

Mason Masters of Mars

  • Why are World Capitals designed after Cydonia, Mars?
  • What are City Ley-Lines for and do they act as a Grid?
  • Is there a Cydonia, Mars Connection and why?

by Luis B. Vega

for PostScripts News (PSN) | 
EMAIL: [email protected]

‘Therefore do not Fear them, for there is nothing Concealed that will not be Revealed or Hidden that will not be Known. What I tell you in the Darkness, Speak in the Light; and what you hear Whispered in your Ear, proclaim upon the Housetops’. –Matthew 10:26-27

The purpose of this study will be to delve into various Ley-Lines of the City Core of Paris, France, that suggest Occult Connections. It appears that as most Ancient Capitals, Paris is a prime example like London, the Vatican, Washington DC, etc., Encrypt such Street Grid Configurations that this study seeks to bring to Light. The study will highlight certain Ley-Line Configurations that are most apparent as there are others yet to be Visualized and Understood by the General Public. The General Theme of this study on the Paris Ley-Lines will suggest that they are based on Ancient Luciferian Occult Fraternal Orders of the so-called Secret Societies as they insinuate their various Ritualistic Signatures.

This study strongly suggests that these correlating Ley-Lines are juxtaposed to help facilitate a Converging of the Earth Energies with regard to specific Places and to specific Times as in Dates. It is when such Energy Lines are coupled with Satanic Ritualistic Nuances, either Overt or Covert, will result in Blood-Letting Sacrifices of Innocent Lives to further the Talmudic Globalist Luciferian Agenda. This Great Work or Agenda is to Birth the New World Order through Order out of Chaos. This is not to insinuate that all the inhabitants of a Great City of Paris are Complicit to such undertakings but that those who have the Power to Rule over such a City have a Spirit and Mandate behind it. Such have laid-out the City Grid by mathematical design and are in the ‘Know’ of not only this but how they operate with ancient ‘Enochian’ Magic in conjunction to Ley-Lines at certain Locations.

This Occult Mathematical Association is based on Sacred Geometry or Gematria that the Ancients were taught by the Fallen Angels before the Flood of Noah, according to the Genesis Account and other Books like the Book of Enoch. What is astonishing to contemplate of such Ley-Lines of Cities like Paris, London, the Vatican, etc., is that they all have the same Theme and Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Triangulation Pattern. This theme involves the ancient worship sites that are laid out in a template having the same Composition as that of the Cydonia Pyramid Complex in Mars. All Ancient Temple or Pyramid Complexes on Earth, have an Origin in the very Name, such as Giza or Cairo, which means the ‘Plains of Mars’. Based on the Ancient Knowledge of prior Civilizations, the God of Mars is attributed to being that of Lucifer, in this Regard.

Cydonia Hexagram
According to the Sumerian Cylinder Texts, Mars had a Direct Association with Earth at 1 time and was Inhabited with Life, Water, Pyramid Cities and the now famous Face of Mars. Finally, NASA has come out and publicly announced that in fact, Mars has Water Residuals to this Day. Then due to the various Mars Rover Pictures, there has been a Frenzy of Anomalies on Mars to suggest Pyramids, Structures and other Unexplainable and Amazing Finds.

It is rather astonishing that those Ancient Civilizations, such as the Sumerians had a Direct and Accurate Understanding of the Solar System, Mars and that a ‘Face-Like’ Structure exists in Mars. This Face Structure is attributed to being a Mausoleum in the likeness to the Banished and Contested King of Planet Nibiru, Ala-lu, as in the Islamic Allah and Inference to the Banishment of Lucifer Typology.

What this study will also show in analyzing the various Paris Ley-Lines is that the core City is replete with such Luciferian Signatures of Pentagrams, Hexagrams, Masonic Pyramids and Avenues that are orientated to certain Latitudes, Degrees, and Headings. Moreover, certain Grids are configured to certain occultic Numerology such as 188, 13, 33, 666, etc., and are fashioned to the Phi Ratio Proportions. The Phi Ratio occurs when 2 Quantities are in the Golden Ratio if the Ratio of the Sum of the Quantities to the Larger Quantity is Equal to the Ratio of the Larger Quantity to the Smaller One. Interestingly, this Ratio is even linked to the seasons of the Earth. For example.

