Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/18
[edit]- counterirritant, adjuvant, antacid, antidote, buffer, carminative, counteractant, counteractive, counteragent, emmenagogue, expectorant, hormone, maturative, neutralizer, nullifier, offset, preventative, preventive, prophylactic, remedy, vasodilator, vitamin
[edit]- countermand, abolish, abolishment, abolition, abrogate, abrogation, annul, annulment, baffle, balk, blast, brave, cancel, canceling, cancellation, cassation, challenge, checkmate, circumvent, confound, confront, contravene, counter, counteract, counterorder, counterwork, cross, dash, defeasance, defeat, defy, destroy, disannul, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, dish, disrupt, do away with, elude, flummox, foil, frustrate, invalidate, invalidation, knock the chocks, make void, nonplus, nullification, nullify, override, overrule, perplex, recall, recant, recantation, renege, repeal, rescind, rescinding, rescindment, rescission, retract, retraction, reversal, reverse, revocation, revoke, revokement, ruin, sabotage, scotch, set aside, setting aside, spike, spoil, stonewall, stump, suspend, suspension, thwart, upset, vacate, vacation, vacatur, void, voidance, voiding, waive, waiver, waiving, withdraw, withdrawal, write off, write-off
[edit]- countermeasure, antidote, backfire, comeback, corrective, counteractant, counteractive, counteragent, counterattack, counterblast, counterblow, counterfire, counterinsurgency, counterrevolution, counterstep, counterstroke, cure, defense, retort
[edit]- countermine, abri, angle, approach trench, brew, bunker, cabal, collude, communication trench, complot, concoct, connive, conspire, cook up, counterplot, coupure, ditch, double sap, dugout, engineer, entrenchment, finagle, finesse, fire trench, flying sap, fortified tunnel, fosse, foxhole, frame, frame up, gallery, hatch, hatch a plot, hatch up, intrigue, lay a plot, machinate, maneuver, mine, moat, operate, parallel, plot, rig, sap, scheme, slit trench, trench, tunnel, wangle
[edit]- countermove, action, ad hoc measure, answer, artifice, contrivance, coup, course of action, demarche, device, dodge, effort, expedient, gimmick, improvisation, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, last expedient, last resort, last shift, makeshift, maneuver, means, measure, move, pis aller, resort, resource, shake-up, shift, solution, step, stopgap, stratagem, stroke, stroke of policy, tactic, temporary expedient, trick, trump, working hypothesis, working proposition
[edit]- counterorder, abolishment, abolition, abrogation, annulment, cancel, canceling, cancellation, cassation, countermand, defeasance, invalidation, nullification, recall, recantation, renege, repeal, rescinding, rescindment, rescission, retraction, reversal, revocation, revoke, revokement, setting aside, suspension, vacation, vacatur, voidance, voiding, waiver, waiving, withdrawal, write-off
[edit]- counterpane, afghan, bed linen, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, blanket, buffalo robe, case, clothes, comfort, comforter, contour sheet, cover, coverlet, coverlid, eiderdown, fitted sheet, lap robe, linen, patchwork quilt, pillow slip, pillowcase, quilt, robe, rug, sheet, sheeting, slip, spread
[edit]- counterpart, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, associate, brother, clone, close copy, close match, coequal, cognate, companion, compeer, complement, congenator, congener, coordinate, correlate, correlative, correspondent, ditto, double, dupe, duplicate, duplication, each other, equal, equipollent, equivalent, facsimile, fellow, image, kindred spirit, like, likeness, match, mate, model, near duplicate, obverse, one another, opposite number, parallel, peer, pendant, picture, quadruplicate, reciprocal, reciprocatist, reciprocator, repetition, replica, replication, representation, reproduction, rival, second self, similitude, simulacrum, sister, soul mate, such, suchlike, tally, the like of, the likes of, triplicate, twin, vis-a-vis
[edit]- counterpoint, Alexandrine, Ambrosian chant, accent, accentuation, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, antipode, antipodes, antipole, antispast, antithesis, antonym, arsis, bacchius, beat, cadence, caesura, catalexis, chloriamb, chloriambus, colon, contra, contrapunto, converse, counter, counterbalance, countercheck, counterpoise, counterpole, counterterm, cretic, dactyl, dactylic hexameter, diaeresis, dimeter, dipody, dochmiac, elegiac, elegiac couplet, elegiac pentameter, emphasis, epitrite, false music, faux-bourdon, feminine caesura, foil, foot, heptameter, heptapody, heroic couplet, hexameter, hexapody, iamb, iambic, iambic pentameter, ictus, inverse, ionic, jingle, lilt, masculine caesura, measure, meter, metrical accent, metrical foot, metrical group, metrical unit, metron, molossus, mora, movement, musica ficta, numbers, obverse, offset, opposite, opposite number, paeon, pentameter, pentapody, period, polyphonism, polyphony, proceleusmatic, pyrrhic, quantity, reverse, rhythm, setoff, spondee, sprung rhythm, stress, swing, syzygy, tetrameter, tetrapody, tetraseme, the contrary, the other side, thesis, tribrach, trimeter, tripody, triseme, trochee, vis-a-vis
[edit]- counterpose, analogize, antagonize, assimilate, balance, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be inimical, be opposed to, beat against, bring into analogy, bring into comparison, clash, collide, compare, compare and contrast, compare with, conflict, conflict with, confront, confute, contradict, contrapose, contrast, contrast with, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, counterattack, counterbalance, countercheck, counterpoise, countervail, counterwork, cross, draw a comparison, draw a parallel, go against, go counter to, interfere with, juxtapose in opposition, liken, liken to, lock horns, match, measure against, meet head-on, metaphorize, militate against, offset, oppose, oppugn, parallel, place against, play at cross-purposes, relate, resist, run a comparison, run against, run counter to, set in contrast, set in opposition, set off, set off against, set over against, similize, swim upstream, view together, weigh, weigh against, work against
[edit]- counterproductive, baleful, baneful, barren, bootless, choking, constrictive, contrary, corroding, corrosive, corrupting, corruptive, crosswise, damaging, deadly, deleterious, detrimental, disadvantageous, disserviceable, distressing, effete, empty, etiolated, fatuitous, fatuous, feckless, fruitless, futile, harmful, hindering, hindersome, hurtful, in the way, inadequate, inane, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inhibiting, inhibitive, injurious, inoperative, interrupting, interruptive, invalid, lethal, malefic, malevolent, malign, malignant, mischievous, noisome, noxious, nugacious, nugatory, obstructing, obstructive, obstruent, occlusive, of no force, ominous, pernicious, poisonous, prejudicial, repressive, restrictive, scatheful, sterile, stifling, strangling, suppressive, toxic, troublesome, unavailing, useless, vain, venenate, veneniferous, venenous, venomous, vicious, virulent
[edit]- counterrevolution, backfire, bloodless revolution, bouleversement, breakdown, breakup, cataclysm, catastrophe, clean slate, clean sweep, comeback, computer revolution, convulsion, counterattack, counterblast, counterblow, counterfire, counterinsurgency, countermeasure, counterstep, counterstroke, debacle, defense, overthrow, overturn, palace revolution, radical change, retort, revolt, revolution, revolutionary war, revulsion, spasm, striking alteration, subversion, sweeping change, tabula rasa, technological revolution, total change, transilience, upset, violent change
[edit]- countersign, ID card, John Hancock, OK, X, accept, accredit, affirm, amen, approve, assure, authenticate, authorize, autograph, avouch, badge, calligram, calling card, card, certify, christcross, cipher, confirm, cosign, countermark, countersignature, counterstamp, credentials, cross, device, dog tag, endorse, endorsement, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, guarantee, hand, identification, identification badge, identification tag, initial, initials, letter of introduction, make a promise, mark, mark of signature, monogram, notarize, open sesame, pass, pass on, pass upon, password, permit, pledge, plight, press card, promise, ratify, rubber stamp, sanction, say amen to, seal, second, secret grip, serial number, shibboleth, sigil, sign, sign and seal, sign manual, signature, signet, subscribe to, subscription, support, swear, swear and affirm, swear to, tessera, token, troth, undersign, underwrite, validate, visa, vise, visiting card, vouch, vow, warrant, watchword, word
[edit]- counterstatement, answer, argument, confutation, contraremonstrance, counteraccusation, counterblast, countercharge, counterclaim, counterreply, defense, demurrer, denial, exception, objection, plea, pleading, rebuttal, rebutter, refutation, rejoinder, replication, reply, response, riposte, special demurrer, special pleading, statement of defense, surrebuttal, surrebutter, surrejoinder
[edit]- counterstroke, backfire, boomerang, comeback, counter, counterattack, counterblast, counterblow, counterfire, counterinsurgency, countermeasure, counterrevolution, counterstep, defense, exchange, give-and-take, interchange, reciprocation, recoil, reply, retaliation, retort, return
[edit]- countervail, accommodate, adjust, amend, antagonize, atone for, balance, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be inimical, be opposed to, beat against, cancel, clash, collide, compensate, conflict, conflict with, confute, contradict, contrapose, contrast with, contravene, controvert, coordinate, correct, counter, counteract, counterattack, counterbalance, countercheck, counterpoise, counterpose, counterweigh, counterwork, cross, equalize, equate, equiponderate, even, even up, fit, foil, frustrate, go against, go counter to, integrate, interfere with, join the opposition, juxtapose in opposition, level, lock horns, make up, meet head-on, militate against, not abide, offset, oppose, oppugn, outweigh, overcome, play at cross-purposes, poise, proportion, protest, rectify, redeem, resist, run against, run counter to, set off, square, square up, strike a balance, surmount, swim upstream, take issue with, thwart, traverse, vote against, withstand, work against
[edit]- countervallation, barbed wire, contravallation, dike, fences, hedge, hedgerow, hoarding, paling, palisade, parapet, railing, rampart, retaining wall, stockade, stone wall, trellis, vallation, vallum, weir, zigzag fence
[edit]- counterweight, act drop, asbestos, asbestos board, backdrop, balance, balance rudder, balance wheel, ballast, batten, border, cloth, consideration, coulisse, counterbalance, counterblast, countercurrent, counterforce, counterinfluence, counterpoise, counterpressure, crosscurrent, curtain, curtain board, cyclorama, decor, drop, drop curtain, equipoise, equivalent, fin, fire curtain, fixative, flat, flipper, flywheel, foul wind, give-and-take, governor, gyroscope, hairspring, hanging, head wind, keel, makeweight, mordant, offset, pendulum, quid pro quo, rag, scene, scenery, screen, setoff, shock absorber, side scene, something of value, springs, stabilizator, stage screw, stiffening, tab, tableau, tail plane, teaser, tit for tat, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, undercurrent, wing, wingcut, woodcut
[edit]- counting, accounting, assimilating, census, comprising, containing, covering, dactylonomy, embracing, encircling, enclosing, encompassing, enumeration, envisaging, foliation, including, inclusive, incorporating, inventorying, measurement, numbering, numeration, pagination, quantification, quantization, tallying, telling
[edit]- countinghouse, boutique, chain store, co-op, concession, cooperative, country store, department store, dime store, discount house, discount store, emporium, establishment, five-and-ten, general store, house, magasin, mail-order house, market, mart, post, retail store, salon, shop, store, supermarket, trading post, variety shop, variety store, warehouse, wareroom, wholesale house
[edit]- countless, abundant, all-comprehensive, all-inclusive, ample, boundless, copious, endless, eternal, exhaustless, extending everywhere, generous, illimitable, illimited, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, incomprehensible, inexhaustible, infinite, infinitely continuous, innumerable, interminable, interminate, limitless, many, measureless, much, multitudinous, no end of, numberless, numerous, overflowing, perpetual, plentiful, shoreless, sumless, superabundant, termless, unbounded, uncircumscribed, uncountable, uncounted, unfathomable, universal, unlimited, unmeasurable, unmeasured, unnumbered, unplumbed, untold, without bound, without end, without limit, without measure, without number
[edit]- countrified, agrestic, boorish, bucolic, campestral, churlish, cloddish, clodhopping, clownish, country, country-born, country-bred, farmerish, from the sticks, hayseed, hick, hicky, hobnailed, inurbane, loutish, lumpen, lumpish, outland, pastoral, provincial, rube, rustic, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, up-country, yokel, yokelish
country cousin
[edit]- country cousin, aunt, auntie, blood brother, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, daughter, father, first cousin, foster brother, frater, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, half brother, kid brother, mother, nephew, niece, nuncle, nunks, nunky, second cousin, sis, sissy, sister, sister-german, sistern, son, stepbrother, stepsister, unc, uncle, uncs, uterine brother
country gentleman
[edit]- country gentleman, beneficiary, cestui, cestui que trust, cestui que use, deedholder, feoffee, feudatory, householder, laird, landlady, landlord, lord, master, mesne, mesne lord, mistress, owner, proprietary, proprietor, proprietress, proprietrix, rentier, squire, titleholder
[edit]- country, Arcadian, acres, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, airspace, alluvion, alluvium, arable land, area, belt, blue-ribbon jury, boondocks, bucolic, campestral, clay, clod, confines, continental shelf, corridor, countrified, countryside, crust, department, dirt, district, division, dry land, dust, earth, environs, farm, fatherland, freehold, glebe, grand jury, grassland, ground, heartland, hinterland, home, homeland, hung jury, inquest, jury, jury list, jury of inquest, jury of matrons, jury panel, land, landholdings, lithosphere, lowland, marginal land, marl, milieu, mold, mother country, motherland, mountains, nation, native land, neighborhood, offshore rights, outback, outland, panel, part, parts, pastoral, petit jury, place, police jury, power, precincts, premises, provinces, provincial, purlieus, quarter, real estate, real property, realm, region, regolith, rural, rustic, salient, section, sessions, sod, soil, space, special jury, state, sticks, subaerial deposit, subsoil, terra, terra firma, terrain, territory, the country, three-mile limit, topsoil, trial jury, twelve-mile limit, upland, venire, vicinage, vicinity, wilderness, woodland, woods, zone
[edit]- countryman, backwoodsman, bumpkin, clodhopper, clown, compatriot, congener, countrywoman, fellah, fellow citizen, fellow countryman, fellow townsman, hayseed, hick, hillbilly, hind, home towner, landsman, muzhik, paesano, paisano, peasant, peon, provincial
[edit]- countryside, agricultural region, arable land, black belt, citrus belt, corn belt, cotton belt, dust bowl, farm belt, farm country, farmland, fruit belt, grass roots, grassland, grazing region, highlands, lowlands, meadows and pastures, moors, plains, prairies, province, provinces, rural district, rustic region, steppes, the country, the soil, the sticks, tobacco belt, uplands, veld, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, woodland, woods and fields, yokeldom
[edit]- county, Kreis, ally, archbishopric, archdiocese, archduchy, archdukedom, arrondissement, bailiwick, bishopric, body politic, borough, buffer state, canton, captive nation, chieftaincy, chieftainry, city, city-state, colony, commonweal, commonwealth, commune, congressional district, constablewick, country, departement, diocese, district, domain, dominion, duchy, dukedom, earldom, electoral district, electorate, empery, empire, free city, government, grand duchy, hamlet, hundred, kingdom, land, magistracy, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, metropolis, metropolitan area, nation, nationality, oblast, okrug, parish, polis, polity, possession, power, precinct, principality, principate, protectorate, province, puppet government, puppet regime, realm, region, republic, riding, satellite, seneschalty, settlement, sheriffalty, sheriffwick, shire, shrievalty, soke, sovereign nation, stake, state, sultanate, superpower, territory, toparchia, toparchy, town, township, village, wapentake, ward
coup de grace
[edit]- coup de grace, KO, bane, clincher, crusher, death, death knell, death stroke, deathblow, doom, end, end-all, ender, fate, final stroke, finisher, finishing stroke, kayo, kayo punch, knockout, knockout blow, last dab, lethal blow, quietus, settler, sockdolager, stopper
[edit]- coup, abduction, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, ad hoc measure, adventure, answer, apprehension, arrest, arrestation, art, artful dodge, artifice, blind, blow, breath, capture, catch, catching, chicanery, collaring, conspiracy, contrivance, countermove, course of action, crack, craft, cute trick, dealings, deceit, deed, demarche, design, device, dodge, doing, doings, dragnet, effort, endeavor, enterprise, expedient, exploit, fait accompli, fakement, feat, feint, fetch, flash, forcible seizure, gambit, game, gest, gimmick, go, grab, grabbing, grift, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, hand, handiwork, hold, improvisation, instant, intrigue, jiff, jiffy, job, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, kidnapping, knavery, last expedient, last resort, last shift, little game, makeshift, maneuver, means, measure, microsecond, millisecond, minute, moment, move, nabbing, operation, overt act, passage, performance, picking up, pis aller, plot, ploy, power grab, prehension, proceeding, production, racket, red herring, res gestae, resort, resource, running in, ruse, scheme, sec, second, seizure, seizure of power, shake, shake-up, shift, sleight, snatch, snatching, solution, split second, step, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, stroke, stroke of policy, stunt, subterfuge, tactic, taking in, taking into custody, temporary expedient, thing, thing done, tick, tour de force, transaction, trice, trick, trickery, trump, turn, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twitch, two shakes, undertaking, wile, wily device, wink, work, working hypothesis, working proposition, works
[edit]- couple, a few, accouple, accumulate, affiliate, agglutinate, ally, amass, apply, arrange a match, articulate, assemble, associate, ball, band, band together, be in cahoots, be intimate, be made one, be spliced, become one, bind, bond, both, brace, bracket, bridge, bridge over, bunch, bunch up, cabal, cement, cement a union, centralize, chain, clap together, clot, club, club together, cluster, coalesce, cohabit, collect, combine, come together, commit adultery, comprise, concatenate, confederate, conglobulate, congregate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, consociate, conspire, contract matrimony, converge, copulate, correlate, couple up, couplet, cover, crowd, date, diddle, distich, double harness, double-harness, double-team, doublet, draw a parallel, duad, duet, duo, dyad, embrace, encompass, equate, espouse, federalize, federate, flock together, flow together, forgather, fornicate, frig, fuse, gang, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, get hitched, give away, glue, go in partners, go in partnership, group, harness, have sex, have sexual relations, herd together, hitch, hive, hook up, hook up with, horde, huddle, identify, include, intermarry, interrelate, interwed, join, join forces, join fortunes with, join together, join up with, join with, knot, lay, lay together, league, lie with, link, look-alikes, lump together, make a match, make it with, make love, make one, make out, marry, marshal, mass, match, matching pair, mate, mates, meet, merge, mill, miscegenate, mobilize, mount, muster, nuptial, one or two, organize, pair, pair off, parallel, parallelize, partner, piece together, put together, rally, rally around, relate, relativize, remarry, rendezvous, rewed, roll into one, screw, seethe, serve, service, set, set of two, several, sleep with, solder, span, splice, stand together, stand up with, stick together, stream, surge, swarm, take in, take to wife, tape, team, team up, team up with, team with, the two, throng, throw in with, tie, tie in with, tie up with, twain, twins, two, twosome, unify, unionize, unite, unite in marriage, unite with, wed, weld, wive, yoke
[edit]- coupled, accessory, accompanying, affiliate, affiliated, allied, assembled, associate, associated, attendant, attending, banded together, biconjugate, bigeminate, bijugate, bound, bracketed, cabalistic, coincident, collateral, collected, combined, concomitant, concurrent, confederate, confederated, conjoined, conjoint, conjugate, conjugated, connected, conspiratorial, copulate, corporate, correlated, correlative, enleagued, federate, federated, fellow, gathered, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, implicated, in cahoots, in league, in partnership, in with, incorporated, integrated, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, intimate, involved, joined, joint, knotted, leagued, linked, married, matched, mated, merged, mutual, of that ilk, of that kind, one, paired, parallel, partnered, partners with, related, simultaneous, spliced, teamed, tied, twin, twinned, undivided, united, unseparated, wed, wedded, yoked
[edit]- couplet, Spenserian stanza, antistrophe, book, both, brace, burden, canto, chorus, couple, distich, double harness, doublet, duad, duet, duo, dyad, envoi, epode, heptastich, hexastich, line, match, mates, measure, monostich, octastich, octave, octet, ottava rima, pair, pentastich, quatrain, refrain, rhyme royal, septet, sestet, set of two, sextet, span, stanza, stave, strain, strophe, syllable, team, tercet, terza rima, tetrastich, the two, triplet, tristich, twain, two, twosome, verse, yoke
[edit]- coupling, agglomeration, agglutination, aggregation, ankle, articulation, bond, boundary, bracketing, butt, cervix, clinch, closure, clustering, combination, communication, concatenation, concourse, concurrence, confluence, congeries, conglomeration, conjugation, conjunction, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, convergence, copulation, dovetail, elbow, embrace, gathering, gliding joint, hinge, hinged joint, hip, hookup, intercommunication, intercourse, interface, interlinking, join, joinder, joining, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, knee, knotting, knuckle, liaison, link, linkage, linking, marriage, meeting, merger, merging, miter, mortise, neck, pairing, pivot, pivot joint, rabbet, scarf, seam, shoulder, splice, stitch, suture, symbiosis, symphysis, tie, tie rod, tie-in, tie-up, toggle, toggle joint, unification, union, weld, wrist, yoking
[edit]- courage, arrogance, assurance, assuredness, audacity, backbone, balls, belief, boldness, bottle, bottom, bravery, certitude, cocksureness, confidence, confidentness, conviction, daring, dauntlessness, determination, doughtiness, faith, fearlessness, firmness, fortitude, gallantry, gameness, grit, guts, heart, heroism, hubris, intrepidity, mettle, mettlesomeness, moxie, nerve, overconfidence, oversureness, overweening, overweeningness, persistence, pith, pluck, pluckiness, poise, pomposity, positiveness, pride, resolution, sand, security, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-importance, self-reliance, settled belief, spirit, spunk, spunkiness, stamina, subjective certainty, sureness, surety, tenacity, toughness, true grit, trust, valor
[edit]- courageous, audacious, bold, bold-spirited, brave, chivalric, chivalrous, daring, dauntless, doughty, fearless, fiery, gallant, game, greathearted, gritty, gutsy, gutty, hardy, heroic, herolike, high-spirited, intrepid, ironhearted, knightlike, knightly, lionhearted, manful, manly, mettlesome, plucky, soldierlike, soldierly, spunky, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, strong, tenacious, unafraid, undaunted, valiant, valorous
[edit]- courier, Gyropilot, Hermes, Iris, Mercury, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, automatic pilot, bearer, boatheader, boatsteerer, carrier, cicerone, commissionaire, cowherd, coxswain, diplomatic courier, dragoman, drover, emissary, envoy, estafette, express, go-between, goatherd, guide, guidepost, guider, helmsman, herd, herdsman, internuncio, mercury, message-bearer, messenger, navigator, nuncio, pilot, pointer, post, postboy, postrider, river pilot, runner, shepherd, steerer, steersman, tour director, tour guide
course of action
[edit]- course of action, action, ad hoc measure, answer, artifice, contrivance, countermove, coup, demarche, device, dodge, effort, expedient, gimmick, improvisation, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, last expedient, last resort, last shift, makeshift, maneuver, means, measure, move, pis aller, resort, resource, shake-up, shift, solution, step, stopgap, stratagem, stroke, stroke of policy, tactic, temporary expedient, trick, trump, working hypothesis, working proposition
[edit]- course, Brownian movement, Indian file, MO, Zeitgeist, academic specialty, act, adit, advance, advancement, advancing, affluence, afflux, affluxion, agora, aim, air lane, algorithm, ambit, amphitheater, angular motion, antepast, approach, aqueduct, archery ground, area, arena, array, arsis, articulation, ascending, ascent, assuredly, athletic field, attack, auditorium, axial motion, azimuth, backflowing, background, backing, backward motion, badminton court, band, bank, baseball field, basketball court, bear garden, bearing, beat, bed, bedding, belt, bent, billiard parlor, boil, bout, bowl, bowling alley, bowling green, boxing ring, broil, bull ring, buzz, by all means, campaign, campus, canal, canvas, career, casserole, catena, catenation, certainly, chain, chain reaction, chaining, channel, chase, circle, circuit, circus, class, classical education, climbing, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, commutation, commute, compass direction, concatenation, concourse, condensation trail, conduct, conduit, confluence, conflux, connection, consecution, continuum, contrail, core curriculum, couche, course of action, course of study, court, cover, cover ground, creed, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, crosscurrent, crossing, cruise, culinary masterpiece, culinary preparation, current, curriculum, cycle, dart, dash, deck, definitely, defluxion, descending, descent, design, dessert, diamond, diastole, direction, direction line, discipline, dish, dispatch, ditch, do, dog, downbeat, downflow, downpour, downward motion, drift, driftage, drive, drone, duct, ebb, ebbing, egress, elective, endless belt, endless round, entrance, entree, entremets, excursion, execution, exit, expedition, fairway, falcon, fare, fare forth, fashion, fetch, field, file, filiation, flight, flight path, flit, flood, floor, flow, flow back, flow in, flow out, flowing, fluency, flush, flux, follow the hounds, football field, form, forum, forward motion, forwardal, forwarding, fowl, fry, furtherance, furthering, gallery, gamut, gang, general education, general studies, glacial movement, glaciarium, globe-trotting, go, go along, go hunting, go over, go-ahead, going, golf course, golf links, gradation, grand tour, gridiron, grill, ground, guiding principles, guise, gun, gush, gym, gymnasium, hall, hasten, hawk, heading, headway, helmsmanship, help, helping, hie, hippodrome, hound, hum, humanities, hunt, hunt down, hurry, hustle, ice rink, inclination, indubitably, infield, inflow, ingress, issue, itinerary, jack, jacklight, jaunt, journey, journeying, junket, lay, layer, lecture, ledge, leg, level, liberal arts, lie, line, line of action, line of direction, line of march, lineage, lines, links, lists, locale, locomotion, main current, main dish, mainstream, major, make, manner, manner of working, march, marketplace, mat, means, measure, measures, method, methodology, milieu, mill run, millrace, minor, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, monotone, motion, mounting, move, move along, move on, movement, moving, naturally, navigation, nexus, no doubt, oblique motion, obviously, ocean trip, of course, ongoing, onrush, onward course, open forum, orbit, order, orientation, outfield, outflow, outing, oval, overlayer, overpass, overstory, package tour, palaestra, parade ground, pass, pass over, pass through, passage, passageway, path, patrol, pattern, pendulum, perambulate, peregrinate, peregrination, pererrate, performance, periodicity, pilgrimage, piloting, piste, pit, place, plan, plan of action, plate, platform, playground, playing field, playroom, pleasure trip, plenum, plunging, ply, point, policy, polity, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, portion, position paper, positively, pour, powder train, practice, precinct, primrose path, principles, prize ring, procedure, proceeding, process, program, progress, progression, progressiveness, promotion, proseminar, prowl after, public square, pulse, purlieu, putting green, quadrivium, quarter, queue, race, racecourse, racket court, radial motion, random motion, range, range over, rank, reconnoiter, recurrence, reflowing, refluence, reflux, refresher course, regression, regurgitate, reticulation, retrogression, revolution, ride to hounds, ring, rink, rising, road, roast, roll, roll on, rolling, rolling on, rotation, round, round trip, route, routine, row, rubberneck tour, run, rush, safari, sail, sally, sashay, scale, scamper, scene, scene of action, scenery, scent, scheme, scientific education, scoot, scope, scour, scour the country, scout, scurry, sea lane, sea trip, seam, second helping, seminar, sequel, sequence, series, service, serving, set, setting, shakedown cruise, shelf, shikar, shoot, shortcut, side dish, sideward motion, signs, single file, sinking, site, skating rink, soaring, soccer field, spate, specialty, spectrum, speed, spell, sphere, spoor, sport, sprint, squared circle, squash court, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stalk, start, steerage, steering, step, sternway, still-hunt, story, stratum, stream, stretch, string, study, style, subdiscipline, subject, subsiding, substratum, succession, superstratum, sure, surely, surge, surge back, swath, sweep, swing, system, systole, tack, tear, technical education, technique, tendency, tennis court, tenor, terrain, the drill, the general tendency, the how, the main course, the way of, theater, thesis, thickness, thread, tide, tier, tilting ground, tiltyard, time spirit, tone, topsoil, tour, tourism, touristry, traces, track, trade route, trail, train, traject, trajectory, trajet, transit, travel, travel over, travel through, traveling, traverse, trek, trench, trend, trip, trivium, trough, troughing, troughway, tunnel, turf, turn, undercurrent, underlayer, understory, understratum, undertow, undoubtedly, upbeat, upward motion, vapor trail, vector, voyage, wake, walk, water flow, watercourse, way, wayfare, wend, wheel, windrow, wise, wrestling ring, zone
[edit]- courser, Houyhnhnm, Nimrod, antelope, arrow, beater, big game hunter, blue darter, blue streak, brood mare, cannonball, charger, colt, critter, dart, dobbin, eagle, electricity, entire, entire horse, equine, express train, filly, flash, foal, gazelle, gelding, greased lightning, greyhound, hare, horse, hunter, huntress, huntsman, jacker, jacklighter, jet plane, light, lightning, mare, mercury, mount, nag, prancer, quicksilver, rocket, scared rabbit, shikari, shot, sportsman, sportswoman, stalker, stallion, steed, streak, streak of lightning, striped snake, stud, studhorse, swallow, tarpan, thought, thunderbolt, top horse, torrent, trapper, trooper, war-horse, white hunter, wild horse, wind
[edit]- court, Autobahn, British Cabinet, Rasputin, Sanhedrin, Svengali, US Cabinet, US highway, VIP, access, act up to, address, addresses, advisory body, agree to anything, alley, alleyway, allure, amorous pursuit, angle for, approach, archery ground, arena, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, assembly, association, athletic field, attendance, attendant, attract, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, bad influence, badminton court, bar, baseball field, basketball court, beak, beau, belt highway, bench, bicameral legislature, bid for, big wheel, billiard parlor, blind alley, board, board of aldermen, body of advisers, body of retainers, borough council, boulevard, bowling alley, bowling green, brain trust, break the ice, brown-nose, bypass, byway, cabinet, camarilla, camino real, canvass, captivate, carriageway, castle, causeway, causey, chamber, chamber of deputies, charm, chase, chaussee, cincture, circumferential, city board, city council, close, cohort, commission, common council, conference, confine, congress, consultative assembly, container, coop, corduroy road, cortege, council, council fire, council of ministers, council of state, council of war, county council, county road, course, court of arbitration, court of justice, court of law, courthouse, courting, courtroom, courtyard, crescent, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, cul-de-sac, cultivate, curry favor, curtilage, dance attendance on, dead-end street, deliberative assembly, delimited field, diamond, diet, dike, directory, dirt road, divan, dock, drive, driveway, eminence grise, enclave, enclosure, entourage, esquire, expressway, fairway, fall over, fawn upon, federal assembly, field, fish for, five-percenter, fold, follow, follower, following, football field, freeway, friend at court, gallantry, general assembly, glaciarium, golf course, golf links, good influence, gravel road, gray eminence, gridiron, ground, gym, gymnasium, heavyweight, hidden hand, highroad, highway, highways and byways, house of assembly, ice rink, infield, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, interstate highway, judgment, judicatory, judicature, judicial process, judiciary, junta, jury box, justice, key, kingmaker, kitchen cabinet, lane, law court, lay siege to, legal tribunal, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, links, list, lobby, lobbyist, local road, look for, lords of creation, lower chamber, lower house, magistrate, main drag, main road, make advances, make court to, make suit to, make up to, man of influence, manipulator, mansion, mews, motorway, national assembly, open sesame, outfield, oval, palace, palais, palatial residence, palazzo, pale, paling, parasite, parish council, park, parkway, parliament, pave, paved road, pay addresses to, pay attention to, pay court to, pen, pike, place, plank road, play up to, playground, playing field, playroom, polish the apple, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, pop the question, powers that be, pressure group, primary highway, private road, privy council, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, pursue, putting green, quad, quadrangle, racecourse, racket court, representative town meeting, retinue, right-of-way, ring road, rink, road, roadbed, roadway, rout, route nationale, row, royal road, run after, satellite, secondary road, seek, serenade, shine up to, sinister influence, skating rink, soccer field, solicit, soviet, spark, special interests, special-interest group, speedway, square, squash court, squire, staff, state assembly, state highway, state legislature, street, stretch, suck up to, sue, sue for, suing, suit, suite, superhighway, swain, sweetheart, syndicate, synod, tennis court, terrace, the Establishment, the courts, theater, thoroughfare, through street, thruway, toft, toll road, tower, town hall, town house, town meeting, township road, track, train, tribunal, turf, turnpike, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house, very important person, villa, wheeler-dealer, wire-puller, witness box, witness stand, woo, wooing, wynd, yard
[edit]- courteous, accommodating, affable, agreeable, amiable, attentive, cap in hand, ceremonious, civil, civilized, clubbable, clubbish, clubby, communicative, companionable, companionate, compatible, complaisant, congenial, considerate, courtly, decorous, deferential, diplomatic, dutiful, fair, fit for society, fond of society, friendly, genial, genteel, gentlemanly, graceful, gracious, gregarious, honorific, hospitable, ladylike, mannerly, obliging, polished, polite, proper, regardful, respectful, sociable, social, social-minded, solicitous, tactful, thoughtful, urbane, well-behaved, well-bred, well-mannered
[edit]- courtesan, Aspasia, Delilah, Jezebel, Messalina, Phryne, Thais, adventuress, demimondaine, demimonde, demirep, fancy woman, femme fatale, harem girl, hetaera, houri, kept woman, odalisque, paphian, seductress, temptress, vamp, vampire, whore
[edit]- courtesy, act of courtesy, act of grace, act of kindness, admiration, adoration, affability, amenity, amiability, apotheosis, appreciation, approbation, approval, attention, attentiveness, awe, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, benignity, blessing, breathless adoration, ceremony, chivalry, civility, clubbability, clubbishness, clubbism, comity, communicativeness, companionability, compatibility, complaisance, congeniality, considerateness, consideration, cordiality, correct deportment, courteousness, courtliness, deference, deification, discourtesy, dispensation, duty, elegance, esteem, estimation, etiquette, exaggerated respect, familiarity, favor, fondness for society, formality, friendliness, gallantry, geniality, good behavior, good citizenship, good deed, good manners, good offices, good turn, grace, graceful gesture, graciousness, great respect, gregariousness, hero worship, high regard, homage, honor, hospitality, idolatry, idolization, indulgence, intimacy, kind deed, kind offices, kindly act, kindness, labor of love, mercy, misbehavior, mitzvah, obligation, office, polite act, politeness, politesse, poor behavior, prestige, regard, respect, respectfulness, reverence, reverential regard, sanctioned behavior, service, sociability, sociableness, social grace, sociality, thoughtfulness, turn, urbanity, veneration, worship
[edit]- courthouse, capitol, city hall, community center, county building, county courthouse, court, courtroom, dock, fire station, firehouse, jury box, municipal building, police headquarters, police station, precinct house, statehouse, town hall, town house, witness box, witness stand
[edit]- courtier, adherent, adulator, appendage, apple-polisher, ass-licker, attendant, backscratcher, backslapper, blarneyer, bootlick, bootlicker, brown-nose, brownie, buff, cajoler, cavaliere servente, clawback, creature, cringer, dangler, dependent, disciple, dupe, fan, fawner, flatterer, flunky, follower, following, footlicker, groveler, handshaker, hanger-on, helot, henchman, homme de cour, instrument, jackal, kowtower, lackey, led captain, lickspit, lickspittle, mealymouth, minion, parasite, partisan, peon, public, puppet, pursuer, pursuivant, satellite, sectary, serf, shadow, slave, spaniel, stooge, successor, suck, supporter, sycophant, tagtail, tail, timeserver, toad, toady, tool, trainbearer, truckler, tufthunter, votary, ward heeler, wheedler, yes-man
[edit]- courtliness, amenities, augustness, chivalrousness, chivalry, civilities, civility, comity, convention, courtly politeness, decencies, decorum, dignifiedness, dignity, diplomatic code, elegance, elegancies, etiquette, exquisite manners, formalities, gallantness, gallantry, good form, good manners, grandeur, gravity, kingliness, knightliness, loftiness, lordliness, majesty, manners, mores, natural politeness, nobility, noblesse oblige, point of etiquette, politeness, politesse, pride of bearing, pride of place, princeliness, proprieties, protocol, proud bearing, punctilio, quiet good manners, regality, rules of conduct, sedateness, sobriety, social code, social conduct, social graces, social procedures, social usage, solemnity, stateliness, venerability, worthiness
[edit]- courtly, adulatory, aristocratic, august, bland, blandishing, blarneying, buttery, cajoling, ceremonious, chivalric, chivalrous, civilized, complimentary, conventional, courtierly, dignified, fair-spoken, fawning, fine-spoken, flattering, formal, fulsome, gallant, gracious, grand, grave, gushing, honey-mouthed, honey-tongued, honeyed, imposing, insincere, insinuating, kingly, knightly, lofty, lordly, magisterial, majestic, mealymouthed, noble, obsequious, oily, oily-tongued, old-fashioned, old-world, prim, princely, queenly, regal, royal, sedate, slimy, slobbery, smarmy, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, soapy, sober, soft-soaping, solemn, starchy, stately, statuesque, stiff, stilted, studied, sycophantic, unctuous, venerable, wheedling, worthy
[edit]- courtyard, arena, cincture, close, confine, container, coop, court, curtilage, delimited field, enclave, enclosure, field, fold, ground, list, pale, paling, park, pen, quad, quadrangle, square, theater, toft, yard
[edit]- cousin, aunt, auntie, blood brother, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, country cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, daughter, father, first cousin, foster brother, frater, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, half brother, kid brother, mother, nephew, niece, nuncle, nunks, nunky, second cousin, sis, sissy, sister, sister-german, sistern, son, stepbrother, stepsister, unc, uncle, uncs, uterine brother
[edit]- cove, Adamite, abri, alcove, antre, apse, arcade, arcature, arch, arched roof, archway, arm, armlet, bastard, bay, bayou, being, belt, bight, bird, boca, body, bugger, bunker, burrow, camber, carrel, cat, cave, cavern, ceilinged roof, chap, character, concameration, concha, corner, cranny, creature, creek, cubby, cubbyhole, cubicle, cupola, customer, dome, duck, dugout, earthling, estuary, euripus, feller, fellow, fjord, foxhole, frith, geodesic dome, grot, grotto, groundling, gulf, gut, guy, hand, harbor, head, hole, homo, human, human being, igloo, individual, inglenook, inlet, jasper, joker, keystone, kyle, lad, lair, life, living soul, loch, man, mortal, mouth, narrow, narrow seas, narrows, natural harbor, niche, nook, nose, ogive, one, oriel, party, person, personage, personality, pitchhole, reach, recess, recession, road, roads, roadstead, roomlet, sewer, single, skewback, slough, snuggery, somebody, someone, soul, sound, span, strait, straits, stud, subterrane, subway, tellurian, terran, tunnel, vault, vaulting, voussoir, warren, worldling
[edit]- covenant, accord, agree, agree on, agree to, agree with, agreement, arrangement, bargain, bargain for, binding agreement, bond, cartel, collective agreement, come around to, come to terms, compact, concur, consortium, contract, convention, covenant of salt, deal, dicker, do a deal, employment contract, engage, formal agreement, get together, ironclad agreement, legal agreement, legal contract, make a deal, mutual agreement, pact, paction, pledge, plight, promise, protocol, shake hands on, shake on it, stipulate, stipulation, strike a bargain, swear, transaction, understanding, undertake, union contract, valid contract, vow, wage contract
cover charge
[edit]- cover charge, American plan, European plan, a la carte, admission, admission fee, anchorage, brokerage, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, couvert, cover, demand, dockage, dues, entrance fee, exaction, exactment, fare, fee, hire, license fee, ordinary, pilotage, portage, salvage, scot, scot and lot, self-service, service, shot, storage, toll, towage, wharfage
cover girl
[edit]- cover girl, Miss America, bathing beauty, beau ideal, beaut, beauty, beauty contest winner, beauty queen, belle, bunny, charmer, dazzler, dream, enchantress, great beauty, knockout, lady fair, looker, model, paragon, peach, pinup, pinup girl, pussycat, raving beauty, reigning beauty, sex kitten, slick chick, stunner
cover story
[edit]- cover story, alibi, apology, blind, cloak, color, cover, cover-up, device, excuse, facade, feint, front, gloss, guise, handle, lame excuse, locus standi, mask, ostensible motive, poor excuse, pretense, pretension, pretext, protestation, public motive, put-off, refuge, screen, semblance, sham, show, smoke screen, stalking-horse, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, varnish, veil
cover up
[edit]- cover up, act, act a part, affect, alibi, apology, apply to, assume, be the goat, becloud, befog, blanket, blind, block, bluff, camouflage, canopy, cloak, clothe, cloud, color, conceal, cope, counterfeit, cover, cover story, cowl, curtain, device, disguise, dissemble, dissimulate, distract attention from, eclipse, ensconce, enshroud, envelop, excuse, facade, fake, feign, feint, film, four-flush, front, front for, gammon, gloss, gloss over, guise, handle, hide, hood, keep under cover, lame excuse, lay on, lay over, let on, let on like, locus standi, make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make like, mantle, mask, muffle, obduce, obfuscate, obscure, occult, ostensible motive, overlay, overspread, play, play a part, play possum, playact, poor excuse, pretend, pretense, pretension, pretext, profess, protestation, public motive, put on, put-off, refuge, screen, scum, semblance, shade, sham, shield, show, shroud, simulate, slur over, smoke screen, spread over, stalking-horse, stratagem, subterfuge, superimpose, superpose, trick, varnish, veil, whitewash
[edit]- cover, American plan, European plan, Smyth sewing, a la carte, abri, account for, accouple, accumulate, act, admit, afghan, agglutinate, air cover, air raid, air support, air-raid shelter, alibi, altar carpet, altar cloth, alternate, amass, ante, ante up, antepast, antimacassar, apology, apply paint, apply to, arm, armor, articulate, assemble, assimilate, associate, asylum, atone, attire, awning, back, backing, baldachin, ball, band, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, be gravid, be intimate, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, beach umbrella, becloud, bed linen, bedaub, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedizen, bedsheet, bedspread, befog, begild, besmear, bespread, bet, bet on, bibliopegy, bind, binder board, binding, blanket, bless, blind, block, block up, blockade, boards, boil, bolt-hole, bomb shelter, bombing, bombproof, bond, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, bracket, breed, bridge, bridge over, broil, brood, brush on paint, buffalo robe, bulwark, bung, bunker, bury, button, button up, cache, calcimine, call, camouflage, canopy, cap, carpet, carry, carry young, case, casemaking, casing-in, casserole, caulk, cave, cement, centerpiece, cerecloth, cerement, chain, champion, chink, choke, choke off, choke up, chrismal, ciborium, clap, clap together, cloak, clock, clog, clog up, close, close up, cloth, clothe, clothes, cloud, coat, cohabit, collating, collating mark, collect, color, combine, come together, comfort, comforter, command, commit adultery, compass about, compensate, compensate for, complete, complexion, comprehend, comprise, concatenate, conceal, concealment, congest, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, constipate, constrict, contain, contour sheet, contract, cope, copulate, copyright, cork, corner, corporal, count in, counter, counterbalance, counterpane, couple, course, couvert, cover charge, cover story, cover up, cover-up, coverage, covering, coverlet, coverlid, covers, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, cozy, cranny, cross, crown, cubby, cubbyhole, culinary masterpiece, culinary preparation, curtain, cushion, cyclone cellar, dab, dam, dam up, dark corner, daub, deal with, deck, deep-dye, defend, defense, defray, den, dessert, device, diddle, dip, disguise, dish, dissemble, distemper, distract attention from, ditch, do, do a hitch, do a stint, do a tour, do penance, do time, doily, dossal, double, double-dye, drape, drapery, draw the curtains, dress, dry run, dugout, dust cover, dust jacket, dye, earth, eclipse, eiderdown, emblazon, embody, embrace, enamel, encircle, enclose, encompass, enfold, engild, engulf, enlist, ensconce, enshroud, ensure, entree, entremets, envelop, environ, envisage, excuse, expiate, extend, extend over, eye, facade, face, fade, fallout shelter, false front, fanon, fast-dye, fasten, feint, fence, fend, fill, fill in, fill in for, fill out, fill up, film, fingerstall, fitted sheet, floor, floor covering, flooring, fold, fold up, folding, footband, fornicate, foul, foxhole, fresco, frig, front, fry, funk hole, gamble, garb, gather, gathering, gestate, gild, give and take, glaze, gloss, gloss over, glue, gluing-off, go, go out, go over, grain, grill, ground, grow over, guarantee, guard, guise, handle, hanging, harbor, harborage, hard binding, hatch, have a go, have sex, have sexual relations, have tenure, haven, hazard, headband, help, helping, hide, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hold, hold office, hole, hood, housing, hue, illuminate, imbue, include, incorporate, incubate, indemnify, ingrain, insure, inundate, jacket, jalousie, jam, japan, join, keep, keep a watch, keep from harm, keep under cover, key, knot, lacquer, lair, lame excuse, lap robe, latch, lay, lay a wager, lay down, lay on, lay on color, lay over, lay together, layer, league, lee, library binding, lid, lie, lie on, lie with, light shield, linen, lining, lining-up, link, lock, lock out, lock up, locus standi, lump together, main dish, make a bet, make amends, make compensation, make good, make it with, make love, make out, make safe, make up for, mantle, marquee, marquise, marry, marshal, mask, masquerade, mass, mate, measure, mechanical binding, meet a bet, merge, milk run, mission, mobilize, mount, muffle, nestle, niche, niggerhead, nook, number among, obduce, obfuscate, obscure, obstipate, obstruct, occlude, occult, occupy, offset, operculum, ordinary, ostensible motive, overcast, overgrow, overlay, overlie, overpass, overshadow, overspread, pack, padlock, paint, pair, pall, parasol, parget, parlay, parquet, pass, pass over, pass through, patchwork quilt, patent, patrol, pave, pavement, pavilion, paving, pay back, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, perfect binding, piece together, pigment, pillow slip, pillowcase, place, plastic binding, plate, play against, pledget, plug, plug up, plumb, plunge, ply, police, poor excuse, port, portion, preservation, pretense, pretension, pretext, prime, protect, protection, protective custody, protestation, provide for, public motive, punt, purdah, put on, put together, put-off, put-on, quilt, range, range over, re-up, reach, reach out, receive, recess, reckon among, reckon in, reckon with, recompense, reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission, reconnoiter, rectify, reenlist, refuge, register, relieve, repay, retaliate, retreat, ride shotgun for, roast, robe, roll into one, rounding, rug, run, run riot, saddle stitching, safeguard, safekeeping, safety, safety zone, sanctuary, scarf, scour, scour the country, scout, scramble, screen, screw, scum, seal, seal off, seal up, second helping, secret place, secrete, secure, security, see, self-service, semblance, serve, serve time, service, serving, set, set right, sewing, shade, shader, shadow, sham, sheathe, sheet, sheeting, shellac, shelter, shield, show, shroud, shut, shut the door, shut up, shutter, shuttle raid, side dish, side sewing, sign up, signature, sit, sit in, slam, sleep with, slip, slipcase, slipcover, slop on paint, slur over, smashing, smear, smoke screen, snap, soft binding, solder, sortie, span, spell, spell off, spile, spiral binding, splice, spread, spread over, squeeze shut, stain, stake, stalking-horse, stamping, stanch, stand in, stand pat, stapling, stash, stay, stench, stick together, stipple, stop, stop up, stopper, stopple, storm cave, storm cellar, straddle, strafing, strangle, stratagem, stretch, stretch out, stuff, stuff up, submerge, substitute, subterfuge, sunblind, sunshade, superimpose, superpose, surfacing, surround, swaddle, swarm over, sweep, tablecloth, tailband, take charge, take in, take into account, take into consideration, take over, take turns, take up, tape, tarpaulin, teem over, terra firma, tester, thrust out, tidy, tie, time off, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tipping, tone, top, track, training mission, transit, travel, travel over, travel through, traverse, trench, trick, trimming, umbrella, undercoat, undercovert, underwrite, unify, unite, varnish, veil, veiling, venetian blind, vestment, voyage, wager, wash, watchful eye, weld, whitewash, window shade, wire stitching, wrap, wrapper, wraps, yoke, zip up, zipper
[edit]- covering, assimilating, bigness, blanket, blanketing, border, brooding, burial, burying, calcimining, circumference, cloak, cloaking, clouding, coat, coating, collop, comprising, concealedness, concealing, concealment, containing, cortex, counting, cover, coverage, covering up, covert, covertness, coverture, cowl, cowling, crust, curtain, curtaining, custodial, cut, darkening, deal, deception, defensive, disk, drape, drapery, embracing, enameling, encircling, enclosing, encompassing, envelope, enveloping, envisaging, epidermis, exterior, external, facade, face, facet, feuille, film, flap, foil, fold, fostering, fresco, fringe, front, gestation, gilding, glazing, glossing, gravidity, gravidness, greatness, guardian, guarding, guise, hanging, heaviness, hiddenness, hiding, hood, housing, immunizing, including, inclusive, incorporating, incubation, integument, interment, invisibility, japanning, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, leaf, lineaments, mantle, mask, masking, membrane, mystification, nonrevealing, numbering, obscuration, obscurement, obscuring, occultation, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outline, outside, painting, pall, pane, panel, parental, patina, peel, pellicle, periphery, plait, plank, plate, plating, ply, plywood, pregnancy, preventive, priming, prophylactic, protecting, protective, putting away, rasher, rind, safeguarding, safety glass, screen, screening, scum, secrecy, secretion, shading, sheathing, sheet, shell, shellacking, shelter, sheltering, shield, shielding, shroud, shrouding, sitting, skin, slab, slat, slice, staining, stippling, subterfuge, superficies, superstratum, surface, table, tablet, the family way, top, tutelary, uncommunicativeness, undercoating, undisclosing, unrevealing, varnishing, veil, veiling, veneer, vestment, vigilant, wafer, watchful, whitewashing, wrapping
[edit]- covert, abri, abstruse, air-raid shelter, armored, asylum, back-door, backstairs, beclouded, between the lines, blanket, blind, bolt-hole, bomb shelter, bombproof, boscage, bosket, brake, bunker, buried, burrow, by stealth, cache, camouflaged, canebrake, cased, cave, ceiled, ceja, chamisal, chaparral, clandestine, cloak, cloaked, close, clouded, coat, coated, concealed, concealment, coped, coppice, copse, copsewood, corner, couch, cover, coverage, covered, covering, covertly, coverture, cowl, cowled, cowling, cranny, cryptic, cubby, cubbyhole, curtain, curtained, cyclone cellar, dark corner, delitescent, den, disguised, dormant, drape, drapery, dugout, earth, eclipsed, encapsulated, encapsuled, encased, enveloped, enwrapped, esoteric, fallout shelter, feather, feathers, feline, filmed, floored, form, foxhole, frith, funk hole, furtive, furtively, guarded, guise, hackle, hanging, harbor, harborage, haven, hibernating, hid, hidden, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hidlings, hole, hole-and-corner, hood, hooded, housed, housing, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, in a cloud, in a fog, in camera, in eclipse, in purdah, in the wings, incommunicado, lair, latent, lodge, loricate, loricated, lurking, mail, mantle, mantled, mask, masked, mew, motte, muffled, mysterious, mystic, niche, nook, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, occult, occulted, packaged, pall, paved, plumage, port, possible, potential, privately, privy, quiet, recess, recondite, refuge, retreat, roofed-in, run, safety zone, sanctuary, screen, screened, scummed, secluded, secluse, secret, secret place, sequestered, sheathed, shelled, shelter, shield, shielded, shifty, shroud, shrouded, skulking, sleeping, slinking, slinky, sly, sneaking, sneaky, speculum, stash, stealthily, stealthy, storm cave, storm cellar, sub rosa, submerged, surreptitious, surreptitiously, swathed, tented, thicket, thickset, trench, tunnel, under an eclipse, under cover, under house arrest, under the surface, under wraps, under-the-counter, under-the-table, undercover, undercovert, underground, underhand, underhanded, underlying, unknown, unmanifested, unobtrusive, veil, veiled, vestment, virtual, walled, walled-in, wrapped, wrapped in clouds
[edit]- covet, aspire after, begrudge, cast envious eyes, choose, crave, crave after, crawl after, desiderate, envy, grudge, hanker after, hunger after, lust after, pant after, run mad after, thirst after, want, wish
[edit]- covetous, acquisitive, assembly, avid, band, bevy, bunch, cluster, covey, crew, desirous, eager, envious, esurient, gluttonous, grabby, grasping, greedy, grudging, hoggish, itchy, jealous, keen, lickerish, party, piggish, prehensile, rapacious, ravenous, selfish, swinish, voracious
[edit]- covey, a mass of, a world of, age group, army, band, battalion, bevy, body, brigade, bunch, cabal, cast, charm, clique, cloud, clutter, cohort, company, complement, contingent, corps, coterie, crew, crowd, detachment, detail, division, faction, fleet, flight, flock, flocks, gaggle, gang, group, grouping, groupment, hail, hive, host, in-group, jam, junta, large amount, legion, lots, many, masses of, mob, movement, muchness, multitude, murmuration, nest, numbers, out-group, outfit, pack, party, peer group, phalanx, plague, platoon, plurality, posse, quantities, quite a few, regiment, rout, ruck, salon, scores, set, shoal, skein, spring, squad, stable, string, swarm, team, throng, tidy sum, tribe, troop, troupe, watch, wing, worlds of
[edit]- covin, artifice, cabal, chicane, chicanery, collusion, complicity, complot, confederacy, connivance, connivery, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, counterplot, deep-laid plot, dodgery, engineering, finagling, finesse, foul play, frame-up, game, intrigue, little game, machination, maneuvering, manipulation, pettifoggery, pettifogging, plot, plotting, practice, rigging, scheme, schemery, scheming, sharp practice, skulduggery, sleight, stratagem, supercherie, trick, trickery, underhand dealing, underplot, web of intrigue, wire-pulling
[edit]- cow, Brahman, Indian buffalo, Partlet, abash, appall, aurochs, beat down, beef, beef cattle, beeves, biddy, bison, bitch, bludgeon, bluster, bluster out of, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, break, brood mare, browbeat, buffalo, bull, bulldoze, bullock, bully, bullyrag, calf, carabao, castrate, cattle, clamp down on, coerce, compel, critter, dairy cattle, dairy cow, daunt, demoralize, despotize, discomfit, disconcert, dismay, doe, dogie, domineer, domineer over, dragoon, embarrass, enslave, ewe, ewe lamb, faze, filly, grind, grind down, guinea hen, gyp, harass, hector, heifer, hen, henpeck, hind, hornless cow, huff, intimidate, jenny, keep down, keep under, kine, leppy, lioness, lord it over, mare, maverick, milch cow, milcher, milk cow, milker, muley cow, muley head, musk-ox, nanny, nanny goat, neat, oppress, overawe, overbear, overmaster, override, ox, oxen, peahen, press heavy on, rattle, repress, ride over, ride roughshod over, roe, she-bear, she-goat, she-lion, slut, sow, steer, stirk, stot, strong-arm, subjugate, suppress, systematically terrorize, terrorize, threaten, tigress, trample down, trample upon, tread down, tread upon, tyrannize, tyrannize over, unman, vixen, walk all over, walk over, weigh heavy on, wisent, yak, yearling, zebu
[edit]- coward, Milquetoast, Scaramouch, baby, big baby, caitiff, chicken, chicken liver, craven, dastard, fraid-cat, fraidy-cat, funk, funker, gutless, invertebrate, jellyfish, lily liver, lily-livered, milksop, mouse, poltroon, poltroonish, pusillanimous, quitter, recreant, scaredy-cat, sissy, spunkless, unmanly, weak sister, weakling, white feather, white liver
[edit]- cowardice, abject fear, abulia, adynamia, affright, alarm, anemia, atony, awe, blah feeling, bloodlessness, blue funk, cachexia, cachexy, consternation, cowardliness, debilitation, debility, dismay, dread, dullness, etiolation, faintheartedness, faintness, fatigue, fear, feeblemindedness, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, frailty, fright, funk, horrification, horror, impotence, infirmity, languishment, languor, lassitude, listlessness, panic, panic fear, phobia, pliability, prostration, pusillanimity, scare, sluggishness, softness, spinelessness, stampede, strengthlessness, terror, timidity, timorousness, unholy dread, weak will, weak-mindedness, weakliness, weakness, weariness
[edit]- cowardly, abulic, afraid, anemic, asthenic, bashful, bloodless, caitiff, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowed, craven, dastardly, daunted, debilitated, diffident, dismayed, drooping, droopy, dull, effete, etiolated, faint, fainthearted, faintish, fearful, fearing, fearsome, feeble, feebleminded, flabby, flaccid, floppy, frail, frightened, funking, funky, gone, goosy, gutless, henhearted, imbecile, impotent, in fear, infirm, intimidated, invertebrate, jumpy, languid, languorous, lily-livered, limber, limp, listless, lustless, marrowless, milk-livered, milksoppish, milksoppy, mousy, namby-pamby, nerveless, nervous, overtimid, overtimorous, panic-prone, panicky, pigeonhearted, pithless, pliable, poltroon, poltroonish, pooped, powerless, pusillanimous, rabbity, recreant, rubbery, sapless, scared, scary, shaky, shivery, shrinking, shy, sinewless, sissified, sissy, skittery, skittish, slack, soft, spineless, spunkless, startlish, strengthless, timid, timorous, trembling, tremulous, trepidant, trigger-happy, unhardened, unmanly, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, vile, weak, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed, weakhearted, weakly, white-livered, worthless, yellow
[edit]- cowboy, broncobuster, buckaroo, caballero, cattleman, cavalier, cavalryman, chevalier, circus rider, cowgirl, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, cowpuncher, drover, equestrian, equestrienne, gaucho, goatherd, gooseboy, gooseherd, herder, herdsman, hogherd, horse soldier, horse wrangler, horseback rider, horsebacker, horseherd, horseman, horsewoman, jockey, knight, mounted policeman, pigman, postboy, postilion, puncher, rider, roughrider, sheepherder, sheepman, shepherd, shepherdess, steeplechaser, swanherd, swineherd, trick rider, vaquero, waddy, wrangler
[edit]- cowed, afraid, aghast, appalled, ashen, astounded, awed, awestricken, awestruck, blanched, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowardly, daunted, deadly pale, dismayed, fainthearted, fearful, frozen, funking, funky, gray with fear, henhearted, horrified, horror-struck, intimidated, lily-livered, milk-livered, milksoppish, milksoppy, mousy, overtimid, overtimorous, pale as death, pallid, panic-prone, panicky, paralyzed, petrified, pigeonhearted, rabbity, scared stiff, scared to death, sissified, sissy, soft, stunned, stupefied, terrified, terror-crazed, terror-haunted, terror-ridden, terror-riven, terror-shaken, terror-smitten, terror-struck, terror-troubled, timid, timorous, undone, unmanly, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, weak, weak-kneed, weakhearted, white-livered, yellow
[edit]- cower, apple-polish, bend, bend the knee, blench, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, crawl, creep, cringe, crouch, dodder, fawn, flatter, flinch, get down, grovel, halt, hunch, hunch down, kneel, kowtow, lick the dust, lickspittle, limp, quail, quiver, recoil, scrouch down, shake, shrink, skulk, slink, sneak, squat, stoop, teeter, toadeat, toady, totter, tremble, truckle, wallow, welter, wince
[edit]- cowhide, belt, blacksnake, bullwhack, bullwhip, cat, crop, flagellum, horsewhip, knout, kurbash, lash, quirt, rawhide, razor strap, scourge, sjambok, strap, thong, whip, whiplash
[edit]- cowl, blanket, cloak, coat, cover, coverage, covering, covert, coverture, cowling, curtain, drape, drapery, guise, hanging, hood, housing, mantle, mask, pall, screen, shelter, shield, shroud, veil, vestment
[edit]- cowpuncher, broncobuster, buckaroo, caballero, cattleman, cavalier, cavalryman, chevalier, circus rider, cowboy, cowgirl, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, drover, equestrian, equestrienne, gaucho, goatherd, gooseboy, gooseherd, herder, herdsman, hogherd, horse soldier, horse wrangler, horseback rider, horsebacker, horseherd, horseman, horsewoman, jockey, knight, mounted policeman, pigman, postboy, postilion, puncher, rider, roughrider, sheepherder, sheepman, shepherd, shepherdess, steeplechaser, swanherd, swineherd, trick rider, vaquero, waddy, wrangler
[edit]- coxcomb, Beau Brummel, beau, bladder, blade, blood, boulevardier, buck, cap and bells, clotheshorse, dandy, dude, exquisite, fashion plate, fine gentleman, fop, fribble, gallant, jack-a-dandy, jackanapes, lady-killer, lounge lizard, macaroni, man-about-town, masher, motley, puppy, slapstick, sock, spark, sport, swell
[edit]- coxswain, Gyropilot, automatic pilot, boatheader, boatsteerer, cicerone, conner, courier, cowherd, cox, docking pilot, dragoman, drover, goatherd, guide, guidepost, guider, helmsman, herd, herdsman, mercury, navigator, pilot, pointer, river pilot, sailing master, shepherd, steerer, steersman, tour director, tour guide, wheelman
[edit]- coy, amative, amatory, arch, bashful, capricious, caressive, confused, conscious, coquettish, decent, decorous, demure, diffident, flirtatious, flirty, inarticulate, kittenish, lively, mischievous, mousy, nice, playful, proper, rabbity, retiring, roguish, seemly, self-conscious, self-effacing, sexual, shamefaced, shamefast, shy, skittish, stammering, timid, timorous, unassertive, unassured
[edit]- cozen, beat, beguile, beguile of, betray, bilk, bunco, burn, cheat, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, cog, cog the dice, con, crib, defraud, delude, diddle, do, do in, do out of, double-cross, euchre, finagle, flam, fleece, flimflam, fob, fudge, gouge, gull, gyp, have, hocus, hocus-pocus, humbug, mislead, mulct, overreach, pack the deal, pigeon, practice fraud upon, rook, scam, screw, sell gold bricks, sell out, shave, shortchange, stack the cards, stick, sting, swindle, take a dive, take in, thimblerig, throw a fight, victimize
[edit]- cozy, airworthy, buddy-buddy, charmed, chatty, cheerful, chitchatty, chummy, colloquial, comfortable, comfy, commodious, communicative, confabulatory, content, contented, convenient, conversational, cushioned, cushiony, cushy, delighted, easeful, easy, eupeptic, euphoric, exhilarated, familiar, favorably impressed with, friendly, glad, gladsome, gratified, homelike, homely, homey, homish, in clover, interlocutory, intimate, intrigued, lived-in, luxurious, pally, palsy-walsy, peaceful, plain, pleased, pleased as Punch, pleased with, relaxing, reposeful, restful, roomy, safe, satisfied, sea-kindly, seaworthy, secure, simple, snug, soft, sold on, taken with, tete-a-tete, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, tickled to death, unpretending, warm
[edit]- CPA, CA, accountant, accountant general, actuary, auditor, bank accountant, bank examiner, bookkeeper, calculator, certified public accountant, chartered accountant, clerk, comptroller, controller, cost accountant, cost keeper, journalizer, reckoner, recorder, registrar
[edit]- crab, Chinese windlass, Dungeness crab, Japanese crab, Spanish windlass, air a grievance, bank, beef, bellyache, bellyacher, bitch, bleat, blue point, bollix, capstan, cat flea, chigoe, clam, clamor, cockroach, complain, complainant, complainer, coquillage, cramp, crane, crank, crawdad, crawfish, crayfish, crib, crimp, croak, croaker, crosspatch, derrick, dip, dog flea, erector, faultfinder, feather, fishtail, flea, forklift, foul up, fret, fret and fume, frondeur, fuss, gantry crane, grayback, gripe, griper, groan, grouch, grouse, grouser, growl, growler, grumble, grumbler, grunt, gum, gum up, hoist, holler, howl, hydraulic tailgate, jack, jackscrew, jigger, kick, kicker, kvetch, langouste, lever, lift, lifter, limpet, littleneck clam, lobster, lodge a complaint, loop, louse, louse up, malcontent, mite, murmur, murmurer, mussel, mutter, mutterer, nit, oyster, parasite, periwinkle, plow, porpoise, prawn, pull out, pull up, push down, quahog, queer, querulous person, raise a howl, reactionary, reactionist, rebel, red bug, reel, register a complaint, roach, roll, sand flea, scallop, shellfish, shrimp, sideslip, skid, snafu, snail, soft-shell crab, sorehead, spin, spiral, squawk, steamer, stunt, tackle, take on, undulate, vermin, weevil, whelk, whiner, winch, windlass, yammer, yap, yaw, yawp, yelp
[edit]- crabbed, Byzantine, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acescent, anile, balled up, bearish, beyond one, bitchy, blunt, brusque, cankered, cantankerous, choleric, churlish, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, convoluted, crab, cramp, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, daedal, debilitated, decrepit, devious, difficult, disagreeable, doddered, doddering, doddery, dour, dry, elaborate, embrangled, entangled, excitable, feeble, feisty, fossilized, fouled up, fractious, garbled, gerontal, gerontic, gloomy, glum, green, gruff, hard, hard to understand, huffish, huffy, implicated, infirm, intricate, involuted, involved, irascible, irritable, jumbled, knotted, knotty, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, loused up, many-faceted, matted, mazy, mean, meandering, messed up, mixed up, morose, mossbacked, moth-eaten, mucked up, multifarious, mummylike, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, ornery, overtechnical, palsied, papery-skinned, perplexed, perverse, pickled, pungent, ramified, ravaged with age, rickety, roundabout, run to seed, rusty, saturnine, scrambled, screwed up, sec, senile, shaky, shriveled, snappish, snarled, sour, sour as vinegar, soured, sourish, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, stricken in years, subtle, sulky, surly, tangled, tangly, tart, tartish, testy, timeworn, tottering, tottery, tough, twisted, ugly, unripe, unsweet, unsweetened, vinegarish, vinegary, waspish, weak, withered, wizened
[edit]- crabby, beefing, bellyaching, bitching, complaining, complaintful, crabbed, crabbing, cranky, croaking, disappointed, discontented, disgruntled, displeased, dissatisfied, dour, envious, faultfinding, gloomy, glum, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, gruff, grumbling, grumbly, grumpish, grumpy, malcontent, malcontented, mumpish, murmuring, muttering, out of humor, peevish, petulant, querulant, querulous, rebellious, resentful, restive, restless, sulky, surly, unaccepting, unaccommodating, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unsatisfied, whiny
crack down on
[edit]- crack down on, ambush, asphyxiate, assail, assault, attack, blitz, bottle up, bushwhack, censor, choke off, clamp down on, come at, come down on, cork, cork up, crush, damp down, descend on, descend upon, drown, extinguish, fall on, fall upon, gag, gang up on, go at, go for, harry, have at, hit, hit like lightning, hold down, jump, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, land on, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, light into, mug, muzzle, pitch into, pounce upon, pound, pour water on, quell, quench, repress, sail into, set on, set upon, shut down on, silence, sit down on, sit on, smash, smother, squash, squelch, stanch, stifle, strangle, strike, stultify, subdue, suffocate, suppress, surprise, swoop down on, take the offensive, throttle, wade into
crack shot
[edit]- crack shot, Admirable Crichton, Nimrod, adept, archer, artilleryman, artisan, artist, attache, authority, bowman, cannoneer, carabineer, connaisseur, connoisseur, consultant, cordon bleu, craftsman, dead shot, deadeye, diplomat, diplomatist, elder statesman, experienced hand, expert, expert consultant, good shot, graduate, gun, gunman, gunner, handy man, hunter, journeyman, marksman, markswoman, musketeer, no slouch, politician, pro, professional, professor, proficient, rifleman, savant, shark, sharp, sharpshooter, shooter, shot, sniper, statesman, targetshooter, technical adviser, technician, toxophilite, trapshooter
crack up
[edit]- crack up, ablate, accident, appulse, atomize, bang, bang into, bankruptcy, blow, brain disease, break down, break up, breakage, breakdown, breaking up, breakup, brunt, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bump into, burn out, calamity, cannon, carambole, carom, carom into, carry away, casualty, cataclysm, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, circulatory collapse, clash, collapse, collide, collision, come apart, come into collision, come off, come undone, come unstuck, concuss, concussion, confront each other, consume, contretemps, corrode, crack, crackup, crash, crash into, crippling, crumble, crumble into dust, crump, crunch, damage, dash into, debacle, decay, decompose, destruction, detriment, diffusion, dilapidation, disablement, disaster, disintegrate, disintegration, disjoin, disorganize, dispersal, disrepair, disruption, dissolution, dissolve, draining, droop, drop, emotional disorder, emotional instability, encounter, encroachment, erode, exfoliation, exhaustedness, exhaustion, faint, fall foul of, fall off, fall to pieces, fatigue, fission, flag, flip, fly apart, foul, fragmentation, functional nervous disorder, gasp, get loose, get tired, give out, give way, go crazy, go haywire, go into hysterics, go mad, go to pieces, grief, grow weary, hammering, harm, hit, hit against, hobbling, hurt, hurting, hurtle, ill hap, impact, impairment, impinge, impingement, incapacitation, infringement, injury, inroad, insanity, jade, knock, knock against, lose courage, lose self-control, loss, maiming, maladjustment, manic-depressive psychosis, mauling, mayhem, meet, meeting, melancholia, mental disorder, mental illness, misadventure, mischance, mischief, misfortune, mishap, molder, mutilation, nasty blow, near-miss, nervous breakdown, nervous disorder, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neurasthenia, neurosis, onslaught, pant, paranoia, peel off, percuss, percussion, personality disorder, peter out, pileup, play out, poop out, problems in living, prostration, psychosis, puff, puff and blow, ramming, reaction, revolution, ruination, ruinousness, run down, run into, run out, sabotage, scaling, scathe, scattering, schizophrenia, shattering, shipwreck, shock, sickening, sideswipe, sink, slam into, sledgehammering, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smash-up, smashing, smashup, social maladjustment, split, spoiling, spring apart, staggering blow, start, strike, strike against, succumb, thrusting, tire, total loss, tragedy, unravel, washout, waste away, weakening, wear away, weary, wheeze, whomp, wilt, wrack, wreck
[edit]- crack, Daedalian, Parthian shot, above par, abrade, abrasion, abysm, abyss, account for, ace, address, adept, adroit, allegation, allegorize, alligator, answer, aperture, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, approach, apt, arroyo, artistic, assay, assertion, attempt, authoritative, averment, back answer, band, bang, bar, bark, bash, bastinado, bat, beating, belt, bezel, bid, biff, birthmark, bit, blackhead, blast, blaze, bleb, blemish, blister, bloody, blow, bon mot, bonk, boom, bottom, boutade, bowshot, box canyon, brand, bravura, breach, break, break open, break up, breakage, breath, breathing, brief span, bright idea, bright thought, brilliant, brilliant idea, broach, broaching, bug, bulla, bump, burn, burn in, burn off, burst, bust, canal, canalize, canyon, carve, cast, catch, caustic remark, cauterize, cavity, chafe, chamfer, channel, chap, char, chase, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chip, chisel, chop, cicatrix, cicatrize, clack, clap, clarify, clash, claw, clean, clear up, clearing, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clever, click, clip, clobber, close quarters, close range, clough, clout, clump, coal, col, coldcock, come apart, come unstuck, comeback, comedo, comment, conceit, concussion, coordinated, corrugate, corrugation, coulee, couloir, coup, crack, crack up, crackerjack, cracking, crackle, crackling, cranny, crash, crater, craze, crepitate, crepitation, crevasse, crevice, crimp, crump, cryptanalyze, cunning, cupel, cut, cut apart, cut open, cute, cutting remark, cwm, dado, daedal, dash, deal, deal a blow, debug, decipher, deck, declaration, decode, decrepitate, decrepitation, decrypt, deface, defacement, defect, defection, deficiency, defile, deform, deformation, deformity, deft, dell, demonstrate, demythologize, detonate, detonation, dexterous, dextrous, dictum, dig, dike, dint, diplomatic, discharge, disclosure, discontinuity, disentangle, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, disintegrate, dispart, distort, distortion, ditch, divaricate, divide, divine, do, donga, dope, dope out, draw, drawback, drollery, drub, drubbing, drumming, dump, earreach, earshot, effort, elucidate, endeavor, engrave, engraving, enlighten, epigram, essay, euhemerize, excavation, excellent, exclamation, exemplify, exfoliate, experiment, expert, explain, explain away, explicate, explode, explosion, exposit, expound, expression, facetiae, failing, failure, fall to pieces, fancy, fathom, fault, faute, fenestra, fetch, fetch a blow, figure out, find out, find the answer, fissure, fistula, flame, flap, flash, flash burn, flash of wit, flaw, fleer, flight of wit, fling, flip, flop, flout, flume, flute, fluting, fly open, foible, fontanel, foolery, foramen, found, fracture, frailty, fray, frazzle, freckle, fret, fulminate, fulmination, furrow, fusillade, gag, gall, gambit, gap, gape, gash, gat, get, get right, gibe, gibing retort, give away, give reason for, give the meaning, give way, go, go haywire, go into hysterics, go off, go to pieces, goffer, good, goodish, gorge, gouge, graceful, greeting, groove, guess, guess right, gulch, gulf, gully, gunshot, hair, hair space, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, handy, happy thought, have it, hemangioma, hiatus, hickey, high-class, high-grade, high-quality, high-test, hit, hit a clip, hit it, hole, hollow, hurt, illuminate, illustrate, imperfection, inadequacy, inch, incise, incision, infirmity, ingenious, injure, injury, inlet, instant, interjection, interpret, interstice, interval, jab, jape, jeer, jest, jiff, jiffy, joint, keloid, kink, kloof, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock out, lacerate, laceration, lacuna, lay open, laying open, leak, leg-pull, lentigo, lesion, let have it, lick, list, little, little problem, little ways, lose courage, lose self-control, magisterial, maim, make clear, make mincemeat of, make out, make plain, mar, master, masterful, masterly, maul, mention, microgroove, microsecond, milium, millisecond, minute, moat, mock, mole, moment, mortal wound, mot, move, mutilate, mutilation, nasty crack, neat, needle scar, nevus, niche, no mean, notch, note, nullah, observation, offer, ope, open, open the lock, open up, opening, opening up, orifice, outlet, oxidate, oxidize, parch, part, parting shot, pass, passage, passageway, paste, pelt, percussion, persiflage, phrase, pierce, pimple, pistol shot, pit, play of wit, pleasantry, pleat, plow, plumb, plunk, pock, pockmark, poke, politic, pop, popularize, pore, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, position, potshot, pound, problem, professional, proficient, pronouncement, psych, psych out, punch, puncture, pustule, put-down, put-on, puzzle out, pyrolyze, question, quick, quip, quips and cranks, quite some, rabbet, rap, rationalize, ravel, ravel out, ravine, ready, reflection, remark, rend, rent, repartee, report, resolve, resourceful, retort, riddle, rifle, rifling, rift, rime, rip, riposte, rive, ruck, rude reproach, run, rupture, rut, sally, salvo, savage, say, saying, scab, scald, scale, scar, scarify, scintillation, scissure, scoff, scorch, score, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, scurrility, seam, sear, sebaceous cyst, sec, second, second-degree burn, sentence, separate, shake, shatter, shed light upon, shiver, short answer, short distance, short piece, short way, shortcoming, shot, show, show how, show the way, simplify, singe, sizzling, skilled, skillful, skin, slam, slap, slash, slat, slice, slick, slit, slog, slot, slug, smack, smart crack, smart saying, smash, smite, snag, snap, snapping, snappy comeback, soak, sock, solder, solve, some, something missing, sore, sort out, space, span, spell out, spit, spitting, spitting distance, splat, splinter, split, split second, splitting, sprain, spread, spread out, spring a leak, spring open, stab, stab wound, stagger, start, statement, statesmanlike, step, stick, stoma, strain, strawberry mark, streak, streaking, stria, striate, striation, striature, striga, strike, strike at, striola, stripe, striping, stroke, stroke of wit, strong bid, sty, stylish, subjoinder, sulcation, sulcus, superior, swap, swat, swing, swing open, swinge, swipe, tactful, taint, tap, tattoo, taunt, tear, tear open, tentative, the compleat, the complete, third-degree burn, thought, throw light upon, throw open, throwing open, thump, thwack, tick, time, torrefy, track, trauma, traumatize, trench, trial, trial and error, trice, trough, try, turn of thought, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twist, twit, twitch, two shakes, uncorking, undertaking, undo, unfold, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, unstopping, untangle, untwist, unweave, utterance, valley, verbal thrust, verruca, vesicate, vesicle, virtuoso, void, volley, vulcanize, vulnerable place, wadi, wale, wallop, warp, wart, weak link, weak point, weakness, weal, weld, well-done, well-worn groove, welt, wen, whack, wham, whap, whirl, whitehead, whomp, whop, wink, wisecrack, witticism, word, work, work out, workmanlike, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wrinkle, yak, yawn, yerk
