Math Pathways


Traditional postsecondary mathematics, including requiring college algebra for most majors, and requiring traditional prerequisite remediation that does not count toward a baccalaureate degree, impose unnecessary obstacles to degree completion for Kansas students. 

According to KBOR’s  Developmental Education Data Report, too few students are completing a traditional prerequisite developmental course and a general education math course within a two-year period.  Further, according to a 2015 Report published by the Mathematical Association of America, A Common Vision for Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Programs in 2025, “mathematics courses are the most significant barrier to degree completion in both STEM and non-STEM fields.”

The Kansas Board of Regents seeks to implement proven practices that remove these obstacles and advance access, affordability, success, and completion (all components of the Board’s strategic plan, Building a Future), by working with the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin on Mathematics Pathways

Kansas is now one of the 22 states participating in the Launch Years Initiative, which supports the scaling of mathematics pathways from high school through postsecondary education and into the workplace, aligned to students’ goals and aspirations.  The Dana Center provides resources and support and holds an annual convening at which participating states can share ideas, best practices, and experiences related to the initiative.

Kansas Math Pathways WebinarSept. 15, 2023  Recording               Q&A                   KBOR Presentation      
USG Presentation          
Kansas Math Pathways Informational Meeting - June 3, 2024 Recording


Math Pathways Task Force

  • Rachel Bates - Cowley Community College
  • Kindra Wells & Qiang Shi - Emporia State University
  • Keith Dreiling - Fort Hays State University
  • Ryan Ruda - Garden City Community College
  • Tricia Paramore - Hutchinson Community College
  • Whitney Turner - Johnson County Community College
  • Gabe Kerr - Kansas State University
  • Brian Koch - Manhattan Area Technical College
  • Tim Flood - Pittsburg State University
  • Kim Warren - University of Kansas
  • Sarah Cook - Washburn University
  • Nancy Krehbiel - Wichita State University
  • Jolene Goodheart-Peterson - KSDE
  • Jennifer Hamlet - KSDE
  • Jennifer Bonds-Raacke - KBOR
  • Mistie Knox - KBOR
  • Rusty Monhollon - KBOR
  • Karla Wiscombe - KBOR
  • Sam Christy-Dangermond - KBOR

Systemwide Math Course Placement Measures Committee

  • Kindra Wells - Emporia State University
  • Keith Dreiling - Fort Hays State University
  • Mat Johnson - University of Kansas
  • Gabe Kerr - Kansas State University
  • Tim Flood - Pittsburg State University
  • Stephen Brady - Wichita State University
  • Sarah Cook - Washburn University
  • Marc Malone - Garden City Community College
  • Bethany Chandler - Butler Community College
  • Nicole Dick - Garden City Community College
  • Marcelle Cooper - Johnson County Community College
  • Willis Ryan - Coffeyville Community College
  • Brian Koch - Manhattan Area Technical College
  • Talelia Schroeder - WSU Tech 

 Math Pathways are a critical component in the new performance agreements. 

Sample Performance Agreement AY 2024-2026