Double Bazaar War

From Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki
[e][h]Double Bazaar War
Map Information
Map Type:
Unknown Type
Starting TC(s):
Player Capacity:
Up to 8
First Appearance:
Competition Span:
2020-09-29 — Present

Double Bazaar War is a community made random map in Age of Empires II created by Huehuecoyotl22, based on the random map Bazaar War by HJ. It was created for the Double Cup.


The map is a desert-themed very flat and open map, with lots of tiny palm forests. Both players start with 2 bases, which each consist of a town center, 3 villagers, a scout, a market and 2 donkeys. The donkeys are trade units that can be used to trade from the start of the game. A Dark Age market can be used to buy and sell resources already. So players can base their strategy around buying, selling and trading since the Dark Age. Resource distribution across the map is standard like on Double Arabia. A few camels can be picked up across the map and be used as scouting units.

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2022-11-1314:30 UTCDouble Cup 31v1Dark Russia HindustanisACCMLithuanians Vietnam ACCMWatch VOD (G3)
2021-10-2715:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1JorDan_AoE Germany BerbersTaToHSicilians Spain TaToHWatch VOD (G4)
2021-10-0518:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1classicpro Ukraine LithuaniansBruHLithuanians Brazil BruH
2021-09-2922:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1St4rk Brazil SiciliansBruHLithuanians Brazil BruH
2021-09-0817:30 UTCDouble Cup 21v1Noisick Chile LithuaniansOvertakenBerbers Estonia Overtaken
2021-09-0615:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1St4rk Brazil LithuaniansKasvaBerbers Turkey KasvaWatch VOD (G2)
2021-09-0523:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1Noisick Chile LithuaniansBruHLithuanians Brazil BruHWatch VOD (G2)
2021-09-0415:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1SpringTV United States BerbersACCMLithuanians Vietnam ACCMWatch VOD (G3)
2021-09-0406:45 UTCDouble Cup 21v1DarkDiamonds Singapore SaracensBacTCumans Vietnam BacT
2021-09-0320:00 UTCDouble Cup 21v1MVP_AOE Mexico IndiansKasvaLithuanians Turkey Kasva