[edit]- crackbrain, aliene, bedlamite, borderline case, crackpot, crank, cuckoo, dement, demoniac, ding-a-ling, energumen, fanatic, flake, fou, harebrain, idiot, kook, loon, loony, lunatic, madman, maniac, meshuggenah, noncompos, nut, phrenetic, raving lunatic, screwball, weirdo
[edit]- cracked, abnormal, absonant, aggravated, arrested, atonal, babbling, backward, batty, bereft of reason, blemished, blithering, brainsick, brassy, brazen, broken, burbling, burned, burst, busted, cacophonous, checked, chinky, chipped, choked, cicatrized, cleft, cloven, coarse, crackbrained, crazed, crazy, cretinistic, cretinous, croaking, croaky, cut, daft, damaged, defaced, defective, deformed, dehiscent, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, deteriorated, diaphonic, disconsonant, discordant, disfigured, disharmonic, disharmonious, disoriented, dissonant, distorted, distraught, dithering, driveling, drooling, dry, embittered, exacerbated, faulty, fissured, fissury, flat, flawed, flighty, gaping, gappy, grating, gruff, guttural, half-baked, half-witted, hallucinated, harmed, harsh, harsh-sounding, hoarse, hurt, husky, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, immelodious, impaired, imperfect, in bits, in pieces, in shards, in shreds, inharmonic, inharmonious, injured, insane, irrational, irritated, keloidal, kinked, lacerate, lacerated, loco, lunatic, mad, maddened, mangled, maniac, manic, marred, maundering, mazed, mental, mentally defective, mentally deficient, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded, meshuggah, metallic, mongoloid, moon-struck, moronic, musicless, mutilated, non compos, non compos mentis, nonmelodious, not all there, not right, nuts, odd, of unsound mind, off, off-key, off-tone, out of pitch, out of tone, out of tune, pimpled, pimply, psycho, quartered, queer, ragged, raucid, raucous, reasonless, rent, retarded, rift, rimose, rimulose, riven, rough, roupy, rude, ruptured, scabbed, scabby, scalded, scarified, scarred, scorched, screwy, senseless, severed, sharp, shattered, shredded, shrill, sick, simple, simpleminded, simpletonian, slashed, slit, slobbering, smashed, sour, splintered, split, sprung, squawking, squawky, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, stertorous, strange, strangled, strident, subnormal, tattered, tetched, the worse for, thick, throaty, tinny, torn, touched, tuneless, twisted, unbalanced, unharmonious, unhinged, unmelodious, unmusical, unsane, unsettled, unsound, untunable, untuned, untuneful, wandering, warped, weakened, witless, worse, worse off, worsened
[edit]- cracker, Brussels biscuit, Klaxon, Melba toast, backwoodsman, biscuit, boiler factory, boiler room, bone, briar-hopper, brush ape, bull-roarer, bushman, catcall, cherry bomb, clack, clacker, clam digger, clapper, cricket, desert rat, dust, firecracker, forester, frontiersman, graham cracker, hardtack, hillbilly, hinterlander, horn, mountain man, mountaineer, mummy, noisemaker, parchment, pilot biscuit, piny, pretzel, rattle, rattlebox, redneck, ridge runner, rusk, saltine, sea biscuit, ship biscuit, sinker, siren, snapper, soda cracker, steam whistle, stick, ticktack, wafer, whistle, whizgig, whizzer, woodlander, woodman, woodsman, zwieback
[edit]- crackerjack, ace, adept, beaut, brick, corker, crack, daisy, dandy, darb, dilly, doll, dream, expert, first-rater, genius, good Joe, good egg, good guy, good hand, great, honey, humdinger, killer-diller, knockout, likely lad, lollapaloosa, lulu, magician, mahatma, man of genius, master, master hand, masterful, masterly, mastermind, nice guy, nifty, no slouch, past master, peach, pip, pippin, practiced hand, prodigy, pussycat, sage, skilled, skilled hand, skillful, star, stout fellow, superstar, sweetheart, the nuts, topnotcher, trump, virtuoso, whiz, wizard
[edit]- crackle, abrasion, blemish, break, burn, chafe, check, chip, clack, click, concussion, crack, cracking, crackling, craze, crepitate, crepitation, cut, decrepitate, decrepitation, flash burn, fracture, fray, frazzle, gall, gash, hurt, incision, injury, laceration, lesion, mortal wound, mutilation, puncture, rent, rip, run, rupture, scald, scorch, scrape, scratch, scuff, second-degree burn, sizzling, slash, snap, snapping, sore, spit, spitting, stab, stab wound, tear, third-degree burn, trauma, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench
[edit]- crackpot, alien, aliene, bedlamite, borderline case, case, character, crackbrain, crank, cuckoo, dement, demoniac, ding-a-ling, dingbat, eccentric, energumen, erratic, fanatic, flake, fou, freak, harebrain, hermit, hobo, idiot, kook, lone wolf, loner, loon, loony, lunatic, madman, maniac, maverick, meshuggenah, natural, noncompos, nonconformist, nut, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outsider, pariah, phrenetic, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, rara avis, raving lunatic, recluse, screwball, solitary, strange duck, tramp, type, weirdo, zealot
[edit]- cradle, Colonial bed, Hollywood bed, Vaterland, afford support, appease, babyhood, back, back up, bassinet, bear, bear up, bed, bed-davenport, beginnings, berth, birth, birthplace, bolster, bolster up, brace, breeding place, brooder, bunk, bunk bed, buoy up, buttress, calm, calm down, camp bed, care for, carry, cherish, childhood, clarifier, coddle, colander, compose, cool, cosset, cot, crib, cribble, crutch, cultivate, cushion, day bed, door bed, double bed, double bunk, dry-nurse, dulcify, duplex bed, ease, even out, fatherland, feather bed, feed, filter, fold-away bed, fondle, forcing bed, foster, four-poster, freshman year, genesis, gentle, give support, hammock, hatchery, hold, hold up, home, homeground, homeland, hospital bed, hotbed, hush, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incubator, incunabula, infancy, keep afloat, keep up, king-size bed, la patrie, lavish care on, lend support, lixiviator, lower berth, lull, mainstay, maintain, mollify, mother, mother country, motherland, my Angel-infancy, nascence, nascency, native land, native soil, nativity, nest, nestle, nidus, nourish, nurse, nursery, nurture, origin, origination, pacify, pallet, pamper, panel bed, parturition, patria, percolator, pillow, pipe berth, poster bed, pour balm into, pregnancy, prop, purifier, put to bed, quarter berth, queen-size bed, quell, quiet, refiner, refinery, reinforce, rest, riddle, rock, rock to sleep, rocker, roll-away bed, rookery, screen, shore, shore up, shoulder, sieve, sifter, single bed, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, sofa-bed, soothe, spoon-feed, stabilize, stay, steady, still, strainer, subdue, subsidize, subvention, suckle, support, sustain, tester bed, the nursery, the old country, three-quarter bed, tranquilize, truckle bed, trundle bed, tuck in, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin, underset, upbear, uphold, upkeep, wet-nurse, winnow, winnowing basket, winnowing fan, winnowing machine, youth
[edit]- craft, Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, aeroplane, aircraft, airmanship, animal cunning, argosy, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artifice, artisan work, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bark, blind, boat, bottom, bravura, brilliance, bucket, business, cageyness, callidity, calling, canniness, capability, capacity, career, career building, careerism, chicanery, cleverness, command, competence, conspiracy, contrivance, control, coordination, coup, craftiness, craftsmanship, craftwork, cunning, cunningness, cute trick, deceit, deceitfulness, deftness, design, device, deviousness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, dodge, duplicity, efficiency, expedient, expertise, expertness, fabricate, facility, fakement, falseheartedness, falseness, fashion, feint, fetch, fine Italian hand, finesse, flair, foxiness, fraud, furtiveness, gambit, game, gamesmanship, genius, gimmick, grace, grift, grip, guile, guilefulness, handicraft, handiness, handiwork, hooker, horsemanship, hovercraft, hulk, hull, hypocrisy, indirection, industrial art, industrial design, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, intrigue, inventiveness, job, jugglery, keel, knavery, know-how, leviathan, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, little game, low cunning, make, maneuver, manual art, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, mechanics, mechanism, metalcraft, method, metier, mission, move, mystery, number, occupation, one-upmanship, packet, pawkiness, plane, plot, ploy, practical ability, practice, profession, proficiency, prowess, pursuit, quickness, racket, readiness, red herring, resource, resourcefulness, rocket, ruse, satanic cunning, savoir-faire, savvy, scheme, science, seamanship, sharpness, shift, shiftiness, ship, shrewdness, skill, skillfulness, sleight, slickness, slipperiness, slyness, sneak attack, sneakiness, sophistry, spacecraft, spaceship, specialization, specialty, stealth, stealthiness, stonecraft, stratagem, strategy, style, subterfuge, subtility, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, surreptitiousness, tact, tactfulness, tactic, talent, technic, technical brilliance, technical know-how, technical knowledge, technical mastery, technical skill, technics, technique, technology, timing, trade, treacherousness, trick, trickery, trickiness, tub, underhandedness, vessel, virtuosity, vocation, walk, walk of life, wariness, watercraft, wile, wiles, wiliness, wily device, wit, wizardry, woodcraft, work, workmanship
[edit]- craftsman, Admirable Crichton, adept, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artisan, artist, artiste, attache, author, authority, barber, beautician, begetter, beginner, brazier, bricklayer, builder, cabinetmaker, carpenter, carver, chandler, conceiver, connaisseur, connoisseur, constructor, consultant, contractor, cooper, copyist, cordon bleu, crack shot, craftswoman, creator, dauber, daubster, dead shot, designer, deviser, diplomat, diplomatist, discoverer, effector, elder statesman, electrician, engenderer, engineer, executor, executrix, experienced hand, expert, expert consultant, farmhand, father, fitter, forger, founder, fuller, gas fitter, generator, glassblower, glazer, glazier, graduate, grower, hairdresser, handicraftsman, handy man, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, instigator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, lather, machinist, maker, manicurist, manufacturer, marksman, mason, master, master carpenter, master craftsman, mechanic, miller, mother, no slouch, old master, organizer, originator, past master, planner, plumber, politician, potter, precursor, prentice, prime mover, pro, producer, professional, professor, proficient, puttier, raiser, realizer, rigger, roofer, saddler, savant, shaper, shark, sharp, sire, smith, spinner, statesman, steeplejack, stonecutter, stonemason, tanner, technical adviser, technician, tinker, tinner, turner, upholsterer, weaver, welder, woodcutter, wrecker, wright
[edit]- craftsmanship, ability, address, adeptness, adroitness, airmanship, architecture, artfulness, artisanship, artistry, assembly, bravura, brilliance, building, capability, capacity, casting, cleverness, command, competence, composition, construction, control, conversion, coordination, craft, crafting, creation, cultivation, cunning, deftness, devising, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, efficiency, elaboration, erection, expertise, extraction, fabrication, facility, fashioning, finesse, formation, forming, formulation, framing, grace, grip, growing, handicraft, handiness, handiwork, harvesting, horsemanship, ingeniousness, ingenuity, know-how, machining, making, manufacture, manufacturing, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, milling, mining, molding, practical ability, prefabrication, preparation, processing, producing, proficiency, prowess, quickness, raising, readiness, refining, resource, resourcefulness, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, shaping, skill, skillfulness, smelting, style, tact, tactfulness, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, timing, virtuosity, wit, wizardry, workmanship
[edit]- crafty, Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, adroit, ambidextrous, arch, artful, astute, cagey, calculating, canny, chiseling, clever, collusive, covinous, crooked, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, designing, devious, diplomatic, dishonest, disingenuous, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, duplicitous, faithless, false, false-principled, falsehearted, fawning, feline, finagling, forsworn, foxy, fraudulent, furtive, guileful, indirect, ingenious, insidious, insincere, inventive, keen, knowing, pawky, perfidious, perjured, plotting, politic, ready, resourceful, scheming, serpentine, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sophistical, stealthy, strategic, subtile, subtle, supple, surreptitious, tactical, tidy, treacherous, trickish, tricksy, tricky, two-faced, uncandid, underhand, underhanded, unfrank, unsincere, untruthful, vulpine, wary, wily
[edit]- crag, aa, abyssal rock, basalt, bedrock, block lava, bluff, brash, breccia, cliff, cog, comb, conglomerate, druid stone, escarpment, face, fang, festooned pahoehoe, gneiss, granite, harrow, igneous rock, jag, lava, limestone, living rock, magma, mantlerock, metamorphic rock, monolith, pahoehoe, palisade, palisades, peak, pecten, pillow lava, porphyry, precipice, projection, pudding stone, rake, ratchet, regolith, rock, ropy lava, rubble, rubblestone, sandstone, sarsen, sawtooth, scar, scarp, schist, scoria, scree, sedimentary rock, shelly pahoehoe, snag, snaggle, spire, sprocket, spur, steep, steeple, stone, talus, tooth, tor, tufa, tuff, wall
[edit]- craggy, asperous, corrugated, cragged, crinkled, crumpled, crystal, crystalline, gravelly, gritty, harsh, ironbound, jagged, jaggy, lapideous, lithoid, lithoidal, monolithic, pebbled, pebbly, porphyritic, ragged, rock-ribbed, rock-strewn, rock-studded, rockbound, rocklike, rocky, rugged, rugose, rugous, sandy, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scabrous, scragged, scraggly, scraggy, serrate, serrated, shingled, shingly, snagged, snaggled, snaggy, stonelike, stony, trachytic, uneven, unlevel, unsmooth, wrinkled
[edit]- cram, allay, assault, batten, bear, bear upon, bolt, bolt down, bone up, boost, brim, brush up, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt, butt against, charge, chock, choke, cloy, coach, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, congest, consolidate, cram in, cram up, cram with facts, crowd, crowd in, crush, densen, densify, devour, dig, drench, drive, drive in, elbow, engorge, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, force, force in, freight, get up, get up on, glut, gluttonize, goad, gobble, gorge, gormandize, grind, gulp, gulp down, guttle, guzzle, heap, hurtle, hustle, impact, ingurgitate, jab, jade, jam, jam in, jam-pack, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, knock in, lade, live to eat, load, lucubrate, nudge, overburden, overcharge, overdose, overeat, overfeed, overfill, overgorge, overlade, overload, oversaturate, overstuff, overweight, pack, pack in, pad, pall, pang, pile drive, plunge in, poke, poke in, polish up, pound in, press, press in, prime, prod, punch, push, push in, ram, ram down, ram in, rattle, raven, read up on, review, rub up, run, run against, run in, sate, satiate, satisfy, saturate, shake, shoulder, shove, slake, slop, soak, solidify, squash, squeeze, squeeze in, stress, study, study up, study up on, stuff, stuff in, stuff with knowledge, supercharge, supersaturate, surcharge, surfeit, swot, tamp, tamp in, thrust, thrust in, top off, tutor, wad, wedge, wedge in, weight, wolf, wolf down
[edit]- crammed, SRO, allayed, awash, bloated, brimful, brimming, bristling, bulging, bursting, capacity, chock-full, choked, chuck-full, close, close-knit, close-textured, close-woven, cloyed, compact, compacted, compressed, concentrated, concrete, condensed, congested, consolidated, cram-full, crammed full, crawling, crowded, dense, disgusted, distended, drenched, engorged, farci, fed-up, filled, filled to overflowing, firm, flush, full, full of, full to bursting, gluey, glutted, gorged, hard, heavy, hyperemic, impenetrable, impermeable, in spate, jaded, jam-packed, jammed, loaded, massive, nonporous, overblown, overburdened, overcharged, overfed, overflowing, overfraught, overfreighted, overfull, overgorged, overladen, overloaded, oversaturated, overstocked, overstuffed, oversupplied, overweighted, packed, packed like sardines, plenary, plethoric, populous, ready to burst, replete, round, running over, sated, satiated, satisfied, saturated, serried, sick of, slaked, soaked, solid, standing room only, stuffed, stuffed up, substantial, supercharged, supersaturated, surcharged, surfeited, swarming, swollen, teeming, thick, thick-growing, thickset, tired of, topful, viscid, viscose, viscous, with a bellyful, with a snootful, with enough of
[edit]- cramp, Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abate, abbreviate, abdominal epilepsy, access, ache, aching, acquired epilepsy, activated epilepsy, acute pain, affect epilepsy, affix, akinetic epilepsy, anchor, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, annex, apoplexy, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, attach, attack, attenuate, autonomic epilepsy, belay, beyond one, bite, blockage, blocking, blow, blunt, bollix, boring pain, bottle up, box, box in, box up, burden, cabin, cardiac epilepsy, casket, cement, charley horse, check, cinch, circumscribe, circumscribed, circumscription, clamp, clinch, clogging, cloister, clonic spasm, clonus, close, close-fitting, closet, closing up, closure, coarct, coffin, compact, complex, compress, concentrate, condense, confine, confined, confinement, consolidate, constipation, constraint, constrict, constricted, constriction, constringe, contract, convulsion, cortical epilepsy, crab, crabbed, cramped, cramping, cramps, crib, crick, crimp, cripple, crowded, cumber, cursive epilepsy, curtail, cut, damp, dampen, darting pain, deaden, debilitate, decrease, delay, detainment, detention, devitalize, difficult, distress, diurnal epilepsy, dolor, draw, draw in, draw together, dull, eclampsia, embarrass, encase, encumber, enervate, enfeeble, engraft, enmesh, ensnarl, entangle, entoil, entomb, entrammel, entrap, entwine, epilepsia, epilepsia gravior, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsia mitior, epilepsia nutans, epilepsia tarda, epilepsy, epitasis, eviscerate, exhaust, extenuate, falling sickness, fasten, fetter, fit, fix, fixation, focal epilepsy, foot-dragging, foul up, frenzy, fulgurant pain, garbled, girdle pain, gnawing, graft, grand mal, grapple, grief, grip, griping, gruel, gum, gum up, hamper, hampering, hamstring, handicap, hard, hard to understand, haute mal, hem, hem in, hindering, hindrance, hitch, hobble, holdback, holdup, hurt, hysterical epilepsy, ictus, immure, impede, impediment, incapacious, incommodious, inhibition, injury, interference, interruption, intricate, involve, isthmian, isthmic, jumbled, jumping pain, keep from spreading, keep within bounds, kink, knit, knotty, lame, lancinating pain, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, latent epilepsy, lay low, lesion, let, lime, limit, limitation, limited, localize, lockjaw, louse up, lumber, make fast, matutinal epilepsy, meager, menstrual epilepsy, mitigate, moor, musicogenic epilepsy, myoclonous epilepsy, narrow, nasty blow, near, negativism, net, nip, nocturnal epilepsy, nuisance value, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, obstruction, obstructionism, occlusion, opposition, orgasm, overtechnical, pain, pang, paroxysm, passion, perplexed, petit mal, physiologic epilepsy, pinch, press down, prick, psychic epilepsy, psychomotor epilepsy, pucker, pucker up, purse, put to, qualification, qualify, queer, rattle, reduce, reflex epilepsy, repression, resistance, restraint, restrict, restricted, restriction, retardation, retardment, rotatoria, saddle with, sap, scant, scanty, screw up, secure, seizure, sensory epilepsy, serial epilepsy, set, set to, setback, sexual climax, shackle, shake, shake up, sharp pain, shock, shoot, shooting, shooting pain, shorten, slender, snafu, snarl, soften up, solidify, sore, sore spot, spasm, squeeze, stab, stabbing pain, stint, stitch, stoppage, strait, straiten, strangle, stranglehold, strangulate, stress, stress of life, stricture, stroke, stultification, suffering, suppression, tangle, tardy epilepsy, tender spot, tetanus, tetany, thrill, throes, thromboembolism, thrombosis, tight, tighten, toil, tonic epilepsy, tonic spasm, tormen, torsion spasm, tough, trammel, traumatic epilepsy, trice up, trim, trismus, tweak, twinge, twitch, ucinate epilepsy, unbrace, undermine, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, visitation, weaken, weigh down, wound, wrench, wrinkle
[edit]- cramped, Latinate, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, authoritarian, awkward, barred, beleaguered, beset, besieged, bigot, bigoted, blockaded, bombastic, borne, bound, bounded, boxed in, cabined, caged, circumscribed, clamped, cloistered, close, close-fitting, closed, closed-in, compressed, concentrated, condensed, conditioned, confined, consolidated, constricted, contracted, cooped, copyrighted, cordoned, cordoned off, corralled, cramp, creedbound, cribbed, crowded, cumbrous, deaf, deaf to reason, dinky, disciplined, elephantine, enclosed, exiguous, fanatical, fenced, finite, forced, formal, guinde, half-pint, halting, heavy, hedged, hedged about, hedged in, hemmed, hemmed in, hidebound, icebound, illiberal, immured, imprisoned, incapacious, incarcerated, incommodious, inkhorn, insular, isthmian, isthmic, jailed, knee-high, knitted, labored, landlocked, leaden, leaguered, limited, little, little-minded, lumbering, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mewed, minute, moderated, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, near, nearsighted, nipped, one-horse, paled, parochial, patented, penned, pent-up, petite, petty, piddling, pinched, pinched-in, pindling, pint-sized, poky, pompous, ponderous, prescribed, proscribed, provincial, puckered, puny, purblind, pursed, qualified, quarantined, railed, restrained, restricted, scant, scanty, sesquipedalian, short, shortsighted, shut-in, slender, slight, small, small-minded, smallish, snowbound, solidified, squeezed, stiff, stilted, stinted, strait, straitened, straitlaced, strangled, strangulated, stuffy, tight, tiny, turgid, two-by-four, uncatholic, uncharitable, uncomfortable, ungenerous, unliberal, unwieldy, walled, walled-in, wasp-waisted, windbound, wrinkled, [[]], [[]]
[edit]- crane, andiron, be lengthy, be prolonged, belong, chain, coal tongs, crab, crane the neck, crook, damper, derrick, erector, extend, extend out, eye, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, forklift, gantry crane, gape, gaup, gawk, gaze, gaze open-mouthed, gloat, goggle, grate, grating, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill, griller, hoist, hydraulic tailgate, jack, jackscrew, lever, lift, lifter, look, ogle, outreach, outstretch, poker, pothook, reach out, salamander, spit, sprawl, stand on tiptoe, stand on tiptoes, stare, stare at, stare down, stare hard, straggle, stretch, stretch out, tackle, tongs, tripod, trivet, turnspit, windlass
[edit]- craniology, anatomy, anthropography, anthropologist, anthropology, anthropometry, behavioral science, craniometry, demography, ethnography, ethnologist, ethnology, human ecology, human geography, metoposcopy, phrenologist, phrenology, physiognomy, psychology, science of man, sociologist, sociology
[edit]- crank, L, Tartar, abnormal, aficionado, alien, angle, angle off, anomalous, apex, bar, beam, bear, bee, bellyacher, bend, bifurcate, bifurcation, bight, boom, boutade, brainstorm, branch, branks, buff, bug, cant, cant hook, capriccio, caprice, case, character, chevron, circle, circulate, circumrotate, circumvolute, claw bar, coin, complainant, complainer, conceit, corner, crab, crackbrain, crackpot, crank in, crankish, cranky, craze, crazy idea, croaker, crook, crosspatch, crotchet, crotchety, crow, crowbar, cucking stool, cuckoo, deflection, deviant, deviative, devotee, different, ding-a-ling, divergent, dogleg, dotty, dragon, draw in, draw taut, ducking stool, eccentric, elbow, ell, energumen, enthusiast, erratic, exceptional, fad, fan, fanatic, fanatico, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, faultfinder, feist, fey, finger pillory, fire-eater, flake, flaky, flimflam, fool notion, fork, freak, freakish, freakish inspiration, frondeur, funny, furcate, furcation, fury, go around, go round, griper, grizzly bear, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, gyrate, gyre, handspike, harebrain, harebrained idea, hermit, hobo, hook, hothead, hotspur, humor, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, infatuate, inflection, iron crow, irregular, jimmy, kicker, kink, kinky, knee, kook, kooky, kvetch, lever, limb, lone wolf, loner, lunatic, lunatic fringe, maggot, maggoty, malcontent, marlinespike, maverick, megrim, meshuggenah, monomaniac, murmurer, mutterer, natural, nonconformist, nook, notion, nut, nutty, odd, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, original, outrigger, outsider, pariah, passing fancy, peavey, peculiar, pedal, pillory, pinch bar, pirouette, pivot, point, prize, pry, pull in, queer, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, querulous person, quirk, quirky, quoin, rara avis, reactionary, reactionist, rebel, recluse, reel, reel in, revolve, ripping bar, rotate, round, screw, screwball, screwy, singular, solitary, sorehead, sourpuss, spar, spin, stocks, strange, strange duck, swerve, swing, swivel, tackle, tauten, tighten, toy, tramp, treadle, treadmill, trebuchet, triangle, triangles, trim, turn, turn a pirouette, turn around, turn round, twist, twisted, type, ugly customer, unconventional, unnatural, vagary, veer, vertex, wacky, wamble, weirdo, wheel, whim, whim-wham, whimsical, whimsy, whiner, whipping post, winch, wind, wind in, windlass, wooden horse, wrecking bar, zag, zealot, zig, zigzag
[edit]- cranky, abnormal, anomalous, antagonistic, antipathetic, arbitrary, at cross-purposes, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, bearish, beefing, bellyaching, bitching, bitchy, breakaway, cankered, cantankerous, capricious, choleric, churlish, clashing, complaining, complaintful, conflicting, contentious, contradicting, contradictory, contrary, counteractant, counteracting, counteractive, countervailing, counterworking, crabbed, crabbing, crabby, crackbrained, cracked, crackers, crank, crankish, crazed, crazy, croaking, cross, cross-grained, crotchety, crusty, cuckoo, cussed, daffy, daft, deviant, deviative, different, differing, difficult, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, disappointed, discontented, discordant, discrepant, disgruntled, disharmonious, displeased, disproportionate, dissatisfied, dissident, dissonant, divergent, dotty, eccentric, envious, erratic, exceptional, excitable, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic, faultfinding, feisty, fey, flaky, fractious, freakish, froward, funny, grating, griping, grouchy, grousing, growling, gruff, grumbling, harebrained, hostile, hot-tempered, huffish, huffy, humorsome, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, ill-humored, immiscible, inaccordant, incompatible, inharmonious, inimical, irascible, irregular, irritable, jangling, jarring, kinky, kooky, maggoty, malcontent, malcontented, mean, moody, motiveless, murmuring, muttering, negative, nonconformist, notional, nutty, odd, oddball, opposing, oppositional, oppugnant, ornery, out of accord, out of humor, out of sorts, out of whack, peculiar, peevish, perverse, petulant, queer, querulant, querulous, quick-tempered, quirky, ratty, reactionary, rebellious, recalcitrant, renitent, repugnant, resentful, resistant, restive, restless, revolutionary, screwball, screwy, short-tempered, singular, snappish, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, strange, sulky, surly, temperamental, testy, tetchy, touchy, twisted, ugly, unaccepting, unaccommodating, uncongenial, unconventional, uneasy, unfulfilled, ungratified, unhappy, unharmonious, unnatural, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsatisfied, vagarious, vagrant, variant, vinegarish, vinegary, wacky, wanton, waspish, wayward, weird, whimsical, whiny
[edit]- cranny, abysm, abyss, alcove, arroyo, asylum, bay, bezel, bolt-hole, box canyon, breach, break, cache, canyon, carrel, cavity, chamfer, chap, chase, chasm, check, chimney, chink, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, concealment, corner, corrugation, coulee, couloir, cove, cover, covert, coverture, crack, crevasse, crevice, cubby, cubbyhole, cubicle, cut, cwm, dado, dark corner, defile, dell, den, dike, ditch, donga, draw, dugout, engraving, excavation, fault, fissure, flaw, flume, flute, fluting, foxhole, fracture, funk hole, furrow, gap, gape, gash, gorge, gouge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, incision, joint, kloof, lair, leak, microgroove, moat, niche, nook, notch, nullah, opening, oriel, pass, passage, rabbet, ravine, recess, refuge, rent, retreat, rifling, rift, rime, roomlet, ruck, rupture, rut, sanctuary, scissure, score, scratch, seam, secret place, slit, slot, snuggery, split, stash, streak, stria, striation, sulcation, sulcus, trench, undercovert, valley, void, wadi, well-worn groove, wrinkle
crap out
[edit]- crap out, black out, bomb, draw a blank, drop a bomb, drop the ball, fan, flop, flummox, fold, fold up, get left, lay an egg, lose out, not hack it, not make it, pass out, strike out, swoon, take the count, whiff
[edit]- crap, BM, balls, baloney, bilge, blague, blah, blah-blah, bloody flux, bop, bosh, bowel movement, buffalo chips, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, ca-ca, cast, catharsis, claptrap, coprolite, coprolith, cow chips, cow flops, cow pats, craps, defecate, defecation, dejection, diarrhea, dingleberry, drivel, droppings, dung, dysentery, evacuate, evacuation, eyewash, feces, feculence, flam, flapdoodle, flimflam, flux, gammon, gas, guano, guff, gup, hogwash, hoke, hokum, hooey, hot air, humbug, humbuggery, jakes, jiggery-pokery, lientery, loose bowels, malarkey, manure, moonshine, movement, natural, nick, night soil, number two, ordure, piffle, poppycock, purgation, purge, roll, rot, runs, scat, sewage, sewerage, shit, shits, shot, stool, take a shit, throw, tommyrot, tripe, trots, turd, turistas, twaddle, void, voidance, wind
[edit]- crappy, amiss, bad, barfy, bum, cheesy, creepy, crummy, dirty, disgusting, dissatisfactory, dungy, excremental, excrementary, fecal, feculent, fetid, filthy, flyblown, foul, gloppy, godawful, goshawful, grim, gunky, hairy, icky, maggoty, malodorous, mephitic, mucky, nasty, nauseating, odious, ordurous, poor, puky, punk, putrid, rank, repulsive, rotten, scabby, scatologic, scatological, scummy, scurfy, shitty, slabby, slimy, sloppy, sloshy, sludgy, slushy, sposhy, stercoraceous, stercoral, stinking, stinky, unsatisfactory, up, urinary, urinative, vile, vomity, wormy, wrong, yecchy
[edit]- craps, bingo, bird cage, bones, card games, cast, chuck and toss, chuck farthing, chuck-a-luck, crack-loo, crap, crap game, crap shooting, crooked dice, cubes, deuce, dice, die, doubleton, fan-tan, hazard, horse racing, ivories, keno, loaded dice, lotto, natural, nick, pair, pinball, pitch and toss, poker dice, policy, roll, rouge et noir, roulette, shell game, shot, snake eyes, sweepstake, sweepstakes, teeth, the numbers, the numbers game, throw, trente-et-quarante
[edit]- crash, Waterloo, a habit, accident, acquired tolerance, acute alcoholism, addictedness, addiction, alcoholism, amphetamine withdrawal symptoms, appulse, atomize, awake the dead, bang, bang into, bankruptcy, barbiturate addiction, barbiturism, barge in, be poised, be ruined, bear market, bearish market, beating, become insolvent, billow, blast, blast the ear, blow, boom, bouncing check, break, break in, break in upon, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, breakdown, breaking up, breakup, brunt, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bump into, burst, burst in, bust, butt in, calamity, cannon, carambole, carom, carom into, cascade, casualty, catabasis, cataclysm, cataract, catastrophe, cave, cave-in, chain smoking, charge in, chronic alcoholism, chute, clap, clash, cocainism, collapse, collide, collision, comb, come between, come down, come into collision, comedown, concuss, concussion, confront each other, conquering, conquest, contretemps, crack, crack up, crack-up, crash in, crash into, crash the gates, craving, crawl in, creep in, crescendo, cropper, crowd in, crump, crunch, crush, cut in, cut to pieces, dash, dash into, deafen, deathblow, debacle, deceleration, declension, declination, decline, decline and fall, declining market, decrescendo, defeat, deflation, defluxion, demolish, dependence, descend, descending, descension, descent, destruction, diffuse, diminuendo, din, dip down, dipsomania, disaster, disperse, disrupt, dive, doss down, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgrade, downpour, downrush, downtrend, downturn, downward trend, drive, drop, drop down, drop off, dropping, drubbing, drug addiction, drug culture, drug dependence, dwindling, ebb, ebb and flow, edge in, elbow in, encounter, encroach, entrench, explode, explosion, fail, failure, fall, fall dead, fall down, fall flat, fall foul of, fall in, fall off, fall short, fall stillborn, fall through, falling, fill the air, fission, flap, flop, foist in, fold, fold up, force, foul, fragment, go bankrupt, go broke, go down, go downhill, go into receivership, go to pot, go to smash, go under, go up, gravitate, gravitation, grief, grind, habituation, hammering, heave, hiding, hit, hit against, hit the hay, hit the sack, horn in, hurt, hurtle, ill hap, impact, impinge, impingement, impose, impose on, impose upon, inclination, infiltrate, infringe, insinuate, insolvency, insufficient funds, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, jar, jolt, kip down, kited check, knock, knock against, lambasting, lapse, lathering, licking, lift, lose altitude, make mincemeat of, mastery, mauling, meet, meeting, mince, misadventure, mischance, misfortune, mishap, nasty blow, near-miss, nicotine addiction, nose dive, obtrude, off market, onslaught, overcoming, overdraft, overdrawn account, overthrow, overturn, parachute, peak, peal, percuss, percussion, physical dependence, pileup, pitch, plummet, plummeting, plunge, popple, pounce, pour down, pratfall, precipitate, press in, psychological dependence, pulverize, push in, put on, put upon, quietus, rain, ramming, rap, rapids, rattle the windows, receivership, remission, rend the air, rend the ears, report, resound, retreat, retreating market, ring, rise, rise and fall, rock the sky, roll, ruin, run, run into, rush in, sack out, sack up, sag, sagging market, scatter, scend, send, shatter, shipwreck, shiver, shock, shut down, sideswipe, slam, slam into, slap, slat, sledgehammering, slink in, slip in, slowdown, slump, smack, smack into, smash, smash in, smash into, smash up, smash-up, smashing, smashup, sneak in, soft market, splat, splinter, split the eardrums, split the ears, squash, squeeze in, squish, staggering blow, startle the echoes, steal in, stoop, storm in, strike, strike against, stumble, stun, subdual, subduing, subjugation, subsidence, surge, swap, swell, swoop, tailspin, tap, thrashing, throng in, thrust in, thrusting, thunder, thwack, tolerance, topple, toss, total loss, tragedy, trench, trend downward, trespass, trimming, trouncing, tumble, turn in, undoing, undulate, vanquishment, wane, washout, waterfall, wave, whack, wham, whap, whipping, whomp, whop, withdrawal sickness, withdrawal symptoms, work in, worm in, wrack, wreck
