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Taipei Exchange

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Indicators of TPEx

Name Download XLS Download ODS Date
1. Highlights of Equity Issuance by TPEx Listed Companies (Note) Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
2. Changes in Capital of TPEx Listed Companies Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
3. Highlights of Equity Issuances and Changes in Capital by Emerging Stock Board Companies Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
4. Highlights of Bond Issuance Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
5. Highlights of Warrants Issuance on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
6. Highlights of Securities Trading Value on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
7. Current Trading Value Stats for the TPEx Market (by Transaction Type) Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
8. Highlights of Stock Trading on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
9. Highlights of Securities Margin Trading on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
10. Highlights of Bond Transaction Trading Value on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
11. Investors Structure in terms of Trading Value on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
12. Highlights of Juridical Investors on TPEx Market Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
13. General Market Performance of TPEx Companies Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
14. General Market Performance of Emerging Stock Board Companies Download XLS Download ODS 2024.09.06
Note: Information provided in the table is based on Indicators of Securities & Futures Market issued by the Securities and Futures Bureau of the FSC. For statistics of products or business activities belonging to other organizations rather than the TPEx, please refer to their official websites.