

@oysters-aint-for-me / oysters-aint-for-me.tumblr.com

My name is Shannon. 34-year-old nonbinary lesbian weirdo (they/them for now) located somewhere in MA, USA
I am a comedy enthusiast and currently in graduate school earning a masters degree in media studies, where i’m studying the history of sitcoms and standup comedy, the relationship between humor, horror & trauma, and radio/podcast production. Ask me about any of these things I am ENTHUSIASTIC
if you have to say something to me and it’s important please leave a comment on my pinned post! if it’s private just comment on it and let me know you wanna chat, and i will try as hard as i can to get back to you!

Most healthcare institutions will resort to physical force, restraint, drugs, guilt, theft of personal property, forced nudity, and denial of privacy in the pursuit of prolonging a life. This despite the heaps of scientific evidence showing involuntary hospitalization increases distress and the desire for suicideBeing held in a psychiatric institution has been shown to raise a person’s risk of suicide by 100 fold — including among patients who weren’t suicidal before they got locked up. That’s largely because of the trauma of losing one’s freedom.

Suicidal intention is at its root a longing for escape — and you don’t ease that longing by giving a person more to escape from. 

But there are alternatives. It actually is possible to respect the bodily freedom of a suicidal person while still providing them comfort and aid that could prolong their life. We can make peace with our inability to control another person’s destiny and mourn the potential loss of them while sitting with them in their suffering. 

We don’t have to run away from our own hopelessness and thoughts of suicide while we do this. either. And we may find that frank, accepting, and even mundane discussions of suicide will do both us and our suicidal friends a whole lot of good. 

For this piece, I spoke to dozens of suicidal people, read harm reductionist guides on supporting the suicidal, examined the psychological research literature on the subject, and mined my own life experiences for any wisdom I could find. Based on all these resources, here is my advice for supporting people who are suicidal — no matter what. 


Hey! You reblogged a post thats a gif set from Interview With A Vampire that has a suicide in it (the person falling off a roof). Could you tag things showing suicide in the future? It would be greatly appreciated


shit i’m so sorry, that totally slipped my mind. will tag rn. sorry for any distress that may have caused


here’s the thing: i’m a big fan of ripping off the proverbial bandaid. i will jump into cold water rather than wade in and i will take a steeper hill if it means the climb will be over faster. i will always volunteer to go first just to get it out of the way. if i’m scared of doing something, i’d rather just do it and get it over with because i know i’ll feel better afterwards; i’ll feel relieved. which seems like a fine and even borderline healthy way to live. but. my biggest fear is dying. so. 


Hey since TERFs buried the original, higher quality recording, here’s the only surviving recording of trans activist Sylvia Rivera’s infamous “Y'all Better Quiet Down” speech, along with full transcription, now free and open on Archive.org. The transphobic fucks can try their best to scrub us from history, but we’re not going anywhere.

and if you can, go and see The Death and Life of Marsha P Johnson, which includes this footage as part of a fuller segment on Sylvia Rivera’s life right up until her death. what an amazing person who the world was not ready for.


(Transcription follows:) Sylvia Rivera: I may be—

Crowd: [booing]

Sylvia Rivera: Y'all better quiet down. I’ve been trying to get up here all day for your gay brothers and your gay sisters in jail that write me every motherfucking week and ask for your help and you all don’t do a goddamn thing for them.

Have you ever been beaten up and raped and jailed? Now think about it. They’ve been beaten up and raped after they’ve had to spend much of their money in jail to get their [inaudible], and try to get their sex changes. The women have tried to fight for their sex changes or to become women. On the women’s liberation and they write ‘STAR,’ not to the women’s groups, they do not write women, they do not write men, they write ‘STAR’ because we’re trying to do something for them.

I have been to jail. I have been raped. And beaten. Many times! By men, heterosexual men that do not belong in the homosexual shelter. But, do you do anything for me? No. You tell me to go and hide my tail between my legs. I will not put up with this shit. I have been beaten. I have had my nose broken. I have been thrown in jail. I have lost my job. I have lost my apartment for gay liberation and you all treat me this way? What the fuck’s wrong with you all? Think about that!

