques contiennent un large éventail de données statistiques.


OECD’s periodic surveys of the Hungarian economy. Each edition surveys the major challenges faced by the country, evaluates the short-term outlook, and makes specific policy recommendations. Special chapters take a more detailed look at specific challenges. Extensive statistical information is included in charts and graphs.


This report analyses competition in public procurement in Hungary and the rationale behind the high prevalence of single bidding. It provides an empirical analysis of competition, using procurement data and several variables. It also provides recommendations on potential improvements to institutional and regulatory frameworks to foster competition and improve the Hungarian Government’s action plan to increase competition in public procurement from 2023 to 2026. Finally, it provides recommendations to improve the capacity of both contracting authorities and bidders regarding public procurement.

This paper presents a technical assessment of nature-related risks within the Hungarian economy and financial system. The study draws upon the OECD Supervisory Framework to (i) prioritise various nature-related risks by conducting an impact and dependency assessment, identifying key economic sectors, and pinpointing the critical natural capital assets that are most crucial to the financial system; (ii) assess the direct and indirect economic impact of three exploratory scenarios on possible acute nature-related shocks using input-output analysis; (iii) explore the different financial risk channels through which economic risks stemming from nature-related losses may be transmitted within the Hungarian financial system; and (iv) provide supervisory recommendations based on the results.

Public procurement measurement frameworks are essential, both to assess progress and achievements periodically and consistently and to identify gaps in progress against objectives and targets. This report assesses the public procurement performance measurement framework in Hungary and provides recommendations for its improvement. It also explores aspects to consider in developing a public procurement measurement framework and communicating the results of the framework.

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point (NCP) that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the Hungarian NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.

  • 06 Mar 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 147

After a strong demand-based recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic, economic activity declined amid high inflation. Growth has restarted in mid-2023 and inflation is receding, but fiscal and monetary policies need to work hand-in-hand to fight remaining inflationary pressures and recreate fiscal space to finance future spending needs.

Productivity growth has slowed since the mid-2000s and structural reforms that facilitate new firm entry and exit and a wider take-up of digital tools are needed. Recent reforms to the anti-corruption and public integrity framework will sustain investor confidence if they are fully implemented.

Social transfers keep income inequalities and poverty low but should be better targeted to those most in need. Women face large employment and pay gaps compared to men and intergenerational mobility is limited. Further expanding access to childcare facilities for young children and improving the education system would help to address these challenges.

Hungary’s green transition can build on past progress but needs to accelerate. This will require more electricity supply from low-carbon sources, with price signals acting as a catalyst. Restructuring energy support by moving from price caps to more targeted cash transfers to vulnerable households would strengthen incentives for energy efficiency improvements and reduce fiscal costs.


This dataset contains tax revenue collected by Hungary. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.


The Pensions at a Glance database includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and mandatory and voluntary pensions. It covers 34 OECD countries and aims to cover all G20 countries. Pensions at a Glance reviews and analyses the pension measures enacted or legislated in OECD countries. It provides an in-depth review of the first layer of protection of the elderly, first-tier pensions across countries and provideds a comprehensive selection of pension policy indicators for all OECD and G20 countries.

This dataset contains data on metropolitan regions with demographic, labour, innovation and economic statistics by population, regional surface, population density, labour force, employment, unemployment, GDP, GDP per capita, PCT patent applications, and elderly dependency ratio.

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value of final goods and services produced by a country during a period minus the value of imports. This subset of Aggregate National Accounts comprises comprehensive statistics on gross domestic product (GDP) by presenting the three different approaches of its measure of GDP: output based GDP, expenditure based GDP and income based GDP. These three different measures of gross domestic product (GDP) are further detailed by transactions whereby: the output approach includes gross value added at basic prices, taxes less subsidies, statistical discrepancy; the expenditure approach includes domestic demand, gross capital formation, external balance of goods and services; and the income approach includes variables such as compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, taxes and production and imports. Gross domestic product (GDP) data are measured in national currency and are available in current prices, constant prices and per capita starting from 1950 onwards.


This dataset comprises statistics on different transactions and balances to get from the GDP to the net lending/borrowing. It includes national disposable income (gross and net), consumption of fixed capital as well as net savings. It also includes transaction components such as net current transfers and net capital transfers. Data are expressed in millions of national currency as well as US dollars and available in both current and constant prices. Data are provided from 1950 onwards.

