Central European Business Review, 2024 (vol. 13), issue 2


Potential Effects of Instagram Usage on Conspicuous Consumption of Premium Luxurious Fashion Products among Bulgarians

Vladimir Zhechev, Daniela Sekulova

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):1-25 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.343  

In the days when the notion of “keeping up with Joneses” is stepping back to “keeping up with the network”, it is of great importance to seek an understanding of how classical theories and thoughts (such as Veblen’s conspicuous consumption theory from 1899) are potentially affected as a result of the development of social media (SM). Nowadays, social media catalyses conspicuous consumption while expanding what is considered a social group and social classes and fuelling the aspirant group influence and social comparison. This paper provides a theoretical framework of the conspicuous consumption school of thought and characteristics...

Ethical Consumption: What Makes People Buy "Ethical" Products

Daniela ��lkov�, Inna ��belkov�, Dita Hommerov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):27-52 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.346  

Consumers express their ethics through their consumption decisions. The article examines the preferences of Czech respondents in the area of ethical consumption. The aim of the study is to find out the respondents' attitudes towards ethical shopping. We apply a series of ordinal regression analyses to analyse data from a survey (N=1670; aged 15–93 years, M ± SD: 35.51 ± 16.82; 62.00% women; 32.10% with higher education) conducted in 2021. In some cases, the survey results are compared with surveys on the same topic conducted in 2016 and 2018. The research found that customer interest in purchasing is growing, but this trend has not...

Impact of Robot Installations on Employment and Labour Productivity in Automotive Industry

Lenka Piskov�, Marian Dobranschi, Pavel Semer�d, Milena Otavov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):53-68 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.342  

The automotive industry is regarded as one of the most robotized sectors of the manufacturing industry. The topic of robotization is currently intensely debated as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. In this study, we focus on automobile manufacturers operating in selected countries of the European Union and analyse the level of labour productivity and employment in the period 2002-2021. Specifically, we investigate whether the annual installation of robots and the total number of robots in the automotive industry have a negative impact on labour demand. The collected data are evaluated using empirical analysis. Our estimations...

Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation: Panel Data Analysis

Ivana Marjanovi�, �arko Popovi�, Sandra Milanovi�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):69-88 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.348  

The growing participation of women in the labour market has been undoubtedly one of the main features of the evolution of the economies of the European Union (EU) during the last few decades. Nevertheless, maintaining this increase remains an important policy goal due to the existing population ageing and gender employment gap. This paper aims to analyse the main determinants of female labour force participation (FLFP) in the EU countries using panel data regression analysis covering the period from 2000 to 2021. By employing the fixed-effects regression analysis, an influence of dependent variables such as GDP per capita, presence of anti-discrimination...

Negative Determinants of CSR�Support by Generation Z in Central Europe: Gender-Sensitive Impacts of Infodemic in 'COVID-19' Era

Martin H�la, Radka MacGregor Pelik�nov�, Filip Rub��ek

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):89-115 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.344  

The success of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) depends upon the active support of all stakeholders. Thus, it is highly relevant and becomes the goal of this paper to perform a pilot case study of the negative determinants of readiness of the new Central European generation of financially sufficiently strong consumers to support CSR, in particular, to answer two research questions: (i) which is the prevailing determinant and (ii) whether it is gender-sensitive. Therefore, 53 male and 53 female Generation Z students from a private university in Prague, ready to pay a CSR bonus, were surveyed in the summer of 2021 regarding the...

Job Autonomy as a Driver of Job Satisfaction

Krist�na Zychov�, Martina Fejfarov�, Andrea Jindrov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):117-140 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.347  

As one of the essential human needs, autonomy affects internal motivation and drives job satisfaction. The aim of the article is based on long-term quantitative research (n = 631) to examine gender, age, education and job position differences in job autonomy and to evaluate the extent to which job satisfaction and job autonomy are related. The research shows that 72.6% of the respondents have a high degree of work scheduling autonomy, 68.1% have a high degree of decision-making autonomy and 53.9% have a high degree of work methods autonomy. An important finding is that most respondents (84.8%) are satisfied with their job. There are differences between...