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Engagement of Moldovan Organizations in Increasing Employment through Flexible Work ArrangementsArticles

Ionel Bostan, Alic B�rc�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(3):95-122 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.356  

Work flexibility as an element of work flexicurity has had an impact on employment at the national level. In this study, work flexibility is expressed through flexible work arrangements. Organisations may implement various flexible work arrangements, depending on their size or specifically promoted policies in this sense. Thus, organisations indirectly contribute to higher employment at the national level. The aim of the study is to evaluate flexible work arrangements from the perspective of organizations in order to determine to what extent they are available for implementation. To test and validate the results, we develop a questionnaire that includes...

Digital Natives' Attitudes towards Blockchain Technology UsageArticles

Ana �ui� Tankovi�, Marina Peri�i� Prodan

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(3):75-93 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.354  

The widespread use of blockchain technology (BCT) and the growing awareness of the numerous opportunities it offers its users have been the focus of recent research. Digital natives are surrounded by technology from birth and are naturally inclined to embrace it, but previous research has not addressed their attitudes towards BCT. This paper aims to investigate digital natives' attitudes towards the use of BCT in Croatia. The survey method is applied and data from 518 questionnaires are analysed with PLS-SEM. Results show that privacy threat, social influence, trust in BCT and trust in the community of blockchain users have a statistically significant...

The Stranger Factor: How Familiarity Influences Sharing Behaviour across GenerationsArticles

Pavel Pelech, Jaroslava D�dkov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(3):49-73 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.353  

In the sharing economy, P2P platforms must identify the target audience for their marketing campaigns to spend their marketing budgets effectively. The challenge is to convince those who are afraid of sharing with strangers. We analyse participant behaviour by testing whether people's willingness to participate differs depending on whether they shared with known or unknown people. Our study focuses not only on sharing with strangers and exploring this phenomenon but also on sharing with people we know to verify that these people are generally willing to share idle assets. We define four groups of sharing economy participants depending on whether they...

Effects of Broadband�and Telephone Subscription on Exports in New Global Era: Evidence from Southeast European CountriesArticles

Muhamet J. Spahiu, John McArdle, Betim J. Spahiu, Esat Durguti

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(3):31-47 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.351  

The overall objective of the present research is to examine the influence of information technology components on the export-to-GDP ratio, especially focused on the changes caused by the events of the 20th century for Southeast European countries (SEC). The motivation for selecting these countries is to evaluate whether they have achieved a sufficient level to adapt digital developments. To overcome these challenges, the study uses a hybrid technique, employing random-effects (RE) and fixed-effects (FE) regression and Arellano-Bond estimations on panel data gathered from 13 countries from 2006 to 2021. The results confirm that fixed broadband subscriptions...

Model and Specifics of Generation Z Entry onto the Czech Labour MarketArticles

Eva Hovo��kov�, Daniela Pauknerov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(3):1-29 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.349  

In recent years, we have observed a growing interest in generational change. Various journalists, commentators and trend watchers have drawn attention to the differences of the newly emerging generation known as Generation Z (for purposes of this study, young people born in 2000 and later). It seems that the specificity of Generation Z is mainly determined by exposure to technology from an early age. It affects not only the way young people communicate but also their values, career expectations and lifestyles. The aim of the study is, therefore, to find out which factors are important for a successful labour market entry and the most influential for...

Job Autonomy as a Driver of Job SatisfactionArticles

Krist�na Zychov�, Martina Fejfarov�, Andrea Jindrov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):117-140 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.347  

As one of the essential human needs, autonomy affects internal motivation and drives job satisfaction. The aim of the article is based on long-term quantitative research (n = 631) to examine gender, age, education and job position differences in job autonomy and to evaluate the extent to which job satisfaction and job autonomy are related. The research shows that 72.6% of the respondents have a high degree of work scheduling autonomy, 68.1% have a high degree of decision-making autonomy and 53.9% have a high degree of work methods autonomy. An important finding is that most respondents (84.8%) are satisfied with their job. There are differences between...