[edit]- crass, Boeotian, absolute, arrant, asinine, beef-brained, beef-witted, blockish, bovine, broad-bodied, bulky, bullnecked, chumpish, churlish, classical, cloddish, coarse, complete, consummate, corpulent, cowish, crude, decided, definitive, dense, doltish, downright, dullard, dumb, duncical, duncish, earthy, egregious, fat, flagrant, full, full-bodied, gaudy, glaring, gross, heavy, heavyset, ineducable, inelegant, intolerable, klutzy, loud, loutish, lumpish, massive, meretricious, oafish, obscene, opaque, out-and-out, outright, perfect, positive, precious, profound, pronounced, proper, rank, raw, regular, ribald, rough, rude, shattering, shocking, sottish, stark, stark-staring, stupid, superlative, surpassing, the veriest, thick, thick-bodied, thickset, thorough, thoroughgoing, three-dimensional, total, unbearable, unconscionable, uncouth, undeniable, unequivocal, unmitigated, unqualified, unrefined, unrelieved, unspoiled, unteachable, utter, viscous, vulgar, wrongheaded
[edit]- crate, archives, armory, arsenal, attic, auto, autocar, automobile, bag, bank, barrel, basement, basket, bay, bin, boat, bonded warehouse, bookcase, bottle, box, box up, buggy, bunker, burden, bus, buttery, can, capsule, car, cargo dock, carton, case, cask, cellar, chest, closet, conservatory, crib, cupboard, depository, depot, dock, dog, drawer, dump, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, encyst, enfold, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, exchequer, fill, freight, glory hole, godown, hamper, heap, heap up, hold, hutch, invest, jalopy, jar, lade, lap, library, load, locker, lumber room, lumberyard, machine, magasin, magazine, mass, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, motorized vehicle, pack, pack away, package, parcel, pile, pocket, pot, rack, repertory, repository, reservoir, rick, sack, sheathe, shelf, ship, shroud, smother, stack, stack room, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, stow, supply base, supply depot, surround, swaddle, swathe, tank, tin, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, tub, vat, vault, voiture, warehouse, wheels, wine cellar, wrap, wrap about, wrap up, wreck
[edit]- crater, abysm, abyss, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, armpit, basin, birthmark, blackhead, bleb, blemish, blister, bowl, bulla, cavity, chasm, check, cicatrix, comedo, concave, concavity, crack, craze, crevasse, crypt, cup, deep, defacement, defect, deformation, deformity, depression, depth, dip, disfiguration, disfigurement, distortion, fault, flaw, fold, follicle, freckle, funnel chest, gulf, hemangioma, hickey, hole, hollow, hollow shell, keloid, kink, lacuna, lentigo, milium, mole, needle scar, nevus, pimple, pit, pock, pocket, pockmark, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, punch bowl, pustule, rift, scab, scar, scoop, scratch, sebaceous cyst, shaft, shell, sink, sinus, socket, split, strawberry mark, sty, track, trough, twist, verruca, vesicle, vug, wale, warp, wart, weal, well, welt, wen, whitehead, yawning abyss
[edit]- crave, ache, adjure, appeal, appeal to, apply for, ask, ask for, aspire after, beg, beg leave, beseech, bespeak, brace, call for, call for help, call on, call upon, choose, clamor for, conjure, covet, crave after, crawl after, cry for, cry on, cry to, demand, desiderate, desire, dream, entreat, file for, hanker, hanker after, hunger, hunger after, impetrate, implore, importune, imprecate, indent, invoke, kneel to, lust, lust after, make a request, make a requisition, make application, necessitate, obtest, order, pant after, pine, plead, plead for, pray, put in for, request, require, requisition, run mad after, run to, sigh, supplicate, take, thirst, thirst after, want, whistle for, wish
[edit]- craven, base, caitiff, chicken, coward, dastard, dastardly, dunghill, dunghilly, funk, funker, gutless, lily-livered, poltroon, poltroonish, pusillanimous, quitter, recreant, spunkless, unmanly
[edit]- craving, a habit, acquired tolerance, acute alcoholism, addictedness, addiction, alcoholism, amphetamine withdrawal symptoms, an universal wolf, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, athirst, barbiturate addiction, barbiturism, chain smoking, chronic alcoholism, cocainism, consumed with desire, coveting, crash, dependence, devoured by desire, dipsomania, drug addiction, drug culture, drug dependence, fervid, habituation, hunger, hungering, hungry, itch, itching, lust, mad with lust, mania, nicotine addiction, passion, physical dependence, prurience, pruriency, prurient, psychological dependence, sexual desire, thirst, thirsting, thirsty, tolerance, urge, withdrawal sickness, withdrawal symptoms
[edit]- craw, abdomen, abomasum, bay window, beerbelly, belly, breadbasket, crop, diaphragm, embonpoint, first stomach, gizzard, gullet, gut, honeycomb stomach, kishkes, manyplies, maw, midriff, omasum, paunch, pot, potbelly, potgut, psalterium, pusgut, rennet bag, reticulum, rumen, second stomach, spare tire, stomach, swagbelly, third stomach, tum-tum, tummy, underbelly, ventripotence
crawl with
[edit]- crawl with, abound, abound with, be alive with, beset, bespread, bristle with, burst with, clutter, creep with, crowd, diffuse, extend throughout, exuberate, fill, flow, gush, honeycomb, imbue, infest, invade, jam, leave no void, leaven, multiply, occupy, overflow, overflow with, overrun, overspread, overswarm, pack, penetrate, permeate, pervade, plague, pour, proliferate, pullulate with, rain, ravage, run over, run through, shower, stream, suffuse, swarm, swarm with, teem, teem with, throng with, transfuse
[edit]- crawl, Australian crawl, abound, all fours, amble, andante, aquaplaning, aquatics, backstroke, balneation, bathe, bathing, bend the knee, blister, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, breaststroke, butterfly, castigate, claudicate, claudication, couch, cower, crawling, creep, creeping, cringe, crouch, dead march, diving, dog paddle, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag on, drag out, edge, excoriate, fawn, feel creepy, feel funny, fin, fishtail, flapper, flatter, flay, flipper, floating, flow, footpace, funeral march, go dead slow, go on, go on tiptoe, go slow, grovel, gumshoe, gumshoeing, have gooseflesh, have the creeps, hobble, hug the earth, idle, inch, inch along, jog, jog trot, jog-trot, kneel, kowtow, lay, laze, leisurely gait, lick the dust, lickspittle, lie, lie down, lie flat, lie limply, lie low, lie prone, lie prostrate, lie under, limp, linger, linger on, loll, lounge, lumbering pace, mincing steps, mosey, natation, nightwalk, nightwalking, pad, padding, plod, poke, poke along, prowl, prowling, pullulate, pussyfoot, pussyfooting, rack, recline, repose, roast, saunter, scathe, scorch, scrabble, scramble, shamble, shuffle, shuffle along, sidestroke, sidle, sidling, slam, slide, slink, slinking, slouch, slow march, slow motion, snake, snaking, sneak, sneaking, sprawl, squat, squirm, stagger along, steal, steal along, stealing, stoop, stroll, surfboarding, surfing, swarm, swim, swimming, tarry, teem, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadeat, toady, toddle, toddle along, totter along, traipse, treading water, truckle, trudge, underlie, waddle, wading, walk, waterskiing, wear on, wiggle, worm, worm along, worming, wriggle
[edit]- crawling, abject, accumbent, alive with, all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, backscratching, batrachian, beggarly, blaring, blasting, blind spot, bootlicking, bristling, bursting, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, close, colubriform, compact, couchant, couche, cowering, crammed, crawl, creep, creeping, creeping like snail, cringing, crocodilian, crouching, crowded, crowding, decumbent, deliberate, dense, draped, drift, easy, fade-out, fading, faltering, fawning, firm, flagging, flat, flattering, foot-dragging, footlicking, froggy, full, gentle, gradual, groveling, gumshoeing, halting, hangdog, hobbled, hobbling, honeycombed, idle, in profusion, indolent, ingratiating, interference, jam-packed, jammed, languid, languorous, lavish, lazy, leisurely, limping, lizardlike, lolling, lounging, lumbering, lying, mealymouthed, moderate, nightwalking, noise, obeisant, obsequious, on all fours, on bended knee, on tippytoe, on tiptoe, ophidian, overflowing, packed, padding, parasitic, permeated, poking, poky, populous, procumbent, prodigal, profuse, proliferating, prolific, prone, prostrate, prowling, pussyfooting, reception, reclining, recumbent, relaxed, reluctant, repent, reposing, reptant, reptatorial, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian, reptiliform, reptiloid, resupine, rife, saturated, sauntering, saurian, scrabble, scramble, serpentiform, serpentile, serpentine, serpentlike, serpentoid, serried, shot through, shuffling, sidling, slack, slinking, slithering, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, snail-paced, snaillike, snakelike, snaking, snaky, sneaking, sniveling, solid, sponging, sprawled, sprawling, spread, staggering, static, stealing, strolling, studded, superabundant, supine, swarming, sycophantic, teeming, tentative, thick, thick as hail, thick with, thick-coming, thronged, thronging, timeserving, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadeating, toadish, toadying, toadyish, toddling, tortoiselike, tottering, truckling, trudging, turtlelike, unhurried, viperiform, viperish, viperlike, viperoid, viperous, vipery, waddling, worming
[edit]- crayon, air brush, art paper, black and white, brouillon, brush, camera lucida, camera obscura, canvas, cartoon, chalk, charcoal, charcoal drawing, chiaroscuro, delineation, design, diagram, doodle, draft, drawing, drawing paper, drawing pencil, drier, easel, ebauche, esquisse, fixative, graph, ground, lay figure, line drawing, maulstick, medium, paint, paintbrush, palette, palette knife, pastel, pen-and-ink, pencil, pencil drawing, pigments, rough copy, rough draft, rough outline, scratchboard, siccative, silhouette, silver-print drawing, sinopia, sketch, sketchbook, sketchpad, spatula, spray gun, study, stump, tracing, varnish, vignette
[edit]- craze, abandon, abrade, abrasion, band, bar, bark, belt, birthmark, blackhead, bleb, blemish, blister, bloody, boutade, brainstorm, break, bug, bulla, burn, capriccio, caprice, chafe, check, chic, chip, cicatrix, cicatrize, claw, comedo, conceit, concussion, crack, crackle, crank, crater, crazy fancy, crazy idea, crotchet, cry, cut, deface, defacement, defect, deform, deformation, deformity, delirium, dement, derange, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, distort, distortion, distract, drive insane, drive mad, ecstasy, enthusiasm, enthusiasticalness, fad, faddiness, faddishness, faddism, faddist, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, fascination, fashion, fault, fever, fire and fury, flash burn, flaw, flimflam, fool notion, fracture, fray, frazzle, freak, freakish inspiration, freckle, frenzy, fret, furor, furore, fury, gall, gash, harebrained idea, hemangioma, hickey, humor, hurt, hysteria, incise, incision, infatuation, injure, injury, intoxication, keloid, kink, lacerate, laceration, last word, lentigo, lesion, list, mad, madden, madness, maggot, maim, make mad, make mincemeat of, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, mar, maul, megrim, milium, mole, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation, needle scar, nevus, notion, novelty, obsession, orgasm, orgy, passing fancy, passion, pierce, pimple, pit, pock, pockmark, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, puncture, pustule, quirk, rage, rapture, ravishment, rend, rent, rift, rip, run, rupture, savage, scab, scald, scar, scarify, scorch, scotch, scrape, scratch, scuff, sebaceous cyst, second-degree burn, send mad, shatter, skin, slash, slit, sore, split, sprain, stab, stab wound, stick, strain, strawberry mark, streak, streaking, stria, striation, striature, striga, striola, stripe, striping, sty, style, tear, tearing passion, thing, third-degree burn, towering rage, toy, track, transport, trauma, traumatize, trend, twist, unbalance, unhinge, vagary, verruca, vesicle, vogue, wale, warp, wart, weal, welt, wen, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, whitehead, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wrinkle
crazy about
[edit]- crazy about, ape about, attached to, bugs on, cracked on, devoted to, enamored of, far gone on, fond of, freaked-out, gaga over, gone on, hepped up over, hipped on, hot about, in love with, mad about, nuts about, nuts on, partial to, smitten with, starry-eyed over, steamed up about, struck with, stuck on, sweet on, taken with, turned-on, wedded to, wild about, wrapped up in
crazy idea
[edit]- crazy idea, absurd idea, boutade, brainstorm, capriccio, caprice, conceit, crank, craze, crotchet, fad, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, flimflam, fool notion, freak, freakish inspiration, harebrained idea, humor, kink, maggot, megrim, notion, passing fancy, quirk, toy, vagary, whim, whim-wham, whimsy
[edit]- crazy, abnormal, absurd, anamorphous, ape, apish, arrested, asinine, askew, asymmetric, avid, babbling, backward, balmy, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, befooled, beguiled, bent, bereft of reason, besotted, beyond belief, bicolor, bicolored, big, bizarre, blithering, bonkers, bowed, brainless, brainsick, buffoonish, burbling, certifiable, cockamamie, cockeyed, colorful, colory, contorted, crackbrained, cracked, crackers, crackpot, crazed, credulous, cretinistic, cretinous, crooked, crumpled, crunched, cuckoo, daedal, daffy, daft, damned, dazed, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, deviative, dichromatic, dippy, disoriented, distorted, distraught, dithering, divers-colored, dizzy, doting, dotty, dreadful, driveling, drooling, dumb, eager, enthusiastic, erratic, excited, extravagant, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, flaked-out, flaky, flighty, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fuddled, futile, gaga, goofy, grotesque, gulled, half-baked, half-witted, hallucinated, harebrained, harlequin, high-flown, idiotic, ill-considered, imbecile, imbecilic, impracticable, impractical, imprudent, inane, incredible, inept, infatuated, insane, irrational, irregular, kaleidoscopic, keen, keen on, kooky, labyrinthine, larruping, laughable, lawful, loco, loony, lopsided, ludicrous, lunatic, mad, maddened, main, maniac, manic, many-colored, maudlin, maundering, mazed, medley, mental, mentally defective, mentally deficient, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded, meshuggah, mongoloid, monstrous, moon-struck, moonstruck, moronic, motley, multicolor, multicolored, multicolorous, non compos, non compos mentis, nonsensical, nonsymmetric, not all there, not right, nuts, nutty, odd, of unsound mind, off, one-sided, outrageous, outre, parti-color, parti-colored, pointless, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, poppycockish, possessed, potty, preposterous, prismal, psycho, queer, rash, reasonless, reckless, retarded, ridiculous, risible, round the bend, sappy, screwball, screwy, senseless, sentimental, shot, shot through, sick, silly, simple, simpleminded, simpletonian, slobbering, spectral, sprung, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, stupid, subnormal, tetched, thoughtless, thunder and lightning, tortuous, touched, trichromatic, trichromic, tricolor, tricolored, twisted, two-tone, unbalanced, unhinged, unsane, unsettled, unsound, unsymmetric, unworkable, varicolored, variegated, versicolor, versicolored, wacky, wandering, warped, weird, wet, wild, witless, zealous
[edit]- creak, caterwaul, chirk, chirking, chirp, chirrup, crick, howl, keen, pipe, screak, scream, screech, shriek, shrill, skirl, skreigh, squawk, squeak, squeal, stridulate, stridulation, ululate, ululation, wail, whine, whistle, wrawl, yammer
cream of the crop
[edit]- cream of the crop, champion, choice, chosen, cream, elect, elite, fat, flower, nonesuch, nonpareil, optimum, paragon, pick, prime, prize, queen, quintessence, select, superlative, the best, the best ever, the tops, the very best
[edit]- cream, abstergent, aerate, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, albumen, aristocracy, aureate, auric, balm, balsam, barons, batter, beat, beat up, beige, blank, blast, bonnyclabber, bowl down, brilliantine, buff, buff-yellow, bulldoze, butter, buttermilk, canary, canary-yellow, cathartic, cerate, certified milk, champion, cheese, choice, chosen, chrism, churn, citron, citron-yellow, clabber, cleaner, cleaning agent, cleaning solvent, cleanser, cleansing cream, clobber, clot, coagulate, cold cream, colloid, colloidize, collyrium, condensed milk, cornstarch, creamy, curd, curdle, dairy products, defeat utterly, demulcent, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, diuretic, dough, drub, dun-white, ecru, egg white, eggshell, elect, elite, embrocation, emetic, emollient, emulsify, emulsionize, enema, establishment, eye-lotion, eyewash, face cream, fair, fallow, fat, flaxen, flower, foam, froth, gaum, gel, gelatin, ghee, gilded, gilt, glair, glaucescent, glaucous, glop, glue, gluten, gold, gold-colored, golden, goo, gook, goop, gray-white, gruel, gumbo, gunk, half-and-half, hand lotion, heavy cream, holystone, incrassate, inspissate, inunction, inunctum, ivory, ivory-white, jam, jell, jellify, jelly, lambaste, lanolin, lather, lemon, lemon-yellow, lenitive, lick, light, light cream, lint-white, loblolly, lopper, lords of creation, lotion, luteolous, lutescent, mantle, margarine, milk, molasses, mouthwash, mucilage, mucus, nard, nauseant, nobility, nonesuch, nonfat dry milk, nonpareil, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, off-white, ointment, oleo, oleomargarine, optimum, or, overbear, overlapping, overwhelm, pale, pap, paragon, paste, pearl, pearly, pearly-white, pick, pomade, pomatum, porridge, power elite, power structure, pride, prime, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, prize, pudding, pulp, pumice stone, puree, purgative, purge, purifier, putty, queen, quintessence, raw milk, rinse, rob, ruling circles, ruling class, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, salve, sand-colored, sandy, schmear, scum, select, semifluid, semiliquid, shampoo, shellac, shut out, size, skim milk, skunk, smear, snow under, soap, solvent, soothing syrup, soup, sour cream, spikenard, spume, starch, steamroller, sticky mess, straw, straw-colored, sud, suds, superlative, synthetic detergent, syrup, the best, the best ever, the best people, the brass, the tops, the very best, thicken, tooth powder, toothpaste, top, top people, treacle, unction, unguent, unguentum, upper class, upper crust, wash, whelm, whey, whip, whipping cream, whisk, whitewash, whitish, whity, whomp, whop, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish, yogurt
[edit]- creamy, alabaster, alabastrine, albescent, aureate, auric, beige, buff, buff-yellow, buttery, canary, canary-yellow, citron, citron-yellow, cream, delicate, dun-white, ecru, eggshell, emulsive, fair, fallow, flat, flaxen, gilded, gilt, glaucescent, glaucous, gloss, gold, gold-colored, golden, gray-white, half-frozen, half-melted, iridescent, ivory, ivory-white, lemon, lemon-yellow, light, lint-white, luteolous, lutescent, mellow, mother-of-pearl, nacreous, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, off-white, opalescent, or, pale, pastel, patinaed, pearl, pearly, pearly-white, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, pulpy, quiet, sad, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand-colored, sandy, semifluid, semifluidic, semigloss, semiliquid, simple, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, somber, straw, straw-colored, subdued, subtle, sweet, tender, whitish, whity, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish
[edit]- crease, autolithograph, be a printmaker, carve, character, chisel, cocker, cockle, corrugate, corrugation, crankle, creasing, cribble, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crisp, crosshatch, crumple, cut, dog-ear, double, double over, doubling, duplicature, enchase, enfold, engrave, flection, flexure, flounce, flute, fold, fold over, frill, furrow, gather, grave, groove, hatch, incise, infold, inscribe, interfold, knit, knot, lap over, lapel, lappet, line, lithograph, make prints, mark, plait, plat, pleat, plica, plicate, plication, plicature, ply, print, pucker, purse, quill, ridge, rimple, ripple, rivel, ruche, ruching, ruck, ruckle, ruff, ruffle, rumple, score, scrape, scratch, sculpture, shirr, stipple, tool, tuck, turn over, twill, wimple, wrinkle
[edit]- create, assemble, author, bear, beget, block out, break ground, break the ice, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring to effect, bring to pass, build, call into being, carve, cast, cause, chisel, coin, compose, compound, conceit, conceive, conceptualize, concoct, constitute, construct, contrive, cut, design, develop, devise, do, dream up, effect, effectuate, efform, elaborate, engender, erect, establish, evolve, experience imaginatively, extrude, fabricate, fancy, fantasize, fashion, father, fictionalize, figure, fix, forge, form, formalize, formulate, found, frame, fudge together, generate, gestate, get up, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, hatch, head, head up, hew, ideate, imagine, inaugurate, indite, initiate, innovate, institute, invent, knead, knock out, lay out, lead, lead off, lead the way, lick into shape, make, make up, manufacture, mature, mint, model, mold, occasion, organize, originate, parent, patch together, piece together, pioneer, precede, prefabricate, prepare, procreate, produce, put together, put up, raise, realize, rear, revolutionize, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, run up, sculpt, sculpture, set, set afloat, set on foot, set up, shape, sire, spawn, stamp, stand first, start, suppose, tailor, take the initiative, take the lead, take the plunge, thermoform, think up, whomp up, work, write
[edit]- creation, A, Copernican universe, Einsteinian universe, Newtonian universe, Ptolemaic universe, abecedarian, aboriginal, abundant, all, all being, all creation, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-wise, allness, almighty, alpha, anatomy, antenatal, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, art object, artifact, assembly, authentic, authorship, autochthonous, avant-garde, beginning, birth, blast-off, blooming, boundless, bountiful, brainchild, bric-a-brac, budding, build, building, bursting, bursting out, casting, causal, causative, changeless, child, classic, coinage, commencement, composition, conception, conceptive, conceptual, concoction, conformation, constitution, construction, constructive, contrivance, contriving, conversion, copious, cosmos, crafting, craftsmanship, created nature, created universe, creating, creative, creative effort, creature, crowning achievement, cultivation, cutting edge, dawn, demiurgic, design, devising, dispensation, distillation, edge, effect, efformation, elaboration, elemental, elementary, embryonic, end product, erection, esemplastic, essence, establishment, eternal, eternally the same, everlasting, everything that is, expanding universe, extract, extraction, exuberant, fabric, fabrication, fashion, fashioning, fecund, fertile, fetal, figuration, firsthand, flourishing, flying start, forging, form, format, formation, formative, formature, forming, formulation, foundation, foundational, frame, framing, fresh, fresh start, fructiferous, fruit, fruitful, fundamental, generation, generative, generous, genesis, germinal, gestatory, getup, glorious, good, grotesque, growing, hallowed, handicraft, handiwork, harvesting, hatching, highest, holy, ideational, ideative, imaginative, immortal, immutable, improvisation, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inception, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, infant, infantile, infinite, ingenious, initial, initiative, initiatory, innovational, innovative, inspired, institution, institutive, introductory, invention, inventive, issue, jump-off, just, kick-off, kitsch, leading edge, limitless, loving, luxuriant, machining, macrocosm, macrocosmos, majestic, make, makeup, making, making do, manufacture, manufacturing, master, masterpiece, masterwork, megacosm, merciful, metagalaxy, milling, mining, mintage, mobile, modeling, mold, molding, morphogenesis, morphogeny, museum piece, nascent, natal, nature, new, new departure, new mintage, notional, novel, nude, numinous, occasional, offspring, old master, omneity, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, oncoming, one, onset, opening, opera, opus, opuscule, organic structure, organism, organization, origin, original, origination, originative, outbreak, outcome, outgrowth, outset, parturient, pasticcio, pastiche, pattern, patterning, permanent, perpetual, physique, piece, piece of virtu, plan, plenteous, plentiful, plenum, postnatal, prefabrication, pregnant, prenatal, preparation, preservation, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, processing, procreative, producing, product, production, productive, proliferous, prolific, providence, pulsating universe, radiant, raising, refining, result, revolutionary, rich, rudimental, rudimentary, running start, sacred, sculpture, seminal, send-off, setting in motion, setting-up, setup, shape, shaping, sidereal universe, smelting, sovereign, square one, stabile, start, start-off, starting point, statue, steady-state universe, still life, structure, structuring, study, sum of things, superabundant, supreme, swarming, system, take-off, tectonics, teeming, texture, the world, thriving, timeless, tissue, totality, totality of being, uberous, ubiquitous, unbounded, unchanging, undefined, underived, unique, universe, unlimited, ur, virtu, visioned, visitations of providence, warp and woof, weave, web, whole wide world, wide world, work, work of art, workmanship, world, world without end
[edit]- creativity, Geist, Muse, afflatus, authenticity, creative thought, creativeness, daemon, daimonion, demon, divine afflatus, fecundity, fertile mind, fertility, fire of genius, freshness, genius, ingenuity, innovation, inspiration, invention, inventiveness, newness, nonimitation, novelty, originality, pregnant imagination, productivity, prolificacy, soul, spirit, talent, teeming imagination, uniqueness
[edit]- creator, God, actor, agent, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artisan, artist, artiste, author, begetter, beginner, brains, builder, catalyst, causer, conceiver, constructor, copyist, craftsman, dauber, daubster, designer, deviser, discoverer, doer, effector, engenderer, engineer, executant, executor, executrix, fabricator, father, founder, framer, generator, grower, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, inspirer, instigator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, maker, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, mastermind, medium, mother, mover, old master, operant, operative, operator, organizer, originator, parent, past master, patriarch, performer, perpetrator, planner, practitioner, precursor, prime mover, primum mobile, producer, raiser, realizer, shaper, sire, smith, subject, the Deity, worker, wright
creature comfort
[edit]- creature comfort, amenities, amusement, animal pleasure, board, bodily pleasure, bread, bread and butter, cakes and ale, carnal delight, cheer, comestibles, comfort, comforts, content, contentment, conveniences, coziness, creature comforts, cuisine, daily bread, ease, eatables, edibles, endpleasure, enjoyment, entertainment, euphoria, excellent accommodations, fare, fast food, feast, food, food and drink, foodstuff, forepleasure, fruition, fun, gratification, great satisfaction, gusto, health food, hearty enjoyment, ingesta, intellectual pleasure, joie de vivre, junk food, keen pleasure, kicks, kitchen stuff, luxury, meat, physical pleasure, pleasure, provender, provision, quiet pleasure, relish, satisfaction, self-gratification, self-indulgence, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure, sexual pleasure, spread, sustenance, sweetness of life, table, titillation, tucker, viands, victuals, vittles, voluptuousness, well-being, zest
[edit]- creature, Adamite, Charlie McCarthy, adherent, aerobic organism, agent, an existence, anaerobic organism, ancilla, animal, apple-polisher, appliance, artifact, ass-licker, autotrophic organism, backscratcher, backslapper, beast, being, bodily, body, bootlick, bootlicker, brainchild, brown-nose, brownie, brute, cat, chap, character, child, clawback, cog, coinage, commonality, commonalty, composition, concoction, contrivance, courtier, creation, creature comforts, creeping thing, cringer, critter, crowning achievement, customer, dependent, device, disciple, distillation, duck, dumb animal, dumb friend, dummy, dupe, earthling, effect, end product, entelechy, entity, essence, extract, fawner, fellow, feudatory, figurehead, flatterer, flunky, follower, footlicker, front, front man, fruit, genetic individual, gillie, go-between, goon, groundling, groveler, guy, hand, handiwork, handmaid, handmaiden, handshaker, hanger-on, head, helot, henchman, heterotrophic organism, hoi polloi, homager, homo, human, human being, implement, individual, inferior, instrument, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, invention, issue, jackal, joker, junior, kowtower, lackey, lay figure, led captain, lever, lickspit, lickspittle, liege, liege man, life, lightweight, living being, living soul, living thing, lower class, lower orders, man, manufacture, masses, masterpiece, masterwork, material, mealymouth, mechanism, mediator, medium, microbe, microorganism, midwife, minion, mintage, monad, morphological individual, mortal, mundane, myrmidon, new mintage, nominal head, nose, object, offspring, one, ont, opera, opus, opuscule, organ, organic being, organism, organization, origination, outcome, outgrowth, party, pawn, peon, person, persona, personage, personality, physical, physiological individual, plaything, product, production, puppet, reptile, result, retainer, satellite, second fiddle, secondary, serf, servant, single, slave, somebody, someone, something, soul, spaniel, stooge, subaltern, subordinate, suck, superficial, sycophant, tellurian, terran, thing, third stringer, thug, timeserver, toad, toadeater, toady, tool, toy, truckler, tufthunter, underling, understrapper, unit, varmint, vassal, vehicle, virus, votary, work, worldling, yeoman, yes-man, zooid, zoon
[edit]- credence, Communion table, acceptance, acceptation, accepting, acception, acquiescence, admission, admitting, altar, altar carpet, altar desk, altar facing, altar of prothesis, altar rail, altar side, altar slab, altar stair, altar stone, altarpiece, ancona, assurance, assuredness, belief, bomos, certainty, chancel table, confidence, credit, credulity, dependence, eschara, faith, frontal, gradin, hestia, holy table, hope, mensal, missal stand, predella, prothesis, reception, reliance, reliance on, retable, retablo, rood altar, scrobis, stock, store, superaltar, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, trust
[edit]- credential, advocacy, advocating, advocation, affidavit, attestation, authority, authorization, bill of health, certificate, certificate of character, certificate of proficiency, certification, character, character reference, deposition, diploma, letter of introduction, navicert, notarized statement, note, patronage, recommend, recommendation, reference, sheepskin, sworn statement, testamur, testimonial, ticket, visa, vise, voucher, warrant, warranty, witness
[edit]- credentials, ID card, badge, calligram, calling card, card, certification, character, countermark, countersign, documentation, documents, dog tag, endorsement, identification, identification badge, identification tag, initials, letter of introduction, monogram, papers, press card, recommendation, reference, sanction, serial number, signature, tessera, testimonial, visiting card, voucher
credibility gap
[edit]- credibility gap, artfulness, craftiness, deceitfulness, dishonesty, disingenuousness, doubtfulness, falseheartedness, falsehood, fibbery, fibbing, forswearing, fraud, implausibility, inconceivability, incredibility, insincerity, intrigue, lying, mendaciousness, mendacity, mythomania, perjury, pseudology, questionableness, sharp practice, truthlessness, unbelievability, unbelievableness, uncandidness, uncandor, unfrankness, unreliability, unsincereness, untenableness, untruthfulness, unveraciousness
[edit]- credibility, absolute credibility, acceptability, believability, believableness, conceivability, credit, plausibility, reliability, tenability, trustworthiness, truth, truth-loving, truth-speaking, truth-telling, truthfulness, veraciousness, veracity, veridicality, verity
[edit]- credible, acknowledgment, admissible, asset, attention, authority, believable, cogent, colorable, conceivable, conclusive, confidence, convincing, credence, credit, creditable, determinative, distinction, faith, faithful, fame, fiduciary, glory, honor, just, justifiable, kudos, legitimate, likely, logical, notice, plausible, prestige, probable, rational, reasonable, recognition, reliable, reliance, renown, reputation, repute, sane, satisfactory, satisfying, sensible, solid, sound, straight, tenable, trust, trustworthy, trusty, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, unquestionable, valid, weight, well-argued, well-founded, well-grounded, wholesome, worthy of faith
credit rating
[edit]- credit rating, bank credit, book credit, borrowing power, cash credit, commercial credit, consumer credit, credit, credit insurance, credit union, financial condition, hire purchase plan, installment credit, installment plan, investment credit, line of credit, never-never, rating, tax credit, tick, trust
credit union
[edit]- credit union, Bund, Rochdale cooperative, alliance, assemblage, association, axis, band, bank, bank credit, bloc, body, book credit, borrowing power, cash credit, coalition, college, combination, combine, commercial credit, common market, confederacy, confederation, consumer cooperative, consumer credit, cooperative, cooperative society, corps, council, credit, credit insurance, credit rating, customs union, economic community, federation, finance company, finance corporation, free trade area, gang, group, grouping, hire purchase plan, hock shop, installment credit, installment plan, investment credit, league, lending institution, line of credit, machine, mob, mortgage company, never-never, partnership, pawnbroker, pawnbrokery, pawnshop, political machine, rating, ring, society, tax credit, tick, trust, union
[edit]- credit, accept, accept for gospel, accept implicitly, acceptability, acceptation, acception, acclaim, account, account for, accounting for, accredit, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acquiescence, answerability, application, apply to, approbation, approval, arrogation, ascendancy, ascribe, ascribe to, ascription, assign, assign to, assignation, assignment, assurance, assuredness, attach to, attachment, attribute, attribute to, attribution, authority, avails, balance, balance the books, be certain, belief, believability, believableness, believe, believe without reservation, benediction, blame, blame for, blame on, bless, book, box office, bring home to, buy, capitalize, carry, carry over, cast up accounts, certainty, charge, charge off, charge on, charge to, charisma, charm, close out, close the books, clout, cognizance, commendation, commissions, conceivability, confess, confidence, connect with, connection with, consequence, consider, consideration, control, credence, credibility, credit with, crediting, credits, credulity, debit, deem, deficit, depend on, dependability, dependence, derivation from, difference, discrepancy, disposable income, distinction, dividend, dividends, docket, dominance, domination, double entry, due, earned income, earnings, effect, eminence, enchantment, enter, entry, epact, esteem, estimation, etiology, faith, faithfulness, fasten upon, father upon, favor, feel, fix on, fix upon, force, gains, gate, gate receipts, get, give credit, give faith to, give thanks, glory, good feeling, grace, great honor, gross, gross income, gross receipts, hang on, hold, honesty, honor, hope, hymn, importance, imputation, impute, impute to, incidental power, income, influence, influentiality, insinuation, intake, item, journalize, keep books, lay, lay to, leadership, leverage, log, magnetism, make, make acknowledgments of, make an entry, mastery, merit, minute, moment, net, net income, net receipts, notation, note, offer thanks, ornament, output, paean, palaetiology, personality, persuasion, pin on, pinpoint, place upon, placement, plausibility, point to, post, post up, potency, power, praise, prayer of thanks, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, probity, proceeds, produce, profits, purchase, put faith in, receipt, receipts, receivables, receive, reception, recognition, recognize, refer, refer to, reference to, regard, reign, reliability, reliance, reliance on, rely on, remainder, render credit, render thanks, repute, respect, responsibility, return thanks, returns, revenue, right, royalties, rule, saddle on, saddle with, saddling, say, sense, set down to, set store by, settle upon, single entry, solvency, stock, store, strike a balance, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, supremacy, sureness, surety, surplus, suspension of disbelief, swallow, sway, take, take for granted, take on faith, take on trust, take stock in, take-in, takings, tenability, thank, thank offering, thank-you, thanks, thanksgiving, think, tribute, trust, trustworthiness, unearned income, upper hand, weight, what is owing, whip hand, worth, yield
[edit]- creditable, Christian, admirable, beyond all praise, blameless, clean, colorable, commendable, credible, decent, deserving, erect, esteemed, estimable, ethical, exemplary, fair, full of integrity, good, held in esteem, high-minded, high-principled, highly esteemed, highly regarded, highly reputed, highly respectable, honest, honorable, honored, immaculate, in favor, in good odor, in high favor, inviolate, irreproachable, just, laudable, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, manly, meritorious, model, moral, noble, plausible, praiseworthy, prestigious, principled, pure, reputable, reputed, respectable, respected, revered, reverend, right, right-minded, righteous, satisfactory, spotless, stainless, sterling, suitable, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, unblemished, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unexceptionable, unimpeachable, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, venerable, venerated, virtuous, well-deserving, well-thought-of, worshipful, worthy, yeomanly
[edit]- credited, accepted, accountable, accredited, alleged, ascribable, assignable, attributable, attributed, believed, charged, derivable from, derivational, derivative, due, explicable, imputable, imputed, of good credit, owing, putative, received, referable, referred to, traceable, trusted, uncontested, undisputed, undoubted, unquestioned, unsuspected, well-rated
[edit]- Credo, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Anamnesis, Blessing, Canon, Collect, Communion, Consecration, Dismissal, Epistle, Fraction, Gloria, Gospel, Gradual, Introit, Kyrie, Kyrie Eleison, Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Paternoster, Pax, Post-Communion, Preface, Sanctus, Secreta, Tersanctus, Tract
