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In the mid seventeenth century there was a revolution in Western high cuisine, particularly French high cuisine. Why?  I argue that it resulted from a change in the theory of nutrition and digestion.
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceFood HistoryCulinary History
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      Food HistoryHistory Of Food ConsumptionCulinary HistoryHistory of Food
A cultural history of food from the Palaeolithic Age to modern times / Paleolitik Çağı'ndan Osmanlı dönemi sonuna kadar Anadolu odaklı yemek tarihi
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      Ottoman HistoryGlobalizationFoodways (Anthropology)Gastronomy
Arkeolojik, Arkeobotanik, Tarihsel ve Etimolojik Veriler Işığında Tarım ve Beslenmenin Kültür Tarihi
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyCulinary HistoryArkeoloji
Arkeolojik, Arkeometrik, Dilsel, Tarihsel ve Etnolojik Veriler Işığında Anadolu Mutfak Kültürü'nün Kökenleri
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      ArchaeologyArchaeometryCulinary HistoryCulinary Culture
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      Victorian StudiesBritish HistoryAnthropology of FoodFood History
Ga onmiddellijk naar paginanavigatie. As of July 1st 2010, only records submitted with full text will be accepted in the academic bibliography. more info. Error: You do not have the rights to download this document. Paginanavigatie. ...
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      Historical LinguisticsBantu LinguisticsAfrican HistoryFood History
"Food knowledge in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages: between culinary practice and food hygiene": How is food knowledge spread in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages? This is the purpose of this article. At that time, Paris was already... more
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      HistoryFrench HistoryMedieval HistoryFrench Studies
Review of Jin Feng, Tasting paradise on earth: Jiangnan foodways (University of Washington 2019) and Guo Huiling 郭慧玲, 美味与权力: 一个华北村庄70年饮食生活变迁 [Taste and Power: 70 years of culinary transition in a north Chinese village] (China Economic... more
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      HistoryEthnographyChinese StudiesFood and Nutrition
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      Food HistoryCulinary History
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      Culinary HistoryWineAncient Rome
The essays presented in Not just Porridge address both the scholar and the bold, adventurous cook. They offer the crumbs of what might be found in great and famous works of literature. Concocted in Italy by scholars of English and sifted... more
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      English LiteratureCulinary HistoryCulinary ArtsCookery
Anderson House at 42 Powers Court, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, is a familiar sight for those going up and down Signal Hill. The building was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and... more
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      Canadian HistoryCulinary HistoryTemperance MovementsNewfoundland and Labrador
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      Material Culture StudiesPopular CultureFood HistoryCulinary History
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      Medieval HistoryFood HistoryCulinary History
"Nous gardons tous au fond d’un tiroir un menu qui nous rappelle l’heureux souvenir d’un repas convivial. Mais que savons-nous vraiment du menu ? De sa genèse, de son histoire, et de son apport à la société ? Des premiers menus du Moyen... more
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      HistoryFrench HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      Irish StudiesGastronomySociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of Food
Petits Propos Culinaires 104, Prospect Books, 2015
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      HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval StudiesFood History
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      Medieval HistoryFood HistoryCulinary HistoryMedieval spices
This paper examines chocolate use in nineteenth century America, focusing on three main areas: food, drink, and medicine. It pays special attention to chocolate use during the Civil War, which remained constant despite the lack of food... more
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      American HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of MedicinePublic History
Über das Buch: Vorbeugen ist besser als heilen – unter diesem Motto lässt sich die Bedeutung der Gesundheitsvorsorge in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit zusammenfassen. 16 Fachbeiträge von international angesehenen Wissenschaftler/innen... more
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      History of MedicineCulinary HistoryMiddle Ages
"Rachel Laudan tells the remarkable story of the rise and fall of the world’s great cuisines—from the mastery of grain cooking some twenty thousand years ago, to the present—in this superbly researched book. Probing beneath the apparent... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyTransnationalismWorld HistoryFood History
This is the story of my late father, Chef Gilberto Smith-Duquesne and his very unique experience in Hirohito’s Japan. After the 1959 revolution, my father recalled Fidel Castro being interested in Japanese cinema (Samurai films) and in... more
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      Japanese StudiesLatin American StudiesJapanese Language And CultureCuban Studies
