9th Annual IEA-IETA-EPRI Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Workshop
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For the 9th consecutive year, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) host their international emissions trading workshop in Paris, on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 September 2009. The workshop will provide an opportunity for government, business and various stakeholders to discuss some of the key issues relating to international climate policy. This year’s workshop will cover topics relevant to a post-2012 agreement in Copenhagen, such as world trade and emissions trading, compliance regimes, carbon markets and investment decisions, the effect of the economic crisis, and opportunities and limitations for the inclusion of forestry activity in the carbon market.
Opening Remarks
Nobuo Tanaka, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
David Lunsford, Policy Leader – Emissions, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
Tom Wilson, Senior Program Manager, Global Climate Research Program, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Session 1 - Country Roundtable
This session will consists of brief presentations on regional GHG market developments, setting the stage for two days of more in-depth discussions.
Chair: Rick Bradley (IEA)
U.S. Federal: Brian McLean, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA)
U.S. Western Climate Initiative: Michael Lazarus, Stockholm
Environmental Institute - US (SEI-US)
Australia: Steve Hatfield-Dodds, Department of Climate Change
South Africa: Wendy Poulton, Eskom
Session 2 – National and international compliance regimes
How will governments use the flexibility mechanisms to ensure compliance under Kyoto Protocol and a future climate regime? How are they organizing themselves for that purpose? What about compliance in domestic emissions trading systems?
Chair: Tom Wilson (EPRI)
David Harrison, NERA
Andrew Howard, UNFCCC
Hisashi Yoshioka, NEDO
Benoit Bosquet, World Bank
Session 3 – World trade and emissions trading
Ambitious domestic trading systems have raised competitiveness concerns and, with them, the possibility of border carbon adjustments. This session will explore the pros and cons of such policy instruments, and their compatibility with rules of the World Trade Organisation.
Chair: Richard Baron (IEA)
Ingmar Juergens, European Commission
Andrew Shoyer, Sidley Austin LLP
Susanne Droege, Climate Strategies
Joost Pauwelyn, The Graduate Institute
Session 4 – Impact of carbon prices on investment decisions
Have the market mechanisms had noticeable impact on companies’ investment decisions? How is the carbon price supporting investment in cleaner energy sources? Does its role differ in domestic systems and in projects under the CDM?
Chair: David Lunsford (IETA)
Vic Niemeyer, EPRI
Barbara Buchner, IEA
Paul Dawson, RWE
Kirsty Hamilton, Chatham House
Session 5 – Opportunities and Limitations for Crediting Large-Scale REDD Projects in the Near Term (2012-2020)
What would international policy architecture that supports (REDD) in the 2012-2020 timeframe need to look like? What is the appropriate role of private capital and markets to unlock REDD? What is the role for bilateral or multilateral REDD mechanisms on the national level? Do developing countries have the institutional capacity to support large-scale REDD projects, activities, programs and policies? Can project-based approaches be integrated with national baselines?
Chair: Adam Diamant (EPRI)
Eric Bettelheim, Private Consultant
Steve Schwartzman, Environmental Defense Fund
Leslie Durschinger, Terra Global Capital
Eron Bloomgarden, Equator LLC
Session 6 – Markets in a downturn
How is the current economic crisis affecting investment in CDM and similar projects? Supply and demand impacts on pricing. Recent legislative proposals considered in Australia, the US and implications for the Kyoto mechanisms. Low carbon prices; access to capital to finance projects.
Chair: David Lunsford (IETA)
Dirk Forrister, Natsource
Marc Stuart, Ecosecurities
Mark Lewis, Deutsche Bank
David Rapin, Bluenext
Closing Session – Bringing it all together: implications for the carbon market of the agreement coming out of Copenhagen
Facilitator: Rick Bradley (IEA)
Personal reflections
Kunihiko Shimada, Japan
Tom Heller, Stanford University/Project Catalyst
Laurence Tubiana, France
Closing Remarks
Rick Bradley, IEA
David Lunsford, IETA
Tom Wilson, EPRI