Unleashing Power through Ritualistic Magic

  • What does the opening of Notre Dame mean?
  • Will there be a new Beginning of 'Something'?
  • Was the Ritual Ceremony a Magic Art? 

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org

The Year 2025 is going to be the Year of Open Doors. If anything has been Predicted Programmed, it is that Sacred Portals are opening on Earth. The Question one would be asking is, is whether a Divine or Celestial Portal will correspond to that as well? This is of course inferencing the Open Door that Jesus has promised the Philadelphian Church Types. It is the Door of Escape, i.e., the Rapture Event that will spare the Bride of Christ from the Hour of Testing allotted to come upon the Inhabitants of the Earth. 

Here are some more possible Occult Insights into the Theme of how ‘Sacred Portals’ or Doors are occurring and will. Consider the Rededication Ceremony of the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris. It began with the Fish God, Dagon High Priest Bishop carrying the ‘Golden Key’ that tapped the Door of the Entrance to the Cathedral. 3 Times. Note that the Shepherd’s Staff should be opened to depict a ‘Hook’. It is used by the Shepherds in the Field to guide, prod and correct the Heard, etc. 

Archbishop knocks on Doors of Notre Dame at Reopening Ceremony 


Notice in the accompanying Chart, that the Staff’s Head was entirely closed. One supposes that it was a veiled ‘Key’. It thus was then a very appropriate Instrument. Thus, this ‘Key’ opened the Sacred Space once again at the Temple to the Dame or Queen of Heaven. And notice that the Key’s Head was blue having a Hexagram composition. This is precisely what is used in the Occult to open Portals from where Demons are conjured-up with. 

It is akin to how some Wizards used a Gem at the end of their Staff to cast Spells and direct Energy and Forces, etc. So, why a veiled Hexagram? Its Sacred Geometry produces a Perfect Cube or Kabba. It is in this Chamber that then the Demons manifest through, in-and-out of our dimension, etc. What activates these Portals in the Spirit? The 3 Taps then produces the Sound or the Frequency that is what unlocks the Portal. Such an Entrance was further amplified by the ‘Octave’ Choir that performed with that Sacred Space. 

This is why in the Luciferian Occult Rituals, it is their ‘Om’ or other Chants that in some mysterious way produce the ‘Combination’ to unlock the Spiritual Doors. But to be fair, this same Divine Principle is used when the People of Jesus are gathered and sing Hymns and Spiritual Songs. It is the Frequency that resonates through one’s Body, Mind and Soul that unlocks. That is what Music is all about. Here are further Observations.
Fire Exit
Consider when the Fire that burned-down Notre Dame occurred and when it reopened. According to the Records, the Fire that significantly damaged the Cathedral, the Jewel of Paris and France occurred on April 15, 2019. This would make the duration to the Rededication with the Opening of the Sacred Portly, on December 7, 2024 a total of 2063 Days. This Day Count would factor-out as 5 Years, 7 Months, and 22 Days or 67 Months and 22 Days. 

If there is any Prophetic Significant as to the Day Counts, that remains to be determined. One is convinced that the reopening Date was and is significant as it was and is a Staging of what is to come through such Sacred Portals. But what can be inferred, applying a Poetic License is how the Burning of the Church signified a coming Damage and/or Destruction of the Church Body. 

Not that the Body of Christ on Earth can ever be destroyed. Damages, sure. But it is more of how the Notre Dame Church Building signifies the World and the Apostate Christianity that has a claim over the Apostolic Succession. And that the Rebuilding and Restoration of Building or Cathedral can be likened to the Proverbial ‘Phoenix’ rising from its Ashes. Afterall, ‘Cátedra’ means ‘Throne’ or Chair. So, it is really the Throne of the Queen of Heaven. It has nothing to do with Jesus of the Bible, etc. 

SBS News

As to what those Energies, Forces or Entities might be all about? Well, if one studies the Luciferians, it is all about Portals and Interdimensional Being, i.e., Fallen Angels and Demons that seek to cause nothing but Theft, Murder and Perversion. So, did anything Prophetically Significant occur because of the opening of the Sacred Door to the Notre Dame Rededication? Well, the Day after Syria collapsed as Assad fled to Russia. 