Φ/π x 365 Days = 188

This specific Number is associated with the Midpoint of the Changing of the Seasons on Earth. To some, the Golden Mean or Ratio is the ’Signature of the Creator’. This Ratio is witnessed in Math, Nature, the Arts and the Human Form/Body, etc. It is with this Context in Mind, that this study springboards the Narrative that will be presented. The study of the Paris City Core Ley-Lines are based off of Google Earth GPS Coordinates and is accurate to within 10-50 Feet, 90% of the Time.

This Cydonia, Mars Pattern is a tribute to Mars, the God of War. It is attributed to Giza and the area of Cairo which means Mars. The Eiffel Tower Area is actually an Encrypted Phallus of an Anthropomorphic Man’s Body in proportion. It has at its Solar Plexus, the Camp of Mars, just like in Rome and in Giza.  Like all other major Luciferian Capitals, its Homage is to the Gods of Egypt, of Babylon, of Nimrod, the 1st Mason and World Ruler.

Ultimately, these Motifs are a Tribute an Crypted Tribute to Lucifer. Moreover, the Pattern of the Paris, suggests the Ancient Pre-Flood Ley-Line Sacred Geometry of Cydonia, Mars as already mentioned. This assertion highlights the 3 Main Structures that encompass the famous Cydonia Complex with the D & M Pentagonal Pyramid, the Pleiades City and the Face of Mars. As noted, this Martian Motif has been discovered and repeats across the Globe in the Primary Ancient Sacred Temple Complexes such as Teotihuacan, Tikal, and Angkor Wat and 100s other Sites, etc. In the Modern Era the Major Illuminati Luciferian Capitals appear to also be laid out in this Sacred Geometry.

Moreover, these Ley-Lines, constitutes the overall Hexagram that acts as an Inter-Dimensional Key to the Portal that allows Fallen Angel Entities to facilitate and further the Luciferian Agenda on Earth. What is bizarre or fascinating is that the entire Geographical Make-Up of France is laid out like a Hexagram also. France is noted to be a 6-Sided Border Nation. Astonishingly, Paris is at the Phi Ratio Spiral Center Point corresponds with Champ de Mitterrand as the Official Geographical Center of the Nation. Of note, the Paris Observatory is on this Line. As to the connection between Cydonia and Paris, according to the Translation of the Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Scrolls, Fallen Angels presented themselves as ‘Gods’, the Anunnaki, that had a Direct Connection to Mars and other places in the Known Cosmos or ‘Estates’ of Dimensions.

One such personage was Ala-lu, the ‘Rebel’ King, who was EXILED to Earth and then to Mars and Died there. It has Biblical Echoes of the Lucifer Character being Banished from Heaven, etc. Apparently, before Adam and Eve, some suggest a Gap Theory, in which there existed an Earth and Being wherein Lucifer was King of Earth, etc. But there was a Rebellion and the Earth became, ‘Formless and Void’ due to some Cosmic Catastrophe that decimated not only Earth but Mars and the Entire Solar System. Lucifer’s Followers, i.e., Ala-Lu, memorialized him by burying him under a Mausoleum shaped like his Face on Cydonia, Mars.

It is astonishing that the Sumerians had a specific Written Record of such a Structure on Mars, even before Telescopes or Man-Made Probes or Mars Rovers where even invented to validate this. This Narrative of a banished ‘Prince’ eerily Echoes the Fall, Expulsion and Progressive Fall of the ‘Anointed or Christ Cherub’, Lucifer. Yet his Followers currently certainly continue to believe in such a Martian Typology by etching this Cydonia Martian Motif Triangulation in their various World Capitals of power and prestige. And? This Planet Mars Cydonia Pattern is a ’Star Map’ that is related to Orion and the Pleiades in the Constellation of Taurus.

Many believe that this is one possible Location from where the ‘Gods’ came from or according to the Bible from where they left their 1st estate perhaps. The Cydonia, Mars Triangulation could be a Facsimile of how there are also 3 Structures or Buildings, Temples in Heaven that correspond to the Trinity, etc. It encompasses a ‘Celestial’ Hexagram that becomes a Star Gate or Portal that perhaps allows Celestial Beings, like Angels, to cross-over Dimensions in which they can Traverse, in and out of.  The Ancients believed that the Anunnaki taught Humanity that they used such Portals and wanted them Replicated on Earth.

