
Edalyn θe arsonist Δ

@transarsonist / transarsonist.tumblr.com

30, trans girl, anti-fascist, communist. [ THIS BLOG IS 18+ FOR: occasional NSFW text, satirical political threats, psychological damage inducing concepts, deliberate misinformation]
Hello New Followers

Welcome to my little home amongst the hell

I don't beef, i just block. If I'm annoying you block me and move the fuck on

Clowning in my inbox explicitly prohibited, i will go above and beyond to get assholes removed for hate speech if i believe it is happening

Ground rules:

  • Your blog must primarily consist of content reblogged from it's original source and/or original content made by someone directly involved in the management of the blog [translation: art theifs & lurk blogs* not welcome]
  • This is a blog by lesbian for lesbian (bi/pan/enby inclusive) trans men are allowed, cis men may stay if you Promise to be Polite and follow my friends DNIs
  • This Blog Pro Kink
  • Don't be fucking rude to me, if your blogs bit is being rude to everyone as a joke I'll just block you.
  • Anon is for cute & sweet & horny shit, i reserve the right to clown relentlessly on rude anons
  • Do NOT remove my username if you cross post my posts, if you're worried about getting banned about it then Don't cross post my posts

About me:

Born sometime in 1994 to everyone's dismay I have since that time caused problems for various people and had a delightful time doing so. (Got tired of updating my age, you do the math)

I am a Trans Girl and a Lesbian, however that's the 'minimum possible language' version, and if you want the actual definition of my gender and sexuality I must first ask how many hours you have free for me to explain it in. If you have less than 5 hours I'm afraid I'll have to stick to 'mind ya beezwax'.

I'm a communist or a socialist or something like that, and I tend to lean more anarchist than fascist, but I'll not lie and imply Itd be a safe idea to let me have power. Nazi scum should die about it or better yet seek therapy

I am Polyamorous but Fully Occupied by Like 5 Wonderful People

I live near Chicago, Illinois, USA

*lurk blog: no reblogs lots of likes, I'm not a content source, and you should have a main blog with reblogged content on it

controversial post but you ever see someone's real dick and think "oh that actually is too big, go away demon"

like no offense to my massive meated mutuals but like take an inch or two off and maybe donate it to someone in need some of us struggle to break the four-inch mark, maybe stop being selfish and share

if your dick is in the double digits maybe dont be selfish and instead share the wealth with someone else is all im saying you dont need 12 inches to get a man pregnant just wrap it up and save some for later this isn't mortal kombat no one is trying to get impaled on your spear sized dick

the secret is im fucking 5'6 and being short, i make it look larger than it is but we're not even in the double digits so its literally so fine like i can hide it in a pringles can and the cops will never notice

truly not the intended effect of this post it was more of a PSA but if it helps you find the real you inside yourself then who am i to judge


"Sol and Spica: An Anxious Student's Guide to Finding Life in the Universe"

Aka "I was told I could do whatever I wanted for this class assignment as long as it related to astrobiology, and I got a little silly with it." I am so tired. Please enjoy.


>be me >go to the local alderman about a change >ask if the change is for the better or for money >have a whole diagram explaining the difference between them >alderman says "its a good change bruh" >its for money


This flashback in ATLA, Azulon becoming enraged with Ozai for disrespecting Iroh and the recently deceased Lu Ten, is usually interpreted as Azulon then ordering Ozai to kill Zuko. I disagree with this for two reasons. 1: We don’t actually hear Azulon say that, it’s only referred to by Azula (who was around seven or eight at the time and might have misunderstood what she heard) and by Ozai, years later, when he is taunting Zuko on the Day of Black Sun. Neither Azula nor Ozai are reliable narrators. 2: Azulon is, at the time of this flashback, the ruler of the Fire Nation who has just lost one of his only two grandsons and heirs. What kind of monarch loses one heir and then turns around and demands the death of another, especially when losing Zuko would hardly bother Ozai? My interpretation of this situation is Azulon ordered Ozai to give Zuko into Iroh’s care, replacing Lu Ten as Iroh’s heir, neatly removing any argument Ozai had about Iroh’s line having ended. Ozai of course would never accept this. He either lied to Ursa, claiming Azulon wished Zuko dead, or outright told his wife he’d kill Zuko before seeing him get ahead of him in the line of succession, thus manipulating Ursa to help him assassinate Azulon. I think this theory makes far more logical sense than ‘Azulon ordered the murder of his nine-year-old grandson’.

