Prophetic Time Markers of the End of Time

  • Is prophetic time subject to the mathematical laws?
  • It appears that the Great Pyramid is a cosmic clock of time.
  • Is there a relationship between Sacred Cubits and Years?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org  
EMAIL: [email protected]

‘In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and swearing allegiance to the LORD of hosts; one will be called the City of Destruction. In that day there will be an altar to YHVH in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to YHVH near its border. It will become a Sign and a Witness to YHVH of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to YHVH because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them.’ – Isaiah 19:18-20

The purpose of this article it to consider the numerical measurement of the Great Pyramid of Giza as it pertains to the length of its perimeter base, that being 3024 feet. This specific measurement constitutes the 4-square base lengths of 756 feet each or roughly 230 meters. This study suggests that perhaps the Great Pyramid has also encoded the length of ‘Time’ as it correlates to the end of Time as Humanity knows in relation to the 1000-year Millennial Reign of Christ. Biblically speaking, it is understood in eschatological terms that at the 2nd advent, Jesus Christ returns to Earth, physically and literally. Jesus will complete His promise of establishing the Kingdom of GOD on Earth at that time. This specific promise was bestowed upon the Jewish nation of an expectation of grandeur and rulership over the Nations and Kingly Throne, etc.

Incidentally, this Kingdom to come would or could have been initiated at Jesus’ 1st advent but as He was rejected of His own, it postponed the Reign of Christ. It did allow however for the prophetic ‘Intercession’ of the Church Age. This current dispensation of ‘Time’ is when the Gentiles can be also grafted into the ‘Commonwealth of Israel’. Such have the privilege to share in the promise of salvation from the Fall that would have lead to Eternal Damnation. The promises are also to share in the dominion to come over the Earth and Universe, etc. Specifically, the Messiah of Israel is currently taking for Himself a Gentile Bride in the same way YHVH took Israel as a ‘wife’, prophetically speaking. Once such a ‘building’ is completed, YHVH will turn His attention and purpose to conclude His dealings directly with national Israel.

Upon that conclusion, Jesus returns and sets-up the Millennial Kingdom that was promised to Israel. Since Jesus is from the direct bloodline of King David, not only will Jesus rule Israel from Jerusalem on David’s Throne, but all the Nations on Earth and the whole Universe. Why? The Bible teaches that all authority and power in Heaven and under Heaven has been given to Jesus because of what He accomplished at the Cross of Calvary. No other ‘god’ such as Allah, or Buddha or Krishna will or can have such a prerogative, contrary to much false religion. No Lucifer will be found to tempt Humanity and weaken the Angels and the Nations anymore, etc. Thus, the present ‘Time’ of the Church Age has served to have this 2nd Adam build a Bride to co-rule with Jesus Christ.

The Church Age Time
Could it be that one of the clues hidden in plain sight of what might constitute ‘Prophetic Time’ has to do with the perimeter of the Great Pyramid that ‘clocks’ this very notion? As it is, the Great Pyramid is said to mysteriously ‘clock’ the ‘Ages’ and ‘Time’, etc. The notion of a building or structure as the Great Pyramid telling ‘Time’ is not fare-fetched. Do not important buildings have a clock in a prominent place that tell time? Think of courthouses, government buildings and primarily Churches. If one of the Church building functions is to tell ‘Time’, can it be no different in how the Great Pyramid is telling ‘Time’ with its sacred measurements? The following is the suggested timeline if one expands the base length of the entire Great Pyramid and converts that into ‘Time’ or years to suggest a possible delineation of the present dimension of ‘Time’.

A perimeter is a path that surrounds a 2-dimensional shape. Term may be used either for the path or its length. The perimeter of a circle or ellipse is called its circumference. For example if Great Pyramid height = 480.9 feet or 229 Sacred Cubits. Then Perimeter = 3024 feet.

Pi x 2 x Radius 3.14… x 962 feet = 3024 then 3024/2.1 Sacred Cubits = 1440 Sacred Cubits

The coefficient of each side of the Great Pyramid is also measured as 360 Sacred Cubits. This alludes to the 360 degrees in the circle or circumference of the 4-square layout. The perimeter equals to 1440 Sacred Cubits which in turn prophetically echoes the 144,000 that are to be Sealed during the Tribulation Period. There will be 12,000 chosen, each from the 12 Tribes of Israel for a total of 144,000. Such is another amazing prophetic template of how the 12 Tribes were in similar fashion situated also as a 360 Sacred Cubit around the Tabernacle of Moses that was also ‘4-squared’.

Can it be no different with the spiritual Church Body that Jesus Christ is presently building and subject to ‘Prophetic Time? Many theologians believe that such a dispensation of the Church Age has been allotted 2 ‘Prophetic Day’s or approximately 2000 years to conclude its mission and ‘construction’. If this is the case, then the Church Age is about to conclude. As the Church Age was initiated on Pentecost in 32 AD, roughly, then it stands to compute that there is now over 1986 years that have gone by with about 14 years to contest. Regardless, the ‘Time’ approaches for Daniel’s last Prophetic Week of 7 Years to conclude also before the Millennial Kingdom comes.