Negative Determinants of CSR�Support by Generation Z in Central Europe: Gender-Sensitive Impacts of Infodemic in 'COVID-19' EraArticles

Martin H�la, Radka MacGregor Pelik�nov�, Filip Rub��ek

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):89-115 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.344  

The success of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) depends upon the active support of all stakeholders. Thus, it is highly relevant and becomes the goal of this paper to perform a pilot case study of the negative determinants of readiness of the new Central European generation of financially sufficiently strong consumers to support CSR, in particular, to answer two research questions: (i) which is the prevailing determinant and (ii) whether it is gender-sensitive. Therefore, 53 male and 53 female Generation Z students from a private university in Prague, ready to pay a CSR bonus, were surveyed in the summer of 2021 regarding the...

Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation: Panel Data AnalysisArticles

Ivana Marjanovi�, �arko Popovi�, Sandra Milanovi�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):69-88 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.348  

The growing participation of women in the labour market has been undoubtedly one of the main features of the evolution of the economies of the European Union (EU) during the last few decades. Nevertheless, maintaining this increase remains an important policy goal due to the existing population ageing and gender employment gap. This paper aims to analyse the main determinants of female labour force participation (FLFP) in the EU countries using panel data regression analysis covering the period from 2000 to 2021. By employing the fixed-effects regression analysis, an influence of dependent variables such as GDP per capita, presence of anti-discrimination...

Impact of Robot Installations on Employment and Labour Productivity in Automotive IndustryArticles

Lenka Piskov�, Marian Dobranschi, Pavel Semer�d, Milena Otavov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):53-68 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.342  

The automotive industry is regarded as one of the most robotized sectors of the manufacturing industry. The topic of robotization is currently intensely debated as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. In this study, we focus on automobile manufacturers operating in selected countries of the European Union and analyse the level of labour productivity and employment in the period 2002-2021. Specifically, we investigate whether the annual installation of robots and the total number of robots in the automotive industry have a negative impact on labour demand. The collected data are evaluated using empirical analysis. Our estimations...

Ethical Consumption: What Makes People Buy "Ethical" ProductsArticles

Daniela ��lkov�, Inna ��belkov�, Dita Hommerov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):27-52 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.346  

Consumers express their ethics through their consumption decisions. The article examines the preferences of Czech respondents in the area of ethical consumption. The aim of the study is to find out the respondents' attitudes towards ethical shopping. We apply a series of ordinal regression analyses to analyse data from a survey (N=1670; aged 15–93 years, M ± SD: 35.51 ± 16.82; 62.00% women; 32.10% with higher education) conducted in 2021. In some cases, the survey results are compared with surveys on the same topic conducted in 2016 and 2018. The research found that customer interest in purchasing is growing, but this trend has not...

Potential Effects of Instagram Usage on Conspicuous Consumption of Premium Luxurious Fashion Products among BulgariansArticles

Vladimir Zhechev, Daniela Sekulova

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(2):1-25 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.343  

In the days when the notion of “keeping up with Joneses” is stepping back to “keeping up with the network”, it is of great importance to seek an understanding of how classical theories and thoughts (such as Veblen’s conspicuous consumption theory from 1899) are potentially affected as a result of the development of social media (SM). Nowadays, social media catalyses conspicuous consumption while expanding what is considered a social group and social classes and fuelling the aspirant group influence and social comparison. This paper provides a theoretical framework of the conspicuous consumption school of thought and characteristics...

The Well-Being Equation: Investigating Critics, Negative Emotions, and Demotivation in the WorkplaceArticles

Ana Globo�nik �unac

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):105-121 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.360  

Criticism as a result of an evaluation process is a common topic of everyday communication within the working environment. The research starts from the assumption that criticism significantly affects the self-perception of employees and it evokes negative emotions that in the end influence job satisfaction and motivation to perform work tasks. The paper presents the frame of a new concept of impact that the criticism has on employee motivation and the first results of the study prove that concept in particular. The main aim was to define whether criticism expressed inappropriately evokes more negative emotions. Hypotheses that focus on its correlation...