It’s not even a question of being a good grandpa, he could hate his grandkids and it doesn’t matter – he’s a ruler who successfully held an empire together. He knows the value of heirs. Close relatives within a stable line of succession are inherently valuable no matter their likeability or even basic competence. If an heir is not actively trying to kill you or other people in the line of succession, they are too valuable to just kill off. It’s a basic question of stability. Zuko’s death would put the entire fate of the empire on Azula’s survival; the last grandchild dies and boom, civil war, end of the royal family, potentially even the collapse of the Fire Nation if it’s not sorted swiftly enough. It just would not make sense for a competent leader (Azulon seems competent, Ozai is definitely not) to weaken an already fragile line of succession through something so stupid and petty.

Having Iroh instead adopt Zuko is a much more reasonable response to this, whether he’s emotionally attached to his family or not. In this scene, Ozai is declaring himself an unstable and untrustworthy element in the family. They’ve just lost the heir, it’s at a critical point in a long war, the crown prince is away and grieving and this brat is trying to take advantage of his grief and the family instability to start shit for a personal power grab. He’s showing he has either no understanding or no care about the stability of the line, no sense of diplomacy or emotional awareness or restraint (he’s approaching his dad about usurping his brother while the man’s grieving for his newly dead son, nobody with any sense of diplomacy would have even tried this), and no respect.

Ozai is not a man who can be trusted to head a stable royal family or stable empire, and now Azulon needs to worry if this idiot will kill his own brother for the crown, or start a civil war after Azulon’s death based ont he logic of Iroh having no heirs. Giving Ozai’s eldest to Iroh solves the potential stability problem before it starts and has the added benefit of shutting Ozai up. Maybe Azulon likes Iroh and/or Zuko, maybe he doesn’t; that doesn’t affect the sensible decision here. In both cases, killing Zuko is a terrible choice and having Iroh adopt him is a good one.


Also given how things go in the main storyline (idr if they ever say exactly how far this flashback is but it seems like Zuko is in the 10-ish range so we’re gonna say 6 years), in like half a decade Ozai fucks up the Fire Nation so severely that world spirits are intervening, he’s tried to mulch his main heir and while he gives Azula the (now defunct and worthless) title of Fire Lord, it’s not a good move as a father OR leader. 14-year-old Azula, barely holding it together after the closest things she had to friends openly turned against her, immediately cracks under the pressure. It’s the exact opposite of what she needs, it’s bad for the Fire Nation (shit’s on fire and she’s ‘banished’ dozens of people in like a day and a half), etc.

Ozai never managed a major military victory and in fact the only time we see him not at the Caldera palace (I don’t think he’s even in an Ember Island flashback, that was Iroh) is when he’s flying off to set shit on fire - flashy, yes, but the actual strategic value is unclear. Nobody likes him! Nobody respects him! He commands fear and pretty much nothing else!

I’m not trying to do a full essay here (need more research for one thing) but my point is if that was the case Azulon was completely correct and justified in believing Ozai to be an unstable and deleterious element because that’s exactly what he is.


Ozai based his rule entirely around personal (firebending) power and capacity for violence, because that’s the only sphere in which he stood a chance of competing with his brother. (Even then, only a chance - he never would have challenged the Dragon of the West to an Agni Kai.)

