
A Correlation of Year-To-Meaning Study 2022-2029

  • Is there a correlation between Strong's Numbers and Years?
  • Does a Year-to-Meaning study suggest the Year of the Rapture?
  • If so, what does the timeline 2022-2029 suggest is conveying?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: [email protected]

Eventually, just on the Law of Probability, one day, a proposed Rapture Date will coincide. Not one to judge any other’s predictions or calculations about the Rapture date, but it is unknowable. What is the difference between such and one like myself and/or that seeks to study the Rapture time sequence?

I for one, only suggest a possible ‘Season’ and do not go beyond Scripture and only what is given as pieces of the puzzle. But one can never say with 100% certainty. No one can. That is why is hesitated in even sharing this Dream about the 723 that could possibly be tied to the Rapture. It is the only time I have ever shared this, and do feel uncomfortable because in my boo, in doing so, then one has crossed over onto the ‘Wild Side’! Thanks Bob. But maybe sometimes a ‘walk on the wild side’ is needed? Nope. Lol Just to say to be careful of the teachings coming from that channel.

It is very interesting though as around this time of the Feast Cycles, the Watchers do start to pick-up on the prophetic type of Tu B’Av or the Jewish ‘Valentines Day’. And that it occurs on the Full Moon. Did not Gary or Jeff at Unsealed.org write-up that if and when the Rapture does take place, that it would be at a Full Moon? Well, as mentioned, the ‘dream’/vision did/does seem interesting and perhaps a prompting but maybe it is a dress rehearsal run-through or to suggest the Season or Time is near.

This time last year, precisely we had also discussed the Prophetic implications and types of the Minor Feast. It is a type of the Rapture, for sure… literally as the Maidens dancing in the Vineyards were ‘snatched’ away, etc. We’ll have to see what pans-out on the 23rd. The Feast does start on that 23rd Sunset, if one counts and goes by the Jewish day count. I read the article about Tu B’Av, the 15 of Av and how it officially starts the Grape Harvest to end on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. It lends credence to how then ‘when Pentecost fully came’ was then the Feast of New Wine. So, I really like all the prophetic correlations as you mentioned.


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Based on Royal Decree from Persia

  • Was the very Day of Jesus' Triumphal Entry predicted in Daniel?
  • What was the 'Day of Visitation' about and will it happen again?
  • Can Rapture Year and Church Age be calculated based on this?

by Luis B. Vega

for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org​​
EMAIL: [email protected]​​

‘As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the City, He Wept over it and said, If only you had known on This Day what would bring you Peace! But now it is Hidden from your Eyes. For the Days will come upon you when your Enemies will Barricade you and Surround you and Hem you in on every Side’. -Matthew 19:41-43

The purpose of this study is to present the precise Mathematical Calculation of when the ‘Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem’ was given. With modern Computer Software, one can more than ever Accurately Calculate such a Day, Month, Year and even Correlate them Astronomically. There is ongoing Debate as to all the Suppositions and not all will agree. However, based on the Biblical Facts and Figures, one will present the Results, based on such a Calendar Conversion. It will dispel the Crucifixion Years of 30 AD, 31 AD and 33 AD, as they do not add-up. Why is this important?

It is because Jesus held the Nation and the High Priests Accountable for the Day of His Visitation. And not only for this Prophecy given to Daniel in Babylon but for when Jesus was to also be Born, in Bethlehem, Ephrata of Judea. Having the correct ‘Start Date’ will then Synchronize all other Dates in History, Past and Future. Thus, given this Calendar Calculation, based on an Astronomical Marker, presented in the Study becomes In-Sync with the More Accurate Date of the Crucifixion, Burial, Resurrection and Start of the Church Age. Moreover, it would then Corroborate that indeed Jesus was born on Rosh Hashanah in -3 BC. 

Why it becomes Important is that perhaps, Jesus’ 2nd Coming will also coincide with a Rosh HaShanah Feast, based on a similar Calendar Calculation. It so happens that in 2032, September 11, 2032 occurs on Rosh HaShanah and the following Sabbath is called the ‘Sabbath of Return’. This study strongly suggests that this could be the End Year of Daniel’s Final 70th Week of Years or what the Believers and Followers of Jesus refer to as the Tribulation Period, etc.