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Mental Health Intervention on Self-Compassion and Stigmatisation Attitudes among Leaders and Their FollowersArticles

Ivana ��pov�, Dorota Lofajov�, Martin M��el, Karina Nielsen, Siw Tone Innstrand

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):85-104 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.362  

Frequent alterations, unpredictable workloads, and blurred lines between professional and personal life all contribute to adverse effects on mental health. As a result, there is a growing need for managers to be attuned to their employees' emotional well-being and to cultivate the ability to openly, safely, and confidentially address mental health matters. Training in mental health awareness can equip managers with the skills to recognize early signs of common mental health conditions, engage in conversations about mental health, and actively promote well-being to prevent mental health challenges. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of mental...

Meaning-Centered Workplace InterventionsArticles

Pavl�na Honsov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):67-83 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.358  

A total of 2,532 records were extracted from three databases, leading to the identification of fifteen studies for closer analysis. The overview comprehensively evaluated participants, types of intervention, activities, relevant measures and outcomes. Based on the findings, meaning-centred interventions are utilized in various workplaces, including healthcare, white-collar companies and universities. Despite insufficient quality and randomization in the studies, preventing definitive conclusions, meaning-centred interventions exhibit promising results in addressing well-being, perceived meaningfulness and other facets of living. In the future, special...

When Humor Works: Impact of Humour Style Similarity on Supervisor-Subordinate RelationshipArticles

Marina Pletscher

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):43-66 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.350  

With rising levels of work-related stress and its dramatic consequences, organizations are increasingly investing in finding solutions to promote employee well-being. As an effective approach to stress management, humour has begun to attract the attention of practitioners and researchers. This study proposes to look at humour as a further managerial tool to improve workplace relationships and associated positive outcomes. It examines how the humour style of supervisors and subordinates affects the leader-follower relationship. Specifically, the effects of humour style (dis)similarity on leader-employee exchanges are examined. Data were collected in...

Employee Well-Being and the Remote Leader: A Systematic Literature ReviewArticles

Judith Schmitt

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):27-42 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.352  

Recent industry developments emphasize the need for research into promoting employee well-being via virtual leadership. While the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated remote work, global trends such as low unemployment rates sparked an urgency to prioritize employee well-being. This SLR analyses findings to understand the role of leadership behaviour within this context for application in the business environment. Applying the PRISMA method, 15 relevant studies before and during the pandemic were selected. The analysis found critical aspects of remote work which affect employee well-being while emphasizing implications for leadership. Key themes are boundaries...

Exploring the Theme of Well-Being from Pluralistic PerspectivesArticles

Gazi Islam, Beliz Ulgen, Cihan Bilgehan Bayram

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):5-26 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.355  

The rapidly changing dynamics in the challenging work life have rendered the concept of well-being crucial and necessary for both organizations and employees. In recent years, there has been a consistent increase in studies focusing on employee well-being, driven by the understanding that happier employees tend to be more productive. However, the literature lacks a substantial number of critical examinations of well-being practices. While this gap in the literature has guided the scope of our work, it has also piqued our curiosity about criticisms of these practices, as well as positive attitudes and approaches towards them. With this study, our aim...

Editorial for Thematic Issue on Workplace Well-BeingEditorial

Daniela Pauknerov�

Central European Business Review 2024, 13(1):1-3 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.369  

The discourse on employee well-being within organizations has evolved significantly over the last decades, reflecting a deeper and more diverse understanding through various perspectives and methodologies.�This thematic issue aims to bridge the existing gap between the recognition of diverse well-being practices and the critical examination of their applications in the workplace. By doing so, we hope to foster a nuanced appreciation of these efforts, acknowledging the inherent complexities and challenges, and inspiring more effective and meaningful well-being initiatives.