However, they have Deceptively presented themselves as being Benevolent and leaving their Places as ‘Astronauts’ and ‘left’ such places or estates to ‘Help’ Humanity. Their ‘Ancient Alien’ Rationale is that they are the so-called creators that seeded Humanity with life and promised to return 1 Day and ‘Save’ Humanity from itself at the point of Nuclear Annihilation. The Bible does collaborate this Narrative to a degree, but Exposes such Entities, as the ‘Fallen’ that came to Earth to Mate with Human Women. The aim is that Lucifer sought to corrupt the DNA Makeup of Humanity as Originally Designed by the Creator GOD YHVH of Genesis. Why? Because of Jesus.

Paris Pleiades Hexagonal Template
Jesus stated that Lucifer’s Plan is to not help Humanity but rather to Destroy it and even Tricking it into believing that Lucifer is helping them and will come visiting Humanity in the Last Days. This will be the accomplished by the Last Luciferian World Order and the AntiChrist that the Bible foretells to occur just before Jesus’ Return. The following will now delve into the Paris Ley Lines based on several Versions of the Cydonia Mars Triangulation Pattern, both in Paris’ Past and in its Modern Versions.

Each Luciferian World Capital has this Signature ‘Pentagram’ that most often is masked as a Fortress. This Pattern is seen as in the Pentagon of Washington DC, a tribute to the ‘God of War’ as in the Department of War. Then there is the Castel Sant'Angelo near the Vatican and the London Tower, etc. In Paris, this correlating Pentagonal Motif corresponds to the Tomb of Napoleon in the Old City Triangulation. In the Modern one, it is the Place de la Défense.  But in the Modern Triangulation of Paris, this Financial District correlates to the Pleiadian Pyramid City of Cydonia on Mars. All the major monuments of the Paris city core are on such ley-lines.

Then there is the Paris Observatory that served the major Center Point. It was the globe’s Prime Meridian before Greenwich. The Paris Line is coincidentally called the Devil’s Line. This study strongly suggests that the Paris City Financial Center with the Arch de la Defense correlates to the 7 Pyramid City Complex of Cydonia, Mars. It has a 333° HEADING to the City of London where the Money Changers rule the Financial World from.

This approximate Degree Heading to the City of London Pyramid City mirrors with the Cydonia, Mars Layout. It is also 177.6 Nautical Miles to the London Observatory and amazingly it is 333 KM to the Shard Tower. This 333 Numerical Coefficient is the same in terms of Degree Heading that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex has a 333° Heading. This study strongly suggests that the Stade de Paris correlates to the Face of Mars within the Complex of Cydonia, Mars. The Ley-Lines from the Paris Financial Center have a direct Ley-Line to the Stade de Paris.

It has a 180 Degree Heading and is approximately 332 Arcseconds and 5.55 nautical miles apart. The Stade de Paris is also approximately 5.55 nautical miles, 333 Arcseconds and 6.66 Miles to the Paris Financial Center. The National Stadium is a perfect encrypted ‘Face’ of Ala-lu. The following are the various approximate measurements associated with the ley-lines that this study suggests the very Occult Forces of the Luciferian Signatures of Death, Thievery and Destruction upon Humanity.

From Paris city Financial Center to Stade de Paris
~5.55 nautical miles
~333 arcseconds
~19.47° arc from Stade de Paris to Paris Financial Center ley-lie

Pythagoras Paris
Out of all the Modern Luciferian World Capitals, Paris is by far the most Elaborate in terms of the extent to which the Designers and Architects went to Fashion the City Grid to Sacred Ley-Lines based on the Ancient Atlantean Occultic Measurements and the Cydonia, Mars Hexagram Motif. It must be stated that such Sacred Geometry and Numbers in themselves are Neutral. It is the Ascribed Meaning and use of Context that implies a Significance or ‘Signature’ that is meant to either Hide or Divulge Knowledge. This Nuance works well with the Luciferians because they use such Motifs to Reveal and Conceal their Signatures In-Plain-Sight. It is like light itself that can blind or help to see.