And what ‘manifested’ into Syria’s Domain, in particular were the various Islamist Factions that took over Damascus. These are the very same Islamists who had to do with the Ancient Portal or Archway to the Temple of Ba’al. When the Islamists entered Ancient Palmyra in Syria, they demolished all the Ancient Archeology. This included the Temple of Ba’al and its City's Famous Arch Away or Door or Portal, etc.

In response and outcry for Islam destroying such National Treasures and Ancient Archaeology, the World set-out, in a perfect Pretext to erect the Replica of Ba’al’s Doorway at various World Capitals. One is of the Interpretation that these Ba’al Doors opened the Sacred Portal at those World Capitals. What came forth? Was it no coincidence that it was when all those Baphomet Statutes started to go up all over the USA? Was it coincidence that the ‘In Defense of Marriage Act’ was struck-down by the U.S. Supreme Court? Was it coincidence that the LGBT Movement exploded onto the Scene, and everything need to be brushed with a Woke and Rainbow Brush?

Gates of Hell
Such a Spirit of the Queen of Heaven, Isis in this case was and is the Goddess that ‘Makes Men Women’. It is the Spirit of Perversion to defile with the sexualization of ‘Everything’, including Public Library Drag Queen Story Hours, etc. So, in one’s Interpretation of these re-energizing of the Sacred Space are based on the Opening-Up of the ‘Sacra Portas’. Then once again in Paris, it is but 1 of the 3 Nodes that will complete a Spiritual and Demonic ‘Circuit’, if one wills. How so? Consider that the other Ritual of opening the Sacred Portal occurs on December 25, 2024 at the Vatican.

If one draws a Straight Line from Paris to the Vatican, it directly passes through CERN in Switzerland. Coincidence? And? CERN is another Sacred Space that is produced by turning the Key of Accelerated Particles that in turn ‘Open’ the Portals of Time, Space and Matter. This is why one is convinced, without even seeing the Door or ‘Key’ Staff that will be used at the Vatican, has to be Sliver.

That Sacra Porta will have to correspond to the Silver Key, in that case. And in looking-up the Images Online of the Sacra Porta, in fact, the outline of this Door in the Vatican is exactly a Gray or Silver Color. Coincidence? No. Why? It is the Harlot Mother Church in Rome that is the ‘ISIS’, the Queen of Heaven that sits on her Throne. She claims all Souls in-between these 2 Keys, to the Golden Door and the Silver Door or Gates, etc. What will be occurring then, based on this same Template is how a coming Psychosis of Fear will be unleashed upon the People of the World. 

It is the same Game Book Play that occurred with the COVID Plandemic. It was about defining Sacred Space and opening-up a Portal. How so? Remember how Trump ordered the 2 U.S. Navy Hospital Ships to be stationed at each End of the Nation, on each respective Oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific? Their Names were and are the ‘Mercy’ and the other is ‘Comfort’. And? They echo the 2 Pillars that stood at the Porch Entrance to the Temple of Solomon. They echo the Twin Towers in New York that came crashing-down. In the case of COVID, the whole USA became the Sacred Space. To what end?

To cast their Spell as they opened the Spiritual Portals through Ritualistic Magic, Fear and the tragic sacrificing of Innocent Lives that died from the Kill Shots, etc. In one’s Interpretation, this will be the case with the Doors opened in the Papal Domain. Anyone in-between is captured and subject to their Spell and Sorcery. This Time, the Sacred Ground defined will be in Europe, but as with 911, Door of Ba’al and COVID, the Effects of these Doors opening will be reverberated across the Globe. 

These same Priests of Modern-Day Dagon even wear the same Fish-God Regalia and Motifs. Notice how even the Roman Catholic Bishop of Paris wore the 5 Colors of the Masonic Eastern Star. Coincidence? No. What will no doubt result of these Demonic Doors opening-up will result in more Stealing, Murdering and Perversion. Note that these were the 3 Particular Sins for which the World would not repent of during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. These Open Door Rituals at the Thrones of the Queen have nothing to do with Jesus and Christianity.