[edit]- credo, Athanasian Creed, Catechism, Nicene Creed, Weltanschauung, articles of faith, articles of religion, belief, catechism, credenda, creed, cult, doctrinal statement, doctrine, dogma, faith, formulated belief, gospel, ideology, ism, orthodoxy, political faith, political philosophy, religion, religious belief, religious faith, school, system of belief, system of beliefs, teaching, theology, tradition, weltanschauung, world view
[edit]- credulous, accepting, apish, asinine, batty, befooled, beguiled, believing, besotted, brainless, buffoonish, childlike, cockeyed, confiding, crazy, daffy, daft, dazed, dependent, depending, dizzy, doting, dumb, dupable, easily taken in, easy of belief, fatuitous, fatuous, flaky, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fuddled, futile, gaga, goofy, green, guileless, gulled, gullible, idiotic, imbecile, inane, inclined to believe, inept, inexperienced, infatuated, innocent, insane, kooky, loony, mad, maudlin, moronic, naive, nutty, overconfiding, overcredulous, overtrustful, overtrusting, reliant, relying, sappy, screwy, senseless, sentimental, silly, simple, stupid, superstitious, thoughtless, trustful, trusting, trusty, uncritical, undoubting, unquestioning, unskeptical, unsophisticated, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary, wacky, wet, without suspicion, witless
[edit]- creed, Athanasian Creed, Catechism, Nicene Creed, Weltanschauung, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, announcement, annunciation, articles of faith, articles of religion, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal, belief, catechism, church, communion, conclusion, connection, course, credenda, credo, cult, declaration, denomination, dictum, doctrinal statement, doctrine, dogma, enunciation, faith, formulated belief, gospel, guiding principles, ideology, ipse dixit, ism, line, manifesto, orthodoxy, persuasion, plan of action, platform, policy, political faith, political philosophy, polity, position, position paper, positive declaration, predicate, predication, principles, procedure, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, protest, protestation, religion, religious belief, religious faith, say, say-so, saying, school, sect, stance, stand, statement, system of belief, system of beliefs, teaching, tenet, theology, tradition, utterance, vouch, weltanschauung, word, world view
[edit]- creedbound, Sabbatarian, authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, borne, closed, constricted, cramped, deaf, deaf to reason, dogmatic, evangelical, fanatical, fundamentalist, hidebound, hyperorthodox, illiberal, insular, literalist, literalistic, little, little-minded, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, parochial, petty, precisianist, precisianistic, provincial, purblind, purist, puristic, puritanical, shortsighted, small, small-minded, staunch, straitlaced, strict, stuffy, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal
[edit]- creek, adolescent stream, arm, armlet, arroyo, bay, bayou, beck, belt, bight, boca, bourn, braided stream, branch, brook, brooklet, burn, channel, cove, crawl, creep, crick, ditch, edge, estuary, euripus, fjord, flowing stream, fluviation, fresh, freshet, frith, gill, glide, gulf, gumshoe, gut, harbor, inch, inlet, kill, kyle, lazy stream, loch, lurk, meandering stream, midchannel, midstream, millstream, mouse, mouth, moving road, narrow, narrow seas, narrows, natural harbor, navigable river, pussyfoot, race, racing stream, reach, rill, river, rivulet, road, roads, roadstead, run, rundle, runlet, runnel, shirk, sike, skulk, slide, slink, slip, slither, snake, sneak, sniggle, sound, spill stream, steal, strait, straits, stream, stream action, streamlet, subterranean river, tiptoe, wadi, watercourse, waterway, wriggle
creep in
[edit]- creep in, admit, affiliate, affiliate with, associate, barge in, be admitted, break in, break in upon, breeze in, burst in, bust in, butt in, charge in, combine, come barging in, come between, come breezing in, come busting in, come in, come into, crash, crash in, crash the gates, cross the threshold, crowd in, cut in, drop in, edge in, elbow in, encroach, enlist, enroll, enter, entrench, foist in, gain admittance, get in, get into, go in, go into, have an entree, have an in, hop in, horn in, impinge, impose, impose on, impose upon, infiltrate, infringe, insert, insinuate, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, jam in, join, join up, jump in, league with, look in, obtrude, pack in, pop in, press in, push in, put in, put on, put upon, rush in, set foot in, sign on, sign up, slink in, slip in, smash in, sneak in, squeeze in, steal in, step in, storm in, take in, take out membership, take up membership, team up with, team with, throng in, thrust in, trench, trespass, visit, wedge in, work in, worm in
creep with
[edit]- creep with, abound, abound with, be alive with, beset, bespread, bristle with, burst with, clutter, crawl with, crowd, diffuse, extend throughout, exuberate, fill, flow, gush, honeycomb, imbue, infest, invade, jam, leave no void, leaven, multiply, occupy, overflow, overflow with, overrun, overspread, overswarm, pack, penetrate, permeate, pervade, plague, pour, proliferate, pullulate with, rain, ravage, run over, run through, shower, stream, suffuse, swarm, swarm with, teem, teem with, throng with, transfuse
[edit]- creep, SOB, all fours, amble, andante, bastard, bend the knee, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, bugger, claudicate, claudication, couch, cower, crawl, crawling, creeping, cringe, crouch, dead march, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag on, drag out, fart, fawn, feel creepy, feel funny, flatter, footpace, funeral march, go dead slow, go on, go on tiptoe, go slow, grovel, gumshoe, gumshoeing, have gooseflesh, have the creeps, heel, hobble, hood, hooligan, idle, inch, inch along, jerk, jog, jog trot, jog-trot, kneel, kowtow, lay wait, laze, leisurely gait, lick the dust, lickspittle, lie in wait, limp, linger, linger on, louse, lumbering pace, lurk, meanie, mincing steps, mosey, mother, nightwalk, nightwalking, pad, padding, pill, plod, poke, poke along, prowl, prowling, pussyfoot, pussyfooting, rack, rat, saunter, scrabble, scramble, shadow, shamble, shit, shithead, shitheel, shuffle, shuffle along, sidle, sidling, skulk, slink, slinking, slither, slouch, slow march, slow motion, snake, snaking, sneak, sneaking, squirm, stagger along, stalk, steal, steal along, stealing, stinkard, stinker, stoop, stroll, tarry, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadeat, toady, toddle, toddle along, totter along, traipse, truckle, trudge, turd, waddle, walk, wear on, wiggle, worm, worm along, worming, wriggle
[edit]- creeper, algae, autophyte, bean, bracken, brown algae, climber, conferva, confervoid, diatom, fern, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungus, grapevine, green algae, gulfweed, herb, heterophyte, ivy, kelp, legume, lentil, liana, lichen, liverwort, mold, moss, mushroom, parasite, parasitic plant, pea, perthophyte, phytoplankton, planktonic algae, plant families, puffball, pulse, red algae, rockweed, rust, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seaweed, smut, succulent, toadstool, vetch, vine, wort, wrack
[edit]- creeping, all fours, ambling, amphibian, anguine, atiptoe, atmospherics, batrachian, blaring, blasting, blind spot, cautious, cautiousness, circumspect, circumspection, claudicant, colubriform, crawl, crawling, creep, creeping like snail, crocodilian, deliberate, deliberateness, deliberation, drawl, drift, easy, fade-out, fading, faltering, flagging, foot-dragging, froggy, gentle, gradual, gumshoeing, halting, hobbled, hobbling, honeycombed, idle, idleness, indolence, indolent, inertia, inertness, interference, languid, languor, languorous, laziness, lazy, leisureliness, leisurely, lentitude, lentor, limping, lizardlike, lumbering, moderate, nightwalking, noise, on all fours, on tippytoe, on tiptoe, ophidian, padding, permeated, pokiness, poking, poky, prowling, pussyfooting, reception, relaxed, reluctance, reluctant, repent, reptant, reptatorial, reptile, reptilelike, reptilian, reptiliform, reptiloid, saturated, sauntering, saurian, scrabble, scramble, serpentiform, serpentile, serpentine, serpentlike, serpentoid, shot through, shuffling, sidling, slack, slackness, slinking, slithering, sloth, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, slowness, sluggardy, sluggish, sluggishness, snail-paced, snaillike, snakelike, snaking, snaky, sneaking, staggering, static, stealing, strolling, swarming, teeming, tentative, tentativeness, tippytoe, tiptoe, tiptoeing, toadish, toddling, tortoiselike, tottering, trudging, turtlelike, unhurried, viperiform, viperish, viperlike, viperoid, viperous, vipery, waddling, worming
[edit]- creeps, ache, aching, agitation, chilblains, chill, chilliness, chilling, chills of fear, cold creeps, cold shivers, cold sweat, cryopathy, disquiet, disquietude, dithers, duck bumps, fear and trembling, formication, frostbite, goose bumps, goose pimples, gooseflesh, heartquake, horripilation, inquietude, jimjams, kibe, nervousness, palpitation, perturbation, quaking, quiver of terror, shivering, shivers, sweat, thrill of fear, trepidation, trepidity, uneasiness
[edit]- creepy, barfy, bum, cheesy, crappy, crawly, crummy, dirty, eerie, formicative, godawful, goshawful, grim, hairy, icky, punk, putrid, shitty, spooky, stinking, stinky, uncanny, unco, uncolike, vomity, weird, yecchy
[edit]- cremation, blazing, blistering, branding, burning, calcination, carbonization, cauterization, cautery, cineration, combustion, concremation, cracking, cupellation, deflagration, destructive distillation, distillation, distilling, flaming, funeral pile, incineration, oxidation, oxidization, parching, pyre, pyrolysis, reduction to ashes, refining, scorching, scorification, searing, self-immolation, singeing, smelting, suttee, the stake, thermogenesis, vesication
[edit]- crenellate, Vandyke, arm, armor, armor-plate, bank, barricade, battle, blaze, blockade, bulwark, castellate, chop, crenulate, crimp, cut, dig in, embattle, entrench, fence, fortify, garrison, gash, incise, indent, jag, knurl, machicolate, man, man the garrison, mill, mine, nick, notch, palisade, picot, pink, scallop, scarify, score, scotch, serrate, slash, tooth, wall
[edit]- crepuscule, alpenglow, aurora, brown of dusk, brownness, candlelight, candlelighting, cocklight, dawnlight, dusk, duskingtide, first light, foredawn, gloam, gloaming, glooming, glow, half-light, morning twilight, owllight, the small hours, twilight
[edit]- crescendo, a cappella, abbandono, access, accession, accrescendo, accretion, accrual, accrue, accruement, accumulate, accumulation, acme, adagietto, adagio, add to, addition, adjunct, advance, affettuoso, aggrandize, aggrandizement, agilmente, agitato, allegretto, allegro, amabile, amoroso, ampliation, amplification, amplify, andante, andantino, apex, apogee, appassionatamente, appassionato, appreciate, appreciation, ascent, augment, augmentation, awake the dead, balloon, ballooning, blast, blast the ear, bloat, bloating, blow up, boom, boost, breed, brillante, broaden, broadening, build, build up, buildup, bulk, bulk out, capriccioso, capstone, climax, con affetto, con agilita, con agitazione, con amore, crash, crest, culmen, culmination, deafen, decrescendo, deployment, develop, development, dilate, diminuendo, din, dispersion, distend, dolce, edema, elevation, enlarge, enlargement, expand, expansion, extend, extension, fanning out, fill out, fill the air, flare, flood, forte, fortissimo, fullness, gain, gain strength, get ahead, go up, greaten, greatening, grow, growth, gush, hike, hike up, hiking, huff, increase, increment, inflate, inflation, intensify, intensity, jump, lamentabile, larghetto, larghissimo, largo, leap, legato, leggiero, loudishness, loudness, magnification, magnify, marcando, meridian, morendo, mount, mounting, multiplication, multiply, parlando, peak, peal, pianissimo, piano, pizzicato, prestissimo, presto, productiveness, proliferate, proliferation, puff, puff up, pump, pump up, raise, raising, rallentando, rarefy, rattle the windows, rend the air, rend the ears, resound, ring, rise, ritardando, ritenuto, rock the sky, run up, scherzando, scherzo, scherzoso, shoot up, snowball, snowballing, sonority, sonorousness, sordo, sotto voce, spiccato, splay, split the eardrums, split the ears, spread, spreading, staccato, startle the echoes, strengthen, stretch, stretto, stun, sufflate, surge, surge of sound, swell, swelling, thunder, tremolando, tremoloso, trillando, tumefy, tumescence, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, volume, wax, waxing, widen, widening
[edit]- crescent, Autobahn, Cynthian, S-shaped, US highway, achievement, alerion, alley, alleyway, animal charge, annulet, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, artificial satellite, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, azure, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, belt highway, bend, bend sinister, biconcave, bicorn, billet, blazon, blazonry, blind alley, blooming, blossoming, bordure, boulevard, broad arrow, budding, burgeoning, bypass, byway, cadency mark, camino real, canton, carriageway, causeway, causey, chaplet, charge, chaussee, chevron, chief, circle, circumferential, circus, close, coat of arms, cockatrice, corduroy road, corniform, coronet, county road, court, crescendoing, crescent moon, crescent-shaped, crescentic, crescentiform, crescentlike, crest, cross, cross moline, crown, cul-de-sac, dead-end street, decrescent, decrescent moon, demilune, developed, device, difference, differencing, dike, dirt road, drive, driveway, eagle, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, expanding, expressway, falcate, falciform, falcon, fess, fess point, field, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, florescent, flourishing, flowering, freeway, fret, full moon, full-fledged, full-grown, fully developed, fur, fusil, garland, gibbous moon, gravel road, griffin, growing, grown, grown-up, gules, gyron, half circle, half-moon, harvest moon, hatchment, helmet, hemicycle, heraldic device, highroad, highway, highways and byways, honor point, horn-shaped, horned, horseshoe, hypertrophied, impalement, impaling, increasing, incremental, increscent, increscent moon, inescutcheon, intensifying, interstate highway, label, lane, lengthening, lion, local road, lozenge, lunar, lunate, lunette, luniform, lunula, lunular, lunule, main drag, main road, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mature, menisciform, meniscoid, meniscus, metal, mews, moon, moon-shaped, moonlike, motorway, motto, mullet, multiplying, new moon, nombril point, octofoil, on the increase, or, orb of night, ordinary, orle, overdeveloped, overgrown, pale, paly, parkway, pave, paved road, pean, pheon, pike, place, plank road, primary highway, private road, proliferating, purpure, quadrant, quarter, quartering, queen of heaven, queen of night, right-of-way, ring road, road, roadbed, roadway, rose, route nationale, row, royal road, sable, saltire, satellite, scutcheon, scythe, secondary road, sector, semicircle, semicircular, semilunar, sextant, shield, sickle, sickle-like, sickle-shaped, sigmoid, silvery moon, snowballing, speedway, spread eagle, spreading, sprouting, state highway, street, subordinary, superhighway, swelling, tenne, terrace, the wandering Moon, thoroughfare, thriving, through street, thruway, tightening, tincture, toll road, torse, township road, tressure, turnpike, two-horned, unicorn, vair, vert, waning crescent moon, waning moon, waxing, waxing crescent moon, waxing moon, wet moon, wreath, wynd, yale
[edit]- crest, Vandyke edge, achievement, acme, alerion, amplitude, animal charge, annulet, antinode, apex, apogee, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, azure, badge, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, billet, blazon, blazonry, bordure, broad arrow, brow, cadency mark, canton, cap, capsheaf, caput, chaplet, charge, chevron, chief, chine, climax, cloud nine, coat of arms, cockatrice, cockscomb, consummate, coronet, crenation, crenelation, crenulation, crescendo, crescent, cross, cross moline, crown, culmen, culminate, culmination, de Broglie wave, deckle edge, denticulation, dentil, dentil band, design, device, difference, differencing, diffraction, dogtooth, eagle, edge, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, emblem, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, extreme limit, extremity, falcon, feather, fess, fess point, field, figure, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, frequency, frequency band, frequency spectrum, fret, frost, fur, fusil, garland, griffin, guided wave, gules, gyron, hackle, hatchment, head, heading, headpiece, heaven, heavens, height, helmet, heraldic device, high noon, highest pitch, highest point, hilltop, hogback, honor point, ice, impalement, impaling, in phase, inescutcheon, interference, knoll, label, light, limit, lion, lofty peak, longitudinal wave, lozenge, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, maximum, mechanical wave, meridian, metal, motto, mountaintop, mullet, ne plus ultra, no place higher, node, nombril point, noon, notching, octofoil, or, ordinary, orle, out of phase, outtop, overarch, overtop, pale, paly, panache, peak, pean, period, periodic wave, pheon, pic, pico, pike, pinhead, pinion, pinnacle, pitch, plume, plumule, point, pole, precipice, purpure, quarter, quartering, quill, radio wave, ray, reach, reinforcement, resonance, resonance frequency, rickrack, ridge, roof, rose, sable, saltire, saw, saw teeth, scallop, scapular, scutcheon, seal, seismic wave, serration, seventh heaven, shield, shock wave, sky, sound wave, spire, spread eagle, spur, subordinary, summit, surface wave, surmount, symbol, tenne, tidal wave, tincture, tip, tip-top, top, top off, top out, topknot, tor, torse, transverse wave, tressure, trough, tuft, unicorn, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, vair, vert, vertex, very top, wave, wave equation, wave motion, wave number, wavelength, wreath, yale, zenith
[edit]- crestfallen, abashed, ashamed, baffled, balked, betrayed, bilked, blasted, blighted, blushing, brooding, broody, chagrined, chapfallen, crossed, crushed, dashed, defeated, disappointed, dished, disillusioned, dissatisfied, dumpish, embarrassed, foiled, frustrated, glum, grum, hangdog, humbled, humiliated, ill done-by, ill-served, let down, long-faced, moodish, moody, mopey, moping, mopish, morose, mortified, mumpish, out of countenance, red-faced, regretful, shamed, shamefaced, shamefast, sorely disappointed, soured, sulky, sullen, thwarted
[edit]- cretin, ament, born fool, clot, congenital idiot, defective, golem, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, juggins, mongoloid idiot, moron, natural, natural idiot, natural-born fool, simp, simpleton, zany, zombie
[edit]- cretinism, acromegaly, amentia, arrested development, backwardness, blithering idiocy, choriocarcinoma, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, dwarfism, giantism, half-wittedness, hyperglycemia, hyperparathyroidism, hypo-ovarianism, hypothyroidism, idiocy, idiotism, imbecility, infantilism, insanity, mental defectiveness, mental deficiency, mental handicap, mental retardation, mongolianism, mongolism, mongoloid idiocy, moronism, moronity, panhypopituitarism, pheochromocytoma, profound idiocy, retardation, retardment, sexual precocity, simple-wittedness, simplemindedness, simpleness, simplicity, subnormality, thyrotoxicosis, toxic goiter
[edit]- crevasse, abysm, abyss, arroyo, box canyon, breach, break, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, coulee, couloir, crack, cranny, crater, crevice, cut, cwm, deep, defile, dell, depth, dike, ditch, donga, draw, excavation, fault, fissure, flaw, flume, fracture, furrow, gap, gape, gash, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hole, hollow, incision, joint, kloof, leak, moat, notch, nullah, opening, pass, passage, pit, ravine, rent, rift, rime, rupture, scissure, seam, shaft, slit, slot, split, trench, valley, void, wadi, well, yawning abyss
[edit]- crevice, abysm, abyss, arroyo, box canyon, breach, break, canyon, cavity, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, coulee, couloir, crack, cranny, crevasse, cut, cwm, defile, dell, dike, ditch, donga, draw, excavation, fault, fissure, flaw, flume, fracture, furrow, gap, gape, gash, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hole, incision, joint, kloof, leak, moat, notch, nullah, opening, pass, passage, ravine, rent, rift, rime, rupture, scissure, seam, slit, slot, split, trench, valley, void, wadi
[edit]- crew, aerial photographer, age group, aggregation, aircrew, aircrewman, assembly, avigator, band, battalion, belly gunner, bevy, body, bombardier, brigade, bunch, cabal, cadre, camarilla, cast, cell, charmed circle, circle, clan, clique, closed circle, cluster, cohort, collection, company, complement, congregation, contingent, corps, coterie, covey, crew chief, crowd, detachment, detail, division, eight, eleven, elite, elite group, employees, faction, first string, first team, five, fleet, flight attendant, flight crew, force, gang, group, grouping, groupment, gunner, help, hired help, hostess, in-group, ingroup, inner circle, junta, junto, machine gunner, men, meteorologist, mob, movement, navigator, nine, out-group, outfit, pack, party, peer group, personnel, phalanx, platoon, posse, regiment, reserves, retinue, ring, rowing crew, salon, second string, second team, servantry, set, squad, stable, staff, steward, stewardess, string, team, the help, third string, tribe, troop, troupe, varsity, we-group, wing
[edit]- crib, Colonial bed, Hollywood bed, Nissen hut, Quonset hut, abiding place, abode, abstract, act like, address, affect, amplification, and, annex, appropriate, archives, armory, arsenal, assume, attic, bag, bagnio, bank, basement, bassinet, bawdy house, bawdyhouse, bay, beat, bed-davenport, beef, beguile of, bellyache, berth, betting house, betting parlor, bilingual text, bilk, bin, blast, blow off, bonded warehouse, bookcase, boost, booth, bordello, borrow, bottle up, box, box in, box up, brothel, bunco, bunk, bunk bed, bunker, burn, buttery, cabin, cage, camp bed, cantonment, cargo dock, casino, casket, cathouse, cavity, cell, cellar, cellule, chamber, cheat, check, chest, chisel, chorus, chouse, chouse out of, clavis, cloister, closet, coffin, cog, cog the dice, compartment, con, confine, conservatory, constrain, coop, coop in, coop up, cop, copy, cork up, cot, counterfeit, cozen, crab, cradle, cramp, crash pad, crate, crypt, cupboard, day bed, decipherment, decoding, defraud, den, den of vice, depository, depot, detain, diddle, disorderly house, ditto, dive, do, do in, do like, do out of, dock, domicile, domus, door bed, double bed, double bunk, drawer, dump, duplex bed, dwelling, dwelling place, echo, elevator, embezzle, encage, encase, enclose, enclosed space, entomb, euchre, exchequer, extort, faithful translation, fake, feather bed, fence in, filch, finagle, flam, flat, fleece, flimflam, fob, fold-away bed, forge, four-poster, free translation, fudge, fuss, gambling den, gambling hall, gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house, garner, gatehouse, glory hole, gloss, glossary, go like, godown, gouge, grain bin, grain elevator, granary, gull, gyp, habitation, hammock, have, hayloft, haymow, hayrick, hell, hem in, hocus, hocus-pocus, hoke, hoke up, hold, hold in custody, hold in restraint, hole, hollow, hook, hospital bed, house of assignation, house of joy, house of prostitution, hut, hutch, imitate, immure, impound, infringe a copyright, inhibit, interlinear, interlinear translation, joint, keep in, keep in custody, keep in detention, key, king-size bed, kiosk, lean-to, library, lift, locker, lodging, lodging place, lodgment, loose translation, lower berth, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, make like, make off with, manger, metaphrase, mew, mew up, mirror, mow, mulct, nest, nip, outbuilding, outhouse, pack the deal, pad, pallet, palm, panel bed, panel den, panel house, paraphrase, pavilion, pen, pen up, pew, pigeon, pilfer, pinch, pipe berth, pirate, place, place to live, plagiarize, poach, pony, poolroom, poster bed, pound, practice fraud upon, purloin, quarter berth, queen-size bed, rack, rail in, red-light district, reecho, reflect, repeat, repertory, repository, reservoir, residence, restatement, restrain, restrict, rewording, rick, roll-away bed, roof, rook, run away with, rustle, scam, screw, scrounge, seal up, seat, sell gold bricks, sentry box, shack, shackle, shanty, shave, shed, shelf, shoplift, shortchange, shut in, shut up, silo, simulate, single bed, sink of iniquity, snare, snatch, snitch, sofa-bed, sporting house, squawk, stack, stack room, stack the cards, stall, steal, stew, stews, stick, sting, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, straiten, supply base, supply depot, swindle, swipe, take, take a dive, tank, tenderloin, tester bed, thieve, thimblerig, three-quarter bed, throw a fight, tollbooth, tollhouse, transcription, translation, transliteration, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, trot, truckle bed, trundle bed, vat, vault, victimize, walk off with, wall in, warehouse, whorehouse, wine cellar, yammer
[edit]- crick, acute pain, bite, boring pain, branch, brook, charley horse, chirk, chirking, chirp, chirrup, cramp, cramps, creak, darting pain, fulgurant pain, gill, girdle pain, gnawing, griping, hitch, jumping pain, kink, lancinating pain, nip, pang, paroxysm, pinch, prick, race, rivulet, run, runnel, seizure, sharp pain, shoot, shooting, shooting pain, spasm, stab, stabbing pain, stitch, stream, stridulate, stridulation, thrill, throes, tormen, tweak, twinge, twitch, wrench
[edit]- cricket, Klaxon, boiler factory, boiler room, bull-roarer, candor, catcall, cherry bomb, cicada, cicala, clack, clacker, clapper, cracker, dog-day cicada, fair play, fair shake, fair-mindedness, fairness, firecracker, good sportsmanship, grasshopper, hopper, hoppergrass, horn, locust, noisemaker, rattle, rattlebox, siren, snapper, sportsmanlikeness, sportsmanliness, sportsmanship, square deal, steam whistle, the fair thing, the handsome thing, the proper thing, ticktack, whistle, whizgig, whizzer
[edit]- crime, atrocity, breach, break, crime against humanity, criminal tendency, criminality, criminosis, deadly sin, delict, delinquency, dereliction, enormity, error, evil, evil courses, evildoing, failure, fault, feloniousness, felony, genocide, guilty act, heavy sin, illegality, impropriety, indiscretion, inexpiable sin, infringement, iniquity, injury, injustice, lapse, lawbreaking, lawlessness, malefaction, malfeasance, malpractice, malum, malversation, minor wrong, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdoing, misfeasance, misprision, misprision of treason, mortal sin, nonfeasance, offense, omission, outrage, peccadillo, peccancy, positive misprision, sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful act, slip, thou scarlet sin, tort, transgression, trespass, trip, unutterable sin, venial sin, vice, viciousness, violation, wrong, wrong conduct, wrongdoing
[edit]- criminal, Judas, Mafioso, aberrant, abnormal, abominable, actionable, against the law, amoral, anarchic, anarchistic, anomic, arraignable, arrant, at fault, atrocious, bad, bad guy, bad person, base, betrayer, black, black-market, blackguard, blamable, blameworthy, bootleg, censurable, chargeable, conscienceless, contraband, contrary to law, convict, corrupt, corrupted, crook, crooked, culpable, culprit, damnable, dark, deceiver, delinquent, depraved, desperado, desperate criminal, deviant, devious, disgraceful, dishonest, dishonorable, double-dealer, doubtful, dubious, evasive, evil, evildoer, evildoing, execrable, faulty, felon, felonious, fishy, flagitious, flagrant, flawed, foul, fraudulent, fugitive, gallows bird, gangster, gaolbird, guilty, hardly the thing, heinous, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, ignominious, ill-got, ill-gotten, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, immoral, impeachable, impermissible, implicated, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, inculpated, indecorous, indictable, indirect, infamous, iniquitous, insidious, involved, irregular, jailbird, justiciable, knave, knavish, lawbreaker, lawless, low, malefactor, malefactory, malevolent, malfeasant, malfeasor, miscreant, misfeasor, mobster, monstrous, naughty, nefarious, nonconstitutional, nonlegal, nonlicit, not done, not kosher, not the thing, off-base, off-color, offender, out-of-line, outlaw, outlawed, peccant, public enemy, punishable, questionable, quisling, racketeer, rank, reprehensible, reproachable, reprobate, reprovable, rotten, roughneck, ruffian, sacrilegious, scandalous, scofflaw, scoundrel, shady, shameful, shameless, shifty, sinful, sinister, sinner, slippery, suspicious, swindler, terrible, terrorist, thief, thug, to blame, tough, traitor, transgressor, trespasser, triable, tricky, two-timer, unallowed, unauthorized, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, unconstitutional, under-the-counter, under-the-table, underhand, underhanded, undue, unethical, unfit, unfitting, unforgivable, unlawful, unofficial, unpardonable, unprincipled, unrighteous, unsavory, unscrupulous, unseemly, unspeakable, unstatutory, unstraightforward, unsuitable, unwarrantable, unwarranted, unworthy, vicious, vile, villain, villainous, wicked, without remorse, without shame, worker of ill, wrong, wrongdoer, wrongdoing, wrongful
[edit]- crimp, Vandyke, abduce, abduct, abductor, aqueduct, bar, bit, blaze, bollix, bridle, bunco artist, bunco steerer, canal, canalization, canalize, cardsharp, cardsharper, carpetbagger, carry away, carry off, carve, chamfer, channel, check, chisel, chop, cocker, cockle, coil, con artist, con man, confidence man, constrain, corrugate, corrugation, crab, crack, cramp, crankle, crease, creasing, crenellate, crenulate, crimper, crimple, crinkle, crisp, crumbly, crumple, curl, cut, dado, dike, ditch, dog-ear, double, double over, doubling, duplicature, enfold, engrave, entrenchment, flection, flexure, flounce, flute, fold, fold over, fosse, foul up, friable, frill, frizz, frizzle, furrow, gash, gather, goffer, gouge, groove, gully, gum, gum up, gutter, ha-ha, hamper, hold back, hold down, hold for ransom, hold in, horse coper, horse trader, hurdle, impediment, impress, incise, indent, infold, inhibit, interfold, jackleg, jag, kennel, kidnap, kidnapper, kink, knit, knot, knurl, land pirate, land shark, land-grabber, lap over, lapel, lappet, lock, louse up, machicolate, mill, moat, mortgage shark, mountain, nick, notch, obstruction, pettifogger, picot, pink, pitchman, plait, plat, pleat, plica, plicate, plication, plicature, plow, ply, ponytail, pucker, pulverizable, pulverulent, purse, queer, quill, rabbet, ridge, rifle, rimple, ringlet, ripple, rivel, rub, ruche, ruching, ruck, ruckle, ruff, ruffle, rumple, run away with, rut, scallop, scarify, score, scotch, scratch, screw, scrunch, serrate, shanghai, shanghaier, shark, sharp, sharper, sharpie, shirr, shortchanger, shyster, skyjack, slash, slicker, slit, snafu, snag, snatch, spieler, spirit away, streak, striate, sunk fence, tooth, trench, triturable, trough, tuck, turn over, twill, wimple, withhold, wrinkle
[edit]- crimson, Titian, Titian-red, blanch, blush, bricky, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, change color, cherry, cherry-colored, cherry-red, color, color up, damask, darken, ferruginous, fiery, fire-red, flame, flame-colored, flame-red, flaming, flush, glow, glowing, grow red, gules, henna, hot, incarmined, incarnadine, inflame, inflamed, infrared, iron-red, lake-colored, laky, lateritious, lipstick, lobster-red, look black, lurid, madder, mantle, maroon, miniate, pale, pink, port-wine, puce, red, red-dyed, red-ink, red-looking, redden, reddened, reddish, reddish-amber, reddish-brown, rose, rouge, rubicund, rubify, rubiginous, rubric, rubricose, ruby, ruby-colored, ruby-red, ruddied, ruddle, ruddy, rufescent, rufous, rust, rust-red, rusty, scarlet, squirm with self-consciousness, stammel, stammer, tile-red, turn color, turn pale, turn red, vermilion, vinaceous, warm, whiten, wine, wine-colored, wine-red
[edit]- cringe, apple-polish, avoid, bend, bend the knee, bend the neck, bend to, blench, blink, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, bow down, bow to, brown-nose, cower, crawl, creep, cringe to, croodle, crouch, crouch before, curtsy, defer, do homage, do obeisance, dodge, draw back, draw in, duck, eat dirt, evade, fade, fall back, fawn, flatter, flinch, funk, genuflect, get down, grovel, hang back, hunch, hunch down, jib, kneel, kneel to, knuckle to, kowtow, lick the dust, lickspittle, pull back, pull in, pull out, quail, quiver, recoil, reel back, retract, retreat, scrouch down, sheer off, shrink, shrink back, shy, sidestep, skulk, slaver, slink, sneak, squat, start aside, start back, stoop, swerve, toadeat, toady, tremble, truckle, truckle to, turn aside, wallow, weasel, weasel out, welter, wince, withdraw
[edit]- cringle, air hole, armhole, blowhole, boltrope, bullet-hole, bunghole, canvas, clew, cloth, crowd of sail, deadeye, earing, eye, eyelet, foot, fore-and-aft sail, gasket, grommet, guide, head, keyhole, knothole, leech, loop, loophole, luff, manhole, mousehole, muslin, peephole, pigeonhole, pinhole, placket, placket hole, plain sail, porthole, press of sail, punch-hole, rag, reduced sail, reef point, reefed sail, sail, spiracle, square sail, tap, vent, venthole
[edit]- crinkle, ambages, anfractuosity, bristle, circuitousness, circumambages, circumbendibus, circumlocution, circumvolution, cocker, cockle, contort, convolution, corkscrew, corrugate, corrugation, crankle, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkling, crumple, flexuosity, flexuousness, fold, furrow, intorsion, intort, involution, knit, knot, meander, meandering, plica, pucker, purse, ridge, rimple, ripple, rivel, rivulation, ruck, ruckle, ruffle, rumple, rustle, scallop, screw, scrunch, serpentine, set on edge, shirr, sinuation, sinuosity, sinuousness, slink, slinkiness, snake, snakiness, swirl, swish, torsion, tortility, tortuosity, tortuousness, turn, turning, twine, twirl, twist, twist and turn, twisting, undulation, wave, waving, whirl, whish, whorl, wimple, wind, winding, worm, wring, wrinkle
[edit]- cripple, abate, amputee, attenuate, blunt, bugger, burden, castrate, cramp, cumber, damage, damp, dampen, de-energize, deaden, debilitate, defective, deformity, devitalize, disable, disarm, disenable, dismember, drain, dull, emasculate, embarrass, encumber, enervate, enfeeble, enmesh, ensnarl, entangle, entoil, entrammel, entrap, entwine, eviscerate, exhaust, extenuate, fetter, gruel, hamper, hamstring, handicap, handicapped person, hobble, hors de combat, idiot, imbecile, immobilize, impair, impede, inactivate, incapable, incapacitate, involve, kibosh, lame, lay low, lime, lumber, maim, mayhem, mitigate, mutilate, net, paralytic, paraplegic, press down, prostrate, put, quadriplegic, queer, queer the works, rattle, reduce, sabotage, saddle with, sap, shackle, shake, shake up, snarl, soften up, spike, tangle, the crippled, the handicapped, toil, trammel, unbrace, undermine, unfit, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, weaken, weigh down, wing, wreck
[edit]- crippled, bad, castrated, damaged, debilitated, disabled, disarmed, disqualified, emasculated, game, halt, halting, hamstrung, handicapped, hobbling, hog-tied, incapacitated, inoperative, invalidated, lame, limping, maimed, paralyzed, prostrate, spavined, weak, weakened
[edit]- crisis, bench mark, boom, bottoming out, breakers ahead, business cycle, business fluctuations, bust, calamity, cardhouse, cardinal point, catastrophe, cause for alarm, chief thing, climacteric, climax, clutch, contingency, convergence of events, cooling off, core, cornerstone, critical juncture, critical moment, critical point, crossroads, crucial period, crunch, crux, danger, dangerous ground, depression, disaster, dollar crisis, dollar gap, downturn, economic cycle, economic expansion, economic growth, emergency, endangerment, essence, essential, essential matter, exigency, expanding economy, expansion, extremity, financial crisis, fundamental, gaping chasm, gathering clouds, gist, gravamen, great point, growth, hazard, heart, high growth rate, high point, high pressure, hinge, house of cards, imperativeness, imperilment, important thing, issue, jeopardy, kernel, keystone, landmark, low, main point, main thing, market expansion, material point, meat, menace, milestone, nub, pass, peak, peaking, peril, pinch, pith, pivot, plight, predicament, press, pressure, prosperity, push, quicksand, real issue, recession, recovery, risk, rocks ahead, rub, salient point, sine qua non, slowdown, slump, storm clouds, strait, stress, substance, substantive point, tension, the bottom line, the point, thin ice, threat, turn, turning point, upturn, urgency, zero hour
[edit]- crisp, Siberian, Spartan, abbreviated, abridged, algid, aphoristic, aposiopestic, arctic, axiomatic, below zero, biting, bitter, bitterly cold, bleak, boreal, bracing, breakable, brief, brisk, brittle, brittle as glass, brumal, brusque, cheering, chip, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear-cut, clipped, close, coherent, coil, cold, cold as charity, cold as death, cold as ice, cold as marble, compact, compendious, compressed, concise, condensed, connected, consistent, contracted, cordial, crackable, crease, crimp, crinkly, crisped, crispy, crumbly, crump, crushable, crystal-clear, crystalline, curl, curled, curly, curt, cut, cutting, defined, definite, delicate, direct, distinct, docked, dog-ear, double, double over, elliptic, energizing, enfold, epigrammatic, exhilarating, explicit, express, fissile, flimsy, flounce, flute, fold, fold over, formulaic, formulistic, fracturable, fragile, frail, frangible, freezing, freezing cold, fresh, friable, frigid, frill, frizzed, frizzly, frizzy, gather, gelid, glacial, gnomic, hibernal, hiemal, hyperborean, ice-cold, ice-encrusted, icelike, icy, inclement, infold, ingoing, interfold, invigorating, keen, kink, kinked, kinky, lacerable, laconic, lap over, limpid, loud and clear, lucid, luminous, nipping, nippy, numbing, pellucid, penetrating, perspicuous, piercing, pinching, pithy, plain, plait, plat, platitudinous, pleat, plicate, ply, pointed, proverbial, provoking, pruned, pulverizable, pulverulent, pungent, quill, raw, refreshful, refreshing, regaling, reserved, rigorous, rousing, ruff, ruffle, scissile, sententious, severe, sharp, shatterable, shattery, shivery, short, short and sweet, shortened, simple, sleety, slushy, snappy, splintery, stimulating, stone-cold, straightforward, subzero, succinct, summary, supercooled, synopsized, taciturn, terse, tight, to the point, tonic, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, trenchant, triturable, truncated, tuck, turn over, twill, unambiguous, unconfused, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable, vulnerable, well-defined, winterbound, winterlike, wintery, wintry, zestful, zesty
[edit]- crisscross, Calvary cross, Christogram, Greek cross, Jerusalem cross, Latin cross, Maltese cross, Russian cross, T, X, across, across the grain, ankh, athwart, athwartships, avellan cross, bar, chi, chi-rho, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiastic, christcross, contrariwise, contrawise, cross, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, cross-grained, crossbar, crossbones, crosscut, crossed, crossing, crosslet, crossway, crossways, crosswise, cruciate, crucifix, cruciform, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, cut across, dagger, decussate, decussated, ex, exing, fork cross, gammadion, intercross, intersect, intersected, intersecting, inverted cross, lie across, long cross, obliquely, overthwart, papal cross, pectoral cross, potent cross, rood, saltire, secant, sideways, sidewise, swastika, tau, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, transverse, transversely, traverse, trefled cross, voided cross
