
Lost Arcana

@dee-the-red-witch / dee-the-red-witch.tumblr.com

Call me Denice or call me Dee- 40-something year old artist, occultist, feral kinkster, and otherwise weirdo. (Queer lesbian, trans, she/her) what do I do? Writing. Art. Tattoos. Leatherwork. And many other things that’ll leave your neighbors looking at you a bit funny. And yes, I'm a bit of a geek.


Because who knows if I'll have time to update this thing in October.

Hi. I'm Denice. Normally there'd be a big spiel about how I'm a 40-something year old trans lesbian who does a fuck of a lot of stuff. Or the books I have coming out later this year. Or the leather, tattoos, etc. That said, this isn't the time, because I'm stuck in the middle of what I'm calling


I'm getting my ass out of a relationship and household that went from tense and neglectful over the last ten years to toxic and abusive in the last two. And I need help doing it. And it's all on a freaking doomsday clock because the lease here ends at the end of this month, and so help me, I'm not signing another under these conditions. And of course, to make things more complicated, I have my gcs and ffs surgeries coming up at the end of november. So I have to have all this settled by then. Real Final Girl Transition moments here, and so help me, if I have to, I'm crawling out of the house by the end. So, yeah, needing help. I need to get an apartment, probably secure it by prepaying a few month's extra rent (because my credit got fucked with my legal transition and my rental history got fucked by my ex) , and get my hands on shit like basic furniture, because right now if I moved tomorrow, I'd be sleeping on a couple of floor blankets in the new place. All of which means money and a lot of it. I know I posted about this earlier, but, well, new month. Right now, I'm at about 550 of what needs to be 5-8 thousand. And seriously anything helps here. You can donate at http://paypal.me/tormentedartifacts

Or if you want to get something awesome in return (THAT WILL LIKELY NOT BE SHIPPING UNTIL AFTER JANUARY), there's http://tormentedartifacts.com

If you want to just donate on the gender surgery side of things, there's also my gfm: https://www.gofundme.com/f/dees-gender-confirmation-surgery-fund

But if you can donate anything on any end of this, even if it's just a few bucks, it helps a lot. It gets me thorough this. It gets me to a place where I can heal from all this. Where I won't be needing help so freaking much. I just need to get out, first.

And reblogging and sharing this everywhere you can ALSO helps a ton, so please, do that too.

Source: paypal.me

your friends & partners will actually love it if you enforce your boundaries b/c then they will never again need to guess if they're ever making you uncomfortable & don't know. healthy living tip :)


* 'sexual context' refers to masturbation, sex, kink, or anything else you want to put in this category

** 'yes' here means if you have these feelings enough to make note of them, not that they are constant (although maybe they are constant for you, that's OK too)

some examples of being uncomfortable with your body:

1) struggling to masturbate because you don't want to touch or think about your body

2) being uncomfortable in your own skin after sex, even if the sex itself was enjoyable

3) disliking the way you see your own body, or the way that others view you sexually

4) feeling that you do not want your body to be touched/looked at in a sexual context, even if you can enjoy sex in the moment

5) whatever you personally consider to fit in this schema, not limited to the above examples


realizing that sticking to the "do it bad" "do it scared" mentality implies theres also a "do it bored"

A stick figure, doubled over on all fours so its face isnt visible. Tears stream from its face, and its head and the floor below it are covered in blood.

well. did it bored 👍




I need you to get up again.

I know. I know it sucks. I know it hurts. I know everything in front of us looks terrible and frightening. I know you're tired and just want to stop and rest and not move, but you have to get up again if you can.

I'm here with you. I'll help you if I can, and there’s others too that'll help, and all you need to do is start and we'll help out. But also? We're all proud of you for making it as far as you did this time. And I know we can get through the rest of it.

But you have to get up. To prove you can. To spite the ones who said you can't. Even if it's the slowest most dragged out step forwards it's still moving and still better than anything they ever did. So come on up. We've got you.

If you need, I'll even hold your hand, all right?

this one needed audio, too. So here you all go.

Among other things this was written about at the time? My surgery fund. Still trying to get more eyes on it, so if you can, please, grab that link and share it around everywhere? I still have so far to go on it and progress has been inching along at best.

Also i keep forgetting to mention this, but this and a few others are up on my ko-fi as pay-what-ypu-want, which means you can even grab them for free if need be. I don't mind. Here's the link: http://ko-fi.com/tormentedartifacts


tbh the whole "trans women are new to oppression" thing kind of gives the game away. the people who say this think of us as nubile sex nymphs of the kind they search for on porn sites, eternally newly transitioned.

even if they had a point about new transitioners — they don't — they betray that they don't think of us as a demographic with older women in. because they don't think of us as real at all; we're their porn creatures, and we should stop interrupting the real women and the real trans people.

“trans women are new to oppression” = “yes, I am erasing the lives of trans women of colour as hard as I can, as well as all other multiply marginalised trans women, because they are inconvenient to my opinion”

“trans women are new to oppression” = “I don’t believe in transmisogyny or don’t take it seriously, and I definitely don’t believe it can affect trans women before they start transitioning for some reason”

“trans women are new to oppression” = “trans women are exactly the same as men before they start transitioning. exactly the same. and nobody ever notices how different they are, nobody punishes them for it, nobody assaults them to ‘correct’ their failed masculinity, everybody takes their suffering seriously as children, and certainly no trans woman has ever taken her own life because she is kept from transitioning. I live in a fucking fantasy world.”


Yeah, and the thing about that is that a significant component of how transmisogyny works in queer spaces is that support for trans women will be performed abstractly - "Trans women are women" repeated over and over - while not actually being practiced at individual trans women.

The individual trans woman said a problematic thing once, are you sure you want to support her? Support for the hypothetical trans woman is all over the place. Everybody's listening to trans women of color... abstractly, but individual trans women of color? They tend to not stick around online much, because they get chased off the websites they're on.

The abstract trans woman is just a lot neater and tidier to deal with. She understands that you called her "dude" in a gender neutral way. She doesn't have a pesky donation link to nag you about. She doesn't break down under the stress and say things she later comes to regret after months of persistent abuse from every direction.

It's easy, trivial even, to support trans women when you've excluded all the ones who are actually people.


"crochet can't be made by machines" went from being a cool fun fact to being a call to action of "so if you see mass manufactured crochet in Target, that was made by a person and they were underpaid and you should boycott it" which is true, it was made by a person, but EVERY item of clothing you own (that you did not purchase from a company using ethical labor) was made by a person being underpaid (at *best*.)

Sewing machines are operated by *people*. Knitting machines are operated by *people*. Yes lots of the process is automated but you cannot tell a machine "make me a t-shirt" or "make me a knit cardigan".

Higher awareness of fast fashion, and the true human labor and abuse behind it, is GREAT, but let's not pretend that the crochet hat in target is THE problem. Every article of clothing in target is the problem. "All clothes are made by people" is the jumping off point here into understanding this issue it's not just crochet it's the whole thing ahhhhHHHHHHHHHH


Always fun when I see one of my much more tumblr-famous friends's post end up back up on my dash.

Absolutely terrifying when it's one of mine, actually. Where has it been?? WHat has it seen?? I can only guess at the horrors.

bubo? hey bubo? I can make that happen.

I can make you witness the horrors.

guys? Does this read like a 10k note post to you? I think it's a 10k note post


This is a 100k post if I ever saw one

Future tumblr heritage post, calling it

Gonna make this post see all the horrors.

Gonna make someone reblog it with nonsense.

Gonna make someone lose reading comprehension and start a flame war in the notes.


A piece about survivors guilt.

This comic isn't perfect. I started it back in October 2023, and every time I picked up my pen, I wept.

I bring this to you today, on 9/11, in hopes that you reflect on this day a little differently than how most Americans would. Let it move you to continue to boycott, protest and challenge your family, friends and colleagues. You have a bigger impact than you would believe.

Thank you for reading this with an open heart.

From the river to the sea...


reblog if you’re NOT tumblr famous, but you ARE tired and kinda gay

Why are YOU reblogging this??


Why are YOU reblogging this???

I’m not Tumblr famous.

how many followers does aspect military have

Unsure about the gay part, but I do be tired.

I’m like 50% gay

if I’m pan and genderfluid does this mean I’m like. All the gays

Yes it does, but you *are* tumblr famous. so.

tf do you mean im tumblr famous

ytk would i be correct in saying you have approximately 1.5k followers or more?

well fuck uh can you give me a clue

eh whatever you’re still tumblr famous and The Cool Mutual™️


if I’m tumblr famous tho ur tumblr famous too. I mean like. You gotta be

*raises eyebrow*

you’re SHAKESQUEER bro no way u ain’t tumblr famous

yes way i fear but ty :3

i swear im not famous by any meaning of the word you’re more famous than me

Thou art famous indeed


I’ve never heard of any of y'all before.

same :3

Good thing we’re all no name losers here

Nyx you’re at least as well known and popular as I am


drink some fucking water

Hydrate before you die straight or whatever they say on TV


Hydrate or Die Straight!

wait fuck its an actual thing? i was just using words recreationally. please where can i get it i need it ???

It's a phrase friends and I will shout at each other during artist ally to remind each other to drink water. We do it often enough I designed a sticker for it. You can snag one from the Fabric Treasury website HERE if you would like

im glad there are others like me, some even managing to pursue art despite the weight of the world. thank you for this glimpse into a better timeline

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