

Congo’s economic performance in 2010 owes a great deal to the increase in its oil production. The latter reached a record level, estimated at 115 million barrels compared to 99 million in 2009. Fiscal reform and debt relief obtained under the HIPC Initiative also consolidated fundamental indicators and improved the budgetary balance. The result was a strong 10.2% growth rate in 2010, with 8.4% expected in 2011. These growth rates nevertheless remain fragile. They depend too heavily on the international oil market and maintenance of a high level of oil production. Medium-term forecasts show that oil production will gradually diminish unless new reserves are discovered. Diversification of the economy remains a crucial issue. Construction, public works and telecommunications continue to thrive. The forestry sector seems to be recovering after having been penalised by the global crisis. Increased demand from Asian countries, particularly China, which is the leading buyer of Congolese timber, is ensuring the industry's survival.

The Republic of Congo has made significant progress in restoring internal political peace and applying reforms launched under the three-year programme agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). President Denis Sassou Nguesso was re-elected in 2009 for another seven-year term in a vote disputed by the opposition. Despite the world crisis, the economy grew strongly (7.6%), driven mainly by oil production and the construction sector. Forestry and primary timber-processing was badly hit, though, by a drop in external demand and in export prices. Regardless, gross domestic product (GDP) growth remained largely sustained by exports and investment, and should increase to 11.9% in 2010 thanks to projected higher oil production.


La République du Congo a accompli des progrès significatifs dans la consolidation de la paix interne et dans la mise en oeuvre des réformes lancées dans le cadre du programme triennal conclu avec le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) au titre de la facilité de la réduction de la pauvreté et la croissance (FRPC). Politiquement, l'année 2009 a été marquée par l’élection, contestée par les partis d’opposition, du président de la République, Denis Sassou Nguesso, pour un nouveau mandat de sept ans. Malgré la crise internationale, l’économie congolaise a réalisé une forte croissance du produit intérieur brut (PIB) de 7.6 %, tirée principalement par la production pétrolière et le secteur du bâtiment et des travaux publics (BTP). En revanche, les activités d’exploitation forestière et de première transformation du bois ont été sévèrement affectées par la crise en raison de la chute de la demande extérieure et des prix à l’exportation. En dépit de ces contre-performances, la croissance du pays reste largement soutenue par les exportations et par l’investissement. En 2010, elle devrait s’accélérer pour passer à 11.9 % grâce au rebond prévu de la production pétrolière.


The Republic of Congo’s Constitution of 8 December 1963 proclaims equality before the law for all citizens and upholds the full legal capacity of women, irrespective of their marital status. Nevertheless, discriminatory provisions persist in the laws governing inheritance, marriage and parental authority. The fact that the Republic of Congo is based on a dual legal system, with a French-inspired form of modern law super-imposed upon customary laws, also creates challenges for Congolese women.

L’ANNÉE 2008 A ÉTÉ MARQUÉE par une forte reprise de la croissance en République du Congo (7 pour cent), après les mauvaises performances économiques de l’année 2007. La prédominance du secteur pétrolier s’est accrue, contribuant à hauteur de 67.3 pour cent à la formation du produit intérieur brut (PIB) nominal. Cette performance est le résultat direct de la flambée des cours du pétrole en 2008. Tandis que la reprise de la croissance a concerné la quasi-totalité des activités économiques du pays, les secteurs de production et de distribution d’électricité et d’eau restent préoccupants, en raison des coupures d’approvisionnement, notamment dans les deux principales villes du pays Brazzaville et Pointe-Noire.


IN THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO, 2008 was marked by a strong upturn in growth (7 per cent), following poor economic performances in 2007. The oil sector’s dominance increased, contributing to 67.3 per cent of Congo’s nominal gross domestic product (GDP). This performance is a direct result of the spiralling oil and gas prices in 2008. Although the upturn in growth affected nearly all areas of the economy, there remains concern regarding the production and distribution of electricity and water because of cuts to supplies, especially in the country’s two major cities.


IN 2007, THE COUNTRY RECORDED economic growth of 6.2 per cent, lower than the objective of 6.5 per cent but higher than the rate of 5.1 per cent rate posted in 2006. A faster growth rate is forecast for 2008 and 2009.

ALTHOUGH THE DAMAGE CAUSED by recurrent civil wars is still evident, the Republic of Congo has reached a crossroads. Skyrocketing oil prices and the prospect of debt relief under the augmented Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative have created favourable financial conditions for greater sustainable growth over the medium term as well as for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Still, rapid growth and high levels of government expenditure in the context of low absorptive and administrative capacity risk compromising macroeconomic stability, the sustainability of public finances and foreign competitiveness.

Reconstruction is underway in Congo after more than a decade of political instability and sporadic armed conflicts. The enormous damage wreaked by the civil war, ravaging the capital, Brazzaville, and the Pool region several times between 1997 and 2003 is compounded by the harmful effects of many years of poor public-resource management. The balance after the last outbreak of violence in 2003 is one of a country that is impoverished and heavily in debt, and the economic development of which is immensely hampered by inadequate and outdated infrastructure of all kinds and an important deficit in capacities.


After several years of war and political instability, the challenges with which the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is confronted are manifest. As is generally the case in post-conflict situations, reconstruction, rehabilitation and resumption of the functioning of the wider economy require a very great number of reforms, colossal financial resources and the establishment of transparent management systems and good governance. At the same time, lobbies and political pressure groups are still very much present.


Après plusieurs décennies de guerres et d’instabilité politique, les défis auxquels la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) se trouve confrontée sont manifestes. Comme dans la plupart des situations de post-conflit, la reconstruction, la réhabilitation et la reprise du fonctionnement de l’économie dans son ensemble nécessitent un nombre très important de réformes, des moyens financiers colossaux et la mise en place d’un système transparent et de bonne gouvernance. Dans le même temps, les lobbies et groupes de pression politiques sont encore très présents.


Après plus d'une décennie d’instabilité politique et de conflits armés sporadiques, la reconstruction se poursuit au Congo. Les dégâts causés par la guerre civile, qui a ravagé la capitale Brazzaville et la région du Pool à plusieurs reprises entre 1997 et 2003, sont énormes et vont s’ajouter aux conséquences néfastes d’une mauvaise gestion des ressources publiques pendant de nombreuses années. Le bilan, après la dernière explosion de violence en 2003, est celui d’un pays appauvri, très endetté, et dont le développement économique est lourdement entravé par l’inadéquation et la vétusté de toutes ses infrastructures, ainsi que par un déficit important de capacités.


CONGO SUFFERED ENORMOUS DAMAGE during successive civil wars (especially between 1993 and 1999) but the oil sector, mainly-offshore, was spared. The fighting greatly increased poverty and the government became heavily indebted, in particular by mortgaging its oil resources. Since the end of the war in 1999 and elections in 2002, the economy has experienced a solid revival and growth should accelerate...

THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (DRC) has one of the richest natural resource endowments in the world, with mining, forestry and hydro-electric sectors offering enormous growth potential. The domestic market is considerable, as the country has a population of more than 50 million, but ten years of war have devastated its economy, infrastructure and social fabric. During this period of conflict, more than 3 million people died, the incidence of HIV/AIDS soared and...

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