[edit]- criterion, Procrustean law, acid test, adjudgment, antetype, antitype, archetype, assay, barometer, benchmark, biotype, blank determination, brouillon, canon, check, classic example, code, crucial test, crucible, degree, determination, docimasy, epitome, essay, feeling out, first draft, form, formality, formula, formulary, fugleman, fugler, gauge, genotype, graduated scale, guideline, imitatee, judgment, kiteflying, law, law of nature, lead, maxim, measure, mirror, model, norm, norma, ordeal, order of nature, original, paradigm, parameter, pattern, precedent, prescribed form, prescription, principle, probation, proof, prototype, quantity, reading, readout, regulation, representative, rough draft, rough sketch, rule, scale, set form, sounding out, standard, standing order, test, test case, touchstone, trial, try, type, type species, type specimen, universal law, urtext, value, verification, yardstick
[edit]- critic, advertising writer, aficionado, allegorist, amateur, annalist, annotator, arbiter, arbiter elegantiarum, arbiter of taste, art critic, author, authoress, authority, belittler, belletrist, bibliographer, bon vivant, book reviewer, buff, captious, captious critic, carper, carping, caviler, caviling, censor, censorious, censurer, cicerone, clarifier, coauthor, cognoscente, collaborator, collector, columnist, commentator, commenter, common scold, compiler, complainer, composer, connaisseur, connoisseur, copywriter, creative writer, criticaster, criticizer, critickin, criticule, cryptanalyst, cryptographer, cryptologist, dance critic, decoder, definer, demonstrator, demythologizer, diarist, diaskeuast, dilettante, disparager, dragoman, drama critic, dramatist, editor, editorial writer, editorialist, emendator, emender, encyclopedist, epicure, epicurean, essayist, euhemerist, exegesist, exegete, exegetist, expert, explainer, explicator, exponent, expositor, expounder, fan, faultfinder, faultfinding, freak, free lance, free-lance writer, frondeur, ghost, ghostwriter, glossarist, glossographer, go-between, good judge, gourmand, gourmet, guide, hermeneut, humorist, hypercritical, inditer, interpreter, judge, knocker, leader writer, lexicographer, literary artist, literary craftsman, literary critic, literary man, litterateur, logographer, magazine writer, man of letters, maven, metaphrast, momus, monographer, muckraker, mudslinger, music critic, news analyst, newspaperman, nitpicker, novelettist, novelist, nut, oneirocritic, overcritical, pamphleteer, paraphrast, penwoman, pettifogger, poet, prose writer, publicist, pundit, quibbler, refined palate, reviewer, savant, scenario writer, scenarist, scholar, scholiast, scold, scribe, scriptwriter, short-story writer, smellfungus, social critic, specialist, storyteller, technical expert, technical writer, technician, textual critic, translator, virtuoso, word painter, wordsmith, writer
critical point
[edit]- critical point, bench mark, cardinal point, chief thing, climacteric, climax, clutch, convergence of events, core, cornerstone, crisis, critical juncture, crossroads, crucial period, crunch, crux, emergency, essence, essential, essential matter, exigency, extremity, fundamental, gist, gravamen, great point, heart, high point, hinge, important thing, issue, kernel, keystone, landmark, main point, main thing, material point, meat, milestone, nub, pass, pinch, pith, pivot, push, real issue, rub, salient point, sine qua non, strait, substance, substantive point, the bottom line, the point, turn, turning point
[edit]- critical, Herculean, abstruse, accurate, acute, alarming, allegorizing, annotative, appreciative, arduous, attentive, bad, basic, belittling, brutal, captious, carping, caviling, censorious, charged, choicy, choosy, clamorous, clarifying, climacteric, close, commentative, commentatorial, compelling, complex, conclusive, conscientious, consequential, correct, critic, crucial, crying, cynical, dangerous, dangersome, decisive, delicate, demanding, demeaning, demonstrative, demythologizing, deprecating, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciating, depreciative, depreciatory, desperate, detailed, determinative, differential, difficile, difficult, dire, discerning, discoursive, discriminate, discriminating, discriminative, disparaging, disquisitional, dissertational, distinctive, distinguishing, editorial, elucidative, emergent, enlightening, essayistic, essential, euhemeristic, exact, exacting, exegetic, exemplificative, exigent, explaining, explanatory, explicative, explicatory, explosive, expositive, expositorial, expository, exquisite, fastidious, faultfinding, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, formidable, fraught with danger, fussy, glossarial, grave, hairsplitting, hairy, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, high-pressure, high-priority, humbling, hypercritical, illuminating, illuminative, illustrative, imperative, imperious, important, insistent, instant, intricate, jawbreaking, jeopardous, judgemental, judgmental, judicative, judicial, judiciary, judicious, juridic, juristic, kairotic, key, knotted, knotty, laborious, loaded, lowering, mean, menacing, meticulous, minute, momentous, monographic, nagging, narrow, nice, niggling, no picnic, not easy, on slippery ground, on thin ice, operose, overcritical, parlous, particular, penetrating, perfectionistic, periculous, perilous, pettifogging, picky, pivotal, precarious, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, pregnant, pressing, priggish, prudish, punctilious, punctual, puristic, puritanic, quibbling, rationalistic, rationalizing, refined, religious, rigid, rigorous, rough, rugged, scholiastic, scrupulous, scrutinizing, selective, sensitive, serious, set with thorns, severe, significant, slippery, slippy, spiny, steep, strenuous, strict, subtle, tactful, thorny, threatening, ticklish, toilsome, touch-and-go, touchy, tough, trichoschistic, tricky, ugly, ultracritical, uncertain, uphill, urgent, vital, weighty, wicked
[edit]- criticism, adverse criticism, analysis, animadversion, appraisal, approval, aspersion, assessment, bad notices, bad press, book review, captiousness, carping, cavil, caviling, censoriousness, censure, comment, commentary, commentation, condemnation, critical bibliography, critical journal, critical notice, critical review, critique, cryptanalysis, cryptography, cryptology, diagnostics, disapproval, disparagement, editorial, epigraphy, estimate, estimation, evaluation, examination, exception, exegetics, faultfinding, flak, gloss, hairsplitting, hermeneutics, hit, home thrust, hostile criticism, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, imputation, judgement, knock, leader, leading article, lexicography, literary criticism, metoposcopy, nagging, niggle, niggling, nit, nit-picking, notice, obloquy, observation, oneirology, opinion, overcriticalness, paleography, pathognomy, pestering, pettifogging, physiognomics, physiognomy, priggishness, quibble, quibbling, rap, rating, reflection, remark, renew, report, reproachfulness, review, running commentary, semeiology, semeiotics, slam, stricture, study, swipe, symptomatology, taking exception, textual criticism, trichoschistism, tropology, valuation, write-up
[edit]- criticize, annotate, appraise, assess, attack, blame, blast, carp at, carper, castigate, caviler, censure, comment upon, condemn, criticizer, critique, cut up, deal with, denounce, denunciate, descant, disapprove of, discourse, discuss, dissert, dissertate, estimate, evaluate, faultfinder, fulminate against, fustigate, go into, handle, hit, impugn, inquire into, judge, knock, knocker, lambaste, momus, moralize upon, pan, pull to pieces, put down, rap, remark upon, reprehend, reprobate, review, roast, scathe, skin, slam, slate, smellfungus, snipe at, survey, take to task, take up, touch upon, treat, treat of, value, write up
[edit]- critique, analysis, approval, book review, censure, comment, commentary, commentation, copy, critical bibliography, critical journal, critical notice, critical review, criticism, dwelling upon, editorial, elaboration, gloss, going over, iteration, leader, leading article, literary criticism, notice, practicing, reaffirmation, recap, recapitulation, recital, recountal, recounting, rehash, rehearsal, reissue, reiteration, remark, report, reprint, restatement, resume, retelling, review, running commentary, summary, summing up, write-up
[edit]- critter, Brahman, Houyhnhnm, Indian buffalo, an existence, animal, aurochs, beast, beef, beef cattle, beeves, being, bison, body, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, brood mare, brute, buffalo, bull, bullock, calf, carabao, cattle, charger, colt, courser, cow, creature, creeping thing, dairy cattle, dairy cow, dobbin, dogie, dumb animal, dumb friend, entelechy, entire, entire horse, entity, equine, filly, foal, gelding, heifer, hornless cow, horse, individual, kine, leppy, life, living being, living thing, mare, maverick, milch cow, milcher, milk cow, milker, monad, mount, muley cow, muley head, musk-ox, nag, neat, object, organism, ox, oxen, person, persona, personality, prancer, something, soul, stallion, steed, steer, stirk, stot, stud, studhorse, tarpan, thing, top horse, unit, varmint, war-horse, wild horse, wisent, yak, yearling, zebu
[edit]- croak, air a grievance, aphonia, apprehend, artificial voice, beef, belch, bellyache, bitch, blare, blast, blat, blot out, bode, bray, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, bump off, burr, buy it, buzz, cackle, call, carol, cash in, caw, chatter, check in, check out, cheep, childish treble, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, choked voice, chuck, clack, clamor, clang, clangor, clank, clash, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, complain, conk, coo, crab, cracked voice, craunch, cronk, crow, crump, crunch, cuckoo, die, do in, drawl, drop off, drum, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, erase, expire, falsetto, fix, forebode, forewarn, fret, fret and fume, fuss, gabble, gaggle, get, give the business, go west, gobble, grind, gripe, groan, grouch, grouse, growl, grumble, grunt, guggle, gun down, harshness, have a premonition, have a presentiment, have it, hawking voice, hiss, hit, hoarseness, holler, honk, hoo, hoot, howl, ice, idioglossia, idiolalia, impairment of speech, jangle, jar, kick, kick in, kick off, kick the bucket, knock off, lay out, lisp, lisping, lodge a complaint, look black, loss of voice, lower, menace, mince, murmur, mutter, muzzy speech, nasal tone, nasalization, off, pass, pass away, pass out, peep, peg out, pip, pipe, pipe off, polish off, pop off, portend, preapprehend, quack, quarrel, quaver, raise a howl, rasp, register a complaint, roll, rub out, scold, scranch, scrape, scratch, scrunch, settle, shake, shove off, sibilation, sing, snarl, snore, speech defect, speech impediment, squawk, step off, take care of, take on, talk incoherently, threaten, tremor, trill, twang, tweet, twit, twitter, warble, warn, waste, whistle, wipe out, yap, yelp, zap
[edit]- crock, adobe, balker, balky horse, biscuit, bisque, bowl, brick, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, crockery, crowbait, dog, enamelware, firebrick, garron, glass, goat, hack, jade, jug, jughead, nag, plug, porcelain, pot, pottery, refractory, roarer, rogue, rosinante, scalawag, stiff, tile, tiling, urn, vase, whistler
[edit]- crockery, adobe, biscuit, bisque, bowl, brick, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics, china, crock, enamelware, firebrick, glass, jug, porcelain, pot, pottery, refractory, tile, tiling, urn, vase
[edit]- croft, arable land, barnyard, barton, block, cattle ranch, chicken farm, clos, close, collective farm, cotton plantation, dairy farm, demesne, demesne farm, dry farm, dude ranch, enclave, factory farm, fallow, farm, farmery, farmhold, farmland, farmplace, farmstead, farmyard, field, forty, fruit farm, fur farm, grain farm, grange, grassland, hacienda, homecroft, homefarm, homestead, kibbutz, kolkhoz, kraal, location, lot, mains, manor farm, orchard, pale, parcel of land, pasture, patch, pen, plantation, plat, plot, plot of ground, poultry farm, quad, quadrangle, ranch, rancheria, rancho, real estate, section, sheep farm, square, station, steading, stock farm, toft, tract, truck farm
[edit]- croissant, Danish, Danish pastry, English muffin, Parker House roll, Yorkshire pudding, bagel, bialy, bialystoker, bun, clover-leaf roll, coffee cake, crescent roll, cross bun, crumpet, gem, hard roll, hot cross bun, kaiser roll, muffin, onion roll, pinwheel roll, popover, roll, scone, soft roll
[edit]- crone, bag, bat, beldam, biddy, dame, dowager, drab, frump, grandam, grandmother, granny, hag, old battle-ax, old dame, old girl, old granny, old lady, old trot, old wife, old woman, slattern, sloven, trot, war-horse, witch
[edit]- Cronus, Agdistis, Amor, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Ate, Athena, Bacchus, Ceres, Cora, Cupid, Cybele, Demeter, Despoina, Diana, Dionysus, Dis, Eros, Father Time, Gaea, Gaia, Ge, Great Mother, Hades, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, Here, Hermes, Hestia, Hymen, Hyperion, Jove, Juno, Jupiter, Jupiter Fidius, Jupiter Fulgur, Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Jupiter Pluvius, Jupiter Tonans, Kore, Kronos, Magna Mater, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mithras, Momus, Neptune, Nike, Olympians, Olympic gods, Ops, Orcus, Persephassa, Persephone, Phoebus, Phoebus Apollo, Pluto, Poseidon, Proserpina, Proserpine, Rhea, Saturn, Tellus, Time, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan, Zeus, the greatest innovator
[edit]- crony, ace, adjunct, ally, amigo, associate, bedfellow, bedmate, bosom buddy, brother, brother-in-arms, buddy, bunkie, bunkmate, butty, camarade, chamberfellow, chum, classmate, coadjutor, cohort, colleague, comate, companion, company, compatriot, compeer, comrade, confederate, confrere, consociate, consort, copartner, fellow, fellow member, fellow student, girl friend, gossip, mate, messmate, old crony, pal, pard, pardner, partner, playfellow, playmate, roommate, running mate, schoolfellow, schoolmate, shipmate, side partner, sidekick, teammate, workfellow, yokefellow, yokemate
[edit]- crook, Judas, L, Malacca cane, aberrancy, aberration, advocate, alpenstock, andiron, angle, angle off, apex, appropriate, arc, arch, arm, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, bad person, bandeau, baton, bear off, bearer, beat, bend, bend back, bent, betrayer, bias, bifurcate, bifurcation, bight, bilk, blackleg, body snatcher, booster, bow, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, branch, branching off, brassiere, buckle, buttress, caduceus, cane, cant, carrier, catacaustic, catenary, caustic, cervix, chain, chain of office, cheat, cheater, chevron, chicken thief, chisel, chiseler, chouse, circle, circuitousness, clout, coal tongs, coin, con man, conchoid, contort, convict, coon, cop, corner, corset, cozen, cozener, crane, crank, criminal, crosier, cross, cross-staff, crotchet, crumple, crutch, crutch-stick, curl, curve, damper, deceiver, declination, decurve, deflect, deflection, defraud, defrauder, delinquent, den of thieves, departure, desperado, desperate criminal, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviate, deviation, deviousness, diacaustic, diddle, diddler, diffract, diffuse, digression, discursion, disperse, distort, divagate, divagation, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversion, divert, do, dogleg, dome, double, double-dealer, drift, drifting, elbow, ell, ellipse, embezzler, embow, errantry, evildoer, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, fasces, felon, festoon, filch, filcher, fire hook, fire tongs, firedog, flex, flimflam man, flimflammer, fork, foundation garment, fugitive, fulcrum, furcate, furcation, gallows bird, ganef, gangster, gaolbird, gavel, ghoul, girdle, grafter, grate, grating, grave robber, grid, griddle, gridiron, grill, griller, guy, guywire, gyp artist, gypper, hairpin, handstaff, heist, hook, hump, hunch, hyperbola, incurvate, incurve, indirection, inflect, inflection, jailbird, jewel thief, jock, jockstrap, juggler, keys, knee, knot, land pirate, land shark, land-grabber, larcener, larcenist, lawbreaker, lifter, lituus, loop, lurch, mace, mainstay, maintainer, malefactor, malevolent, malfeasant, malfeasor, mantle, mast, misfeasor, miter, mobster, nab, neck, nook, oblique, obliquity, outlaw, pallium, parabola, pastoral staff, paterissa, peculator, pererration, petty thief, pilferer, pinch, poacher, point, poker, portfolio, pothook, prop, prowler, public enemy, pull, purloiner, quarterstaff, quisling, quoin, racketeer, rambling, recurve, red hat, reflect, reflex, refract, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, retroflex, rigging, ring, robber, rod, rod of office, round, sag, salamander, scatter, scepter, scofflaw, screw, scrounger, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shillelagh, shoplifter, shoulder, shroud, sinner, sinus, skew, slant, slue, sneak thief, spine, spit, spring, sprit, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, steal, stealer, stick, stiffener, straying, strengthener, support, supporter, sustainer, swag, swagger stick, swanking stick, sway, sweep, swerve, swerving, swindle, swindler, swinging, tack, thief, thug, tiara, tongs, tracery, traitor, transgressor, triple crown, tripod, trivet, truncheon, turn, turn awry, turning, turnspit, twist, two-timer, upholder, variation, vault, veer, vertex, villain, walking stick, wand, wand of office, wandering, warp, white-collar thief, wind, worker of ill, wrench, wrest, wring, writhe, wrongdoer, yaw, zag, zig, zigzag
[edit]- crooked, Machiavellian, Roman-nosed, V-shaped, Y-shaped, agee, agee-jawed, akimbo, ambidextrous, amoral, anamorphous, angular, aquiline, aquiline-nosed, artful, askance, askant, askew, askewgee, asquint, asymmetric, awry, beak-nosed, beak-shaped, beaked, bending, bendy, bent, bill-like, bill-shaped, billed, bowed, catawampous, catawamptious, chevronwise, chevrony, circuitous, clawlike, cockeyed, conscienceless, contorted, cornered, corrupt, corrupted, crafty, crankled, crazy, criminal, crookbilled, crooknosed, crotched, crumpled, crunched, cunning, curving, curvy, dark, deceitful, deformed, deviative, devious, disfigured, dishonest, dishonorable, distorted, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, doubtful, down-curving, dubious, duplicitous, errant, evasive, faithless, false, false-principled, falsehearted, felonious, fishy, flexuous, forked, fraudulent, furcal, furcate, geniculate, geniculated, gnarled, hairpin, hamate, hamiform, hamulate, hooked, hooklike, ill-got, ill-gotten, illegal, illicit, immoral, indirect, insidious, irregular, jagged, knee-shaped, labyrinthine, lopsided, lying, meandering, misshapen, nonsymmetric, not kosher, oblique, one-sided, parrot-nosed, perfidious, perverse, pointed, questionable, rambling, rhamphoid, rostrate, rostriform, rotten, roundabout, ruthless, saw-toothed, sawtooth, serpentine, serrate, shady, shameless, sharp, sharp-cornered, shifty, sinister, skew, skew-jawed, skewed, slaunchways, slippery, snaky, snide, sprung, squinting, staggered, suspicious, tortuous, treacherous, tricky, twisted, twisting, twisty, two-faced, unciform, uncinate, unconscienced, unconscientious, unconscionable, underhand, underhanded, unethical, unguiform, unlawful, unprincipled, unsavory, unscrupulous, unstraightforward, unsymmetric, untruthful, wamper-jawed, warped, winding, without remorse, without shame, wrong, wry, yaw-ways, zigzag, zigzaggy, zigzagways
[edit]- croon, anthem, ballad, carol, chant, chirp, chirrup, choir, chorus, descant, do-re-mi, hum, hymn, intonate, intone, lilt, minstrel, pipe, psalm, quaver, roulade, serenade, shake, sing, sing in chorus, sol-fa, solmizate, tremolo, trill, troll, tweedle, tweedledee, twit, twitter, vocalize, warble, whistle, yodel
[edit]- crooner, Heldentenor, Meistersinger, alto, aria singer, baritenor, baritone, bass, basso, basso buffo, basso cantante, basso profundo, blues singer, canary, cantatrice, cantor, caroler, chanter, chantress, coloratura soprano, comic bass, contralto, countertenor, deep bass, diva, dramatic soprano, heroic tenor, hymner, improvisator, lead singer, lieder singer, melodist, mezzo-soprano, opera singer, prima donna, psalm singer, rock-and-roll singer, singer, singstress, songbird, songster, songstress, soprano, tenor, torch singer, vocalist, vocalizer, voice, warbler, yodeler
crop out
[edit]- crop out, appear, arise, be conspicuous, be exposed, become manifest, become visible, come, come forth, come forward, come in sight, come out, come to hand, come to light, emerge, enter, fade in, hang out, have high visibility, heave in sight, issue, issue forth, look forth, loom, materialize, outcrop, peep out, rear its head, rise, see the light, show, show up, stick out, stream forth, strike the eye, turn up
crop up
[edit]- crop up, appear, approach, arise, be born, become, break out, burst forth, chance, come along, come forth, come into being, come into existence, come on, come out, come to be, draw on, erupt, get to be, have origin, irrupt, issue, issue forth, materialize, originate, pop up, present itself, rise, show up, spring up, take birth, take rise, turn up
[edit]- crop, abbreviate, abdomen, abomasum, abridge, abscind, abstract, aftermath, amputate, annihilate, bag, ban, bar, batch, batten upon, bay window, bearing, beerbelly, belly, belt, blacksnake, bob, boil down, boobs, bosom, breadbasket, breast, breasts, bring in, brisket, browse, bullwhack, bullwhip, bumper crop, bunch, bust, capsulize, cat, chest, chop, clip, clump, cluster, compress, condense, contract, copse, cowhide, craw, crop herbs, cull, curtail, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut off short, cut out, cut short, cutting, detach, diaphragm, dig, disengage, dock, dryfarm, dug, elide, eliminate, embonpoint, enucleate, epitomize, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, extinguish, extirpate, farm, fatten on, fatten upon, feast on, feast upon, feed on, first stomach, flagellum, fleece, foreshorten, fruit, garden, gather, gather in, gathering, gizzard, glean, gleaning, grabble, graze, group, grouping, groupment, grove, grow, growth, gullet, gut, harvest, harvesting, hassock, hay, head, head of hair, hew, honeycomb stomach, horsewhip, isolate, kishkes, knock off, knockers, knot, knout, kurbash, lash, live on, locks, lop, lot, make, mama, mamelon, mamelonation, mammary gland, mammilla, mammillation, mane, manyplies, mat, maw, mess, midriff, mop, mow, mutilate, nenes, net, nip, nipple, nut, nutting, omasum, output, pap, papilla, pare, pasture on, paunch, peel, pick, pick out, pigeon breast, plantation, planting, pluck, poll, pollard, pot, potbelly, potgut, prey on, proceeds, produce, product, production, prune, psalterium, pusgut, quirt, raise, ranch, rawhide, razor strap, reap, reap and carry, reaping, rear, recap, recapitulate, reduce, rennet bag, reticulum, retrench, root out, rule out, rumen, scourge, second crop, second stomach, set apart, set aside, shag, sharecrop, shave, shear, shock, shorten, sjambok, skive, slash, slew, snip, snub, spare tire, stamp out, stand, stomach, stook, strap, strike off, strip, strip off, stunt, sum up, summarize, swagbelly, synopsize, take in, take off, take out, teat, telescope, thatch, thicket, third stomach, thong, thorax, throughput, tit, tits, titties, titty, top, tresses, trim, truncate, tuft, tum-tum, tummy, tussock, udder, underbelly, ventripotence, vintage, whip, whiplash, wipe out, wisp, yield
[edit]- cropped, abbreviated, abridged, abstracted, bobbed, capsule, capsulized, clipped, compressed, condensed, curtailed, cut short, digested, docked, elided, elliptic, mowed, mown, nipped, pollard, polled, pruned, reaped, shaved, sheared, short-cut, shortened, snub, snubbed, trimmed
[edit]- cropper, Bauer, agriculturalist, agriculturist, agrologist, agronomist, breakdown, coffee-planter, collapse, collective farm worker, comedown, crash, crofter, culbute, cultivator, deflation, dirt farmer, dive, downfall, dry farmer, fall, farm laborer, farmer, farmhand, flop, forced landing, gentleman farmer, granger, grower, harvester, harvestman, haymaker, header, husbandman, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, kulak, muzhik, nose dive, peasant, peasant holder, picker, planter, plowboy, plowman, plunge, pratfall, raiser, rancher, ranchman, reaper, rustic, sharecropper, smash, sower, spill, sprawl, stumble, tailspin, tea-planter, tenant farmer, tiller, tree farmer, trip, truck farmer, tumble, yeoman
[edit]- crosier, Malacca cane, alpenstock, baton, caduceus, cane, chain of office, crook, cross, cross-staff, crutch, crutch-stick, fasces, gavel, handstaff, keys, lituus, mace, mantle, miter, pallium, pastoral staff, paterissa, portfolio, quarterstaff, red hat, ring, rod, rod of office, scepter, shillelagh, staff, stave, stick, swagger stick, swanking stick, tiara, triple crown, truncheon, walking stick, wand, wand of office
cross examination
[edit]- cross examination, assize, change of venue, court-martial, cross-interrogation, cross-questioning, direct examination, examination, grill, grilling, hearing, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, jury trial, mistrial, police interrogation, questioning, redirect examination, the grill, third degree, third-degree, trial, trial by jury
cross eye
[edit]- cross eye, amaurosis, blepharitis, cast, cataract, choroiditis, conjunctivitis, convergent strabismus, cross-eyedness, defective vision, detached retina, esotropia, exotropia, eye defect, glaucoma, gutta serena, heterotropia, iritis, keratitis, optic neuritis, pink eye, retinoblastoma, squinch, squint, strabismus, sty, trachoma, upward strabismus, uveitis, walleye
cross fire
[edit]- cross fire, alternation, antiaircraft fire, battledore and shuttlecock, commutation, cooperation, counterchange, curtain fire, direct fire, dry fire, exchange, file fire, fire, fire of demolition, firepower, fireworks, firing, flack, flak, give-and-take, ground fire, gunfight, gunfire, gunplay, high-angle fire, horizontal fire, interchange, interdiction fire, intermutation, interplay, lex talionis, machine-gun fire, measure for measure, mortar fire, musketry, mutual admiration, mutual support, mutual transfer, mutuality, percussion fire, permutation, pistol fire, quid pro quo, raking fire, rapid fire, reciprocality, reciprocation, reciprocity, retaliation, ricochet fire, rifle fire, shellfire, shoot-out, shooting, something for something, time fire, tit for tat, transposal, transposition, vertical fire, zone fire
cross grained
[edit]- cross grained, across, across the grain, against the grain, athwart, athwartships, bearish, bitchy, broken, bumpy, cankered, cantankerous, choppy, churlish, coarse, coarse-grained, contrariwise, contrary, contrawise, corrugated, crabbed, cranky, crisscross, cross, crossway, crossways, crosswise, crusty, cussed, difficult, disagreeable, excitable, feisty, fractious, froward, grained, grainy, granular, granulated, gritty, gross, homespun, horripilant, huffish, huffy, inequal, irascible, irregular, irritable, jolty, linsey-woolsey, mean, obliquely, ornery, overthwart, perverse, pimply, pitted, pocky, potholed, rank, ripply, rough, rough-cast, rough-grained, rough-hewn, ruffled, rutted, rutty, shagged, shaggy, sideways, sidewise, snappish, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, stuffy, sulky, sullen, testy, textured, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, transverse, transversely, traverse, ugly, uneven, unkempt, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, ununiform, waspish, wayward, wimpled, wrongheaded
cross hatching
[edit]- cross hatching, arabesque, band, bar, basketry, basketwork, burr, cancellation, chiseling, crossing-out, dash, delineation, demitint, diagonal, dotted line, engravement, engraving, etch, etching, filigree, fret, fretwork, gem-engraving, glass-cutting, glyptic, grate, grating, graving, grid, gridiron, grille, grillwork, hachure, hairline, half tint, hatching, incision, inscript, inscription, interlacement, intertexture, intertwinement, lace, lacery, lacework, lacing, lattice, latticework, line, lineation, lining, marking, mesh, meshes, meshwork, net, netting, network, plexure, plexus, raddle, reticle, reticulation, reticule, reticulum, riddle, score, scoring, scratch, scratching, screen, screening, sieve, slash, slashing, stipple, stippling, streak, streaking, striation, strip, stripe, striping, stroke, sublineation, texture, tint, tissue, tooling, tracery, trellis, trelliswork, type-cutting, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, virgule, wattle, weave, weaving, web, webbing, webwork, weft, wicker, wickerwork
cross out
[edit]- cross out, abbreviate, abridge, blot, blot out, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, cancel, censor, cut, dele, delete, edit, edit out, efface, erase, expunge, expurgate, kill, obliterate, omit, raze, rescind, rub out, rule out, scratch, scratch out, sponge, sponge out, strike, strike off, strike out, void, wipe out
cross purposes
[edit]- cross purposes, agreement to disagree, antagonism, antipathy, antithesis, bad blood, clashing, collision, competition, conflict, confrontation, contradiction, contradistinction, contraindication, contraposition, contrariety, contrariness, contrast, counterposition, difference, difference of opinion, difficulty, disaccord, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, dissension, dividedness, division, enmity, fractiousness, friction, hostility, inconsistency, inimicalness, misunderstanding, negativeness, noncooperation, obstinacy, odds, oppositeness, opposition, opposure, oppugnance, oppugnancy, perverseness, perversity, polarity, polarization, recalcitrance, refractoriness, repugnance, rivalry, showdown, uncooperativeness, variance, vying
cross question
[edit]- cross question, bone of contention, catechism, cross-examine, cross-interrogate, cross-interrogatory, debating point, demand, extract information, feeler, go over, grill, inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, interrogative, interrogatory, issue, leader, leading question, make inquisition, moot point, point at issue, point in question, problem, pry out, query, question, question at issue, question mark, quodlibet, roast, third-degree, topic, trial balloon, vexed question
cross section
[edit]- cross section, adjunct, chiasma, component, contingent, crossing, cruciation, decussation, detachment, detail, division, dole, embodiment, example, exponent, fraction, installment, intercrossing, intersecting, intersection, item, parcel, part, particular, percentage, portion, quadrant, quarter, quota, random sample, remainder, representation, representative, sample, sampling, section, sector, segment, share, specimen, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, transection, transversion, traversal, type, typification
[edit]- cross, Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Cape Colored, Christogram, Eurasian, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, John Hancock, Latin cross, Malacca cane, Maltese cross, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, abjure, achievement, across, across the grain, adversary, adversative, adverse, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, aggravation, alerion, alien, alpenstock, angered, angry, animal charge, ankh, annoyance, annoyed, annulet, antagonistic, antagonize, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, arch, argent, ark, armorial bearings, armory, arms, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, assert the contrary, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, at war with, athwart, athwartships, autograph, avellan cross, ax, azure, badge, badge of office, badges, baffle, balk, bambino, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, barrow, bastard, baton, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be contrary to, be inimical, beadroll, beads, bearings, bearish, beat against, belie, bend, bend sinister, bestride, bilk, billet, bitchy, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, blast, blazon, blazonry, blend, bless, blight, block, boat, bordure, boundary stone, brass, brassard, brave, broad arrow, browned-off, bummer, burden, burden of care, burthen, bust, button, bypass, cadency mark, cairn, call into question, calvary, cancel, candle, cane, cankered, cankerworm of care, canoe, cantankerous, canton, cap and gown, captious, care, cargo, carping, carry sail, cast down, cattalo, caviling, cenotaph, censer, chain, chain of office, challenge, chaplet, charge, checkmate, chevron, chi, chi-rho, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiastic, chief, choleric, christcross, churlish, ciborium, cipher, circumnavigate, circumvent, citrange, clash, clashing, class ring, coast, coat of arms, cockade, cockatrice, collar, collide, column, combination, competitive, con, conflict, conflict with, conflicting, confound, confront, confute, contest, contra, contradict, contradictory, contrapose, contrariwise, contrary, contravene, contrawise, controvert, coronet, counter, counteract, counterattack, countermand, countermark, counterpose, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, countervail, counterwork, crabbed, cranky, crescent, crest, crisscross, cromlech, crook, crosier, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, cross-grained, cross-shaped, cross-staff, crossbar, crossbones, crossbred, crossbreed, crosscut, crossed, crossing, crosslet, crosslike, crossway, crossways, crosswise, crotchety, crown, crown of thorns, cruciate, crucible, cruciferous, crucifix, cruciform, cruet, cruise, crusty, crutch, crutch-stick, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, cumbrance, cup, curse, cussed, cut across, cyclolith, dagger, dash, deadweight, death chair, death chamber, decoration, decussate, decussated, defeat, defeat expectation, defy, delete, deny, destroy, device, difference, differencing, differing, difficulties, difficulty, disaccordant, disadvantage, disaffirm, disagreeable, disagreeing, disallow, disappoint, disavow, disclaim, discomfit, disconcert, discordant, discountenance, discrepant, dish, disharmonious, disillusion, disown, disproportionate, disprove, dispute, disrupt, dissatisfy, dissentient, dissident, dissonant, distress, divergent, dolmen, double-cross, downer, dress, drop, eagle, electric chair, elude, embarrassment, emblems, encumbrance, endorsement, enemy, ensigns, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, eucharistial, ex, excitable, exing, eyeball-to-eyeball, falcon, fasces, faultfinding, feisty, fess, fess point, field, figurehead, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flummox, foil, footstone, ford, fork cross, forswear, fractious, freight, fret, frustrate, fur, furious, fusil, gainsay, gall, gall and wormwood, gallows, gallows-tree, gammadion, garland, gas chamber, get ahead of, gibbet, give benediction, go across, go against, go by, go by ship, go counter to, go on shipboard, go to sea, grating, grave, gravestone, grievance, griffe, griffin, grouchy, grumpy, guillotine, gules, gyron, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, halter, hammer and sickle, hamper, hand, handicap, handstaff, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, hatchment, headstone, helmet, hemp, hempen collar, heraldic device, heraldry, high yellow, hinny, hoarstone, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, honor point, hostile, hot seat, huffish, huffy, hybrid, hybridize, icon, immiscible, impalement, impaling, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, impugn, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incensed, incensory, incompatible, inconvenience, indignant, inescutcheon, infliction, inharmonious, inimical, initials, inscription, insignia, interbred, interbreed, intercross, interfere with, intersect, intersected, intersecting, inverted cross, invoke benefits upon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, irritation, jangling, jarring, join, join issue upon, join the opposition, label, ladino, lapel pin, lay hands on, let down, lethal chamber, lie across, lie athwart, liger, lion, lituus, livery, livid, load, lock horns, long cross, lozenge, lumber, mace, mad, maiden, make a passage, mantle, mantling, mark, mark of signature, marker, markings, marshaling, martlet, mascle, matzo, mausoleum, mean, medal, meet, meet head-on, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, menorah, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metal, metis, metisse, mezuzah, mikvah, militate against, miscegenate, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mongrelize, monogram, monolith, monstrance, monument, moody, mortarboard, motorboat, motto, mound, mulatto, mule, mullet, mustee, navigate, necrology, negate, negative, nombril point, noncooperative, nonplus, noose, not abide, not accept, not admit, nullify, obelisk, obituary, oblique, obliquely, obstinate, octofoil, octoroon, old school tie, onus, opponent, oppose, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppression, oppugn, oppugnant, or, ordeal, ordinary, orle, ornery, osculatory, ostensorium, out of accord, out of whack, over, overstride, overthwart, pack, pack of troubles, pale, paly, papal cross, paschal candle, pass, pass by, pass over, pastoral staff, paterissa, pax, pean, peck of troubles, pectoral cross, peevish, penalty, perplex, perverse, pettish, petulant, pheon, phylacteries, pillar, pin, piqued, pissed, pissed-off, plaque, play at cross-purposes, plight, plumcot, ply, potent cross, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, predicament, pressure, prize, protest, purpure, pyramid, pyx, quadroon, quarter, quartering, quarterstaff, querulous, quick-tempered, quintroon, ratty, rebut, recalcitrant, recant, refractory, refuse to admit, refute, regalia, reject, relics, reliquary, remembrance, renounce, repudiate, repugnant, resist, retract, revoke, ribbon, rigor, riled up, ring, rival, rood, rope, rosary, rose, rostral column, row, rub out, ruin, run, run against, run counter to, sable, sabotage, sacred relics, sacring bell, sail, sail round, sail the sea, saltire, sambo, scaffold, school ring, scotch, scull, scutcheon, sea of troubles, seafare, seal, secant, sell, sell out, shaft, shamrock, shield, shillelagh, shirty, shofar, shoot ahead of, short-tempered, shrine, sideways, sidewise, sigil, sigillography, sign manual, signature, signet, skull and crossbones, snappish, sore, sorrow, span, sphragistics, spike, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, split, spoil, spread eagle, staff, stake, stave, steam, steamboat, stela, step over, stick, stone, stonewall, straddle, stress, stress of life, strike out, stump, stupa, subordinary, subscription, sukkah, surly, swagger stick, swanking stick, swastika, swim upstream, tabernacle, tablet, take a voyage, take back, take issue with, tallith, tangelo, tantalize, tartan, tau, tease, tenne, testimonial, testy, tetchy, the chair, thistle, thorn, thurible, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, ticked off, tie, tigon, tincture, tomb, tombstone, tope, torse, touchy, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, tree, trefled cross, tressure, trial, tribulation, trophy, trouble, troubles, ugly, uncongenial, uncooperative, unfavorable, unfriendly, unharmonious, unicorn, uniform, unpropitious, up in arms, upset, urceole, vair, vale of tears, variant, verge, veronica, vert, vexed, vicissitude, vigil light, visa, vise, visitation, voided cross, vote against, votive candle, voyage, walking stick, wand, waspish, waters of bitterness, weight, white elephant, wipe out, with crossed bayonets, withstand, woe, work against, worked up, wrathful, wrathy, wreath, wroth, wrought-up, x-shaped, yacht, yale, zebrass, zebrule
