

Given the fast pace of global socio-economic development, more tailored, focused, and localised efforts to strengthen public sector capacity in small island developing states (SIDS) is increasingly important. SIDS have unique vulnerabilities, rich histories and contexts, and strengths that can be harnessed for sustainable development. Development partners need to adapt how they provide capacity-strengthening support, taking individual SIDS’ circumstances and needs into account to better help them achieve their ambitions. This report summarises perspectives from small island developing states (SIDS) on current experiences and opportunities to improve capacity-strengthening support to make it more tailored, impactful, and sustainable. The report uses the broad definition of capacity-strengthening as activities that improve the competencies and abilities of individuals, organisations, and broader formal and informal social structures in a way that boosts organisational performance. It concentrates on public sector capacity, including interactions with other stakeholders across sectors.

Small island developing states (SIDS) have been acutely affected by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper takes a broader perspective to explore how the revenue effects of this crisis in SIDS are connected to their unique financing and development challenges. It also suggests how SIDS governments and development co-operation providers can better partner together to strengthen mobilisation of domestic revenues – in particular tax revenues – in the recovery post-COVID-19.

Good governance is a building block for the performance of regulators, including civil aviation authorities. This paper reports the results of a mapping of governance arrangements across 29 civil aviation authorities in Latin American and Caribbean countries, with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s South American and North American, Central American and Caribbean regions.

Applying the methodology of the OECD Indicators on the Governance of Sector Regulators, the results provide a birds-eye view of the independence, accountability and scope of action of participating authorities. This paper explains the indicator methodology, summarises key data points, and presents high-level take aways.

Face aux défis politiques, socio-économiques et environnementaux auxquels Haïti est aujourd’hui confronté, le gouvernement s’est engagé dans la voie de la réforme de la gouvernance publique pour atteindre une croissance durable et un développement socio-économique inclusif. Cet Examen étudie et analyse les domaines de la gouvernance publique tels que la coordination à l’échelle de l’ensemble du gouvernement, le renforcement des liens entre la budgétisation et la planification, et l'amélioration du processus de décentralisation pour améliorer les résultats du développement auxquels contribuent tous les niveaux de gouvernement du pays. Il évalue également la gestion de la fonction publique, ainsi que la mise en œuvre de stratégies de gouvernement ouvert et d'initiatives visant à impliquer les citoyens dans le cycle politique. Cet Examen fournit des recommandations concrètes, alignées sur les documents cadres du Programme de Modernisation de l’État 2018-2023 et du Plan Stratégique de Développement d’Haïti, pour soutenir la réforme de la gouvernance publique en Haïti.


The government of Haiti is undertaking public governance reforms to support sustainable growth and inclusive socio-economic development. This Review analyses areas such as whole-of-government co-ordination, the links between budgeting and planning, and the decentralisation process to improve development outcomes to which all levels of government in the country contribute. It also assesses the management of the civil service and the implementation of open government strategies and initiatives to involve citizens in the policy cycle. This Review provides concrete recommendations, aligned with key national strategic documents such as the State Modernisation Programme 2018-2023 and Haiti's Strategic Development Plan, to support public governance reform in Haiti.


Small island developing states (SIDS) are among the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, which is disrupting key economic sectors that SIDS’ undiversified and already fragile economies strongly rely upon. While they are succeeding to contain the health emergency, SIDS are faced with severe economic impacts which require bold government action and adequate international support. This policy brief: (i) highlights the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic across SIDS; (ii) provides an overview of the support delivered by development co-operation providers to face the crisis; and (iii) provides suggestions to ensure that international support can lead to a fast and sustainable recovery in SIDS: a ‘blue’ recovery.

