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Bond Code Short Name Bond Type Issuance Date
A13110R 113央甲10 Government Bond 2024.12.13
A13108R 113央債甲8 Government Bond 2024.11.22
A13111 113央甲11 Government Bond 2024.11.15
A13110 113央甲10 Government Bond 2024.10.18
23837 台光電七 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.10.07
81473 正淩三 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.10.03
20344 允強四 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.10.02
25483 華固三 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.10.02
16095 大亞五 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.30
G12449 P13合庫3 Financial Debenture 2024.09.30
B99205 P13三商1B Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
B94173 P13台灣大1 Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
G12448 P13合庫2 Financial Debenture 2024.09.27
B99204 P13三商1A Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
B50183 P13遠東新3 Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
61828 合晶八 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.27
B50184 P13遠東新4 Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
B50185 P13遠東新5 Corporate Bond 2024.09.27
F01260 S24CTBC37 International Bond 2024.09.26
G159AA P13一銀2 Financial Debenture 2024.09.26
F18921 P24MLBV9 International Bond 2024.09.26
G110B2 P13永豐銀1 Financial Debenture 2024.09.26
A13109 113央債甲9 Government Bond 2024.09.25
23836 台光電六 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.25
52441 弘凱一 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.25
17813 合世三 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.24
F01259 S24CTBC36 International Bond 2024.09.24
F10006 P24ABN1 International Bond 2024.09.24
G13615 P13瑞興4 Financial Debenture 2024.09.20
G13614 P13瑞興3 Financial Debenture 2024.09.20
B718AX P13中油5B Corporate Bond 2024.09.19
B718AY P13中油5C Corporate Bond 2024.09.19
B718AW P13中油5A Corporate Bond 2024.09.18
24642 盟立二 Convertible/Exchangeable Bond 2024.09.16
B903ZU P13台電5C Corporate Bond 2024.09.16
B903ZT P13台電5B Corporate Bond 2024.09.16
G107CJ P13北富銀3 Financial Debenture 2024.09.16
B903ZS P13台電5A Corporate Bond 2024.09.16