Cydonia, Mars Complex dimensions
- 40°44’33.60N 09°27’40.29W
- @ ~13,000 ft elevation
- Pyramid City is ~6.66 nautical miles wide
- 7.67 miles (ground length)
- 12.34 km

From D&M Pyramid to the Pyramid City
- 11 nautical miles
- 1260 arc seconds

From Pyramid City to Face of Mars

- 13 miles
- 60°Heading

From D&M Pyramid to Face of Mars
- 333° heading
-13 miles

The particular illustration of the Champ de Mars is just but 1 Motif of Highlights that shows how the Paris City Core Ley-Lines have the incorporation of the Tree of Life Motif, the Golden Mean or Section Phi Ratio and the Iconoclastic Illuminati All-Seeing Eye Pyramids of the Fallen Ones. Thus, the entire Core Layout of the Paris is a Tribute to Cydonia, Mars and the Gods of Egypt and Babylon with a primary theme and emphases on the God of Mars, aka, Ala-lu or Lucifer. The following are but a few examples of the amazing amount of Sacred Gematria that the Architects of Paris infused into the Core of Champ de Mars, the Field or Plain of Mars as in Cydonia, Mars.

The Eiffel Tower is an Iron Lattice Tower on the Champ de Mars that serves as a Phallus. It is Named after the Engineer, Gustave Eiffel. The Tower was ’The Gate’ to the World’s Fair in 1889 when it was debuted. This study suggests that it is more than just a ‘Gate’ on Earth. This area has a ~9.99° Heading, Map Length to Campus Martius, Field of Mars in Rome, Italy. The Unique Landmark of the Eiffel Tower, for example is fashioned to the Phi Ratio but more than that, it is in Proportion the Human Form, or the Body. In particular it corresponds to the Phallus of a male form as the Vitruvian Man template can be superimposed onto the Champ de Mars, as in Cydonia, Mars.

This same Masonic and Talmudic Phallus Motif is encrypted in the Washington Monument of the USAs’ Capital. It is 1 of the 3 Major World Illuminati Capitals on Earth. Also, the entire Dimension of the Champ de Mars has the Tree of Life Motif in proportion to its Divisions. Those Worshipers of Lucifer, such as the Masons, and the Synagogue of Satan, paid Homage to their Master by encrypting the Eiffel Tower Complex with the Sacred Dimensions of the Human Body and the Tree of Life. This particular Cydonia, Mars, Layout has a Double-Entendre as it convokes the Dual Sexuality of the Male and Female Attributes, Osiris and ISIS, etc., as is the Statue of Liberty in Paris and New York City.

In fact, there is a Replica of the Statue at the edge of the Champ de Mars and is approximately .33 miles to the Tour Eiffel itself. On one hand, the Eiffel Tower Complex incorporates the proportion of a Human Body and in Phi Ratio. This is interwoven with the Tree of Life Motif and can be attributed also to the Female Goddess ISIS, Queen of Heaven as she is perched on the Crescent Moon. According to Eiffel’s own Critique, he fashioned his Tower along the Lines of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

It is rather interesting that the Tower of Eiffel was the Tallest Man-Made Structure aside from the Great Pyramid of Giza, at that Time. Since the Kings of France believed that their Royal Blood was of the Sun-Kings, it was of Divine Right and origin, they spared no expense to Encrypt their Homage to their Celestial Masters. Such were given the Forbidden Knowledge per the Book of Enoch of how to make War, have Abortions, and work with Metals, among other things like Astrology, etc. For example, as certain family Blood Lines were cultivated to have Generational Energies concentrated, as in Blue Blood.

It has been those with this ‘Secret Knowledge’ and ‘Magic Rituals’ that have bewitched all of Humanity with to Control. Such so called ‘Lights’ or the Illuminated Ones but have used their Secret Societies to Lord it over all the Earth in all aspects of Institutions. For example, as France became the World Empire, the Paris Meridian was the Standard of Longitude in the world until Greenwich. It was called the Devil’s Line and many important Occult and Luciferian Temples around the World are Pegged to this Ley-Line in particular, even Mount Hermon where the 200 Fallen Angelic come down to Earth. The following are some of the approximate measurements related to the Champ de Mars complex and Eiffel Tower.

Tree of Life motif of Champ de Mars
~1776 yards long or
~1 mile or
~.88 nautical miles
~ 5.55 km to Bataclan Theatre.

The number 555 is occultic for Death and Resurrection. This why it is also associated with Obelisks as the Luciferians ascribe it to the Life given Energies of Reproduction and thus the Phallus Symbology as in the Washington Monument that is 555 ft. Such Obelisk depictions are called Baal’s Shaft. It has to do with 13 as in Pieces of which Osiris was cut-up and the 14th Piece was his Member or Phallus, etc.  