The Measurement-to-Time Hypothesis
The height of the Great Pyramid also suggests some time sequence of years in direct correlation to feet or meters. There was the research of the late David Flynn that first suggested such a Measurement-to-Year Hypothesis. The work of David Flynn stipulated that the height of the Great Pyramid, 5776 inches, correlated to a significant year, that being the Jewish Year of 5776. Now if anything ‘prophetic’ occurred, probably as it did correlate to the Year of Light or the ‘Year of Lucifer’ to the Luciferian Masons, etc. Some suggested that perhaps that was to have been the year that the Church Age would have been completed as the Great Pyramid was likened to the Church Body.

Inches             Feet                 Year
5772                480
5773 =             481.0833         2012-13
5774 =             481.1667         2013-14

5775 =             481.25             2014-15

5776 =             481.3333         2015-16
5777 =             481.4167         2016-17

5778 =             481.5               2017-18

5779 =             481.5833         2018-19

5780 =             481.666           2019-20
5781 =             481.75             2020-21

5782 =             481.8333         2021-22

5783 =             481.9167         2022-23

5784 =             482                 

However, the height of the Great Pyramid gets very detailed in that the very tolerance of the measurement still has a story to tell. For example, the specific height of the Great Pyramid of 5776 inches was based on the numerical factor of the height being 481.4167 feet. It was not or is not taking into account that the whole numerical factor of 481 alone has about 10 decimal fractions that still converts to years within the 481-inch coefficient. Thus, for example, the range from 481.0 to 481.9167 has the range from 5773 to 5778 inches or thus could be the same sequence of years still yet to consider if one imposes such an inch-to-year theory for when the possible Church Age ‘building’ is to be completed.

The point is that, if the theory of the height of the Great Pyramid is an encoded factor of when such a ‘Spiritual Temple’ is to be complete, it is not finished just yet. However, it is very close in terms of years now as 5783 would be the outer limit for such a completion of the 481 inches. This time segment from 5776 to 5783 would also correspond to a 7-year span of time, to 2022-23 or 1 ‘Prophetic Week’. Would or could such a 7-year allotment be some sort of ‘countdown’? Could this be when the Tribulation Period would or could start? This conjecture remains to be seen. Also, have in mind that the height of the Great Pyramid is highly disputed to this day. There are varying degrees of measurements ranging from 455 feet to 482 feet. This depends if one is factoring in the Capstone that is missing or the erosion that has reduced the height.

Dispensational Template of Time
Many who have studied this Great Pyramid have discovered amazing mathematical measurements that suggest or correspond to Time sequences, both pertaining to the earthly realm and of the celestial kind. With that in mind, the main hypothesis of this study, as noted is that perhaps the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, that being 3024 feet (746 feet x 4 sides of bases) could correspond to the year 3024. If one subtracts 999 years, excluding the end year from that, being suggestive of the Millennial Reign, the resulting year would be 2025. In turn, what would be significant about 2025? Well, if one subtracts a Sabbatical Year Cycle of 7 years, then the result would be 2018. However, if the Tribulation Period started in 2022, it would make 2025 then the midpoint. As one can see, there are many variables and numbers to consider.

Height Inches            Height Feet
3022                            480                  280 Egyptian Sacred Cubits
3024                            480.9               432-year sections of 7 years each (432Hz frequency)
3025                            481                  230 Sacred Cubits
3028                            482.283          

2 x 3.14 pi x 146.914 = 920.4 meters
2 x 3.14 pi x 482 feet = 3026 feet
3026 feet – 1000 years = 2026 – 7 years = 2019

What is rather amazing about some of the properties of 3024 itself is that if one take the entire length in terms of time, it is divisible by 7 sections of 432 year sections. To some, this 432 coefficient would ‘ring-out’ some amazing association with the vibration of the Universe in all living things. Many people who have studied the 432Hz frequency believe it has relation to life itself. For example, it has been researched that the 432 Hz is the frequency in which DNA replicates. This frequency also harmonizes with the natural frequency of light for which the Great Pyramid has also encoded in its stones, etc. This study is not suggesting that these specific time segments are aligning-up to when the Tribulation Period of 7 years will start and when the 1000-year Millennial Kingdom is also to begin. Perhaps these numerical coefficients are a pattern of sorts or template of possible time markers that appear to highlight 2025 and 2018. It would be a sort of ‘resentence of prophecy’.

The primary eschatological verifiable that is prophetic for 2018 is that based on Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the U.S. Embassy moves to Jerusalem just days prior to the 70th year anniversary of Israel’s modern birth. This is the second most prominent significance of 2018 concerning YHVH’s time piece, Israel. The 3rd factor would be a celestial one in that the bookend of the Blood Moon of July 27, 2018 occurs. It is part of a Triad that occurs on Tu B-Av, the Valentine’s Day equivalent in Israel. What is significant about this Blood Moon is that it is the centerpiece. Specifically, this center Blood Moon is very special in that it is called a ‘Central Bull’s Eye’ eclipse. This is when the shadow of the Moon cast on the Earth is nearly dead center in terms of its path across the Earth. It is also seen over Jerusalem, which may have something to do with prophetically in terms of the 3024 timeline. This same type of Blood Moon also occurs nearly 7 years apart from the July 2011 eclipse that appeared over Jerusalem.