Portals of the Priests
They are a veiled Occult Magic Ritual that is casting Spells, in one’s Interpretation. These Luciferians are part of the Network that control the World, the USA, Europe and the Next Plandemics. This Assertion is based on one’s Research into the Occult and Theory that was based on the 2 U.S. Navy Ship Motif across the USA. The Luciferians are using this same Motif to construe such a Sacred Space in the Heart of Continental Europe, as they had done for the USA. Again, for what purpose? 

It was to cast their Spell, their Sorcery to induce an Event. And that Event will be based on Fear, precisely designed to destabilize the Populace and create a Psychosis like they did with COVID. This would render the Sheeple that much more docile to receiving the Poison Death Shots. And one suspects that this Ritual is the Prerequisite for the next COVID 2.0 Planned Outbreak. See Article and Chart for illustration. What is or will be different this Time around is that the focus and infaces will be in Europe, based on this Sacred Space being defined by the 2 respective Keys from Paris to Rome.


A Study in the Coming Mass Magic Ritual

And there was also a Rapture Motif likewise associated with the Fire of this Notre Dame Throne. If one recalls, there were Cranes that lifted-up and out the  Statutes of the 12 Apostles and Saints and the 4 New Testament Evangelists for restoration just Days before the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris burned. 

At that Time, many End Times Watchmen attributed that Scenery as a possible Rapture Correlation. It is how when the Judgment is to start in the World, and when there is a Destruction pending of the Harlot Church, the Foundation of the True Church and the Gospels, those that have the Witness and carry the Testimony of Jesus are to be removed, up-and-out of this Planet.



Pope Francis To Open 5 Sacred Portals On Christmas Eve — For A Ritual That’s Never Been Done Before
From New York Post:

Pope Francis to open Holy Doors during Christmas liturgies
Vatican News

Pope Francis to open Holy Door in Roman prison on feast of St. Stephen for 2025 Jubilee
Catholic News Agency

10 things to know about Jubilee 2025, the Holy Year that begins Dec. 24
Detroit Catholic

5 Holy Doors: What Every Catholic Should Know Ahead of Jubilee 2025



Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why? 


Sacred Patterns of Heaven on Earth
What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Now one realizes that this will not be possible to Ascertain. But are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible do provide a Patchwork of Data Points that this Book will seek to Investigate and Present as Evidence. 


Rise of the Prison Planet
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Events, Places, People and Issues that are making Earth into a Prison Planet. In fact, it already is. And to this end, this Book will thus present various chapters of Topics, Events and or Occurrences that deal with Geo-Political, Astronomical Nuances and Theological Constructs that show how the Prison Planet will be moving in a direction where the entire Earth into a Prison Planet. How so? How do you Imprison all the Humans on Planet Earth? You Lie to them. It is called the Great Delusion, the Great Lie.  


Order out of Chaos
The purpose of this Book is to present an array of Comprehensive Studies  suggesting that 2025 is the probable Year of the Start to the Tribulation Period. The Series of Studies strongly suggest that the Shemitah that started in 2022, with its subsequent 7 Years will Mark the Mid-Point at the Passover in 2029. Thus 3.5 Years prior is Fall 2025 when the Whore of Babylon System will Rise to Rule the World, Religiously, Economically and Politically. Then 7 Year later will be Fall 2032 and the Return of Jesus.


Doomsday Signs of the End Times
What is the 'Beast'? Who is or will be the 'Beast'? Why does the Bible call this coming Man, the 'Beast'? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Lucifer's AntiChrist has risen in the World and about to make his Great Debut. The Book will present Evidence on how Prophetic Variable such as Astronomical Time Markers, End of the Church Age with the Rapture, and the Mark of the Beast. 


Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval. 


Sacred Coordinates & Measurements
The purpose of this Book is to investigate and ascertain the possible Prophetic Mathematical Calculations that are related to People, Places, Events and Times related to the Work of the Luciferians. In particular, the Occult is examined to ascertain their Occultic Undertaking. A case will be made for how their Nefarious Motifs, Encrypted in Places, on People and Events, convey the ultimate Luciferian Agenda from those that Rule the World from 'Behind the Scenes' and will ultimately be embodied in the coming of Lucifer through his AntiChrist.



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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