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Taipei Exchange

   TPEx “ETF Reward Program” Kicks off       TPEx “ETN Reward Program” Kicks off       Live stream: TPEx will hold the VSO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (stock code: 6913) Listing Ceremony   


The board of directors is the highest executive body of the TPEx. The chairman convenes and presides over board meetings, and represents the organization as a whole. Under the board of directors, one president & CEO manages organization business, while one or two Deputy CEOs along with one Secretary General assist the president & CEO. The TPEx has departments for Startup Incubation, Listing Examination, Listing Supervision, Trading, Market Surveillance, Bond, Information, Intermediaries Service, Administration, Strategy & International Relations as well as an Internal Audit Office that reports directly to the Board of Directors.

Organization Chart

Organization Chart

Department functions

    Startup Incubation Department
  • Promoting the Go Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) and other related services, in addition to planning for future marketization.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Listing Examination Department
  • Examine stocks and derivatives under application for TPEx listing or emerging stock registration.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Listing Supervision Department
  • Supervise and administer stock issuers.
  • Supervise and propel listed companies on the issues of internal control, corporate governance, and sustainability.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Trading Department
  • Manage trading and settlement operations for TPEx traded stocks and derivatives, gold, and listed open ended funds.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Market Surveillance Department
  • Execute trading market surveillance and investigation.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Bond Department
  • Handle the TPEx listing of bonds and derivative products and administration of their issuers.
  • Manage trading and settlement operations for bonds and derivatives.
  • Draft, study, and propagate related rules and regulations.
    Information Department
  • Produce and channel TPEx trading information and statistical data.
  • Plan and develop computer systems of TPEx listed stocks and related software applications.
  • Plan and develop computer trading system of emerging market stocks, bonds, and over-the counter derivatives.
  • Administer trading data, files, and servers.
    Intermediaries Service Department
  • Financial/Operational management and auditing of securities firms trading on the TPEx.
  • Servicing and managing securities firms/personnel trading on the TPEx.
    Administration Department
  • Oversee board meeting agendas, file and document disposal management, and chop management.
  • Purchase, hold, and maintain contract services and assets.
  • Review contracts and business regulations, and propose suggestions on legal matters.
  • Oversee personnel and accounting affairs.
    Strategy & International Relations Department
  • Marketing, research and development, and project planning.
  • Liaison for exchanging information with international securities-related organizations.
  • Host, co-sponsor, and participate in international conferences.
  • Public and media relations.
    Internal Audit Office
  • Administer, review and plan the internal auditing as well as the internal controls of the TPEx.
  • Propose suggestion of internal audit and internal control matters.