Throws new light on modernity and postmodernity by contrasting the cookery books of two New Zealanders: Aunt Daisy publishing in the middle and Lois Daish at the end of the twentieth-century. Daisy cooked peas for 20 minutes and Daish as... more
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      New Zealand StudiesSociology of Food and EatingCulinary HistoryFood Studies
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      JournalismFood HistoryGenderJournalism History
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      Food and NutritionCulinary History
This paper argues, contrary to recent law review suggestions, that dishes-- the edible product of the written recipe-- should not be protected under copyright laws. The truly novel dish could be patented, if the inventor wished to claim... more
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      Intellectual Property LawCulinary History
כיצד זכו החומוס, העמבה והשקשוקה למעמדם בחברה הישראלית? מתי ולמה הפכו מאכלים ערביים למסמן של "ישראליות"? האם ניכוס ישראלי של מאכלים מן הרפרטואר הערבי הוא קולוניאליזם? ומדוע המטבח הישראלי מקפיד לשמור מרחק ממורשתו היהודית המזרח-אירופית?... more
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineFood and NutritionCulinary History
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      Culinary HistoryCulinary CultureBithynia(Mariandiny section) and Paphlagonia/ Between Heraclea Pontica and AmastrisPaphlagonia
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      Culinary HistoryLanguage contactAustriacism
The Egg Tree in America explores the origins, mythology, and class associations of egg trees in America. Although they now form innocent, middle class, and largely secular diversions at Easter, egg trees historically were mired in... more
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    • Culinary History
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      Art HistoryCulinary History
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    • Culinary History
"Des premiers recueils de recettes du Moyen Âge aux discours des grands gastronomes qui font et défont les réputations, Patrick Rambourg raconte comment la cuisine française a conquis ses lettres de noblesse. Côté fourneaux, il montre que... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryFrench HistoryMedieval History
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      JournalismFood HistoryJournalism HistoryCulinary History
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    • Culinary History
In this article, I critique the historical narratives surrounding the consumption of Australian native foods by European settlers. I argue that culinary historians and other commentators present the contemporary consumption of native... more
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      HistoryIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesPostcolonial Studies
What do deep fried mars bars, cod, and Bulgarian yogurt have in common? Each have become symbolic foods with specific connotations, located to a very specific place and country. This book explores the role of food in society as a means... more
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      NationalismFood HistoryNational IdentityCulinary History
Mrs W.E. Kinsey's "The 'Mems' Own Cookery Book" published in 1920 gives insights to the conditions of colonial cooking in Malaya, explores the state of colonial meals and the skills of local cooks, and provides insights to adaptations of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesFoodways (Anthropology)Gastronomy
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      FolkloreForensic ScienceMedieval German LiteratureMedieval Studies
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      Gender StudiesAnthropology of FoodGenderCulinary History
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      Cultural HistoryOttoman HistoryGastronomyCultural Heritage
I argue that the dramatic change in French (and north European) cuisine in the mid 17th century followed from a change in chemical theory inspired by the search for a Protestant chemisty.
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceFood HistoryCulinary History
An overview of difficulties that Chinese faced in operating restaurants starting with the initial disdain and contempt for Chinese food. Racial discrimination, legal problems, financial issues, and competition were obstacles that blocked... more
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      American HistoryChinese American historyCulinary History
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      Cultural HistoryGastronomyHistory of CuisineCulinary History
AMERICAN PEPPER, INDIAN CURRY AND HUNGARIAN PAPRIKA: LOCAL AND GLOBAL FIGURATIONS IN THE SOCIAL HISTORY OF CULINARY TASTE. The overall diffusion of foodstuffs, dishes and cooking styles of foreign origin, which are partially or entirely... more
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      Cultural HistorySociology of CultureHistorical SociologyFoodways (Anthropology)
Recent scholarship on John Stuart Mill has illuminated his arguments about the normative legitimacy of imperial rule. However, it has tended to ignore or downplay his extensive writings on settler colonialism: the attempt to create... more
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      British LiteratureHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      Medieval HistoryRenaissance HumanismFood HistoryCarolingian Studies
This chapter examines the Mediterranean Diet through the framework of a Barthesian modern mythology, deconstructing the history and process it underwent in becoming a groupthink panacea, selling anything from cosmetics to dog food.
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFoodways (Anthropology)Italian StudiesSociology of Food and Eating