Personal kickassery, and personal fear, is a terrible basis on which to try running an empire! There is a group size where it simply stops mattering, because no matter how good your firebending is, it can’t let you teleport across the continent to be directly involved in every situation. You have to delegate. The Fire Nation has the infrastructure for this already in place. But…Ozai gets to pick his generals, governors, and so on.

And Ozai’s delegates are people who rise high in his personal “violence is the only thing that matters” court. And, often, people who saw what he did to his own heir apparent, and thus are way more afraid of what happens if they tell Ozai something he doesn’t want to hear than of…any problems that actually exist, until the point of total collapse if that.

Ozai’s big win move was burning the whole Earth Kingdom. It did not occur to him, apparently, to wonder where the victors would be getting their food from next year. (It’s also evil to do, but rulers usually don’t care much about that.) And no one said, “Hey, uh, dead peasants and scorched earth fields can’t pay taxes,” because they were more afraid of him than of apocalyptic famine.


yeah you want a Mommy so she can hold you when you've had a bad day, who can stroke your hair and tell you it'll all be okay, who will cuddle you to sleep.

but would you do the same for her? will you hold her when she's had a bad day, will you stroke her hair and tell you it'll all be okay, will you cuddle her to sleep?


How do you know that ? (Unmute !)


Man (filming): uhhh who did you say did the electrical work?

Old lady: oh, that would be my nephew Thomas, he’s very handy

Man: yeah, uh, what year did his house burn down?

Old lady: that would be about two years ag- how did you know the house burned down???

Man: had a feeling— video cuts off

Vídeo description: the camera pans over a mess of wires connected haphazardly

video description elaboration: when younger person says "what year did his house burn down" video pans over a series of unsheilded electrical breakers, unsecured wires, and improperly connected load bearing circuts, the result being a scene that parses distinctly to even the layman as "this is an electrical fire waiting to happen"


Besides Israel admitting it was the Mossad, but to say shit like this you'd have to be a) okay with looking very stupid and b) to pretend that Israel hasn't historically been notorious for using different new technologies to inflict violence and maintain its apartheid regime in Palestine, in addition to using Palestine and Palestinians as testing grounds for these new weapons and technologies.

Take recent months in Gaza for example, Israel has been using AI systems like Lavender to create kill lists. In the first few weeks alone following October 7, Lavender flagged up to 37,000 Palestinians and their homes as bombing targets.

Israel has also been using AI automated systems like the one they disturbingly call "where's daddy?" which is used to track the targeted individuals and specifically carry out bombings when they enter their family’s home.

Another AI based system that Israel has been using in Gaza is The Gospel, which generates targets at an almost instantaneous speed, to the point where Israeli intelligence calls it the "mass assassination factory".

Israel has been, for decades, infiltrating communications throughout Palestine. Now they listen in to the phone calls made specifically by the families of martyrs to determine the success rate of their operations.

And this is just in Gaza in the past 11 months alone.

In the West Bank, Israel has been employing AI based systems for years. They have been using robotic guns, dubbed "smart shooters", which use AI to track people who Israel determines as targets, and shoots to kill with a remote control.

Israel has also been using a facial recognition technology called Red Wolf at checkpoints throughout the West Bank but especially in Hebron.

Simultaneously, Israel has also been using Blue Wolf, an app that contains a database of all available information on Palestinians living in the West Bank and is used by Israeli forces to restrict the movement of Palestinians and to harass them, and in many instances to kill them.

That's besides the constant heavy use of quadcopters and drones to surveil Palestinians' every move and to carry out assassinations. You can hear them nonstop in the background of videos coming out of Palestine, specifically Gaza.

All of this is to say that you simply cannot, with a straight face, say that Israel hasn't been a leading figure in the weaponisation of AI systems and cyber-technology in general, using them to inflict so much violence and to indiscriminately kill tens of thousands with complete impunity.

Powerburial is an actual nazi and antisemite. At this point he has GOTTA be concern trolling with this "uhhhh this sounds kinda antisemitic doesnt it?" bit.

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