Great Pyramid Template

To Reiterate, based on Eiffel’s own Assertions, the Eiffel Tower was a Rendition of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Tower is based on the Signature Phi Ratio Proportions of the Great Pyramid. And the Eiffel Tower is a Microcosm of the Human Body. As noted, the entire Eiffel Tower Complex is also laid out in the Tree of Life Motif. The Tree of Life is used by the Babylonian Kabbalists that use it to teach and convey the Religion and Tenets of Lucifer’s Religion and Protocols. It is also Reminiscent of the Serpent within the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden.

Each Level of, not only the Eiffel Tower, but the Tree of Life Motif has an Anatomical Correlations directly associated to the Chakras of a Human Body. In the Human Body and the Nervous System are Enveloped like a ‘Serpent’ in the Spinal Column. It has 33 Vertebras, and this Pattern is seen as a ‘Pyramid’ with the Chakras of similar Ley-Lines as Energy Points that Channels Electricity Currents from the Brain and Beyond. In similar fashion the Earth, as a Living Organism, is fashioned in a similar Model to suggest Earth Chakra Points are found in certain Ley-Lines that makeup the Matrix or Earth Grid.

Moreover, the Great Pyramid is considered to be a Celestial Clock that is keeping Track of Cosmic Time. Others also believe that it is a Marker of sorts, that Delineates the Gates of Heaven as marked by the Shafts aligned to Orion-Sirius and Draco-Ursa Minor. To the Luciferians, they use this Motif to Veil and Reveal their Knowledge of the Universe and the struggle, currently between the ‘God of War, Lucifer and the True God of War, Jesus, etc. Lucifer ‘Declared War’ on YHVH and Humanity and seeks to Overthrow the Thrown of YHVH in the True Zion of Heaven and on Earth, i.e., Jerusalem. The Great Pyramid without Capstone is 481ft and in totality is 5776 inches. The Jewish Year 5776 (2015-2016) was a Prophetic Pyramidion Year.

By some Interpretations, it marked that Countdown to the last 7 Years of Completion of Lucifer’s Agenda and Great Work. In the Ancient Mystery Religions, such as Masonry, this Endeavor is incorporated in their Towers. And other Luciferian Innuendoes are found in their Obelisks that are a representation of the Phallus of their Fertility God, such as Pan, etc. The Constellation of Orion even has this Phallus Depiction in the Stars themselves. It represents the Positive Energy that seeks to Procreate. Its Female Corresponding Constellation is the Pleiades Star Cluster. Other theories even suggest that as it pertains to Orion, the Orion Nebula, that centers on the 3 main Phallus Star Alignment, is in fact, the Funnel or Vortex one enters as a ‘Gate’ to perhaps another Dimension or Heaven itself.

This is perhaps why the Eiffel Tower was designed first of all as a ‘Gate’ within the Phallus in the Champ de Mars. What unlocks such Gates or Portals in the Heavens and on Earth is the Geometry of the Hexagram that is Energies by Blood, either Human or Animal. But Innocent, Pure Pre-Pubescent Children are highly sought by these Satan Worshipers. They use the Hexagram because it is the most Powerful Motif used as a ‘Key’ to open Interdimensional Portals. The use of such Sacred Geometry along with Luciferian Magic is combined to activate such a desired Dimensional Doors.

Temple of Man
The ‘Key’ to these ‘Doors’ is operated by certain ‘Key’ Ley-Lines of Energy obtained by the Energy of the Blood Sacrifices. Why? The Bible teaches that the ‘Life is in the Blood’. Realize that Lucifer and his Fallen Angels still have Administrative Rights to appear through such Doors, and before the Throne of YHVH. Satan is not in Hell currently. By some Interpretations, it is only after the Rapture of the Bride of Christ that Lucifer is cast-out of Heaven. So, for example, this study strongly suggests that the Louvre is patterned after the Luxor Temple of Man.

There is a distinct ‘Bend’ in the Temple as it is with the Louvre in the River Seine at that Point. The Louvre Proportions are that of a Human Body and in Phi Ratio. Some suggest that the Earth is also construe as a ‘Body’ in form, and so is the Cosmos. The Proportions of the Human Body can be found embodied likewise in the Earth’s Geometry. The Luxor Temple is, among other things, a Symbolic Representation of both the Human Body and Earth’s Circuitry that is affected by Energy Point or Chakras that are precisely corresponding to the Earth Energy Vortices Locations.

