
Yokopilled (for real)

@myplasticadversary / myplasticadversary.tumblr.com

My name is Delenn (pronounced duh-LEN), I'm 26, I'm a non-binary lesbian who uses they/them pronouns, I'm white and half-Jewish on my dad's side, I sing sometimes, I'm a vegetarian and aspiring vegan, and I need to read more books. Also I have a sideblog (@girlbossfrankshepard) where I talk about fandom stuff but mostly musicals and cartoons.

They fucking bombed Lebanon again. People were at a funeral for people killed yesterday. Uniquely evil.

I was confused thinking I must be reading reports over yesterdays act of terror. No they just bombed Lebanon again. Everyone injured and killed labeled Hezbollah by western media. Even if that were true, members of Hezbollah hold seats in places of Lebanon government.

People in the United States really don’t view people they see as Muslim and Arab as humans. So many people cheer for this senseless violence


they are doing insanely good pro kamala propaganda u lame ass vote blue libs are getting outdone so bad

the world if comrade kamala whod immediately nuke tel aviv and ban twitter and send elon musk to the gulag was real and yall were not putting black woman reagan into office


Every now and then I think about the horribly on the nose foreshadowing of Phil Spector firing a near shot at John Lennon's head


guys i’m dying

interval and i’m drinking the lennon 🥃

actual lines so far:

“I’m the best fuck you ever had”


“You should have married me when you had the chance”



the lift kiss went on for just biiiiit too long for it to read as ~just bros, like i am in awe of the timing

also the ending was them each saying “i love you” to their wives over the phone but cut so it sounds like they’re saying it to each other as well?????

and then ‘give peace a chance’ plays because the lesson of all this is that you really shouldn’t fight with your psychosexual boy bestie slash rival ❤️


three years ago today we lost sophie . she was unimaginably important .

Kinda wish I got to put more information on her in this before people started rbing it . Sophie Xeon was an absolute beacon of light and hope for trans musicians everywhere . She was unbelievably talented not just as an arranger of music but as an engineer and as a singer and everything. Ive been really active in the underground electronic scene for a very long time and it’s hard to explain to people who weren’t there how incredible her presence was . “If Sophie can do it, so can we”, about being successful with beautifully personal unique creative ideas (and being trans while succeeding.) I can personally name dozens of people who felt more confident transitioning thanks to her, including myself. It was like an ocean went still when she died. Everyone i knew was in mourning including myself. Most of us haven’t really recovered and that’s not even speaking for her loved ones , people who suffered the most round the time of her accidental death. the energy of her music is addictive and it’s bursting with love for being trans and Making Things and there’s love for kink and so much empathy and beauty and she did it all where everyone could see . and she was nominated for a grammy for it . This is all jumbled because my thoughts are scattered but Please look further into how many amazing things she did , and listen to her album Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides.

It’s okay to cry !

Here's a eulogy for her, written by AG Cook who knew her well. beyond being beautiful and well-spoken, its a glimpse into her character. A good read for anyone wanting to know more.

It's her birthday today. Rest in peace, Sophie


Israel just carried out a large-scale terrorist attack in Lebanon by causing a number of pagers to simultaneously explode across the country, injuring thousands of people.

It's a developing story, but so far eight people, including an eight-year-old girl, have been confirmed murdered in the attack. An additional 3,000 have been injured.

I've seen Western media outlet report on this like its a target attack on Hezbollah fighters, with media figures in my own country using words like 'sophisticated' and 'impressive' in their reporting.

Look at this still from a video capturing one the pagers going off, and tell me what you see:

Does this look like a justified "military target" to you?

We don't know how these pagers were compromised yet, or who were carrying them, but we're starting to get a good idea of where they exploded, and so far, from the videos circulating online, that includes shops, supermarkets, buses, cars, civilian homes and hospitals.

If this had been done by any other country in the region, it would have been called a terrorist attack.


i just know paul mccartney would have been annoying as fuck in a high school production of godspell

if paul was young in modern america he would have been that one guy in the high school theater program who can actually sing and has been with every single girl in the cast and tech crew because not only can he sing, but he also swears he’s straight, even though the girls don’t believe him, though they still go for him because—once again—he can sing, and he’s also got beautiful eyes.

he would get briefly kicked out of the sophomore year production of joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat on opening night for hitting a dab pen in the dressing room with his buddy john who isn’t even technically supposed to be there because he’s not part of the show. he was playing joseph and people were already mad that he was cast as a lead as a sophomore so this just makes it worse. and they let him back in for the next show because he’s got plot armor even here and the joseph understudy can’t do a proper falsetto.


*Saw Theme Song Plot Twist Reveal*

NYPD chase a man for fare evasion, tase him, become “aware of a knife” and then started blasting, hitting a cop, and two bystanders (one in the head) before getting this guy. Backtracking with “well this guy has done xyz before”, the cops didn’t know that. They frantically looked him up so they could justify a mass shooting of New Yorkers.

They drew guns over skipping the fare. They fired at anything that moved when they thought he had a knife. No confirmation that he even did have a knife.



it is so insulting to claim that the cultures of indigenous peoples are like what makes the settler colonial project of America "culturally diverse" or whatever

like this makes me so mad because America spent literally like years killing and sterilizing and forcibly removing and forcibly attempting to destroy the cultures of countless people by kidnapping their children and raising them in "American culture" and then some white american liberal who feels threatened by someone saying "america is cultureless" is like "well what about the people who america categorically exists in opposition to? what about their cultures? are they not real?" as like some gotcha


Most healthcare institutions will resort to physical force, restraint, drugs, guilt, theft of personal property, forced nudity, and denial of privacy in the pursuit of prolonging a life. This despite the heaps of scientific evidence showing involuntary hospitalization increases distress and the desire for suicideBeing held in a psychiatric institution has been shown to raise a person’s risk of suicide by 100 fold — including among patients who weren’t suicidal before they got locked up. That’s largely because of the trauma of losing one’s freedom.

Suicidal intention is at its root a longing for escape — and you don’t ease that longing by giving a person more to escape from. 

But there are alternatives. It actually is possible to respect the bodily freedom of a suicidal person while still providing them comfort and aid that could prolong their life. We can make peace with our inability to control another person’s destiny and mourn the potential loss of them while sitting with them in their suffering. 

We don’t have to run away from our own hopelessness and thoughts of suicide while we do this. either. And we may find that frank, accepting, and even mundane discussions of suicide will do both us and our suicidal friends a whole lot of good. 

For this piece, I spoke to dozens of suicidal people, read harm reductionist guides on supporting the suicidal, examined the psychological research literature on the subject, and mined my own life experiences for any wisdom I could find. Based on all these resources, here is my advice for supporting people who are suicidal — no matter what. 

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