This dataset comprises statistics pertaining to pensions indicators.It includes indicators such as occupational pension funds’asset as a % of GDP, personal pension funds’ asset as a % of GDP, DC pension plans’assets as a % of total assets. Pension fund and plan types are classified according to the OECD classification. Three dimensions cover this classification: pension plan type, definition type and contract type.
This dataset includes pension funds statistics with OECD classifications by type of pension plans and by type of pension funds. All types of plans are included (occupational and personal, mandatory and voluntary). The OECD classification considers both funded and book reserved pension plans that are workplace-based (occupational pension plans) or accessed directly in retail markets (personal pension plans). Both mandatory and voluntary arrangements are included. The data includes plans where benefits are paid by a private sector entity (classified as private pension plans by the OECD) as well as those paid by a funded public sector entity. Data are presented in various measures depending on the variable: millions of national currency, millions of USD, thousands or unit.
  • 27 Jan 2024
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24

Ez a profil tömör és szakpolitikára összpontosító áttekintést nyújt a magyarországi egészségügy és egészségügyi rendszer állapotáról, az "Egészségügyi helyzet az EU-ban" kezdeményezés szélesebb körű országos egészségügyi profiljainak részeként. Rövid elemzést nyújt, amely a következő kulcsfontosságú szempontokat foglalja magában: Magyarország jelenlegi egészségi állapota; az egészséget meghatározó tényezők, különös tekintettel a viselkedési kockázati tényezőkre; a magyar egészségügyi rendszer szervezete; valamint az egészségügyi rendszer hatékonyságának, hozzáférhetőségének és ellenálló képességének értékelése. A 2023-as kiadás emellett egy tematikus részt is bemutat a mentális egészség és a kapcsolódó szolgáltatások magyarországi helyzetéről.

Ez a profil az OECD és az Egészségügyi Rendszerek és Politikák Európai Megfigyelőközpontjának közös munkája, amely az Európai Bizottsággal együttműködve valósult meg.

  • 15 Dec 2023
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24

This profile provides a concise and policy-focused overview of the state of health and the healthcare system in Hungary, as a part of the broader series of Country Health Profiles from the State of Health in the EU initiative. It presents a succinct analysis encompassing the following key aspects: the current health status in Hungary; the determinants of health, focusing on behavioural risk factors; the organisation of the Hungarian healthcare system; and an evaluation of the health system's effectiveness, accessibility, and resilience. Moreover, the 2023 edition presents a thematic section on the state of mental health and associated services in Hungary.

This profile is the collaborative effort of the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, carried out in cooperation with the European Commission.


Nature-based solutions (NbS) aim to maintain, enhance and restore ecosystems to address a variety of social, economic and environmental challenges, including climate change and biodiversity loss. This paper applies the OECD’s framework to provide recommendations for how to encourage the use of NbS by Hungarian municipalities. It illustrates some of the key challenges in the local implementation of NbS in Hungary and provides international examples of how they are tackled in diverse contexts. It also discusses the role of reforms about the enabling environment to mobilise further public and private investment in climate adaptation.

This report provides an assessment of Hungary’s Draft Medium Term National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2023-2025 (NACS) and the Action Plan for its implementation. The NACS is one of several steps Hungary is taking to improve its rule of law performance. This report highlights strengths and makes recommendations for improving the NACS based on international good practice, the OECD’s Public Integrity Indicators, and Hungary’s commitments within its Recovery and Resilience Plan and remedial measures.

This paper investigates the demand for language skills using data on online job vacancies in 27 European Union member countries and the United Kingdom in 2021. Evidence indicates that although Europe remains a linguistically diverse labour market, knowing English confers unique advantages in certain occupations. Across countries included in the analyses, a knowledge of English was explicitly required in 22% of all vacancies and English was the sixth most required skill overall. A knowledge of German, Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese was explicitly demanded in between 1% and 2% of all vacancies. One in two positions advertised on line for managers or professionals required some knowledge of English, on average across European Union member countries and across OECD countries in the sample. This compares with only one in ten positions for skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers and among elementary occupations.

This reliable and up-to-date source of OECD quarterly balance of payments and international merchandise trade statistics provides a detailed insight into the most recent trends in trading patterns for OECD countries with the rest of the world. Balance of payments data are presented adjusted for seasonal variations. International trade data are broken down by country. The series shown cover data for the last ten quarters and two years available. This quarterly publication is divided into three parts: I. Balance of payments and international trade, II. International merchandise trade by country and III. International trade by commodity (annual data). The third part is a special topic which changes with each publication.

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