And if it is the case that the Church Age started in 32 AD, then perhaps, the 1 Day to 1000 Year Ratio could be in place. Then from 2023 to 32 AD, there would be 2000 Years or ‘2 Days’ to finish Adam’s 6000 Year Allotment with the Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. A difference of only 7 Years. The following Calculation is based on 32 AD + 2000 Years = 2032, the difference of only 7 Years would result in the Year 2025. This is then a Strong Suggestion that the End of the Church Age is at the Proverbial Door. And it will conclude with the Rapture. Thus, one contends that the Royal Decree that is Pertinent to the Rapture Year is the one given on the Astronomical Occurrence. And that is?

Show Me The Math
The Royal Decree that was a Reiteration of all previous ones to ‘Rebuild Jerusalem’ given by Artaxerxes Leguminous II (405/4 BC to 358 BC), on the Spring Equinox of -445 BC. Why?  One strongly suggests that it could not have happened prior to the Spring Solstice as that would off-set the Astronomical Calendar to accurately Calculate the 1st Month of the Jewish Calendar. The 1st Month is determined Astronomically by when the 1st New Moon occurs after the Spring Equinox. Any Date thus, prior to a March 20 of any given Year will render inaccurate Date Calculations thereafter.

One Contends that the More Accurate Day of the Proclamation by Artaxerxes II, Son of Esther and Artaxerxes Leguminous I, would have followed the tradition of Ancient Decrees to occur in tandem with the Astronomical Time Markers, such as the Equinoxes and Solstices. Consider the following suppositions. One postulates that the actual Decree occurred on the Spring Solstice, March 20, -445 BC.

With this Speculated Reference Point, the Day Count of the 173,880 Days would result then, in April 10, 32 AD. This would Amazingly Correspond to the exact Day Jesus rode on the Donkey through the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. This was 'The Day of the Visitation'. The 173,880 Days variable is derived by the following Calculation.

69th Week of Years x 7s of Years = 483 Years @ 360 Days = 173,880 Days

Consider that April 10, 32 AD, when also aligned with the Astronomical Synchronization of the 1st New Moon after the Spring Equinox, would put the Day of the 10th in April of 32 AD as a Saturday or the Sabbath; not a Sunday. Jesus Prophetically Fulfilled the Typology of needing to have the Passover Sacrificial Lamb be Endeared with the People in their Homes and then be examined by the High Priest for a duration of 4 Days. Jesus, as the Aim of all Biblical Prophecy was ‘Bracketed’ by 2 Major Signs. There was the Sign of Daniel’s exact Day of Visitation and the Sign of Jonah, again, both Precise Day Counts, etc.

SIGN   ---------------------------- Jesus ----------------------------- SIGN
Daniel                                                                                  Jonah
Visitation                                                                              Resurrection

This Timeline would then suggest that April 14, 32 AD was indeed the Passover, on a Wednesday or in the ‘Midst of the Week, to be Cut-Off', but not for Himself. And that then 3 Days later, as per the Sign of Jonah, Jesus would be exactly 72 Hours in the ‘Belly of the Earth’. He would then Resurrect, precisely at the end of that 72nd Hour. This leads to the Understanding that Jesus Rose, not on a Sunday, but on the Sabbath, as Jesus' Day of Visitation was not on a ‘Palm Sunday’ but rather ‘Palm Saturday’. The following is the Mathematical Date Calculation based on the CalendarConvert Website.

BC & AD Date Calculator
The BCE to CE Calculator can Calculate the difference between any 2 Dates in Days, Weeks, Months and Years.

Start Date: March 20, -445 BC
(Spring Solstice Decree on the Astronomical Time Marker.)

End Date: April 10, 32 AD

 (4 Days prior as Passover Lamb to be Inspected 4 by People and High Priests.)
= April 14, 32 AD
= Passover

Using a Calendar to work-out the difference Date-to-Date can be difficult and Time Consuming. A B.C and A.D Calculator is an Automated Program used to Calculate the difference from one specified Date to another.