[edit]- crossbones, Azrael, Black Death, Calvary cross, Christogram, Death, Greek cross, Grim Reaper, Jerusalem cross, Latin cross, Maltese cross, Pale Death, Reaper, Russian cross, T, X, angel of death, ankh, avellan cross, chi, chi-rho, christcross, crisscross, cross, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, crosslet, crucifix, cruciform, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, dagger, ex, exing, fork cross, gammadion, inverted cross, long cross, memento mori, pale horse, pale rider, papal cross, pectoral cross, potent cross, rood, saltire, sickle of Death, skull, skull and crossbones, swastika, tau, that fell sergeant, that grim ferryman, trefled cross, voided cross, white cross
[edit]- crossbreed, Cape Colored, Eurasian, bastard, beget, breed, breed true, cattalo, citrange, copulate, cross, crossbred, engender, father, generate, get, griffe, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, high yellow, hinny, hybrid, hybridize, inbreed, interbreed, intercross, ladino, liger, make love, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metis, metisse, miscegenate, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mongrelize, mother, mulatto, mule, multiply, mustee, octoroon, outbreed, plumcot, procreate, proliferate, propagate, quadroon, quintroon, reproduce in kind, sambo, sire, tangelo, tigon, zebrass, zebrule
[edit]- crosscurrent, affluence, afflux, affluxion, air current, bucking, challenge, concourse, confluence, conflux, contention, contradiction, contraposition, contravention, contraversion, counteraction, counterbalance, counterblast, countercurrent, counterforce, counterinfluence, counterpoise, counterpressure, counterweight, counterworking, course, crossing, current, current of air, defluxion, denial, downdraft, downflow, downpour, draft, drift, driftage, fall wind, flow, flow of air, flowing, fluency, flux, following wind, foul wind, gush, head wind, impugnation, impugnment, indraft, inflow, inhalation, inrush, inspiration, jetstream, katabatic wind, mill run, millrace, monsoon, movement of air, negation, onrush, onward course, opposing, opposition, opposure, oppugnation, outflow, race, rebutment, rebuttal, refusal, rejection, resistance, run, rush, set, spate, standing against, stream, stream of air, surge, tail wind, tide, traversal, trend, undercurrent, undertow, updraft, water flow, wind
[edit]- crosshatch, autolithograph, be a printmaker, cartoon, carve, chalk, character, charcoal, chisel, color, copy, crayon, crease, cribble, cut, dash off, daub, delineate, depict, design, diagram, doodle, draft, draw, enchase, engrave, furrow, grave, groove, hatch, incise, inscribe, limn, line, lithograph, make prints, mark, paint, paint a picture, pencil, picture, picturize, portray, print, score, scrape, scratch, sculpture, scumble, shade, sketch, stencil, stipple, tint, tool, trace
[edit]- crossing, abjuration, abjurement, abrogation, absolute contradiction, annulment, approach, asymptote, bottleneck, bucking, carrefour, challenge, cloverleaf, collision course, commutation, concentralization, concentration, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congress, contention, contradiction, contraposition, contrary assertion, contravention, contraversion, controversion, convergence, converging, counteraction, countering, counterworking, course, crossbreeding, crosscurrent, crosspoint, crossroad, crosswalk, crossway, crosswise, cruise, denial, disaffirmation, disallowance, disavowal, disclaimer, disclamation, disownment, disproof, flyover, focalization, focus, forswearing, funnel, gainsaying, globe-trotting, going, grade crossing, head wind, hub, hybridism, hybridization, impugnation, impugnment, interbreeding, intercrossing, intersection, journeying, leg, level crossing, locomotion, meeting, miscegenation, mongrelism, motion, movement, moving, mutual approach, narrowing gap, negation, nullification, ocean trip, opposing, opposition, opposure, oppugnation, overcrossing, overpass, passage, progress, radius, rebutment, rebuttal, recantation, refusal, refutation, rejection, renunciation, repudiation, resistance, retractation, retraction, revocation, rotary, run, sail, sea trip, shakedown cruise, spokes, standing against, tangent, thwart, tourism, touristry, traffic circle, traject, trajet, transit, transversal, travel, traveling, traversal, traverse, undercrossing, undercurrent, viaduct, voyage
[edit]- crosspatch, Tartar, anomaly, bear, complainer, crab, crank, dragon, feist, fire-eater, freak, fury, grizzly bear, grouch, grouser, growler, grumbler, hothead, hotspur, individualist, inner-directed person, misfit, naysayer, nonconformist, oddball, sorehead, sourpuss, sport, ugly customer, zero hour
[edit]- crossroads, climacteric, clutch, convergence of events, country town, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crucial period, crunch, emergency, exigency, extremity, ham, hamlet, hinge, pass, pinch, push, rub, strait, thorp, turn, turning point, village, wick
[edit]- crosswise, across, across the grain, athwart, athwartships, awkward, bendwise, bias, biased, biaswise, bulky, catercorner, catercornered, choking, clumsy, constrictive, contrariwise, contrary, contrawise, counterproductive, crisscross, cross, cross-grained, crossing, crossway, crossways, cumbersome, diagonal, hindering, hindersome, hulking, hulky, impractical, in the way, inconvenient, inhibiting, inhibitive, interrupting, interruptive, kittycorner, oblique, obliquely, obstructing, obstructive, obstruent, occlusive, overthwart, perverse, ponderous, repressive, restrictive, sideways, sidewise, slant, stifling, strangling, suppressive, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, troublesome, unhandy, unmanageable, unwieldy
[edit]- crotchet, L, accidental, angle, apex, bee, bend, bifurcation, bight, boutade, brainstorm, breve, cant, capriccio, caprice, chevron, coin, conceit, corner, crank, craze, crazy idea, crook, deflection, demisemiquaver, dogleg, dominant, dominant note, double whole note, eccentricity, eighth note, elbow, ell, enharmonic, enharmonic note, fad, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, flat, flimflam, fool notion, fork, freak, freakish inspiration, furcation, half note, harebrained idea, hemidemisemiquaver, hook, humor, inflection, kink, knee, maggot, megrim, minim, musical note, natural, nook, note, notion, passing fancy, patent note, point, quarter note, quaver, quirk, quoin, report, responding note, semibreve, semiquaver, shaped note, sharp, sixteenth note, sixty-fourth note, spiccato, staccato, sustained note, swerve, tercet, thirty-second note, tone, toy, triplet, twist, vagary, veer, vertex, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, whole note, zag, zig, zigzag
[edit]- crotchety, abnormal, anomalous, antagonistic, antipathetic, arbitrary, bearish, breakaway, cankered, capricious, clashing, conflicting, contradicting, contradictory, counteractant, counteracting, counteractive, countervailing, counterworking, crank, crankish, cranky, cross-grained, deviant, deviative, different, dissident, divergent, dotty, eccentric, erratic, exceptional, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic, fey, flaky, freakish, funny, harebrained, hostile, humorsome, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, inimical, irregular, kinky, kooky, maggoty, moody, motiveless, nonconformist, notional, nutty, odd, oddball, opposing, oppositional, oppugnant, ornery, peculiar, perverse, petulant, queer, quirky, reactionary, recalcitrant, renitent, repugnant, resistant, revolutionary, screwball, screwy, singular, strange, temperamental, twisted, unconventional, unnatural, unreasonable, unrestrained, vagarious, vagrant, vinegarish, vinegary, wacky, wanton, waspish, wayward, whimsical
[edit]- crouch, bend, bend the knee, bend the neck, bend to, bob, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, bow down, bow to, couch, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, cringe to, crouch before, curtsy, dip, do homage, do obeisance, duck, fawn, flatter, flinch, genuflect, genuflection, get down, grovel, huddle, hug the earth, hunch, hunch down, hunker down, kneel, kneel to, kneeling, knuckle to, kowtow, lick the dust, lickspittle, lie low, lie prone, lie prostrate, lie under, nod, obeisance, prostration, quail, reverence, salaam, scrouch down, skulk, slink, sneak, squat, stoop, supination, swat, toadeat, toady, truckle, truckle to, underlie, wallow, welter, wince
[edit]- croup, Asiatic flu, Hong Kong flu, acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, asbestosis, asthma, atypical pneumonia, backside, behind, bituminosis, black lung, bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, butt, buttocks, catarrh, chalicosis, chronic bronchitis, cold, collapsed lung, common cold, coniosis, coryza, croupous pneumonia, crupper, double pneumonia, dry pleurisy, emphysema, empyema, epidemic pleurodynia, fibrinous pneumonia, flu, grippe, haunches, hay fever, hind end, influenza, la grippe, laryngitis, lipoid pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, lung cancer, lung fever, nates, pharyngitis, pleurisy, pleuritis, pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, pneumonic fever, pneumothorax, posterior, quinsy, rear, rear end, rheum, rump, siderosis, silicosis, sore throat, swine flu, the sniffles, the snuffles, tonsilitis, virus pneumonia, wet pleurisy, whooping cough
[edit]- crow, Homeric laughter, aphonia, artificial voice, bar, bark, bawl, be in stitches, beam, bellow, belly laugh, blare, blat, blow, blubber, bluster, boff, boffola, boom, brag, bray, break up, breathe, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, burst into laughter, burst of laughter, burst out, burst out laughing, burst with laughter, bust a gut, buzz, cachinnate, cachinnation, cackle, call, cant hook, carol, caw, chant, charcoal, chatter, cheep, childish treble, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, choked voice, chortle, chuck, chuckle, clack, claw bar, cluck, coal, cock-a-doodle-doo, convulsion, coo, cracked voice, crank, croak, cronk, crow over, crowbar, cry, cuckoo, delight, drawl, drum, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslogia, dysphasia, dysphonia, dysphrasia, ebon, ebony, exclaim, exult, falsetto, fit of laughter, flute, gabble, gaggle, gales of laughter, gasconade, gasp, giggle, gloat, gloat over, glory, go into convulsions, gobble, growl, grunt, guffaw, guggle, ha-ha, handspike, harshness, hawking voice, hearty laugh, hee-haw, hee-hee, hilarity, hiss, ho-ho, hoarseness, honk, hoo, hoot, horselaugh, idioglossia, idiolalia, impairment of speech, ink, iron crow, jet, jimmy, joy, jubilate, keen, laugh, laugh it up, laugh outright, laughing, laughter, lever, lilt, limb, lisp, lisping, look big, loss of voice, marlinespike, mouth, mumble, murmur, mutter, muzzy speech, nasal tone, nasalization, nearly die laughing, night, outburst of laughter, outrigger, pant, peal of laughter, peavey, pedal, peep, pinch bar, pip, pipe, pitch, prate, prize, pry, puff, quack, quaver, raven, ripping bar, risibility, roar, roar of laughter, roar with laughter, rodomontade, roll, rumble, scold, scream, screech, shake, shake like jelly, shake with laughter, shout, shout of laughter, shriek, sibilate, sibilation, sigh, sing, sloe, smoke, smut, snap, snarl, snicker, snigger, snort, sob, soot, spar, speech defect, speech impediment, split, split with laughter, squall, squawk, squeal, tar, tee-hee, thunder, titter, treadle, tremor, trill, triumph, trumpet, twang, tweet, twit, twitter, vaunt, wail, warble, whine, whisper, whistle, wrecking bar, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yuck, yuk-yuk
[edit]- crowbar, aspirator, bar, beam, boom, cant hook, claw bar, corkscrew, crank, crow, extractor, forceps, get a foothold, get leverage, handspike, iron crow, jimmy, lever, limb, marlinespike, outrigger, peavey, pedal, pincers, pinch bar, pipette, pliers, press, prize, pry, pump, ripping bar, separator, siphon, spar, treadle, tweezers, vacuum pump, wedge, wrecking bar, wringer
crowd in
[edit]- crowd in, admit, barge in, be admitted, break in, break in upon, breeze in, burst in, bust in, butt in, charge in, come barging in, come between, come breezing in, come busting in, come in, cram in, crash, crash in, crash the gates, creep in, cross the threshold, cut in, drive in, drop in, edge in, elbow in, encroach, enter, entrench, foist in, force in, gain admittance, get in, go in, go into, have an entree, have an in, hop in, horn in, impact, impinge, impose, impose on, impose upon, infiltrate, infringe, insert, insinuate, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, jam in, jump in, knock in, look in, obtrude, pack in, plunge in, poke in, pop in, pound in, press in, push in, put in, put on, put upon, ram in, run in, rush in, set foot in, slink in, slip in, smash in, sneak in, squeeze in, steal in, step in, storm in, stuff in, take in, tamp in, throng in, thrust in, trench, trespass, visit, wedge in, work in, worm in
[edit]- crowd, A string, Amati, Cremona, D string, E string, G string, Strad, Stradivari, Stradivarius, abound with, accelerate, age group, aggregation, army, assault, assemblage, assemble, assembly, band, bar, barricade, bass, bass viol, battalion, be alive with, bear, bear upon, bevy, block, block up, blockade, body, bolt, boost, bow, bridge, brigade, brim, bristle with, buck, bull, bull fiddle, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunch, bunch up, bundle, bunt, burst with, bustle, butt, butt against, cabal, cadre, camarilla, cast, cell, cello, charge, charmed circle, chase, chock, choke, choke off, circle, clan, clique, close, close off, close tight, close up, closed circle, clot, cloud, cluster, clutter, cohort, cohue, collect, collection, come together, compact, company, complement, compress, concentrate, condense, congeries, congest, congregate, congregation, consolidate, constrict, contingent, contrabass, converge, copulate, corps, corral, coterie, couple, covey, cram, crawl with, creep with, crew, crush, dash, dash off, dash on, date, debar, deluge, densen, densify, detachment, detail, dig, dispatch, division, dog, double bass, double-time, drench, drive, drive on, drove, elbow, elite, elite group, expedite, faction, festinate, fiddle, fiddlebow, fiddlestick, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, fingerboard, fleet, flock, flock together, flood, flow together, force, forgather, forge ahead, forward, freight, fuse, gaggle, galaxy, gang, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, get going, get moving, get together, glut, gluttonize, go slow, goad, gorge, group, grouping, groupment, haste, hasten, hasten on, heap, herd, herd together, hie on, hive, horde, host, huddle, hurry, hurry along, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hurtle, hustle, hustle up, ignobile vulgus, in-group, inch forward, ingroup, inner circle, jab, jam, jam-pack, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, junta, junto, kit, kit fiddle, kit violin, lade, league, leap, legion, link, load, lock, lose no time, lot, make haste, many-headed multitude, mass, meet, merge, mill, mob, mobile vulgus, move quickly, movement, muddle through, multiply, multitude, muster, nudge, obstruct, occlude, out-group, outfit, overburden, overcharge, overfeed, overfill, overflow with, overlade, overload, overstuff, overweight, pack, pad, panoply, parley, party, peer group, phalanx, pile, pile drive, platoon, plunge, poke, posse, post, pour, precipitate, press, press forward, press on, prod, pullulate with, punch, push, push forward, push on, push through, quicken, rabble, race, railroad through, rally, rally around, ram, ram down, ram in, regiment, rendezvous, ring, rout, ruck, run, run against, rush, rush along, rush through, salon, satiate, saturate, scamper, scores, scramble, scroll, scurry, scuttle, seethe, set, shake, shoulder, shove, shut off, shut out, shut tight, soak, solidify, soundboard, spate, speed, speed along, speed up, spur, spurt, squab, squad, squash, squeeze, squeeze shut, squish, stable, stampede, stifle, stop up, strangle, strangulate, stream, stress, string, stuff, suffocate, supercharge, supersaturate, surcharge, surfeit, surge, swarm, swarm with, tamp, team, tear, teem with, tenor violin, the common herd, the crowd, the great unnumbered, the great unwashed, the herd, the hoi polloi, the horde, the majority, the many, the masses, the mob, the multitude, throng, throng with, thrust, top off, tribe, troop, troupe, tuning peg, unite, urge, viola, violin, violinette, violoncello, violoncello piccolo, violone, violotta, wad, we-group, weight, whip, whip along, wing
[edit]- crowded, alive with, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, at the double, awash, bloated, brimful, brimming, bristling, bursting, chock-full, choked, circumscribed, close, close-fitting, close-knit, close-textured, close-woven, compact, compacted, compressed, concentrated, concrete, condensed, confined, congested, consolidated, constricted, crammed, crammed full, cramp, cramped, crawling, crowding, dense, distended, double-quick, double-time, drenched, filled to overflowing, firm, full, gluey, glutted, gorged, hard, hard-pressed, hard-pushed, hard-run, heavy, hurried, hyperemic, impenetrable, impermeable, in profusion, in spate, incapacious, incommodious, isthmian, isthmic, jam-packed, jammed, lavish, limited, loaded, massive, meager, narrow, near, nonporous, on the double, overblown, overburdened, overcharged, overfed, overflowing, overfraught, overfreighted, overfull, overladen, overloaded, overstocked, overstuffed, oversupplied, overweighted, packed, plethoric, populous, pressed, pressed for time, prodigal, profuse, proliferating, prolific, pushed, ready to burst, restricted, rife, running over, rushed, satiated, saturated, scant, scanty, serried, slender, soaked, solid, strait, studded, stuffed, stuffed up, substantial, superabundant, supercharged, supersaturated, surcharged, surfeited, swarming, swollen, teeming, thick, thick as hail, thick with, thick-coming, thick-growing, thickset, thronged, thronging, tight, viscid, viscose, viscous
[edit]- crown, Her Highness, Her Majesty, His Majesty, O, Old Mug, achievement, acme, aggrandize, alerion, all, animal charge, anklet, annular muscle, annulet, annulus, anoint, apex, apogee, apotheose, apotheosize, areola, argent, armlet, armorial bearings, armory, arms, aureole, authority, azure, baby tooth, bandeau, bangle, bar, bar sinister, baton, bawbee, bays, beads, bean, bearings, beatify, bend, bend sinister, bicuspid, bijou, billet, blanket, blazon, blazonry, bonnet, bordure, bracelet, bracket capital, breastpin, broad arrow, brooch, brow, bucktooth, button up, cadency mark, canine, canonize, canton, cap, cap of dignity, cap of maintenance, capital, capsheaf, capstone, caput, carry to completion, ceil, ceiling, ceiling fixture, chain, chair, chandelier, chaplet, charge, charm, chatelaine, chevron, chief, circle, circlet, circuit, circumference, circus, cite, civic crown, clean up, climax, close out, close up, closed circle, cloud nine, coat of arms, cockatrice, coif, coin, complete, conclude, consummate, copestone, cork, cornice, corona, corona lucis, coronal, coronet, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, crown with laurel, culmen, culminate, culmination, cup, cuspid, cutter, cycle, deciduous tooth, decorate, deify, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, develop, device, diadem, difference, differencing, discus, disk, do honor, do to perfection, dogtooth, dollar, dome, dominion, double eagle, doubloon, ducat, duodecimo, eagle, earring, edge, eighteenmo, electrolier, elevate, emperor, empress, end, ennoble, enshrine, enthrone, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, eternal return, exalt, extreme, extreme limit, extremity, eyetooth, fairy ring, falcon, fang, farthing, fess, fess point, field, file, fillet, final stroke, final touch, finalize, finish, finish off, finish up, finisher, finishing stroke, five-dollar gold piece, fiver, flanch, fleur-de-lis, florin, fob, folio, fore tooth, fourpence, fourpenny, fret, frost, fur, fusil, gagtooth, gang tooth, garland, gasolier, gem, get done, get it over, get through, get through with, glamorize, glorify, glory, gold piece, gold tooth, government, great seal, griffin, grinder, groat, guinea, gules, gyron, half crown, half dollar, half eagle, halfpenny, halo, hard money, hat, hatchment, head, heading, headpiece, heaven, heavens, height, helmet, heraldic device, high noon, highest degree, highest pitch, highest point, honor, honor point, hood, ice, immortalize, impalement, impaling, imperial, improve, inaugurate, incisor, induct, inescutcheon, install, instate, invest, jewel, jurisdiction, king, label, lasso, last stroke, last touch, laurel, laurels, limit, lion, lionize, locket, logical circle, loop, looplet, loving cup, lozenge, luster, mag, magic circle, magnify, make legendary, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mature, maximum, medium, meg, meridian, metal, milk tooth, mite, moidore, molar, monarch, monkey, mop up, motto, mountaintop, mullet, napoleon, ne plus ultra, necklace, new pence, no place higher, noddle, noggin, nombril point, noodle, noon, noose, nose ring, np, nth degree, octavo, octodecimo, octofoil, or, orb, orbit, ordinary, orle, outtop, overarch, overcast, overlay, overspread, overtop, p, pale, palm, palms, paly, pate, pay regard to, pay tribute, peak, pean, peg, pence, penny, perfect, permanent tooth, pheon, piece, piece of money, piece of silver, pin, pinhead, pinnacle, pitch, pivot tooth, place, place in office, point, pole, poll, pony, pot, potentate, pound, pound sovereign, praise, precious stone, premolar, privy seal, purple, purple pall, purpure, put in, quarter, quartering, quarto, queen, quid, radius, raise, realm, regalia, render honor to, reward, rhinestone, ridge, ring, ripen, robe of state, rod, rod of empire, roll of coins, rondelle, roof, roof in, rose, rouleau, round, round out, roundel, royal, royal crown, rule, ruler, sable, saint, saltire, sanctify, saucer, scepter, sconce, scrivello, scutcheon, seal, set up, seventh heaven, sextodecimo, shield, shilling, signet, sixpence, sixteenmo, sky, snag, snaggletooth, sovereign, sovereignty, specie, sphincter, spire, spread eagle, stickpin, stone, stopper, subordinary, summit, super, surmount, ten-dollar gold piece, tenne, tenner, terminate, the whole, threepence, threepenny bit, thrippence, throne, tiara, tincture, tip, tip-top, tooth, top, top off, top out, topknot, torque, torse, tressure, triple plume, trophy, tuppence, tush, tusk, twelvemo, twenty-dollar gold piece, twopence, unicorn, uplift, upmost, upper extremity, uppermost, uraeus, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, vair, vert, vertex, very top, vicious circle, wampum, wheel, wind up, wisdom tooth, wrap up, wreath, wristband, wristlet, yale, zenith
crowned head
[edit]- crowned head, anointed king, chief, chieftain, dynast, emperor, grand duke, high chief, imperator, king, king-emperor, kinglet, lord paramount, majesty, monarch, overlord, paramount, petty king, potentate, prince, prince consort, royal, royal personage, royalty, ruler, sovereign, suzerain, tetrarch
[edit]- crowning, arch, banner, capital, capping, cardinal, central, champion, chief, closing, completing, completive, completory, concluding, conclusive, consummating, consummative, consummatory, culminating, culminative, dominant, ending, final, finalizing, finishing, first, focal, foremost, fulfilling, great, heading, headmost, hegemonic, last, leading, magisterial, main, master, outtopping, overruling, overtopping, paramount, perfecting, perfective, predominant, preeminent, preponderant, prevailing, primal, primary, prime, principal, ranking, ruling, sovereign, star, stellar, supereminent, terminal, terminating, terminative, topflight, topping, ultimate
[edit]- crucial, aboriginal, acute, basal, basic, central, charged, clamorous, climacteric, compelling, critical, crying, deciding, decisive, desperate, dire, elemental, elementary, embryonic, emergent, essential, exigent, fundamental, generative, genetic, germinal, high-pressure, high-priority, imperative, imperious, important, in embryo, in ovo, insistent, instant, kairotic, loaded, major, momentous, necessary, original, pivotal, pregnant, pressing, primal, primary, primeval, primitive, primordial, pristine, protogenic, radical, rudimentary, seminal, urgent, vital
[edit]- crucible, Bunsen burner, Erlenmeyer flask, Kipp generator, acid test, affliction, agitator, alembic, anvil, aspirator, assay, beaker, beater, blank determination, blender, blowpipe, brouillon, burette, caldron, calvary, capillary tube, cement mixer, churn, condenser, criterion, cross, crucial test, deflagrating spoon, desiccator, determination, distiller, docimasy, eggbeater, emulsifier, engine, essay, etna, feeling out, first draft, kiteflying, lathe, machine, matrass, melting pot, mixer, mortar, motor, ordeal, pestle and mortar, pipette, precision balance, probation, proof, reagent bottle, receiver, retort, rough draft, rough sketch, sounding out, standard, still, test, test case, test tube, touchstone, transducer, transformer, trial, tribulation, try, verification, visitation
[edit]- crucified, afflicted, agonized, clawed, convulsed, distressed, harrowed, hurt, hurting, in distress, in pain, lacerated, lancinated, martyred, martyrized, on the rack, pained, racked, ripped, savaged, suffering, tormented, tortured, twisted, under the harrow, wounded, wrung
[edit]- crucifix, Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Christogram, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, Latin cross, Maltese cross, Pieta, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, ankh, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, avellan cross, bambino, beadroll, beads, candle, censer, chaplet, chi, chi-rho, christcross, ciborium, crisscross, cross, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, crossbones, crosslet, cruciform, cruet, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, dagger, eucharistial, ex, exing, fork cross, gammadion, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, icon, incensory, inverted cross, long cross, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, monstrance, osculatory, ostensorium, papal cross, paschal candle, pax, pectoral cross, phylacteries, potent cross, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pyx, relics, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, saltire, shofar, sukkah, swastika, tabernacle, tallith, tau, thurible, trefled cross, urceole, veronica, vigil light, voided cross, votive candle
[edit]- crucifixion, agony, anguish, atrocious pain, beheading, burning, capital punishment, clawing, cruciation, decapitation, decollation, defenestration, electrocution, excruciation, execution, fusillade, garrote, gassing, hanging, hell, hell upon earth, hemlock, holocaust, horror, judicial murder, laceration, lancination, lapidation, martyrdom, martyrization, necktie party, nightmare, passion, persecution, poisoning, purgatory, rack, shooting, stoning, strangling, strangulation, the ax, the block, the chair, the gallows, the gas chamber, the guillotine, the hot seat, the rope, torment, torture
[edit]- crucify, abuse, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, bedevil, befoul, behead, bewitch, bite, blight, bloody, bother, bowstring, browbeat, burn, chafe, claw, condemn, convulse, corrupt, curse, cut, damage, decapitate, decollate, defenestrate, defile, deprave, despoil, destroy, disadvantage, disserve, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, doom, electrocute, envenom, excruciate, execute, fester, fret, gall, garrote, get into trouble, give pain, gnaw, grate, grind, gripe, guillotine, harass, harm, harrow, hex, hurt, impair, impale, infect, inflame, inflict capital punishment, inflict pain, injure, irritate, jinx, kill by inches, lacerate, lancinate, lapidate, macerate, maltreat, martyr, martyrize, menace, mistreat, molest, nip, outrage, pain, persecute, pierce, pinch, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, prejudice, prick, prolong the agony, punish, put to death, put to torture, rack, rankle, rasp, rip, rub, savage, scarify, scathe, shoot, smite, stab, sting, stone, strangle, taint, threaten, torment, torture, try, tweak, twist, violate, wound, wreak havoc on, wring, wrong
crude oil
[edit]- crude oil, avgas, crude, ethyl, ethyl gas, fossil oil, gas, gasoline, high-octane gas, high-test, kerosene, lead-free gas, low-lead gas, motor oil, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, premium gas, regular, rock oil
[edit]- crude, Doric, abhorrent, abominable, amateurish, arrested, avgas, backward, barbaric, barbarous, barnyard, base, beastly, below contempt, beneath contempt, blatant, blinding, blue, blunt, boorish, brazen, brazenfaced, brusque, cacophonous, caddish, cloddish, clodhopping, clumsy, coarse, colorful, contemptible, crass, crude oil, despicable, detestable, dirty, disgusting, doggerel, dysphemistic, earthy, embryonic, ethyl, ethyl gas, execrable, extravagant, fetid, filthy, flagrant, flaring, flashy, flaunting, forbidding, fossil oil, foul, fulsome, garish, gas, gasoline, gaudy, glaring, gorgeous, graceless, gross, harsh, hateful, heinous, high-octane gas, high-test, ignoble, ignorant, ill-bred, immature, improper, impure, in bad taste, in embryo, in ovo, in the rough, inadequate, inconcinnate, inconcinnous, inconsiderate, incorrect, indecent, indecorous, indelicate, ineffective, inelegant, inexpert, infelicitous, inferior, insensible, insensitive, kerosene, lead-free gas, loathsome, loud, loutish, louty, low, low-lead gas, lowbred, lurid, malodorous, mephitic, meretricious, miasmal, miasmic, motor oil, nasty, native, natural, nauseating, noisome, noxious, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, obtrusive, odious, offensive, ore, original, outlandish, overbright, oversimple, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, poor, premium gas, prentice, primitive, rare, raunchy, raw, raw material, rebarbative, red, reductionistic, reductive, regular, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, ribald, rich ore, rich vein, risque, rock oil, rough, rough diamond, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, rudimentary, run-of-mine, rustic, savage, screaming, sensational, shameless, shrieking, sickening, simplistic, smutty, spectacular, stinking, stunted, tactless, tasteless, tawdry, unanalyzed mass, unbaked, unblown, unboiled, uncivil, uncooked, uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, undercooked, underdeveloped, underdone, undeveloped, undignified, undressed, unenlightened, uneuphonious, unfashioned, unfelicitous, unfeminine, unfinished, unformed, ungenteel, ungentle, ungentlemanly, ungraceful, ungraded, unhewn, unlabored, unladylike, unlicked, unlicked cub, unmatured, unpolished, unprocessed, unproficient, unrefined, unseemly, unskilled, unsolicitous, unsophisticated, unsorted, untaught, untrained, untreated, unworked, unwrought, vile, virgin soil, vulgar
[edit]- crudity, callowness, coarseness, crassness, crudeness, earthiness, gaudiness, greenness, grossness, immatureness, immaturity, loudness, meretriciousness, nondevelopment, obscenity, oversimplicity, oversimplification, rawness, reductionism, ribaldry, roughness, rudeness, simplism, the rough, uncultivation, undevelopment, unfinish, unfinishedness, unfledgedness, unrefinement, unripeness
[edit]- cruel, Draconian, Tartarean, acute, afflictive, agonizing, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, biting, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, bowelless, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, callous, cannibalistic, cold-blooded, cramping, cruel-hearted, cruise, cutthroat, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, distressing, dog-eat-dog, excruciating, fare, fell, feral, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, flinty, gnawing, go, gory, grave, grim, griping, hard, harrowing, harsh, heartless, heinous, hellish, hie, homicidal, hurtful, hurting, implacable, inclement, inexorable, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, journey, merciless, monstrous, murderous, outrageous, painful, paroxysmal, pass, piercing, pitiless, poignant, proceed, pungent, push on, racking, red-handed, relentless, remorseless, repair, ruthless, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, self-destructive, severe, sharkish, sharp, shooting, slaughterous, slavering, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, stabbing, stinging, subhuman, suicidal, tormenting, torturous, travel, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, uncompassionate, uncompassioned, unfeeling, unforgiving, unhuman, unkind, unmerciful, unpitiful, unpitying, unremorseful, unsparing, unsympathetic, unsympathizing, unyielding, vicious, wend, without mercy, wolfish
[edit]- cruelly, abominably, agonizingly, atrociously, awfully, baldly, balefully, barbarously, bestially, bitterly, blatantly, brashly, brutally, brutishly, confoundedly, damnably, deadly, deathly, deucedly, devilishly, diabolically, distressingly, dolorously, dreadfully, egregiously, excessively, excruciatingly, exorbitantly, extravagantly, ferally, ferociously, fiendishly, fiercely, flagrantly, frightfully, grievously, harshly, heartlessly, hellishly, horribly, improperly, inclemently, inexcusably, inexorably, infernally, inhumanely, inhumanly, inordinately, intolerably, lamentably, mercilessly, miserably, nakedly, openly, painfully, piteously, pitilessly, relentlessly, remorselessly, ruthlessly, sadly, savagely, sharkishly, shatteringly, shockingly, slaveringly, something awful, something fierce, sorely, staggeringly, terribly, torturously, truculently, unashamedly, unbearably, uncompassionately, unconscionably, unduly, unforgivingly, unhumanly, unmercifully, unpardonably, unremorsefully, unsympathetically, unyieldingly, viciously, woefully, wolfishly
[edit]- cruelty, animality, atrociousness, atrocity, barbarity, barbarousness, beastliness, bestiality, bloodiness, bloodlust, bloodthirst, bloodthirstiness, bloody-mindedness, brutality, brutalness, brutishness, cannibalism, cruelness, ferociousness, ferocity, fiendishness, fierceness, flintiness, hardness, harshness, heartlessness, inclemency, inexorableness, inhumaneness, inhumanity, mercilessness, pitilessness, relentlessness, remorselessness, ruthlessness, sadism, sadistic cruelty, sanguineousness, savagery, short shrift, tender mercies, truculence, uncompassionateness, unfeelingness, unforgivingness, unmercifulness, unremorsefulness, unsympatheticness, unyieldingness, vandalism, viciousness, violence, wanton cruelty
[edit]- cruet, Agnus Dei, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, beadroll, beads, calabash, candle, canteen, carafe, carboy, caster, censer, chalice, chaplet, chrismal, chrismatory, ciborium, cross, crucifix, cruse, decanter, demijohn, eucharistial, ewer, fifth, flacon, flagon, flask, flasket, font, gourd, hipflask, holy cross, holy water, holy-water font, holy-water sprinkler, hot-water bottle, icon, incensory, jar, jeroboam, jug, lota, magnum, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, monstrance, mussuk, olla, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal candle, pax, phial, phylacteries, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pyx, relics, reliquary, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, shofar, stoup, sukkah, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, vacuum bottle, veronica, vial, vigil light, votive candle
[edit]- cruise, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, be airborne, boat, campaign, canoe, carry sail, circumnavigate, coast, course, cross, crossing, drift, fare, ferry, flit, fly, glide, globe-trot, go abroad, go by ship, go on safari, go on shipboard, go overseas, go to sea, hit the trail, hop, hover, hydroplane, jaunt, jet, journey, leg, make a journey, make a passage, make a pilgrimage, make a trip, motorboat, navigate, ocean trip, passage, peregrinate, pilgrim, pilgrimage, ply, range the world, row, rubberneck, run, sail, sail round, sail the sea, sailplane, scull, sea trip, seafare, seaplane, shakedown cruise, sight-see, soar, steam, steamboat, take a trip, take a voyage, take the air, take the road, take wing, tour, travel, traverse, trek, volplane, voyage, wayfare, wing, yacht
[edit]- cruiser, Black Maria, LC, LSD, LSM, SC, adventurer, aircraft carrier, aircraft tender, almadia, alpinist, ammunition ship, ark, assault transport, astronaut, auxiliary, barge, battleship, bomb ketch, buss, cabin cruiser, camper, canoe, capital ship, caravel, cargo boat, carrier, carryall, cat, catamaran, climber, coast guard cutter, cockle, cockleshell, cog, comers and goers, communications ship, commuter, convoy, coracle, corvette, cosmopolite, cutter, depot ship, destroyer, destroyer leader, destroyer tender, dinghy, dispatch boat, dreadnought, drifter, dugout, eagle boat, escort carrier, escort vessel, excursionist, explorer, fare, ferry, ferryboat, fille de joie, fire ship, first-rate, fishing boat, flagship, flattop, frigate, fuel ship, funny, galley, gig, glider, globe-girdler, globe-trotter, goer, gondola, guided missile cruiser, gunboat, hajji, harlot, heavy cruiser, hooker, hospital ship, houseboat, hoy, hustler, hydrofoil, hydroplane, ironclad, jet set, jet-setter, jolly, jolly boat, journeyer, kayak, landing craft, launch, liberty boat, lifeboat, light cruiser, lighter, line-of-battle ship, longboat, mailer, mariner, mine sweeper, minisub, monitor, mosquito boat, motor launch, motorboat, mountaineer, nightwalker, outboard, outrigger canoe, paddy wagon, palmer, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, patrol boat, patrol car, patrol wagon, picketboat, pilgrim, pilot, pilot boat, pinnace, pioneer, piragua, pirogue, police van, pontoon, post boat, poule, power cruiser, powerboat, pram, privateer, protected cruiser, prowl car, punt, racer, racing shell, raider, ram, randan, receiving ship, reconnaissance ship, rocket boat, rowboat, rowing boat, rubberneck, rubbernecker, runabout, sailor, sampan, scooter, scout, scout cruiser, scow, scull, seaplane carrier, sedan cruiser, shallop, shell, ship of war, shipplane carrier, showboat, sightseer, skiff, small boat, sneakbox, speedboat, spy ship, squad car, steam launch, storeship, storm boat, straphanger, streetwalker, submarine, submarine chaser, submarine patrol boat, submarine tender, submersible, superdreadnought, surfboat, sweeper, tanker, tender, tomato, tourer, tourist, towboat, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, transport, traveler, trawlboat, trawler, trekker, trimaran, tripper, troopship, trow, tug, tugboat, turret ship, viator, visiting fireman, voortrekker, voyager, voyageur, wagon, wanigan, warship, wayfarer, whale-gig, whaleboat, wherry, whore, world-traveler, yawl, yawl boat
