

  • What will 2024 bring in terms of Celestial Events?
  • Are there any particular Occurrences that sand out? 
  • Should anyone be looking at the Sky for Signs?

by Luis B. Vega

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‘Who knows the Power of Your Anger? Your Wrath matches the Fear You are due. So teach us to Number our Days, that we may present a Heart of Wisdom. Return, O LORD! How long will it be? Have Compassion on Your servants’. -Psalm 90:11-13

The following List is of Major Celestial Occurrences, not All-Inclusive of what is to transpire for the Year 2024. One has mainly noted the various Planetary Conjunctions and in what Sign of the Constellations they occur on. As the Planets and Constellations have Meaning, perhaps one can ascertain Prophetic Inferences, in these Last Days. It is based on Biblical Astronomy and how YHVH specifically prescribed that the Sun, Moon and the Stars are for Times, Seasons and Signs, etc. One will make some Observations Comments about certain Occurrences that seem to be highlighted.

The list will be Color-Coded for better Delineation of Events. From the List, one has also incorporated the Rabbinical Jewish Holidays for Perspective and Inferences to the Celestial Events. In some cases, there will be a Direct Connection or in this case, Conjunction about them. What appears to occur, in terms of Planetary Conjunctions, is a flurry of Activity at the start of the Year 2024. One has also incorporated the various Solar and Lunar Eclipses along with 2 Solstices and the 2 Equinoxes. At the beginning of the Year 2024, most of the Planetary Conjunctions occur near the Golden Gate along with Sagittarius.

What is Highlighted is that just after the Spring Equinox, there is the 1st Series of Lunar and Solar Eclipses. The Highlight will be the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse that occurs in Virgo and the Sun-Moon Conjunction at Pisces. This is the 3rd Great American Eclipse that concludes the Series in 2027. The subsequent Celestial Focus occurs in the Constellation of Aquarius and then Taurus. What is note-worthy is the Jupiter-Venus Conjunction in Taurus that is deemed the ‘Christ Star’. From this Point forward, there are several Alignments and Conjunctions that highlight the Star Cluster of the Pleiades.

In Biblical Astronomy, these 7 Maidens represent the Church Age Testimonies, in reference to the 7 Churches of Asia, etc. From this Segment of the Cosmos, the next Phase will be dealing with, in one’s Assessment the Highest Rapture Watch Window. How so? This pertains to the July 23 Summer Wheat Harvest that one has Pegged to the Acts 2 New Wine Interpretation. This Rapture Window will be elaborated further down in the Study. This Theory is based on there being a Triple Day Count of 50 Days that correspond to the First Fruits of the New Grain, Wine and Oil. The Date of July 23 or a ‘723’ Code will also be shown how it is tied to a ‘Beginning’ dealing with the Temple.

2004: List of Celestial and other Significant Occurrences

JAN 4: Mars crosses Golden Gate
JAN 14: Mercury crosses Golden Gate
JAN 23: Venus crosses Golden Gate
JAN 25: New Year for Trees Tu BiShvat
JAN 27: Mars-Mercury Conjunction at Sagittarius
FEB 21: Mars-Venus Conjunction at Capricorn
FEB 28: Triple Conjunction at Aquarius with Sun-Saturn-Mercury
MAR 19: Spring Equinox Saturn-Venus Conjunction in Aquarius
MAR 23-24: Purim
MAR 25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
APR 8: Sun-Moon Conjunction at Pisces (3rd Great American Eclipse)

APR 10: Saturn-Mars Conjunction At Aquarius
APR 19: Venus-Mercury Conjunction at Pisces
APR 20: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction at Taurus
APR 22-30:  Passover
MAY 18: Sun-Jupiter conjunction at Pleiades
MAY 18: Uranus-Venus Conjunction at Taurus
MAY 22: 2nd Passover
MAY 23: Jupiter-Venus Conjunction at Taurus (Christ Star)
JUN 4: Jupiter-Mercury at Pleiades
JUN 4: Sun-Venus at Taurus
JUN 4: Moon at Pleiades
JUN 11-13: Shavuot (1st Day Count of 50 Days – Not the Acts 2 Pentecost.)
JUN 14: Jupiter at Pleiades
JUN 17: Venus-Mercury enter Silver Gate together
JUN 21: Summer Solstice
JUL 23: Mars at Pleiades
JUL 23: Start of ‘3 Weeks’ Mourning leading to 9th of Av Destruction of Temple
JUL 23: Speculated High Rapture Watch = 2nd 50 Day Count of Acts 2
AUG 5: Venus-Moon-Regulus Conjunction
AUG 19: 15th of Av ‘Jewish Valentines’ Maidens ‘Raptured’ by Tribe of Benjamin.
AUG 12-13: 9th of Av Destruction of Temple In Memoriam
AUG 14: Jupiter-Mars in Horns of Taurus
SEP 9: Mars at Silver Gate
SEP 9: Mercury-Regulus Conjunction in Leo
SEP 18: Super Moon
SEP 18: Partial Lunar Eclipse
SEP 22: Fall Equinox
OCT 1: Sun-Mercury Conjunction in Virgo
OCT 2: Annular Solar Eclipse in Virgo w/ Mercury
OCT 2-4:  Rosh HaShanah + Fast of Gedaliah 2 more Days
OCT 11-12: Yom Kippur
Oct 14: Jupiter starts Retrograde in Horns of Taurus
OCT 16-23: Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
Oct 17: Super Moon
OCT 23: Shemini Atzeret
OCT 25: Simchat Torah

NOV 15: Super Moon
Feb 6: Jupiter ends Retrograde in Horns of Taurus
DEC 21: Winter Solstice
DEC 25: Hanukkah, same as in Christmas

For the Year 2024, one has noticed that the Retrograde of Jupiter could be highly Significant, Prophetically. How so? Consider where it is taking place. It is in Taurus. One tracked its Trajectory as it reached the Celestial Ley-Line with the Pleiades on June 14. From that Time going forward, it entered into the ‘Horns of Taurus’. And? If one inverters the Taurus Configuration 90 Degrees, one can surmise a ‘Pyramid’ Motif. And the Eye, being the Star Aldebaran, is the Bull’s Eye corresponding. This is to suggest the All-Seeing Eye and Truncate Masonic Pyramid that is the Reverse Seal of the USA and in the 1 U.S. Dollar Bill, etc.