It is at those Nexus Nodes that the Sacred Temple of both Ancient and Modern Triangulations are configured. The Temple of Man is a perfect example of how Ancient Architecture was used as a Symbolic Representation of the Physical Body being projected beyond the Physical Realm. These Points are also suggested to involve another motif, the Tree of Life. The Louvre with its extension of the Champs Elysees configures these Tree of Life Ley-Lines of Energy with the Serpent running through the Points or ‘Vertebrates’. Moreover, the Louvre Temple of Man Template, appears to be superimposed with the other Luciferian Motif, that of the Owl or Molech.

This Owl Motif has outstretched wings and has a stare with a seemingly 3rd eye that corresponds to the phallus of the Temple Man Template. The Base of the Owl Configuration terminates at the Place de la Concorde with apparent Feather Markings. This study strongly suggests that the Transfer-of-Power, that is Spiritually, Politically, Economically and Militarily from Egypt to France, occurred as the Obelisk was transferred to Paris. It was Napoleon who was a Type-and-Shadow of the coming AntiChrist. In essence, the Louvre mirrors the Temple of Man in Luxor, Egypt. The Louvre Complex is signifying the completion of the Obelisk that was removed to the Place de la Concorde.

This Transference of the ‘Spirit of Egypt’ and their ‘Gods’ occurs also in such places as the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC, Philadelphia and other Luciferian Capital Sites. Another possible association of this Temple of Man Template is that the Configuration also nearly matches the Layout of Washington DC. The White House, Obelisk, Jefferson Memorial, the Mall and Owl that encompasses the Capital Building are like the Louvre Layout. The Louvre Complex appears to be a mirror of Mathematical Measurements with corresponding 666 Associations and other Occultic and Kabbalistic Motifs. For example, the Louvre Pyramid has 666 Glass Sections. Also, from the Obelisk that was taken from the Temple of Man in Luxor itself to Versailles is approximately 9.99 miles.

Serpent Line
The following Measurements are specific to the Louvre Temple Man and Owl Motif. The Obelisks serve as a sort of ‘Antennae’ that Synchronize the Local Resonances for Extra-Sensory Activities. They are controlled by the Priestly classes of the World that are in League with Luciferian Fallen Angels that bestow them, their Power and authority, for now. Then the Champ Elysees Ley-Line is also an Encrypted Motif of the Tree of Life with a Serpent running through the main Energy Points of the Avenue. The Tree of Life specifically composes the extension from the Louvre Crystal Pyramid to the Porte Maillot Street intersection.

This proportion also approximates the phi ratio as the Obelisk of the Place de la Concorde. For example, the Tree of Life Motif as specifically laid out in the Champ Elysees is Replicated almost exactly as the Main Avenue of the City Core of Philadelphia, USA. The Museum of Art is patterned after the Louvre and so on. The Tree of Life motif is highly esteemed by the Luciferians as a throwback to the Garden of Eden incident when Lucifer as the Shining One, the Serpent beguiled the 1st Humans in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. At that Point in Time, Eternal Life was forfeited, due to the Deception of the Devil.

In this particular study, the Tree of Life and Serpent Ley-Lines portrays the Financial Center of Paris with the Arche De La Defense as the Pleiades. It connotes the ‘Head’ of the Serpent, a ‘Cobra’ Type, and the Champ Elysees and Louvre complex corresponds thus to the Tree of Life as the Body. One of the probable reasons why the Pentagram is used and incorporated in such Luciferian world capitals is because it represents the Number 5. This Sacred Geometric Motif is the only Geometric Design that can ‘Reproduce’ itself, endlessly and exactly. It basically has the Power of Reproduction and thus, ‘Immortality’ that the Luciferians seek to Control and be the Masters of Eternal Life itself. This is in part their Great Work.

All these Egyptian Innuendoes of Geometric Configurations are validated by the original Obelisk from the Temple of Luxor. It validates the Transference of the Spirit of the Fallen Angels, behind such World Powers and as the Bible declares the Principalities behind them. The Luxor Obelisk is the Egyptian Obelisk that was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt. The Column was attributed to be a ‘Gift’ from Egypt, but many of the Antiquities from Egypt were acquired by the Exploits of Napoleon in the invasion of the Middle East, Egypt, the Levant, etc. Note. The L’Obelisque was placed in the Place de la Concorde on the the Winter Solstice.

