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   TPEx “ETF Reward Program” Kicks off       TPEx “ETN Reward Program” Kicks off       Live stream: TPEx will hold the VSO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (stock code: 6913) Listing Ceremony   

Statistical Information of GISA

No Data.
Capital (at application)
Number of GISA Companies Classified by the Amount of Capital Number of Companies
Classified by Industry
Industry Category Number of Companies
Classified by Recommending Agencies
Note: Statistics since 2014
  1. Among the above companies, there are companies recommanded by more than 2 recommending agencies.
  2. companies have no recommending agency.
  3. Affiliations of Industrial Development Administration, MOEA include:
    • Industrial Technology Research Institute
    • Institute for Information Industry
    • China Productivity Center
    • Development Center for Biotechnology
    • Metal Industries Research & Development Centre
    • Taiwan Design Research Institute
    • Taiwan Textile Research Institute
    • Corporate synergy development center
No Data.
Amount of capital raised through the GISA Capital Raising Platform (NTD)
Amount of capital raised via other approaches (NTD)
Paid-in Capital (at registration)
Number of GISA Companies Classified by the Amount of Capital Number of Companies
Classified by Industry
Industry Category Number of Companies
Classified by Recommending Agencies
  1. Among the above companies, there are companies recommanded by more than 2 recommending agencies.
  2. companies have no recommending agency.
  3. Affiliations of Industrial Development Administration, MOEA include:
    • Industrial Technology Research Institute
    • Institute for Information Industry
    • China Productivity Center
    • Development Center for Biotechnology
    • Metal Industries Research & Development Centre
    • Taiwan Design Research Institute
    • Taiwan Textile Research Institute
    • Corporate synergy development center