Shaping Farm Workers' Political Trust: The Moderating Role of Misinformation ExposureArticles

Stefanie Berg, Jindrich Spicka

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):177-199 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.357  

Political trust is an important indicator for evaluating relations between politicians and stakeholders. In agriculture, political trust has not been researched in depth, although agriculture is highly regulated by policies related to access to resources. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by answering the question of the role of institutionalized and non-institutionalized social communication in shaping farm workers' political trust. The multiple regression on a sample of 1,016 farm workers from the Europe-wide 2020 European Social Survey yields new insights. A key finding is the moderating effect of the opinion that online communication channels...

Firm Size Distribution in the Central European ContextArticles

Petra �tamfestov�, Luk� Sob��ek, Ji�� Hnilica

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):151-175 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.345  

This article analyses the distribution of firms by size in six selected countries in 2012 and 2017. Estimates are always made for the whole economy and two subgroups of firms. We compare the Visegrad Four countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) with similar economic activities and two neighbouring economically more developed countries (Germany and Austria). As the main objective of the article, we describe the distribution of firms by verifying the validity of Zipf's law in selected economies and their sectors. The results confirm the positively skewed distribution of company sizes measured by sales revenues, but Zipf's law does not...

How to Enable Trust While Transforming Teamwork from a Face-to-Face to a Virtual Environment in the Context of COVID-19Articles

Ina Kern, Philip Emmerich, Anna L�bbe

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):117-149 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.341  

The coronavirus pandemic was one of the greatest global challenges in history – primarily as a health issue, but also as an economic challenge. The need to control the pandemic has led to a significant shift towards virtual collaboration, which has also exposed the lack of preparedness of most German companies for the abrupt virtualization of teamwork. This raises the question of approaches to the implementation and design of virtual collaboration in practice. This paper reviews and extends the current state of research into virtual collaboration by interviewing experts in the IT consulting industry, considering the challenges in the context...

Effective Domestic Tourism Advertising Layout: Lithuanian PerspectiveArticles

Viktorija Grigaliūnaitė, Lina Pilelienė

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):93-116 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.340  

The issue of advertising is widely analysed in relevant literature; however, the emphasis is mainly on its commercial part. Advertising-related aspects in regard to domestic tourist behaviour still lack scholars’ attention. Therefore, outdoor advertising and its possibilities of attracting domestic tourists are under-assessed. The purpose of the study is to determine the effective advertising layouts to be used in static outdoor domestic tourism advertisements. Accordingly, this study contributes to the literature by analysing the peculiarities of static outdoor advertising layouts and determining the most effective compositions of its creative...

Agri–Entrepreneurship: Measurement and Evaluation of Intellectual Capital PotentialArticles

Jadranka De�e, Tihana Sudari�, Ljubica Ranogajec

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):71-92 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.339  

In Central and Eastern European (CEE) business conditions, intellectual capital is becoming increasingly important as a form of intangible rather than tangible capital. The aim of this study is to determine the structure of intellectual capital, identify determinants and evaluate their values for agri-entrepreneurship development. Thereby, potentials are identified and strategic guidelines are created. The research methodology is based on a measurement and evaluation process using calculations of importance weights and ratings and values of all attributes and determinants. It is recognized as human, structural and consumer capital with different attributes...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Supply Chain Resilience: Conceptualization and Scale DevelopmentArticles

Aziz Barhmi, Omar Hajaji

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):43-69 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.338  

This research aims, through a multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary approach, to identify the key dimensions as well as the scale of measurement of enterprise supply chain resilience for an in-depth understanding of the concept. This is among the first empirical studies examining the key dimensions and appropriate measurement scale of enterprise supply chain resilience to address disruptions induced by unavoidable risk events. A detailed literature review is conducted to identify the dimensions of the construct under study. Then, a measurement instrument is developed from a set of items. The questionnaire is purified through a pretest, a pilot test,...

