

@oysters-aint-for-me / oysters-aint-for-me.tumblr.com

My name is Shannon. 34-year-old nonbinary lesbian weirdo (they/them for now) located somewhere in MA, USA
I am a comedy enthusiast and currently in graduate school earning a masters degree in media studies, where i’m studying the history of sitcoms and standup comedy, the relationship between humor, horror & trauma, and radio/podcast production. Ask me about any of these things I am ENTHUSIASTIC
if you have to say something to me and it’s important please leave a comment on my pinned post! if it’s private just comment on it and let me know you wanna chat, and i will try as hard as i can to get back to you!

Funny to me to think about the whole "oh you say you don't like <insert website> but you'll gladly reblog content FROM <insert website>" as like... trade exports between nations that all a little bit don't like each other.

"Come try these grapes. They're from Tiktok." "OH Tiktok? Wonderful. They grow the best grapes. We just don't have the right terrain for them here." "I agree. Lovely grapes. Wretched country though, I'd never live there." "Oh me neither. They cancel their peasants in the town square. Speaking of, have you seen the new textiles boypussydilf is selling in the town square? Imported from Instagram!" "Oh amazing textiles, Instagram has. Wretched country though." "Absolutely wretched."


Most healthcare institutions will resort to physical force, restraint, drugs, guilt, theft of personal property, forced nudity, and denial of privacy in the pursuit of prolonging a life. This despite the heaps ofΒ scientific evidence showing involuntary hospitalizationΒ increasesΒ distress and the desire for suicide.Β BeingΒ held in a psychiatric institution has been shown to raise a person’s risk of suicide by 100 foldβ€Šβ€”β€Šincluding among patients whoΒ weren’tΒ suicidal before they got locked up.Β That’s largely because of the trauma of losing one’s freedom.

Suicidal intention is at its root a longing for escapeβ€Šβ€”β€Šand you don’t ease that longing by giving a person more to escape from.Β 

But there are alternatives. It actually is possible to respect the bodily freedom of a suicidal person while still providing them comfort and aid that could prolong their life. We can make peace with our inability to control another person’s destiny and mourn the potential loss of them while sitting with them in their suffering.Β 

We don’t have to run away from our own hopelessness and thoughts of suicide while we do this. either. And we may find that frank, accepting, and even mundane discussions of suicide will do both us and our suicidal friends a whole lot of good.Β 

For this piece, I spoke to dozens of suicidal people,Β read harm reductionist guides on supporting the suicidal, examined the psychological research literature on the subject, and mined my own life experiences for any wisdom I could find. Based on all these resources, here is my advice for supporting people who are suicidalβ€Šβ€”β€Šno matter what.Β 


In what world is tall muscular man not conventionally attractive


We've all been down here too long. I truly think there's a chunk of tumblr's population that can no longer survive sunlight.

women will say β€œhear me out” and show u a photo of pyramid head and then tumblr users will go β€œthis is a perfectly normal man and an ice cold take”


No. You're right. My carbon monoxide detector doesn't work. I'm huffing CO with a vengeance, just sucking it into my lungs and turning cherry-red with all the useless hemoglobin floating around. I'm also on speed and molly and delta 8, I have a hole in my brain and lead in my bones, my ankles hurt, my butt itches, my dick doesn't work, I have bipolar 2 and diabetes 1 and plain-old botulism from drinking water out of the motherfucking mall fountain. Are you happy? Have I humiliated myself enough for you? Do you need to strip me and scourge me and nail me to a cross or are we fucking done here? Listen, do you have any idea, any concept at all, of how fucking annoying it is to have your stupid CO detector beeping all the time when you're trying to kill a ghost?

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