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Taipei Exchange

   TPEx “ETF Reward Program” Kicks off       TPEx “ETN Reward Program” Kicks off       Live stream: TPEx will hold the VSO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (stock code: 6913) Listing Ceremony   

Default Announcement

Information available from February, 2019
Default Amount of Investors
Report Date Stock Type Sum Amount of
Buy and Sell
Netting Amount of
Buy and Sell

Information Disclosure of Individual Stocks Meet Standards of Default Amount (Note1)
Report Date Stock Name Stock Code Securities Firms Name Amount of
Default Stock

Note1:Information Disclosure Standards of Default Amount:The total default amount of the same stock that netting buy and sell day-trades plus sum of buy and sell non day-trades exceeds NT$10 million.

Note2:The relevant information is for reference only. Investors should use the financial and business information of the listing company as the main basis for investment decisions before trading. For related information, please refer to the Market Observation Post System (Website: