
Jessica's Writing Nook


18+ writing sideblog for @sshadyjess

Your little sister walks into your room, wearing your clothes. You tell her to take it off as soon as you see it. She responds "Make me." in that bratty voice of hers. You jump on her, tearing off her your hoodie, your shirt, your pants,,, your bra? your panties??? You can't believe she plundered your entire closet for this outfit! And now you're there on top of her, as she's shivering naked beneath you. Before you can process it, she's pressing her knee into your crotch. You hadn't noticed before, but there was a wet spot in your panties, and now there was one rapidly developing in the ones you were wearing as well. She's looking up at you with a smug grin. Before you can berate her for stealing your clothes, or apologise for tearing them off her, or apologise for how you're getting turned on at the sight of your little sister naked, or, or, or, or, o- She grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss. She planned this all along, and you know neither of you are getting out of this room until you're exhausted and she's satisfied…


A Family Is:

  • A Mother (30 something trans woman with a job in tech)
  • A Big Sister (20 something trans woman on disability)
  • A Little Sister (40 something unemployed trans woman)
  • A Dog (20 something unemployed trans woman)

Fun Idea!

brainbreaking your puppygirl so bad that it can't speak human words anymore. just barks. it just walks on all fours and pees outside. it sleeps in a crate. it eats from its bowl and lays at your feet. it is fully obedient to any command you give it.


introduce it to those buttons people give to their dogs on tiktok. teach it to press the "treat" button if it wants a treat. make it press the "walk" button if it wants walkies. make it press the "mommy" button if it wants attention. teach it to answer questions with the "no" and "yes" buttons. give it a "horny" button to press if it wants relief. teach it to communicate all its doggy thoughts through the doggy buttons. it will love being able to communicate its thoughts with you.

it might even become a little demanding. it might press the "treat" button right after getting a treat. it might press the "mommy" button the moment you stop giving it belly rubs. it might press the "outside" button right after you let it back inside. it might press the "no" button when it doesn't want to go in its crate yet, or if it doesn't want to go to the vet. it might even press the "horny" button minutes after it came all over your thigh. twice!

then you can take away buttons. remove the "horny" button so it stays pent up. remove the "no" button because "it's my puppy, my toy, I can decide what to do with it". so many buttons you can give it, so many buttons you can take away. imagine the possibilities!


High-tech Dog Collar

A dog collar with the functionality of one of those fit-bits/apple watches. It tracks puppy's heartbeat, daily steps, sleep schedule, sleep quality, stress, location, etc. and sends all that information to its owner. It sends alerts whenever a puppy's heartbeat gets too high/low, when it moves too far away from a pre-determined location (for example if the puppy runs away from home) and lets its owner see if puppy is stressed for whatever reason.

And an advanced version that also doubles as a shock collar. Its owner can shock it whenever it wants, just with a tap on their phone.


trophy wife? no no no, I'm a prize animal, I get rolled out for parties so my owner can show off how well-trained I am to all their guests


"having to constantly make up excuses as to why they smell like they haven't showered in weeks" gf x "normally bratty, but very obedient since the new punishment of 'Owner showers' came into effect" gf


yeah you want a Mommy so she can hold you when you've had a bad day, who can stroke your hair and tell you it'll all be okay, who will cuddle you to sleep.

but would you do the same for her? will you hold her when she's had a bad day, will you stroke her hair and tell you it'll all be okay, will you cuddle her to sleep?


girl who threatens to kill herself if you try to break up with her: boring, overdone, seen so many times before, basic.

girl who threatens to kill YOU if you try to break up with her: y-yes mommy, whatever you say, imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry, I'll be a good girl pleasepleaseplease


girl who always takes her first dates to the town hall, because obviously they need to change their last name to hers for this to work out.


I will forever adore role reversal type dynamics; A big sister getting dommed by her little sister or brother, a mother getting dommed by her daughter or son, an owner getting dommed by her pet, a domme getting dommed by her sub, just anything where the expected hierarchy is flipped on its head and the one who is supposed to be on the bottom of that hierarchy is now the one at the top.


It's dark outside. I sneakily step out the door. Doesn't seem like Mommy heard me leave. Good. I walk to the playground down the street and sit on a bench. I rummage around in my breast pocket and fish out the cigarette and lighter that were in there. As I light the cigarette, I quickly glance around, making sure there's nobody here. I take a drag off the cigarette, all the while enjoying its soft crackling. I sit there for a few minutes, listening to music in my left airpod, with my eyes closed.


Forcefem but like specifically agere, like forcefemming her not into a woman her age but like into a X year old girl. Not teaching her make-up because "that's not for girls your age, that's for grown-ups". Putting her in tutus and little frilly dresses because that's what all girls her age wear. Maybe diapers, maybe not (depends on what age X is). Giving her Barbies and taking away anything that is deemed "too grown-up" or "too boyish". Just the whole nine yards.


I don't know which situation is hotter; getting fucked in front of YOUR friends, or getting fucked in front of THEIR friends.

On one hand you have getting fucked in front of your friends, the people who know you best and who you're closest to. It will completely change the way they see you, no longer will they see you as a friend and valued person in their lives, but instead they will see your true nature; a toy to just be fucked over and over, useful for nothing but pleasure, completely brainbroken but happy and blissed out. Whenever they see you from then on, somewhere in the back of their mind will be the image of you getting ruined at the hands of your partner.

On the other hand you have getting fucked in front of their friends, people who you don't know but they know your partner all too well. This is the only way they know you, your identity in their minds will forever be that of a fucktoy, and they'll always look at you with that in mind. You'll still have to interact with them after this of course, they're your partner's friends after all. Whenever they see you from then on, somewhere in the back of their mind will be the image of you getting ruined at the hands of your partner.

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