[edit]- cruising, aeronautics, air service, airline, astronautics, aviation, ballooning, blind flying, boating, canoeing, circumnavigation, cloud-seeding, coasting, commercial aviation, contact flying, flight, flying, general aviation, gliding, gunkholing, motorboating, navigability, navigating, navigation, passage-making, periplus, pilotage, rowing, sailing, sailplaning, sculling, sea travel, seafaring, soaring, steaming, travel by water, voyaging, water travel, winging, yachting
[edit]- crumb, abrade, air pollution, atom, atomize, attritus, beat, besprinkle, bit, bite, bran, bray, bread, brecciate, butt, chip, chunk, clip, clipping, collop, comminute, contriturate, cosmic dust, crumble, crush, cut, cutting, disintegrate, dollop, dot, dram, dredge, drop, droplet, dust, dust ball, efflorescence, end, fallout, farina, filings, fleck, flour, flyspeck, fragment, gnat, gob, gobbet, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, grits, groats, hunk, iota, jot, kittens, levigate, lint, lota, lump, mash, meal, microbe, microorganism, midge, mill, minim, minutia, minutiae, mite, modicum, moiety, molecule, morceau, morsel, mote, nip, ounce, paring, particle, patch, pepper, pestle, piece, pinhead, pinpoint, point, pound, powder, pulverize, pussies, rasher, raspings, reduce to powder, sawdust, scintilla, scoop, scrap, scrunch, shard, shaving, shiver, shred, slice, sliver, smash, smidgen, smithereen, smut, snack, snatch, snick, snip, snippet, soot, spatter, speck, speckle, splatter, splinter, spot, sprinkle, squash, stitch, stud, stump, tag, tatter, tittle, triturate, vanishing point
[edit]- crumble, abate, ablate, abrade, atomize, bate, be eaten away, beat, bite the dust, bray, break, break down, break up, brecciate, canker, cave in, collapse, come apart, come to dust, come unstuck, comminute, conk out, consume, consume away, contriturate, corrode, corrupt, crack up, crumb, crumble into dust, crumble to dust, crush, decay, decline, decompose, decrease, deliquesce, die away, diminish, disintegrate, disjoin, disorganize, dissolve, dive, droop, drop, drop off, dwindle, ebb, effloresce, erode, fade, fail, faint, fall, fall away, fall into decay, fall off, fall to dust, fall to pieces, fester, fission, fizzle out, flag, flour, fragment, gangrene, give out, give way, go bad, go downhill, go soft, go to pieces, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, hit the skids, languish, lessen, let up, levigate, mash, melt away, mildew, mill, mold, molder, mortify, mush, necrose, peg out, pestle, peter out, pine, plummet, plunge, poop out, pound, powder, pulverize, putrefy, putresce, rankle, reduce to powder, rot, run low, sag, scrunch, shard, shiver, shred, shrink, sink, smash, sphacelate, split, spoil, squash, subside, suppurate, tail off, taint, topple, triturate, tumble, turn, wane, waste, waste away, weaken, wear, wear away, wear thin, wilt, yield
[edit]- crumbling, ablation, abrasion, atomization, attrition, beating, breakup, brecciation, coming apart, comminution, corrosion, cracking, crushing, decadent, decay, declining, decomposition, decrepit, degenerate, degradation, deteriorating, detrition, dilapidated, dilapidation, disintegrating, disintegration, disjunction, disorganization, dissolution, draining, drooping, dusty, dwindling, ebbing, effete, erosion, fading, failing, falling, flagging, fragmentation, fragmenting, fusty, going to pieces, gone to seed, granulation, granulization, grating, grinding, incoherence, infirm, languishing, levigation, marcescent, mashing, mildewed, moldering, moldy, moss-grown, moth-eaten, musty, pining, poor, poorish, pounding, powdering, ravages of time, regressive, resolution, retrograde, retrogressive, rotten, rotten at, ruined, ruinous, rusty, shredding, shriveling, sinking, sliding, slipping, slumping, smashing, stale, subsiding, tabetic, time-scarred, timeworn, trituration, unfirm, unsolid, unsound, unstable, unsturdy, unsubstantial, waning, wasting, wear, wear and tear, wilting, withering, worn, worsening
[edit]- crumbly, breakable, brittle, brittle as glass, cheap-jack, cobwebby, crackable, crimp, crisp, crispy, crump, crushable, dainty, delicate, delicately weak, effeminate, fissile, flimsy, fracturable, fragile, frail, frangible, friable, gimcrack, gimcracky, gossamery, jerry, jerry-built, lacerable, light, lightweight, namby-pamby, papery, pasteboardy, pulverizable, pulverulent, puny, rubbery, scissile, shatterable, shattery, shivery, sissified, sleazy, slight, splintery, tacky, triturable, unsubstantial, vulnerable, wispy, womanish
[edit]- crummy, abject, abominable, arrant, atrocious, barfy, base, beggarly, beneath contempt, bum, cheap, cheesy, common, contemptible, crappy, creepy, debased, degraded, depraved, despicable, dirty, disgusting, execrable, flagrant, foul, fulsome, gaudy, gimcracky, godawful, goshawful, grave, grim, gross, hairy, heinous, icky, little, low, low-down, lumpen, mangy, mean, measly, meretricious, miserable, monstrous, nefarious, obnoxious, odious, paltry, pathetic, petty, pitiable, pitiful, poky, poor, punk, putrid, rank, reptilian, rubbishy, sad, scabby, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, shabby, shitty, shoddy, small, sorry, squalid, stinking, stinky, trashy, trumpery, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, unmentionable, valueless, vile, vomity, worthless, wretched, yecchy
[edit]- crumpet, Danish, Danish pastry, English muffin, Parker House roll, Yorkshire pudding, bagel, bialy, bialystoker, bun, clover-leaf roll, coffee cake, crescent roll, croissant, cross bun, gem, hard roll, hot cross bun, kaiser roll, muffin, onion roll, pinwheel roll, popover, roll, scone, soft roll
[edit]- crumple, bend, break, bristle, buckle, cave, cocker, cockle, collapse, contort, corrugate, corrugation, crankle, crease, crimp, crimple, crinkle, crook, crush, distort, fold, fold up, furrow, gnarl, go, knit, knot, mangle, pucker, purse, ridge, rimple, ripple, rivel, ruck, ruckle, ruffle, rumple, screw, scrunch, set on edge, shirr, spring, turn, turn awry, twist, wad, warp, wimple, wrench, wrest, wring, wrinkle, writhe, yield
[edit]- crumpled, anamorphous, askew, asymmetric, bent, bowed, cockeyed, cockled, cockly, contorted, corrugate, corrugated, cragged, craggy, crazy, creased, crimped, crimpy, crinkled, crinkly, crooked, crunched, deviative, distorted, furrowed, gravelly, harsh, ironbound, irregular, jagged, jaggy, knitted, knotted, labyrinthine, lopsided, nonsymmetric, one-sided, puckered, puckery, pursed, pursy, ragged, ridged, rimpled, rippled, rockbound, rocky, rucked, rugged, rugose, rugous, rumpled, saw-toothed, sawtooth, scragged, scraggly, scraggy, serrate, serrated, snagged, snaggled, snaggy, sprung, stony, tortuous, twisted, unsymmetric, warped, wrinkled, wrinkly
[edit]- crunch, appulse, atomize, bang, bang into, belch, bind, bite, blare, blat, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brunt, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bump into, burr, buzz, cackle, cannon, carambole, carom, carom into, caw, champ, chaw, chew, chirr, chomp, chump, clang, clangor, clank, clash, climacteric, clutch, collide, collision, come into collision, complication, concuss, concussion, confront each other, convergence of events, crack up, crack-up, crash, crash into, craunch, crisis, critical juncture, critical moment, critical point, croak, crossroads, crucial period, crump, crush, crux, cut to pieces, dash into, demolish, diffuse, disperse, disrupt, embarrassing position, embarrassment, emergency, encounter, exigency, extremity, fall foul of, fine how-do-you-do, fission, foul, fragment, grate, grind, groan, growl, grumble, hammering, hell to pay, high pressure, hinge, hit, hit against, hobble, hot water, how-do-you-do, hurt, hurtle, imbroglio, impact, imperativeness, impinge, impingement, jam, jangle, jar, juncture, knock, knock against, make mincemeat of, masticate, mauling, meet, meeting, mess, mince, mix, moment of truth, morass, munch, onslaught, parlous straits, pass, percuss, percussion, pickle, pinch, plight, predicament, press, pressure, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, pulverize, push, quagmire, quicksand, ramming, rasp, repercussion, rub, ruminate, run into, scatter, scranch, scrape, scratch, scrunch, shatter, shiver, shock, showdown, sideswipe, slam into, sledgehammering, slough, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smash-up, smashing, snarl, snore, splinter, spot, squash, squeeze, squish, stew, sticky wicket, strait, straits, stress, strike, strike against, swamp, tension, thrusting, tight spot, tight squeeze, tightrope, tricky spot, turn, turning point, twang, unholy mess, urgency, whomp
[edit]- crunched, anamorphous, askew, asymmetric, bent, bowed, cockeyed, contorted, crazy, crooked, crumpled, deviative, distorted, irregular, labyrinthine, lopsided, nonsymmetric, one-sided, sprung, tortuous, twisted, unsymmetric, warped
[edit]- crupper, back band, backside, backstrap, bearing rein, behind, bellyband, bit, blinders, blinds, breeching, bridle, butt, buttocks, caparison, cavesson, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, cinch, collar, croup, crownband, curb, gag swivel, girth, hackamore, halter, hames, hametugs, harness, haunches, headgear, headstall, hind end, hip straps, jaquima, jerk line, lines, martingale, nates, noseband, pole strap, posterior, rear, rear end, reins, ribbons, rump, saddle, shaft tug, side check, snaffle, surcingle, tack, tackle, trappings, tug, winker braces, yoke
[edit]- crusade, activity, battle, campaign, cause, commitment, drive, expedition, faith, fight, great cause, holy war, interest, issue, jehad, jihad, lifework, lobby, mass movement, movement, principle, reason for being, war
[edit]- crush, abase, abash, abolish, abrade, affection, afflict, aggrieve, anguish, annihilate, answer, answer conclusively, argue down, army, asphyxiate, atomize, batter, bear, bear down, beat, beat down, bellyful, beloved, beloved object, bend, blot out, bottle up, bray, break, break down, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brecciate, bring down, bring low, bring to tears, bring to terms, bruise, buck, bumper, butter, calf love, capacity, case, cataplasm, censor, charge, chew, choke off, clamp, clamp down on, clamping, clamping down, cluster, cohue, comminute, complement, compress, compression, confound, confute, conquer, contradict, contriturate, controvert, contuse, cork, cork up, crack down on, cram, crash, crease, crinkle, crowd, crumb, crumble, crumple, crunch, cut to pieces, cut up, damp down, darling, dash, dear, dear one, dearly beloved, debase, defeat, degrade, deluge, demean, demolish, demoralize, dental pulp, deny, depress, desolate, destroy, devastate, diffuse, diminish, disgrace, disintegrate, dismiss, disperse, dispose of, disrupt, draw tears, drove, drown, dump, dump on, embarrass, embitter, ensphere, express, extinguish, fell, fill, finish, fission, flatten, flock, flood, floor, flour, fondness, fragment, full house, full measure, gag, galaxy, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grieve, grind, grind to powder, gust, gusto, heap, hold down, horde, host, humble, humiliate, infatuation, inundate, jam, jam up, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, knock down, lading, legion, levigate, light of love, likes, liking, load, love, loved one, lower, macerate, maim, make mincemeat of, mangle, mash, mass, master, masticate, mill, mince, mob, mortify, mouthful, multitude, mush, muzzle, nip, nonplus, obliterate, oppress, overcome, overmaster, overpower, override, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, panoply, paper pulp, parry, pash, passing fancy, passion, paste, pestle, pinch, pith, plaster, porridge, poultice, pound, pour water on, powder, press, pressure, prostrate, psych out, pudding, pulp, pulp lead, pulpify, pulpwood, pulverize, puppy love, push, put down, put to silence, quash, quell, quench, rabble, rag pulp, rebut, reduce, reduce to powder, reduce to silence, refute, relish, repress, ride down, rout, ruck, ruin, rumple, sauce, scatter, scrunch, set down, settle, shake, shame, shard, shatter, shiver, shred, shut down on, shut up, silence, sit down on, sit on, skinful, smash, smash all opposition, smash up, smother, snootful, sorrow, spate, splinter, sponge, squab, squash, squeeze, squeezing, squelch, squish, stanch, stifle, strangle, stultify, subdue, subjugate, subvert, suffocate, sulfate pulp, sulfite pulp, suppress, take down, taste, thrash, throng, throttle, tighten, tightening, torment, trample down, trample underfoot, tread underfoot, trip up, triturate, truelove, tweak, tyrannize, unbrace, undermine, undo, unman, unnerve, unstring, upset, vanquish, wad up, weakness, well-beloved, white lead, wood pulp, wreck, wrinkle
[edit]- crushed, abashed, ashamed, baffled, balked, betrayed, bilked, blasted, blighted, blushing, branny, broken, broken-down, brokenhearted, brought low, chagrined, chalklike, chalky, chapfallen, comminute, comminuted, conquered, crestfallen, crossed, cut up, dashed, deep-troubled, defeated, demoralized, desolate, desolated, detrital, detrited, disappointed, disconsolate, dished, disillusioned, disintegrated, dissatisfied, domesticated, dusty, efflorescent, embarrassed, farinaceous, felled, fine, flaky, flattened, floury, foiled, frustrated, furfuraceous, gone to dust, grated, ground, hangdog, heart-stricken, heart-struck, heartbroken, heartsick, housebroke, housebroken, humbled, humiliated, ill done-by, ill-served, impalpable, inundated, let down, levigated, made to grovel, mastered, mealy, milled, miserable, mortified, neurasthenic, out of countenance, overcome, overwhelmed, pestled, powdered, powdery, prostrate, prostrated, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, put down, quashed, quelled, red-faced, reduced, reduced to jelly, reduced to powder, regretful, repressed, scaly, scobicular, scobiform, scurfy, shaken, shamed, shamefaced, shamefast, sharded, shot, shot to pieces, shredded, smashed, smothered, sorely disappointed, soured, squashed, squelched, stifled, stricken, subdued, subjugated, suffocated, suicidal, suppressed, tamed, thwarted, triturated, undone, unglued, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, upset, vanquished, woebegone, woeful, wretched
[edit]- crusher, KO, cheese grater, clincher, comminutor, conclusive argument, death stroke, deathblow, end-all, ender, final stroke, finisher, finishing stroke, floorer, granulator, grater, grinder, kayo, kayo punch, knockdown argument, knockout, knockout blow, kominuter, last dab, levigator, masher, mill, millstone, mortar and pestle, nutmeg grater, pestle, pulverizer, quern, quernstone, quietus, rock crusher, roller, settler, shredder, sockdolager, steamroller, stopper, triturator
[edit]- crushing, Herculean, annoying, arduous, awkward, backbreaking, besetting, bothersome, burdensome, chastening, disconcerting, disturbing, effortful, embarrassing, forced, grueling, hard-earned, hard-fought, heavy, hefty, humbling, humiliating, humiliative, irksome, killing, labored, laborious, mortifying, onerous, operose, oppressive, painful, plaguey, punishing, strained, strenuous, toilsome, tough, troublesome, trying, uphill, vexatious, wearisome
[edit]- crust, French bread, Irish soda bread, Italian bread, acres, alluvion, alluvium, arable land, black bread, border, brashness, brass, bread, bread stick, bread stuff, brown bread, cheek, chutzpah, circumference, clay, clod, confidence, cortex, covering, cracked-wheat bread, dark bread, dirt, dry land, dust, earth, effloresce, encrust, envelope, epidermis, eschar, exterior, external, facade, face, facet, freehold, fringe, front, gall, garlic bread, glebe, graham bread, grassland, ground, incrust, incrustation, integument, land, landholdings, lineaments, lithosphere, loaf of bread, loricate, marginal land, marl, matzo, matzoth, mold, nerve, nut bread, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outline, outside, pain, pastry shell, periphery, piecrust, pita, presumption, pumpernickel, raisin bread, real estate, real property, region, regolith, rind, rye bread, salt-rising bread, scab, scale, shell, skin, sod, soil, sourbread, sourdough bread, staff of life, stalactite, stalagmite, subaerial deposit, subsoil, superficies, superstratum, surface, terra, terra firma, terrain, territory, the country, toast, tommy, top, topsoil, unleavened bread, white bread, whole wheat bread, woodland
[edit]- crusty, abrupt, aggressive, backed, barnyard, bearish, beastly, biggety, bitchy, bluff, blunt, brash, brief, brusque, calcified, callous, calloused, cankered, cantankerous, case-hardened, cavalier, cheeky, choleric, churlish, chutzpadik, coarse, cocky, contemptuous, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusted, crystallized, curt, cussed, derisive, dirty, disagreeable, disrespectful, dour, excitable, facy, feisty, filthy, flip, flippant, fossilized, foul, fractious, fresh, gally, granulated, gratuitous, gross, gruff, hardened, harsh, hornified, huffish, huffy, impertinent, impudent, incrusted, indurate, indurated, irascible, irritable, lapidified, malapert, mean, nervy, ornery, ossified, pert, perverse, petrified, rank, raunchy, reinforced, rigidified, rough, rude, sassy, saturnine, saucy, sclerotic, set, severe, sharp, short, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass, snappish, snippety, snippy, solidified, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, steeled, stiffened, strengthened, surly, testy, toughened, truculent, ugly, uncalled-for, vitrified, waspish, wise-ass
[edit]- crutch, Malacca cane, V, advocate, alpenstock, arm, athletic supporter, back, backbone, backing, bandeau, baton, bearer, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, branch, brassiere, buttress, cane, carrier, cervix, corset, crook, crosier, cross, cross-staff, crotch, crutch-stick, delta, fan, fork, foundation garment, fulcrum, furcula, furculum, girdle, groin, guy, guywire, handstaff, inguen, jock, jockstrap, lituus, mainstay, maintainer, mast, neck, offshoot, pastoral staff, paterissa, prong, prop, quarterstaff, ramification, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, rigging, shillelagh, shoulder, shroud, spine, sprit, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, stem, stick, stiffener, strengthener, support, supporter, sustainer, swagger stick, swanking stick, trident, upholder, walking stick, wishbone
[edit]- crux, Calvary cross, Chinese puzzle, Christogram, Gordian knot, Greek cross, Jerusalem cross, Latin cross, Maltese cross, Russian cross, T, X, ankh, avellan cross, baffling problem, bench mark, brain twister, cardinal point, catch, chi, chi-rho, chief thing, christcross, climax, core, cornerstone, crisis, crisscross, critical point, cross, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, crossbones, crosslet, crossword puzzle, crucifix, cruciform, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, dagger, dilemma, enigma, enigmatic question, essence, essential, essential matter, ex, exing, floorer, fork cross, fundamental, gammadion, gist, gravamen, great point, heart, high point, hitch, important thing, inverted cross, issue, jigsaw puzzle, joker, kernel, keystone, knot, knotty point, landmark, long cross, main point, main thing, material point, matter, meat, milestone, mind-boggler, mystery, node, nodus, nonplus, nub, nut to crack, oxymoron, papal cross, paradox, pectoral cross, perplexed question, perplexity, pinch, pith, pivot, pons asinorum, poser, potent cross, problem, purport, puzzle, puzzlement, puzzler, quandary, question, question mark, real issue, rood, rub, salient point, saltire, sine qua non, sixty-four dollar question, snag, sticker, stumper, substance, substantive point, swastika, tau, teaser, the bottom line, the point, thrust, tough proposition, trefled cross, turning point, vexed question, voided cross, why
cry for
[edit]- cry for, ache for, adjure, appeal, appeal to, ask, ask for, be dying for, be hurting for, be indicated, beg, beseech, blackmail, call for, call for help, call on, call upon, challenge, claim, clamor for, conjure, crave, cry on, cry out for, cry to, demand, entreat, exact, extort, gape for, have occasion for, hone for, hope for, impetrate, implore, impose, imprecate, indent, invoke, issue an ultimatum, itch for, kneel to, languish for, levy, long for, lust for, make a demand, need, obtest, order, order up, pant for, pine for, place an order, plead, plead for, pray, prerequire, put in requisition, require, requisition, run to, screw, sigh for, spoil for, supplicate, take doing, thirst for, want, want doing, warn, weary for, wish for, yearn for, yen for
cry havoc
[edit]- cry havoc, admonish, advise, alarm, alert, arouse, caution, cry wolf, fly storm warnings, frighten, give fair warning, give notice, give warning, issue an ultimatum, notify, sound the alarm, sound the tocsin, startle, threaten, tip, tip off, utter a caveat, warn, warn against
[edit]- cry, PR, adjuration, advertise, alleluia, animal noise, appeal, applaud, applause, ballyhoo, bark, barking, battle cry, bawl, bawling, bay, bell, bellow, bemoan, beseechment, bewail, bid, birdcall, blare, blare forth, blat, blate, blaze, blaze abroad, blazon, blazon about, bleat, blubber, blubbering, blurb, boohoo, bray, break down, bright light, bruit, build up, burst into tears, buzz, byword, call, canard, catch phrase, catchword, caterwaul, caw, celebrate, celebrity, cheer, choke up, chorus of cheers, clamor, clang, cliche, common knowledge, common talk, craze, cry aloud, cry for joy, cry out, crying, currency, daylight, declaim, dissolve in tears, dolorous tirade, drop a tear, eclat, entreaty, exposure, fad word, fame, famousness, fit of crying, flood of tears, flying rumor, furore, give a cheer, give tongue, give voice, glare, good cry, gossip, grapevine, greet, groan, grunt, hail, hallelujah, halloo, hearsay, herald, herald abroad, holler, hollo, hoopla, hooray, hoot, hosanna, howl, howling, hue and cry, hurrah, hurray, huzzah, idea afloat, imploration, imploring, imprecation, invocation, invocatory plea, jeremiad, keen, lachryma, lachrymosity, lacrimatory, lament, latrine rumor, limelight, low, make an outcry, mating call, maximum dissemination, melting mood, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moan, mode, moo, motto, mourn, murmur, mutter, neigh, news stirring, nicker, note, notoriety, obsecration, obtestation, on-dit, outcry, overflowing eyes, paean, pet expression, pipe, plaint, planctus, plea, plug, prayer, press notice, press-agent, proclaim, promulgate, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, pule, pushover, rage, rah, rallying cry, reclame, rend the air, report, roar, rogation, roorback, rumble, rumor, screak, scream, screech, scuttlebutt, shed tears, shibboleth, shout, shout hosanna, shriek, sigh, slogan, sniff, snivel, sniveling, sob, sobbing, song, sorrow, split the throat, spotlight, squall, squawk, squeak, squeal, strain the voice, stridulation, suit, supplication, talk, tear, tear bottle, teardrop, tearful eyes, tearfulness, tears, thunder, thunder forth, tirade, ton, town talk, trend, troat, trumpet, trumpet forth, ululate, ululation, unconfirmed report, vociferate, vogue, vogue word, wail, wail of woe, war cry, weep, weepiness, weeping, whicker, whimper, whimpering, whine, whinny, whisper, whoop, woodnote, write-up, yammer, yap, yawl, yawp, yell, yelp, yip, yippee, yowl
[edit]- crybaby, Milquetoast, baby, big baby, chicken, doormat, dull tool, gutless wonder, invertebrate, jellyfish, lightweight, meek soul, milksop, mollycoddle, namby-pamby, nebbish, nonentity, pansy, pantywaist, pushover, sad sack, sissy, softling, softy, sop, weak sister, weakling
[edit]- crying, acute, atrocious, bawling, blatant, blubbering, boanergean, brawling, burning, clamant, clamorous, clamoursome, compelling, critical, crucial, cry, demanding, desperate, dire, dissolved in tears, draining, exacting, exigent, exorbitant, extortionate, fit of crying, flood of tears, good cry, grasping, greet, heinous, high-pressure, high-priority, howling, imperative, imperious, importunate, in tears, insistent, instant, lachryma, lachrymal, lachrymose, lachrymosity, lacrimatory, loud, loudmouthed, lowing, melting mood, monstrous, mugient, necessary, needed, noisy, obstreperous, openmouthed, overflowing eyes, persistent, pertinacious, pivotal, pressing, puling, ready to cry, scandalous, screaming, shocking, shouting, sniveling, sobbing, taxing, tear, tear bottle, teardrop, tearful, tearful eyes, tearfulness, tears, teary, ululant, urgent, vociferant, vociferating, vociferous, wailing, weepiness, weeping, weepy, whimpering, whining, with eyes suffused, yammering, yapping, yelling, yelping
[edit]- cryogenics, Newtonian physics, absolute zero, acoustics, adiabatic absorption, adiabatic demagnetization, adiabatic expansion, aerophysics, air conditioning, air cooling, algidity, applied physics, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, bitterness, blast freezing, bleakness, briskness, chemical physics, chill, chilliness, chilling, cold, coldness, congealment, congelation, cool, cooling, coolness, coolth, crispness, cryology, crystallography, cytophysics, decrease in temperature, deep freezing, dehydrofreezing, electric refrigeration, electron physics, electronics, electrophysics, food freezing, freezing, freezing point, freshness, frigidity, frostiness, gas refrigeration, gelidity, geophysics, glaciation, glacification, iciness, inclemency, infrigidation, intense cold, keenness, low temperature, macrophysics, mathematical physics, mechanical refrigeration, mechanics, medicophysics, microphysics, natural philosophy, natural science, nip, nippiness, nuclear physics, optics, philosophy, physic, physical chemistry, physical science, physicochemistry, physicomathematics, physics, psychophysics, quick freezing, radiation physics, radionics, rawness, reduction of temperature, refreezing, refrigeration, regelation, rigor, severity, sharp air, sharp freezing, sharpness, solar physics, solid-state physics, statics, stereophysics, super-cooling, theoretical physics, thermodynamics, zoophysics
[edit]- crypt, Easter sepulcher, alveolation, alveolus, ambry, antrum, apse, armpit, baptistery, barrow, basement, basin, beehive tomb, blindstory, bone house, booth, bowl, box, box grave, burial, burial chamber, burial mound, catacomb, catacombs, cave, cavern, cavity, cell, cellar, cellule, cenotaph, chamber, chancel, charnel house, choir, cist, cist grave, cloisters, compartment, concave, concavity, confessional, confessionary, crater, crib, cromlech, cup, deep six, depression, diaconicon, diaconicum, dip, dokhma, dolmen, enclosed space, fold, follicle, funnel chest, grave, grotto, hold, hole, hollow, hollow shell, house of death, lacuna, last home, long home, low green tent, low house, manger, mastaba, mausoleum, monstrance, mummy chamber, narrow house, nave, ossuarium, ossuary, passage grave, pew, pit, pocket, porch, presbytery, punch bowl, pyramid, reliquary, resting place, rood loft, rood stair, rood tower, room, sacrarium, sacristy, scoop, sepulcher, shaft grave, shell, shrine, sink, sinus, socket, stall, stupa, tomb, tope, tower of silence, transept, triforium, trough, tumulus, vault, vestry, vug
[edit]- cryptic, abstruse, arcane, between the lines, cabalistic, cabbalistic, censored, classified, close, closed, concealed, covert, dark, delitescent, dormant, enigmatic, equivocal, esoteric, evasive, hermetic, hibernating, hidden, hush-hush, incomprehensible, inexplicable, inscrutable, latent, lurking, muffled, murky, mysterious, mystic, mystical, mystifying, nebulous, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, occult, opaque, perplexing, possible, potential, puzzling, recondite, restricted, riddling, secret, secretive, sleeping, smothered, sphinxlike, stifled, strange, submerged, suppressed, tenebrous, top secret, ulterior, unbreatheable, unclear, under security, under the surface, under wraps, underlying, undisclosable, undisclosed, undivulgable, undivulged, unfathomable, uninformative, unmanifested, unrevealable, unrevealed, unspoken, untellable, untold, unutterable, unuttered, unwhisperable, vague, veiled, virtual
[edit]- cryptography, cipher, code, coded message, coup de plume, criticism, cryptanalysis, cryptoanalysis, cryptoanalytics, cryptogram, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptology, diagnostics, engrossment, epigraphy, exegetics, hermeneutics, ink spilling, inkslinging, inscription, invisible ink, lettering, lexicography, literary criticism, macrography, metoposcopy, micrography, oneirology, paleography, pathognomy, pen, pen-and-ink, pencil driving, physiognomics, physiognomy, scrivenery, scrivening, secret language, secret writing, semeiology, semeiotics, sympathetic ink, symptomatology, textual criticism, tropology, typewriting, typing, writing
[edit]- cryptologist, allegorist, annotator, cicerone, clarifier, commentator, critic, cryptanalyst, cryptographer, decoder, definer, demonstrator, demythologizer, diaskeuast, dragoman, editor, emendator, emender, euhemerist, exegesist, exegete, exegetist, explainer, explicator, exponent, expositor, expounder, go-between, guide, hermeneut, interpreter, lexicographer, metaphrast, oneirocritic, paraphrast, scholiast, textual critic, translator
crystal ball
[edit]- crystal ball, aftertime, afteryears, astrology, augury, by-and-by, clairvoyance, course ahead, crystal gazing, determinism, distant future, divination, divining, eventuality, expectation, foresight, fortunetelling, forward look, future, future tense, futurism, futurity, haruspication, haruspicy, hereafter, horoscopy, immediate future, immediate prospect, imminence, mantic, mantology, near future, offing, outlook, palm-reading, palmistry, posteriority, prediction, probability, project, prophecy, prospect, pythonism, sorcery, the future, the morrow, the sweet by-and-by, time ahead, time just ahead, time to come, tomorrow
crystal clear
[edit]- crystal clear, apparent, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear-cut, coherent, connected, consistent, conspicuous, crisp, crystal, crystalline, defined, definite, diaphane, diaphanous, direct, discernible, distinct, evident, explicit, express, filmy, gauzy, glaring, gossamer, gossamery, in focus, indisputable, indubitable, light-pervious, limpid, loud and clear, lucid, luminous, manifest, nonopaque, noticeable, observable, obvious, open-and-shut, palpable, patent, peekaboo, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, perspicuous, plain, plain as day, prominent, pronounced, revealing, see-through, seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory, sheer, simple, staring, straightforward, tangible, thin, to be seen, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, unambiguous, unclouded, unconfused, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable, visible, well-defined, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-resolved
crystal gazer
[edit]- crystal gazer, Cassandra, Druid, astrologer, augur, calamity howler, divinator, diviner, divineress, forecaster, foreknower, foreseer, foreshower, foreteller, fortuneteller, geomancer, haruspex, palmist, predictor, prefigurer, presager, prognosticator, prophesier, prophet, prophet of doom, prophetess, psychic, pythoness, religious prophets, seer, seeress, soothsayer, vates, weather prophet
[edit]- crystal, Benzedrine, Benzedrine pill, C, Dexamyl, Dexamyl pill, Dexedrine, Dexedrine pill, Methedrine, amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, avalanche, blizzard, clear, clear as crystal, clear-cut, cocaine, coke, craggy, crystal-clear, crystalline, dextroamphetamine sulfate, diaphane, diaphanous, driven snow, filmy, flake, flurry, football, gauzy, gem, gem stone, gossamer, gossamery, granular snow, gravelly, gritty, heart, igloo, jolly bean, lapideous, light-pervious, limpid, lithoid, lithoidal, lucent, lucid, luminous, mantle of snow, methamphetamine hydrochloride, mogul, monolithic, nonopaque, pebbled, pebbly, peekaboo, pellucid, pep pill, porphyritic, precious stone, purple heart, revealing, rock-ribbed, rock-strewn, rock-studded, rocklike, rocky, sandy, see-through, semiprecious stone, sheer, shingled, shingly, slosh, slush, snow, snow banner, snow bed, snow blanket, snow blast, snow fence, snow flurry, snow roller, snow slush, snow squall, snow wreath, snow-crystal, snowball, snowbank, snowbridge, snowcap, snowdrift, snowfall, snowfield, snowflake, snowland, snowman, snowscape, snowshed, snowslide, snowslip, snowstorm, speed, stimulant, stone, stonelike, stony, thin, trachytic, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, unclouded, upper, wet snow
[edit]- crystalline, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear-cut, coherent, connected, consistent, craggy, crisp, crystal, crystal-clear, defined, definite, diaphane, diaphanous, direct, distinct, explicit, express, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, gossamery, gravelly, gritty, lapideous, light-pervious, limpid, lithoid, lithoidal, loud and clear, lucid, luminous, monolithic, nonopaque, pebbled, pebbly, peekaboo, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, porphyritic, revealing, rock-ribbed, rock-strewn, rock-studded, rocklike, rocky, sandy, see-through, sheer, shingled, shingly, simple, stonelike, stony, straightforward, thin, trachytic, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, unambiguous, unclouded, unconfused, unequivocal, univocal, unmistakable, well-defined
[edit]- crystallize, cake, candy, come together, concrete, condense, draw up, fall in, fall into line, fall into place, fall into rank, form, gather around, granulate, harden, lithify, petrify, place itself, rally round, range itself, set, shape up, solidify, take a set, take form, take its place, take order, take rank, take shape, thicken, turn to stone
[edit]- crystallized, backed, calcified, callous, calloused, case-hardened, crusted, crusty, fossilized, granulated, hardened, hornified, incrusted, indurate, indurated, lapidified, ossified, petrified, reinforced, rigidified, sclerotic, set, solidified, steeled, stiffened, strengthened, toughened, vitrified
[edit]- crystallography, Newtonian physics, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, astrophysics, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, cryogenics, cytophysics, electron physics, electronics, electrophysics, geology, geophysics, macrophysics, mathematical physics, mechanics, medicophysics, microphysics, mineralogical chemistry, mineralogy, mining engineering, mining geology, natural philosophy, natural science, nuclear physics, optics, petrochemistry, petrography, petrology, philosophy, physic, physical chemistry, physical science, physicochemistry, physicomathematics, physics, psychophysics, radiation physics, radionics, solar physics, solid-state physics, statics, stereophysics, theoretical physics, thermodynamics, zoophysics
cub reporter
[edit]- cub reporter, city editor, columnist, copy chief, copy editor, copyman, copyreader, correspondent, diaskeuast, editor, editorial writer, feature editor, foreign correspondent, gazetteer, interviewer, journalist, leader writer, leg man, managing editor, news editor, newsman, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, own correspondent, paragrapher, paragraphist, pressman, publicist, reader, reporter, reviser, rewrite man, rewriter, slotman, sob sister, special correspondent, sports editor, subeditor, war correspondent
[edit]- cub, birdling, boy, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, calf, catling, chick, chickling, chicky, colt, dogie, duckling, fawn, fellow, fledgling, foal, fryer, gosling, hobbledehoy, kid, kit, kitten, lad, laddie, lamb, lambkin, litter, manchild, master, muchacho, nest, nestling, piglet, pigling, polliwog, pullet, pup, puppy, schoolboy, shoat, sonny, sonny boy, tadpole, weaner, whelp, yeanling, young man, youth
[edit]- cubbyhole, alcove, asylum, bay, bolt-hole, cache, carrel, concealment, corner, cove, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, cubby, cubicle, dark corner, den, doghouse, dugout, foxhole, funk hole, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, lair, mousehole, niche, nook, oriel, pigeonhole, pinch, playhouse, recess, refuge, retreat, roomlet, sanctuary, secret place, snuggery, stash, tight spot, tight squeeze, undercovert
[edit]- cubed, cube-shaped, cubic, cubiform, cuboid, diced, foursquare, oblong, orthogonal, quadrangular, quadrate, quadriform, quadrilateral, rectangular, rhombic, rhomboid, square, tetragonal, tetrahedral, trapezohedral, trapezoid
[edit]- cubehead, LSD user, acidhead, addict, alcoholic, chain smoker, cocaine sniffer, cokie, dipsomaniac, dope fiend, doper, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, fiend, freak, glue sniffer, habitual, head, heavy smoker, hophead, hype, junkie, marijuana smoker, methhead, narcotics addict, pillhead, pothead, snowbird, speed freak, tripper, user
[edit]- cubic, 3-D, cube-shaped, cubed, cubiform, cuboid, diced, dimensional, flat, foursquare, fourth-dimensional, oblong, orthogonal, proportional, quadrangular, quadrate, quadriform, quadrilateral, rectangular, rhombic, rhomboid, space, space-time, spatial, spatiotemporal, spherical, square, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, tetragonal, tetrahedral, three-dimensional, trapezohedral, trapezoid, two-dimensional, volumetric
[edit]- cubical, 3-D, cube-shaped, cubed, cubic, cubiform, cuboid, diced, dimensional, flat, foursquare, fourth-dimensional, oblong, orthogonal, proportional, quadrangular, quadrate, quadriform, quadrilateral, rectangular, rhombic, rhomboid, space, space-time, spatial, spatiotemporal, spherical, square, stereoscopic, superficial, surface, tetragonal, tetrahedral, three-dimensional, trapezohedral, trapezoid, two-dimensional, volumetric
[edit]- cubicle, alcove, bay, bedchamber, bedroom, boudoir, carrel, chamber, corner, cove, cranny, cubby, cubbyhole, cubiculum, dormitory, niche, nook, nursery, oriel, recess, roomlet, sleeping room, snuggery
[edit]- cuckoldry, adulterous affair, adultery, affair, amour, concubinage, criminal conversation, entanglement, eternal triangle, extracurricular sex, extramarital relations, flirtation, forbidden love, fornication, free love, free-lovism, hanky-panky, illicit love, incest, infidelity, intrigue, liaison, love affair, premarital relations, premarital sex, romance, romantic tie, triangle, unfaithfulness
[edit]- cuckoo, Philomel, ape, balmy, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, beany, bonkers, buggy, bughouse, bugs, bulbul, cackle, call, canary, carol, caw, chatter, cheep, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chuck, clack, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, conformist, coo, copier, copycat, copyist, counterfeiter, crackbrain, crackbrained, cracked, crackers, crank, cranky, crazed, crazy, croak, cronk, crow, daffy, daft, ding-a-ling, dippy, dissembler, dissimulator, dotty, drum, echo, echoer, echoist, faker, feathered songster, flaky, flipped, forger, freaked-out, fruitcakey, fruity, gabble, gaga, gaggle, gobble, goofy, guggle, harebrain, haywire, honk, hoo, hoot, hypocrite, imitator, impersonator, impostor, just plain nuts, kook, kooky, lark, loony, loopy, lunatic, mavis, mime, mimer, mimic, mimicker, mocker, mockingbird, monkey, nightingale, nut, nuts, nutty, off the hinges, off the track, off the wall, oriole, parrot, peep, phony, pip, pipe, plagiarist, poll-parrot, polly, polly-parrot, poseur, potty, quack, ringdove, roll, round the bend, scold, screwball, screwballs, screwy, sheep, simulator, sing, singing bird, slaphappy, song sparrow, songbird, songster, squawk, thrush, trill, tweet, twit, twitter, wacky, warble, warbler, whistle