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Taipei Exchange

   TPEx “ETF Reward Program” Kicks off       TPEx “ETN Reward Program” Kicks off       Live stream: TPEx will hold the VSO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (stock code: 6913) Listing Ceremony   

Regulation Revised Information

Query range:2024/08/30~2024/09/30
Item Date Description Detail
1 2024/09/20 The “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Trading of Exchange-Traded Fund Beneficial Certificates” have been amended and take effect immediately. Link
2 2024/09/13 The amendments of “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Trading of Emerging Stocks on the TPEx”、 “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Trading of Listed Open-Ended Fund on the TPEx” 、 “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Registration and Trading of Spot Gold” 、 “Directions for Announcements or Notices of Attention to Trading Information and Dispositions for Emerging Stocks” and relevant regulations and documents, which take effect on December 2nd 2024, however, “Taipei Exchange Rules Governing the Trading of Emerging Stocks on the TPEx” article 36 take effect on the date of promulgation. Link
3 2024/09/09 The amendments of corporate governance guideline take effect immediately Link
<1> Only recent year market announcement inquiry are available.
<2> Market announcement update at 9:00 a.m. every business day.