A terceira edição do Panorama das Administrações Públicas: América Latina e Caribe contém as evidências disponíveis mais atualizadas sobre as administrações públicas e seu desempenho na ALC, comparando-as aos países da OCDE. Esta publicação inclui indicadores sobre finanças públicas e economia, emprego público, centros de governo, governança regulatória, dados abertos governamentais, integridade do setor público, aquisições públicas e, pela primeira vez, sobre os resultados centrais dos governos (p.ex., confiança nas instituições, redução da desigualdade). Os indicadores de governança são especialmente úteis para monitorar e comparar o desempenho dos governos nas suas reformas da administração pública. Cada indicador é apresentado em formato acessível para o leitor, e consiste em figuras ou quadros que ilustram as variações nos países e ao longo do tempo, análises descritivas breves, enfatizando os temas principais em cada área, e uma seção metodológica com a definição do indicador bem como qualquer limitação na comparabilidade dos dados.

English, Spanish
  • 16 Jun 2020
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 160

Panorama de la Salud: Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2020 presenta indicadores clave sobre la salud y los sistemas de salud en 33 países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Esta primera edición del Panorama de la Salud sobre Latinoamérica y el Caribe fue preparada en conjunto por la OCDE y el Banco Mundial. Los análisis se basan en los datos comparables más recientes de alrededor de 100 indicadores sobre equidad, situación de salud, determinantes de la salud, recursos y actividades, gasto y financiación, y calidad en la atención de salud. El editorial discute los principales desafíos para la región en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, incluyendo tanto el manejo de la epidemia como la movilización y el uso eficiente de recursos para asegurar una respuesta efectiva. El capítulo inicial, que resume el desempeño comparativo de los países antes de la crisis actual, está seguido por un capítulo especial sobre el malgasto en los sistemas de salud que redunda en acciones inefectivas o no mejora resultados, con el fin de redirigir esos recursos a otras áreas donde son altamente necesarios.

  • 16 Jun 2020
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 156

Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 presents key indicators on health and health systems in 33 Latin America and the Caribbean countries. This first Health at a Glance publication to cover the Latin America and the Caribbean region was prepared jointly by OECD and the World Bank. Analysis is based on the latest comparable data across almost 100 indicators including equity, health status, determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health expenditure and financing, and quality of care. The editorial discusses the main challenges for the region brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as managing the outbreak as well as mobilising adequate resources and using them efficiently to ensure an effective response to the epidemic. An initial chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries before the crisis, followed by a special chapter about addressing wasteful health spending that is either ineffective or does not lead to improvement in health outcomes so that to direct saved resources where they are urgently needed.


La tercera edición de Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas América Latina y el Caribe contiene la evidencia disponible más actualizada sobre las administraciones públicas y su desempeño en ALC y en comparación con los países de la OCDE. Esta publicación incluye indicadores sobre finanzas públicas y economía, empleo público, centros de gobierno, gobernanza regulatoria, datos abiertos gubernamentales, integridad del sector público, contratación pública y por primera vez sobre los resultados clave de los gobiernos (p.ej. confianza en las instituciones, reducción de la desigualdad). Los indicadores de gobernanza son especialmente útiles para monitorear y comparar el desempeño de los gobiernos en sus reformas a la administración pública. Cada indicador se presenta en un formato amigable para el lector, que consiste en gráficos o tablas que ilustran las variaciones de los países, un análisis descriptivo breve enfatizando los hallazgos principales en cada área y una sección metodológica con la definición del indicador así como cualquier limitación en la comparabilidad de los datos.

Portuguese, English
  • 20 Mar 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

This third edition of Government at a Glance Latin America and the Caribbean provides the latest available evidence on public administrations and their performance in the LAC region and compares it to OECD countries. This publication includes indicators on public finances and economics, public employment, centres of government, regulatory governance, open government data, public sector integrity, public procurement and for the first time core government results (e.g. trust, inequality reduction). Governance indicators are especially useful for monitoring and benchmarking governments' progress in their public sector reforms. Each indicator in the publication is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of graphs and/or charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings of the data, and a methodological section on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability.

Spanish, Portuguese

Successful transitions are vital; providing the means to secure the gains achieved through UN missions. A carefully managed transition process is one of the best ways to guard against backslide and to ensure the continuity of essential peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. As part of this, it will be important to build and reinforce the essential foundations for economic stability, and to maintain financing for peace programming post-withdrawal. Therefore, the overall objective of this research was to address the systemic challenges of financing UN Mission transitions, by outlining opportunities to ensure that:

  • the potentially negative economic impacts and disruptions of UN Mission transitions are mitigated;
  • financing for peacebuilding programmes is sustained post mission withdrawal; and
  • domestic economic growth is sustained and supported where possible.

This paper combines global trends and research on peace operation transitions with findings from case studies in DRC (initial stages of MONUSCO transition), Haiti (handover from MINUJUSH to BINUH), Liberia (following UNMIL’s withdrawal) and Sudan (transition of UNAMID). The paper focuses on opportunities that the international community could integrate into programming, co-ordination and financing. Accordingly, the paper is structured around the three phases of transition – ongoing UN missions, the transition, and sustaining capacity and economic stability post-withdrawal.

In May 2016, the World Humanitarian Summit represented a turning point for humanitarian policies. The Summit gave the impetus to seriously reflect on how to operate in environments where people’s needs don’t coincide anymore with existing mandates and sectors. The OECD believes that an effective humanitarian response is the one that addresses affected people’s needs in a timely and efficient manner. One way to measure effectiveness is to ask aid beneficiaries what they think about the aid they get. With this is mind, the OECD initiated a first round of surveys during the cycle 2016-2017 in six countries affected by different type of crisis : Lebanon, Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Somalia and Uganda. Two years after the World humanitarian Summit, the OECD and Ground Truth Solutions took another round of surveys in the same countries, plus Bangladesh. The purpose of this second round of surveys is to assess whether the commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit, including the Grand Bargain, are having a tangible impact on people’s lives in the most difficult contexts in the world. This paper provides some answers to this question.

  • 05 Aug 2017
  • OECD, Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development
  • Pages: 132

Interactions entre politiques publiques, migrations et développement en Haïti est le fruit d'un projet mené conjointement par l'Union européenne et le Centre de développement de l'OCDE, en collaboration avec l'Institut interuniversitaire de recherches et de développement (INURED). Ce projet avait pour objectif de fournir aux décideurs des données probantes sur l’impact des migrations sur des secteurs spécifiques – marché du travail, agriculture, éducation, et investissement et services financiers – et, à l’inverse, de montrer quel est l’impact des politiques sectorielles sur les migrations. Le rapport aborde trois dimensions du cycle migratoire : l'émigration, les transferts de fonds et le retour.

Les résultats des travaux empiriques confirment que les migrations contribuent au développement d'Haïti. Cependant, le potentiel des migrations n’est pas pleinement exploité dans le pays, notamment parce que les décideurs ne prennent pas suffisamment en compte les migrations dans leurs domaines d’action respectifs. Haïti doit donc adopter un programme d’action plus cohérent pour intégrer les migrations dans les stratégies de développement, améliorer les mécanismes de coordination et renforcer la coopération internationale. Cela permettra d’accroître la contribution des migrations au développement du pays.

This report reviews the implementation in Haiti of the Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations two years after they were endorsed by ministers of the OECD Development Assistance Committee, and identifies priority areas to improve the collective impact of international engagement. The Haiti Country Report reflects the findings from a national consultation among stakeholders representing both national and international institutions, complemented by interviews and data collection.


Ce rapport présente un bilan du degré de mise en œuvre en Haïti des Principes pour l’engagement international dans les États fragiles et les situations précaires,deux ans après que les ministres du Comité d’aide au développement de l’OCDE les aient approuvés. Il s’agit également de définir les actions prioritaires destinées à améliorer l’efficacité de l’engagement international dans le pays. Le Rapport Pays sur Haïti rend compte des conclusions issues d’une consultation nationale entre des parties prenantes représentant des institutions tant nationales qu'internationales, enrichies d’entretiens et de collectes de données.


Haiti has no tax agreements in force, as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire.


Haiti has not yet introduced a requirement for the filing of CbC reports, as required under the BEPS Action 13 (CbC reporting) minimum standard.

Haiti has no tax agreements in force, as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire.

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