I do not believe in a revolution, but you all do. I believe in the gay power. I believe in us getting our rights, or else I would not be out there fighting for our rights. That’s all I wanted to say to you people. If you all want to know about the people in jail and do not forget Bambi L'amour, and Dora Mark, Kenny Metzner, and other gay people in jail, come and see the people at Star House on Twelfth Street on 640 East Twelfth Street between B and C apartment 14.

The people are trying to do something for all of us, and not men and women that belong to a white middle class white club. And that’s what you all belong to!

REVOLUTION NOW! Gimme a ‘G’! Gimme an ‘A’! Gimme a ‘Y’! Gimme a ‘P’! Gimme an ‘O’! Gimme a ‘W’! Gimme an ‘E! Gimme an ‘R’! [crying] Gay power! Louder! GAY POWER!


There’s some really important commentary on this event by several trans women on the previous upload of the video. I’m going to quote it here so it’s not lost; unfortunately the original commenters have deleted their blogs or gone private so I can’t provide full attribution.

lilacbootlaces said:

[[Trigger warning: suicide]]

Sylvia went home that night and attempted suicide.

Marsha Johnson came home and found her in time to save her life.

Sylvia left the movement after that day and didn’t come back for twenty years.

this is incredible, she is incredible, I highly recommend watching it

but I think the addendum re: the effect of this day on sylvia is really important

so often we valorise decontextualised moments of tough, articulate resistance and rage

and the suffering of the people who embodied them is not acknowledged, it’s uncomfortable, it’s not inspiring, we want them to stay tough and cool and stylish forever

which is particularly terrible when I think about how sylvia felt like that because of women like me — women who are now watching this video and feeling inspired and impressed and maybe a bit pleased with ourselves for finally having watched a speech by the famous and really cool to name-drop sylvia rivera

girl-assassin said:

rebloggin for the true as fuck commentary (bolding mine)

n like, on one hand this moment is decontextualized as fuck, but on the other hand a lot of ppl try to hyper-contextualize it to make it “history” and a very specific historical moment, so we (cis women) can be like “oh so sad that’s how it was in the 1970s, radfems were so awful, but it was only the whole second-wave scene that was the problem, glad that’s over.”

Like have we forgotten the fact that Sylvia only died in 2002? And she died young, if she were still alive she wouldn’t even be 65 yet. I know hella older ppl in NYC who knew her personally, and hella “leaders” of the NYC queer scene pulled horrific shit on her constantly in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, like literally until the day she died (ppl from Empire State Pride agenda literally went to St. Vincents to beef with her on her death bed) Where are the video tapes/memorializing of that shit?

N now the Manhattan LGBT center on 13th st has a room dedicated to her memory, despite the fact that very center permanently banned her in 1995 for daring to suggest they should let homeless QTPOC sleep there in sub-zero weather.

N now there’s a whole homeless trans youth shelter on 36th st named after her, Sylvia’s Place, that kicked my TWOC friend out on the streets for testing positive for marijuana; failing to recognize how fucked up that is in a shelter named after a woman who struggled with addiction all her life, and was very vocal about the relationship between drug use and the stress of living under constant threats of violence.

N from the late 90s onward rich gays and lesbians openly fought against Sylvia to try to shut down 24/7 access to the piers that she n hella other QTPOC cruised and lived on bc they were bringing down the property values of their multi-million west village apartments.

N like 90% of the individual people who perpetuated fucked up violence against Sylvia are still alive and high-profile leaders in the NYC LGBT “community” today.

So like yes, good, remember the oppressive weight of our history of transmisogyny…but also remember that this shit specifically ain’t even history, it’s the current reality of the NYC queer/trans hierarchy today—like not even figuratively, literally the same people who pulled shit like this on Sylvia are still alive n well n all over NYC cutting the ribbons to the newest Sylvia Rivera memorial n eulogizing her like they never tried to fucking kill her themselves.

Sorry for constantly reblogging this but here’s some more info?