Critical Factors Influencing Firms' Risk-Taking Behaviour: CEO Characteristics and the Moderating Role of the Audit CommitteeArticles

Benedict Valentine Arulanandam, Christo Selvan, Goh Xin Tong

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):1-41 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.337  

This paper aims to explore the effects of chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics on managerial risk-taking behaviour and the moderating impact of audit committee (AC) ownership and ethnicity in this relationship. The underlining theory employed in this study is the upper echelons theory (UET). Data were hand-collected from annual reports of the top 100 Malaysian PLCs over 2015-2020 and were analysed through multiple regression analysis and Hayes’ process moderation analysis. The findings suggest that CEO age negatively affects risk-taking. The results, however, do not support the use of CEO tenure and gender as proxies for managerial risk-taking...

Abusive Supervision and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderated Mediation Model of Burnout and Organizational IdentityArticles

Cihangir G�m��ta�, Nilg�n Karata� G�m��ta�

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(4):135-159 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.336  

Using the arguments of conservation of resources theory and social identity theory, this study investigates the impact of abusive supervision on organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) through the mediating effect of burnout. Simultaneously, the moderator effect of organizational identity on the relationship between abusive supervision and burnout is examined. The intention here is to examine whether organizational identity would increase the negative effect of abusive supervision on burnout and to test the underlying mechanism by which abusive supervision affects OCB, with the most affected parties. According to this, we aim to contribute to the...

Re-Establishing Home and Work Boundaries by Pseudo-Commuting Whilst Working from HomeArticles

Michal Be�o

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(4):123-134 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.335  

Over the past decade, modern collaborative tools and technologies have changed the way we think about e-work. Suddenly, this kind of work was not just a perk but a necessity for almost everybody. The pandemic has accelerated the interaction between social life and e-work. E-work has become extremely popular. The purpose of this study is to find out whether "pseudo-commuting" can pave the way to a work-from-home balance and increase productivity. Special attention is paid to the e-workforce, workers who are experienced in choosing their route to work and the place for work and have implemented various post-pandemic routines. Interviews were conducted...

Influence of Inclusive Work Environment and Perceived Diversity on Job Satisfaction: Evidence from PolandArticles

Jolanta Maj

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(4):105-122 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.334  

Organizations are increasingly operating with a multicultural and diverse workforce. Researchers and practitioners have recognized that diversity is a double-edged sword and can result in many significant benefits but can also present challenges in organizations. Therefore, the goal of the paper is to analyse the influence of perceived diversity, a perceived inclusive organizational culture and an inclusive diversity paradigm on employee job satisfaction. In order to analyse the research problem, a quantitative approach was chosen. The research was conducted on a representative sample (n = 1 035) of Poles using a research panel. The data analysis showed...

Digitalization and Platformization in Romania Based on the Digital Platform Economy Index 2020Articles

Stefan Apostol

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(4):77-103 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.333  

This article examines the Romanian digital platform economy. In particular, it discusses how this novel paradigm could help Romania adapt to new technological and structural conditions and participate in the upcoming industrial-digital revolution. It intends to investigate the bottlenecks in the country's platform economy. Moreover, it compares the health of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem with that of neighbouring countries. So that Romania may achieve sustainable growth, it suggests ways to enhance the platform economy framework. The methodology and data analysed in the study are based on the Digital Platform Economy Index 2020. It combines...

Telework Perception and Implications during COVID-19 in the Czech RepublicArticles

Jitka Volfov�, Kamila Matysov�, Diana Maria Vr�nceanu, Claudia Elena Țuclea

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(4):59-76 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.332  

The research focuses on the perception and implications of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to prove the validity of an existing theoretical model (presented in Romanian research before COVID-19) for the Czech situation during COVID-19 and draw managerial conclusions. Quantitative primary data were collected via questionnaires and analysed using structural equation modelling, evaluating cause-effect relationships between latent variables in two steps: a structural model (showing latent constructs and paths between them) and an outer model (displaying relationships between each latent construct and...