SN 2005E

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SN 2005E
Event type Supernova   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
SN.Ib/c  OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
Constellation Cetus   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
Other designationsSN 2005E

SN 2005E (aka 2005-1032) was a calcium-rich supernova first observed in January 2005 that scientists concluded was a new type of cosmic explosion. [1] The explosion originated in the galaxy NGC 1032, approximately 100 million light years away. [2] [3]


Location: 02h 39m 14.34s+01° 05 55.0 (Epoch J2000)

Research and Conclusions

On May 19, 2010, a team of astronomers released a report on the discoveries made in their research of SN 2005E. The articles were published in the British journal Nature . [4]

The researchers have determined that the blast emitted a large amount of calcium and titanium, which is evidence of a nuclear reaction involving helium, instead of the carbon and oxygen that is characteristic of Type Ia supernovae.

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Ken'ichi Nomoto is a Japanese astrophysicist and astronomer, known for his research on stellar evolution, supernovae, and the origin of heavy elements.


  1. Marlowe Hood: "Blast from the past: a new type of exploding star" in Yahoo! News, May 19, 2010, 5:04 PM ET.
  2. "SN 2005E" in Astrosurf - Portail d'Astronomie des astronomes amateurs francophones (French)
  3. Stephen Battersby: "Quirky supernova could be something new", New Scientist , 19 June 2009.
  4. Perets, H. B.; Gal-Yam, A.; Mazzali, P. A.; Arnett, D.; Kagan, D.; Filippenko, A. V.; Li, W.; Arcavi, I.; Cenko, S. B.; Fox, D. B.; Leonard, D. C.; Moon, D.-S.; Sand, D. J.; Soderberg, A. M.; Anderson, J. P.; James, P. A.; Foley, R. J.; Ganeshalingam, M.; Ofek, E. O.; Bildsten, L.; Nelemans, G.; Shen, K. J.; Weinberg, N. N.; Metzger, B. D.; Piro, A. L.; Quataert, E.; Kiewe, M.; Poznanski, D. (2010). "A faint type of supernova from a white dwarf with a helium-rich companion". Nature. 465 (7296): 322–325. arXiv: 0906.2003 . Bibcode:2010Natur.465..322P. doi:10.1038/nature09056. PMID   20485429. S2CID   4368207.