Information Processed using the CalculateConvert.com Calculator
B.C / B.C.E using Julian and Proleptic Julian Calendars
A.D / C.E using Gregorian and Proleptic Gregorian Calendars
Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds between 2 Dates
Leap Years are also considered in both Gregorian and Julian Calendars

BC & AD Date Calculator:
476 years, 0 months 21 days
24,840 weeks 0 days

= 173,880 Days

From and including: March 20, -445 BC
To, but not including: April 10, AD 32

Calendar systems used:

March 20, -445 BC
Proleptic Julian Calendar
April 10, 32 AD
Julian Calendar

Date & Time Difference
476                              Years
5,712                           Months 21 days
24,840                         Weeks 0 days
173,880                       Days
4,173,120                    Hours
250,387,200                Minutes
15,023,232,000           Seconds

Circumstantial Evidence
Now, there are those that do cite the Calculation that is based on a 360 Day/Year Count. They say that it should be a 365 Solar Year, which in that case, the Calculation would be totally off. However, one is maintaining, that in the Biblical Context of how YHVH Counts the Day, it is based on a 30 Day/Month Year Calendar. It is believed by some Bible Scholars that before the Flood of Noah, the Year was a 360 Day one with 12 Months, each having 30 Days each, etc. One is not delving, at this Time to consider all the intricacies that possibly Delineate what Method of Counting Years is the Correct one.

As one Argues, if the Spring Equinox is used as the Starting Point, then the Mathematical Calculation would appear to exactly Match the Visitation Day of Jesus, right down to the Month and Year. Thus, one is only suggesting that the -445 Decree given in the Spring Equinox as a ‘Beginning’, was the more accurate Year that then Mathematically Determines the ‘Day of Visitation’ by Jesus. This would also Dispel the Notion that Jesus was Crucified on April 3, 33 AD, during a Friday Death and Burial and a Subsequent Sunday Morning Resurrection, etc.

If so, then a 72-Hour Duration of Time is Mathematically Impossible. And if Jesus was Born in -2 BC, as the same sort of People espouse, instead of -3 BC, Jesus would have been 35 Year Old in 33 AD. Lastly, those who are Adamant about Jesus only having 1 Year of Ministry are Prophetically Mesopic. Only because the Gospels may appear to only Document a series of Feasts, is not a way to either prove or disprove the length of Jesus’ Ministry. It could have been the case that Jesus’ Last Year of Ministry was just rather Highlighted. This is reasonable and plausible to assume but not make it a Pseudo-Doctrine. Why?

There is Evidence in the Dispels, of certain Feasts occurring in at least more than 1 Years’ worth of Time. It may be Circumstantial, but a Rabbi had to be 30 Year of Age to take on Disciples. Thus, by this mere Jewish Condition, if Jesus was 33 Years Old at the Time of His Crucifixion, that would lead one to Reasonably and Logically Assume, that at least a duration of 3 Years would have passed.

What many who have come-up with these Non-Rationale Assertions are only doing, is contributing to the ‘Vain Imaginations of Man’, based on Faulty Philosophies and Confusing the Church, etc. But thanks to Modern Tools like Computer Software in both Astronomy and Calendar Converting, such Errors can be Countered. As it has been demonstrated, one is only suggesting that using Computer Software and Astronomical Calculations to determine when was Jesus’ Day of His Visitation is just that, a Tool.

One can be totally Wrong or ‘Off’. And if so doing as demonstrated, it points to the Alternative Date Count, different than what Church Tradition Teaches? Well, that may have Prophetic Implications, but it may help determine when the Church Age will End and when the Last Week of Daniel is to Commence. As it stands, such Calculations appear to confirm that Jesus was born in -3 BC, on Rosh HaShanah. It confirms that indeed, Jesus’ Day of Visitation occurred exactly on April 10, 32 AD. He then was Crucified and was Buried on Passover, a Wednesday on April 14, 32 AD.

Then Jesus Rose then from the Dead exactly 72 Hours later on the Sabbath, April 17, 32 AD. And that 32 AD was when the Church Age was ‘Activated’ by the sending down of God the Holy Spirit to enable the Church Body to carry-out the Royal Commission with Authority and Power. What does this all mean? It is that as the Birth, Death of Jesus’ 1st Advent and Day of Visitation were all to the exact Day, realized and Prophetically Fulfilled, then Jesus will keep, is keeping such as exact Timing concerning the next Prophetic Event. And that is? The Resurrection-Rapture Event to close-out the Church Age with, etc.

Thus, as the Commencement of the Church Age also began on a specific Day, Month and Year, so will the Promise of Jesus to ‘Extract’ His Bride from Earth, occur on a specific Day, Month and Year in terms of Calendar Calculations. The point being that one can have a more accurate sense of when that Last Week of Years, Daniel’s 70th will Begin and also End, with the Return of Jesus, with His Bride as the Day, Month and Year approaches.

Main Source

32 AD Passion Week Calendar

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