This Retrograde of Jupiter appears to then ‘Ascend’ and Descend the Pyramid. And right at the Mid-Point is the Conjunction with Mars, the God of War on August 14. This Conjunction occurs before the Retrograde. The Retrograde starts on October 14 and ends on February 6 of 2025. Interestingly, it takes exactly 8 Months and 8 Days (88). Here you have an ‘88’ Coefficient that in Esoteric Interpretation means, ‘End of Time’. Excluding the End Date, it will be exactly 360,000 Minutes or 6000 Hours. Coincidence?

One also plotted the 3 Super-Moons that will occur, 1 each in September, October and November. In terms of the Rabbinical Feasts, as attributed to the 7 Major Feasts of YHVH, the following coincide with the Celestial Occurrences. There is the Minor Feast of Purim that just ends and dove-tails with the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. Then 2nd Passover, on May 22 coincides with the Christ Star, the Jupiter-Venus Conjunction in Taurus. The next Segment deals with one’s Rapture High Watch Date of July 23.

One is not Dogmatic nor can one assure nor Guarantee this Date, other than it is a Working Theory, Conjecture and Supposition based on one’s Research and Calculations. As mentioned, the Theory is based on Acts 2 being the True Pentecost of the 2nd 50 Day Count. Thus, it is not Shavuot that occurs in June as Tradition dictates. Astronomically, Mars will be at the Celestial Ley-Line with the Pleiades on this Day. Then, the Rabbinical Feast of the ‘17th of Tamuz’ commences on this Day, that starts the 3 Week Countdown to the 9th of Av. This is a 21 Days 7-7-7 Numerical Factor. Coincidence? For 2024, Av 9 occurs on August 12.

One just finds this Correlation intriguing. The Reason why 2024 is the Highest Rapture Watch Year is that it is based on one’s 2025-2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. As one is convinced there is a Gap of Time in-between, one is just using Logic then to surmise that the Rapture occurs then in 2024. Time will tell. Lastly, note that the Super Moon of September 12 will coincide with it being the Partial Lunar Eclipse. Then in spectacular fashion, the Annular Solar Eclipse that occurs in the Constellation of Virgo coincides with Rosh HaShanah, the Rabbinical Civil New Year. It is also right after Yom Kippur that ends on October 12, that the Retrograde of Jupiter starts.

This Jupiter Retrograde occurs in-between the ‘Horns’ of Taurus. Then to finish-off the Year, Celestially, Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles starts on the October 17 Super Moon. What will conclude the Year 2024 is the Amazing Synchronization of Hanukkah occurring on December 25, the same Day as Christmas. So, is what ‘Watching’ is all about, no? On this side of the Rapture, it is all just Signs and Rehearsals and proving Theories. Some are better than others or would appear so, subjectively. Others? Not so much. But Israel is 75 Years Old, completed until May 14, 2024. This is if one’s Math is correct, that will start her 76th Year thereafter, no?

What one does see that 723 is Encoded with the 75 as in 7+(2+3) for 2024 still. And not that one is actively searching for that to ‘Prove’ one’s 723 Date, or a July 23, which could totally be off and not that at all. But as one was researching the 2024 Celestial Signs, it came up again. Perhaps it is another ‘Clue’ or not. It is known that the current Rabbinical Calendar straddles the Gregorian one. That is 1 Factor. It means that in any given Year, the Jewish Feasts of YHVH, as they celebrate them based on the Fixed Lunar Calendar, will vary in reference to the Gregorian one.

So, it so happens that guess what Day, the Jewish observe the start of their ‘3 Weeks’? July 23. And? That is the Start of their Mourning Period that leads to a 21 Day or a 7-7-7 Count to the 9th of Av. As it is known, that I the Sad Day when the Jews Commemorate the Destruction of the 2nd Temple. So, perhaps for 2024, it appears that this July 23 or a 723 Numerical Factor is connected to the Temple. And in one’s possible Supposition, perhaps it will be tied to its Prophetic ‘Inversion’ of the Building of the 3rd Temple?

Main Sources

Jewish Rabbinical Holidays


Sea and sky


Time and Date



Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifices
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for the Redemption of Israel of how the Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifice is directly related as the Precursor for the coming 3rd Temple, the AntiChrist and the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. The Religious Jews along with the Sanhedrin Rededicated the Altar of Sacrifice on December 10, 2018. This Rededication 'Echoes' the one also performed by Nehemiah at a similar 70th-Year Time Marker.


Prophetic Keys to Israel's Restoration
The Olivet Discourse basically consisted of a Prophetic Outline or Blueprint that would involve the Restitution of 3 Factors that have to be in place before Jesus' 2nd Coming. The Factors disclosed by Christ start with the Temple, then Jerusalem and ended with Israel. Christ foretold that these 3 Factors would be Destroyed, in that precise Order. The Olivet Discourse went on to disclose that miraculously, the same would involve a Reinstitution, but in Reversed Order at the End of Days signaled by the budding of the Fig Tree.


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