This is yet, another example of how the Luciferians chose Specific Times or Dates to coincide with certain specific Places that are Synchronized to the Resonance of Celestial Timing. Why? It is to harness the Energies of the Ley-Line Earth Grid. An example of this is the Statue of Liberty that was to be originally erected in Paris but was given to America as a Gift by the French Masons; it is a fusion of Isis and Orion. It is a Monument to Lucifer the Light Bearer. It is a Modern Day Baphomet in Drags. He is worshiped by the Luciferians as the coming Osiris-Isis that will be resurrected during the Tribulation Period, wherein the AntiChrist is ‘Killed’ but is made to come back to Life.

Drag Queen of the Heavens
Their New World Order will try to mimic Lucifer’s Golden Dawn of Atlantis and the Earth before Adam, etc. According to the letters of the Grand Mason, Albert Pike, it will involve a 3rd World War centered in the Middle East that will draw the European and other Nations into the Fight. This in turn, would usher in the New World Order and the last AntiChrist. This Last Masonic Empire will last but a short time as Jesus’ returns to cut it short, as foretold in the Bible Narrative. It was ironically Schwaller de Lubicz, a French Mathematician that Measured and Mapped the Temple at Luxor, Egypt.

Like the Great Pyramid, the Temple of Luxor appears to be a ‘Time Clock’ of sorts. The Temple corresponds to the Terrestrial Coordinates in terms of Latitudes and Longitude. For example, the Temple correlates to the Earth’s Equator both Horizontally and Vertically. Schwaller postulated the concept that ‘Man’ as a being is at the Center of the Universe. The Luxor Temple is a Physical Expression of this correspondence known as the ‘Anthropo-Cosmos Man’.

Then there is the Field of Mars that encompasses the Eiffel Tower Complex Ley-Line Grids. Champ de Mars is copied from the actual Plain of Mars of Cydonia. Then there is the Bastille Pyramid has the Place de la Nation as the Pinnacle. This Pinnacle is none other than an encrypted Star of Isis, Sirius that is the Moon Goddess, Allah. The center Ley-Line bisects the Pyramid at the Prometheus stature at the place de la Nation or Republique was formerly called the Place du Trône or the Throne. It epitomizes the throne of the Queen of Heaven, the Seat of Satan sitting as ‘Queen’ in terms of its suggested occult geometry.

Lucifer is said to be so beautiful that as Narcissus, he fell in love with himself transforms into Goddesses such as Gaia, or Mother Earth, Astarte, Sirius, Cybele, ISIS, etc. Lucifer’s Demented Nature has been so Corrupted that he ascribes his Demeanor to that of a Trans-Sexual Queen of Heaven and demands the Worship of his Beauty as such. Both Motifs of Cybele at the top of the pyramid and Prometheus at the bottom are a tribute to ‘Venus’, the Bright and Morning Star, Lucifer’s Perverted Version of one of Jesus’ Resurrected Titles.

What is rather telling is that on the ley-line from the Place de la Nation Cybele Statue Star of Isis dedicated to Voltaire. Voltaire’s actual Name was François-Marie Arouet. He was educated by the Jesuits and was initiated by Benjamin Franklin into the Masonic Lodge of Paris. He was against religion, Christianity in particular and is said to have refused to renounce Satan at his death bed.

Then there is the Tour Montparasse that is designed like a monolith. Interestingly the Tour Montparasse is oddly out of place with the Architecture of the Paris City Core. The Tower was voted the 2nd-Ugliest Building in the World. What this study also suggests is that in keeping with the Mars Theme of the Ley-Lines of Paris, the Configurations then have to have a corresponding Black Monolith. Why? It is because such Monoliths have been discovered on Mars. One of the Mars Monolith is a rectangular boulder discovered on the surface of Mars.

According to NASA’s Buzz Aldrin, there are confirmed Monoliths not only on Mars but on Phobos. It was the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that took the 1st Pictures of it from Orbit. Some have even suggested that this Moon is artificial much like the Death Star of Star Wars and perhaps from where Lucas derived his storyline in part. These Monoliths are purported to be some type of Advanced Machinery build by the Inhabitants of Mars. Such Replicas, at least in Stone, are found throughout the Earth, mainly near Ancient Sacred Sites that are Triangulated to match the Cydonia, Mars one.


Main Sources

The Martian Motif

Book Trilogy

Cydonia Mars Star Gate Patterns
Purchase hardcopy online with Amazon.


And the Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
-Purchase hardcopy online with Amazon.


Possessing the Portals
-Purchase hardcopy online with Amazon.

© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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