HOW TO FUCK UP ROYALLY; A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO (SELF) DESTROYING: 1. Today you will skip all but the least important of your classes. What you’re doing during that time doesn’t matter, but if you wish to really stick to the program, make sure it’s nothing important. don’t bother picking up a book or putting a pen to paper, you can’t feel the beat of words as drumline anymore, but instead are a distant planet, a lonely star. it’s okay. you wouldn’t have been able to focus anyway. you are a confetti cannon that will never fire, a race that threatens to complete but instead always seems to be rained out. you could be so good if you could only get out of bed 2. this bed. this bed is anchor, this bed is now a museum you dedicate to depravity, to disease. get used to staring at walls and eating meals with extra crumbs just so you have some excuse for this skin itching at you. the size of your coffin will be slightly smaller than these sheets, better get used to a restful eternity anyway. below your feet will be a small throneroom full of dirty clothes and takeout boxes, you will make your nest of mess and love it for the smell, for the fact it represents how you feel inside. the devil is playing fiddle somewhere outside your window, let him in. he can share in it. 3. drop the phone like a thorned lifeline, leave it out there in the water and instead let your lungs swell heavy with your own selfhate, remember they didn’t really want to hear from you anyway. let the voicemails rest on a backburner, maybe if you’re lucky they will crisp away into nothing and you won’t have to deal with them anymore. lash out with no direction, hit whip tongue against your loved ones, make sure that you chase them jackal out of your desert life, clip their achilles heel. you are their achilles heel, their weak spot, their burden and their softness. 4. form your mouth into a lie, say you’re sick, split bridges like firewood. don’t show up to work, feel bad you skipped, skip every day in succession. give up on going. they’ve probably filled your place. how would you explain this anyway? a head in place and all bones supported by good sinew - god, sometimes, doesn’t the ring of a gunshot sound like bells to you, at least then you’d have an excuse - listen, stay home. stay in your vulture nest where the little baby birds of your desires are long gone, the quiet faithful dead. they won’t ask you why you no longer feel happiness, they understand silence, they understand blankness. maybe one day the bills will come with their sharpness and beaks open and hungry, but for now, they are a burden you cannot carry. 5. become scribble, a person with undefinition, an unclarity. is there something out there to burn down this house with? take it, light yourself with. it’s not alcoholism if nobody is around to see it. it’s not selfharm if it’s a cry for attention. it’s just sex, it’s just sixty-four straight hours of netflix, it’s just that you sort of doubt you ever felt anything. the world happened to a different person, you are just keeping the shell of that soul warm. when your mother cries about the spiral you’re clipped-wing stuck in, tell her: i’m okay. the words will sound cotton in your mouth and you’ll be post-dentist mouth-numb. it will be great. if you’re really really lucky, nobody will smell the decay. stuff yourself with cheesewhizz with emptiness with pocket lint shove everything into a bag and take off running eat the sun up to fill up that god awful nothing eat up your life in little clipped bites if it breaks you well that’s just fine our lord and savior jesus christ never intended for sheep like you don’t you know you’re a selfish piece of shit everybody knows that you’re faking it the sky outside is beautiful just go for a run do yoga do something fun after all there are children starving on some other continent and all you are doing is sitting here in that bed shoving your emotions into the darkness, a finger jamming a dam hole, a soul trying to spoon the water out of the boat except every time you do so you let just a little bit more of you go oh god ohgodohgod how you want to let it all go 6. 7. 8. 9. is there  a n y thin g   le  ft   or  am                    i just th i s ; a                                      hum a n mess 10. 11. 12. 13. call your mom. tell her you’re sorry, when she says, “what for,” say, “everything.” hang up with hands shaking and a heart that jostles against your breastplate. feel strangely alive for the first time in months. get all of your affairs in order, write a “sorry” note, kiss the envelope. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. wash the hospital out of your hair. 21. 22. call your mom. tell her, “thank you,” tell her that yesterday you tried her recipe for casserole, and she was right. it really does taste better with green beans on the side. 23. when you’re ready, come outside.

LEARN FROM IT, STAY ALIVE // r.i.d (via inkskinned)

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