7-Day Dispensational Template
The special Bull’s Eye Blood Moon of July 17, 2018 occurs in the constellation of Capricorn. This special Bull’s Eye Blood Moon is also in-between the 2 bookend Blood Moons that both occur on the ‘New Years of Trees’ called Tu B’Shevat. These 2 Blood Moon ‘New Years of Trees’ eclipses both occur in the constellation of Cancer. Thus, based on certain celestial patterns, this study bases the 3024 coefficient with the dispensational interpretation of the beginning of Time since the re-Creation that occurred with Adam and Eve. The entire 3024 timeline since Jesus Christ figures as part of a mirrored effect that appears to conclude the entire Creation Week pattern of ‘Time’ since Adam, if the Great Pyramid 3024 correlation is valid and/or plausible.

The entire timeline since Adam and Eve has 7 segments of ‘Prophetic Time’ or ‘Days’ that echo prophetically in terms of how much ‘Time’ is left as a peculiar dimension and dispensation. These segments of Time specifically pertain to the 7000-year sequence of ‘Time’ allotted to Humanity as some would argue. Each of the 7 segments of ‘Time’ or Ages are equal to 1000 years, etc. If the 7000-year template is valid and true, then the Time and Space continuum started with Adam and Eve. There were then 4 segments of Time for a total of 4000 years that occurred until the 1st advent of Jesus occurred. These 4 segments of time thus would correspond to the first 4 ‘Days’, prophetically. The subsequent 2 ‘Days’ or 2000 years would correspond to the present Church Age. This very special and unique dispensation of the Church Age began with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Believers and Followers of Jesus Christ.

The end of the 2-Day ‘prophetic’ Church Age is to be concluded when the last Gentile is ‘saved’. Such a Spiritual Building or ‘Body’ will at that time be completed. It will then be a ‘harvest’ of the souls taken from such a ‘Time’ that is concluded by the Rapture event. What initiates the final ‘Day’ or the 1000 years called the Millennial Reign of Christ will be the occasion of Jesus’ return to Earth. This will occur at the conclusion of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years that it too has a Sabbatical Year template. What is also very interesting about this 7000 year or 7-Day prophetic timeline is that one can apply and superimpose the phi ratio spiral onto the timeline since Adam and Eve for a more visual correlation to include the 3024 year span since Christ based on the Great Pyramid perimeter pattern. Some unique time markers appear to correspond to significant Biblical events in this case.

Starting from Adam and Eve, the main points of intersection on the timeline would correspond then to the Flood of Noah, then the Tower of Babel, and the call of Abraham. Although this theory of 7000 years would seem plausible, there is the question of exact timing of days and what constituted a ‘day’ especially before the Flood of Noah for example  Other researchers suggest, for example that the Earth before the Flood of Noah was much smaller and the days where thus 364 days/year. This would be referred to as the Enochian Year and so forth. This would affect the timeline in that the actual time would be shorted compared to the 365 days/year, etc. However, it is thought that the days after the Flood of Noah were recalibrated in some fashion. The issue with the Great Pyramid 3024 inches-to-year possible correspondence would thus then be based on the solar cycle of 365 days/year, etc.

After the 1000 year Millennial Reign, ‘Time’ will cease to exist as a dimension and ‘all things are to be made new’ for all Eternity thereafter, etc. The timeline provided will only suggest that the time segment specific to the Great Pyramid is highly conjecture. Such a mathematical inference to ‘Prophetic Time’ does have some weight in that the Great Pyramid is an enigma that has encoded into its stones some amazing revelation as it pertains to ‘Time’. For example, some measurement encoded in the Great Pyramid structure reveals the speed of light, the circumference of the Earth and that of the Moon also, etc. On an aside note, such sacred mathematics or Gematria of the Great Pyramid could not and does compute within a ‘Flat Earth’ model.

If the Millennial Kingdom were a literal 1000-day timespan of 365 days/year, then the total duration of this dispensation would be exactly 365,000 days. This study is not insinuating that this precise Great Pyramid 3024 base numerical coefficient is when the literal Millennial Reign of Christ timeline will be corresponding. However, it would appear that it is a very interesting supposition to consider in light of the great mysteries that the Great Pyramid continues to tell. As it pertains to the 1000 year Millennial Reign of Christ, it has to be preceded by the Tribulation Period, etc.

There are many factors that still need to occur before such a time and although it seems that prophetic events are accelerating at a faster pace, there is yet several possible years required perhaps before such a timeline could reflect all that the Bible foretells will have to occur at some point in time. If anything could be extrapolated from the timeframe, it would show just how close prophetically the Church Age is about to conclude as time converges to start the 7th ‘Day’ or the 7000th year Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.

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