
From Liquipedia Age of Empires Wiki
Map Information
Map Type:
Starting TC(s):
Player Capacity:
2 or 6
Competition Span:
2024 - Present

Acaray is a community made Random Map in Age of Empires II created by Marintho for the World Desert Championship 2.


The coastal plains of Peru are largely a desert region: Dry, arid, with little to no rain during the year. Yet civilization was not limited to the more famous Peruvian highlands of the Andes, that was home to several major civilizations including the Inca realms. Where the Huaura river streams down from the mountains and nearly reaches the Pacific Ocean, archaeologists uncovered a major fortification at Acaray - hinting that the area was inhabited and fought over perhaps as early as the 10th century. Players spawn in fixed positions. Near the teams are two hills with capturable castles. The team will have to decide which of them gets those castles. In 1v1s, the players can capture both castles on their side. In the North players can find a sacred site with an abundance of relics and deer. All neutral stone is in the dried river.

Most Recent Tournament Appearances[edit]

This automatically generated table shows up to 10 most recent S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier and C-Tier tournaments.
Start dateEnd dateTournament
2024-09-092024-11-14World Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand League

Recent Games[edit]

This automatically generated table shows the 10 most recent games and can be modified here.
DateTimeGTournamentModeOpponentVs. OpponentVOD
2024-11-1417:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamTerz Germany Tatars
Acro17 Germany Bengalis
PhilippHJS Germany Berbers
PelaLithuanians Argentina Pela
Portuguese Argentina Biry
Vietnamese Chile Sobek
2024-11-0315:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamPela Argentina Malians
Biry Argentina Bengalis
Sobek Chile Berbers
Thành_Cổ_Quảng_TrịKoreans Vietnam Thành_Cổ_Quảng_Trị
Burgundians Vietnam Saymyname
Portuguese Vietnam BadBoy
2024-11-0117:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamGabi Brazil Incas
F1Re Brazil Slavs
GoKu Brazil Poles
TerzGurjaras Germany Terz
Berbers Germany PhilippHJS
Bengalis Germany Acro17
2024-10-2012:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamNeozz France Berbers
Target331Vietnamese Germany Target331
2024-10-1919:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamPela Argentina Berbers
Dave_hunVietnamese Hungary Dave_hun
2024-10-1318:30 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamDave_hun Hungary Italians
TedBerbers United Kingdom Ted
2024-10-1016:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamRedphosphoru United States Bengalis
Big_Tuna United States Lithuanians
Tiggerr Canada Byzantines
StrayDogKoreans China StrayDog
Persians China Baipang
Mayans China Gua神
2024-10-0601:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamYomi Japan Incas
RodrixsBengalis Argentina Rodrixs
2024-09-2921:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamThe_Illusionist Slovakia Poles
RodrixsBengalis Argentina Rodrixs
2024-09-2619:00 UTCWorld Desert Championship 2: Sand LeagueTeamKlemens Iceland Burmese
Target331Koreans Germany Target331
