Business administration and support services

  • Don’t Assume the Shoe Fits

    Corporate social responsibility Magazine Article
    Most businesspeople will serve on the board of a nonprofit organization at some point. But the governance of nonprofits can differ dramatically from the governance of businesses. Even the best intentions can prove disastrous when new board members fail to understand that their traditional business experience can carry them only so far.
  • Change Through Persuasion

    Business communication Magazine Article
    Leaders can make change happen only if they have a coherent strategy for persuasion. The impressive turnaround at a world-renowned teaching hospital shows how to plan a change campaign—and carry it out.
  • From Spare Change to Real Change: The Social Sector as Beta Site for Business Innovation

    Economics Magazine Article
    Traditionally, business viewed the social sector as a dumping ground for spare cash, obsolete equipment, and tired executives. But today smart companies are approaching it as a learning laboratory.
  • Effective Public Management

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    Political scientists, legislators, educators, business executives, lawyers, consumerists—practically everyone, it sometimes seems—is calling for better public management. For businessmen, the need is especially important because they feel surrounded by government institutions with which they are legally required to interact. But enthusiasm for good government is one thing; understanding the nature of it, to say nothing […]
  • The Shakedown

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    A young American businessman in a developing country discovers that nothing gets done unless palms are greased. Should he play the game by his personal ethics—or the local rules?
  • Jimmy Carter: The Statesman as CEO

    Leadership Magazine Article
    This is the fourth in HBR’s series of interviews with some of the world’s recognized leaders—individuals who have led not a company but a country. Each leader illuminates something different about the subject of leadership: the quality of thinking, the sense of responsibility, the style of management. The qualities of the individuals vary, in part […]
  • Profits with a Purpose: An Interview with Tom Chapman

    Public relations Magazine Article
    Greatest Southeast Community Hospital is a 494-bed acute care facility located in southeast Washington, D.C. With revenues of $145 million and 2,650 employees, it is both the largest private employer and the only medical facility in a troubled and isolated community called Anacostia. Nearly a quarter of the area’s residents live below the poverty line, […]
  • Eclipse of the Public Corporation

    IPOs Magazine Article
    New organizations are emerging in its place—organizations that are corporate in form but have no public shareholders and are not listed or traded on organized exchanges. These organizations use public and private debt, rather than public equity, as their major source of capital. Their primary owners are not households but large institutions and entrepreneurs that […]
  • Learning the Tricks of the Trade

    Business communication Magazine Article
    Every industry and profession has its own vocabulary: words that describe technologies, processes, and materials. These can sound exotic to the uninitiated, but they’re critical to doing the job. Individual companies sometimes have their own custom-tailored definitions. As people move from firm to firm, they must master new terms and new meanings—or fail to assimilate. […]
  • The Wisdom of Deliberate Mistakes

    Market research Magazine Article
    We all know we can learn from our mistakes. So why not go out and make some? Here’s a systematic way to make carefully planned mistakes that pay off.
  • Let’s Stop Eating Our Seed Corn

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    Because of the prevailing gloom in current economic headlines, it is easy to forget that these same headlines portrayed 1979 as a year of record corporate profitability. And once a recovery gets under way, it should not be long before we are deluged by another flood of optimism. But the optimism will be misplaced. Inflation […]
  • The Globe: How French Innovators Are Putting the “Social” Back in Social Networking

    Public relations Magazine Article
    Connecting with your best customers doesn’t have to involve Twitter or Facebook.
  • The Revitalization of Everything: The Law of the Microcosm

    Entrepreneurship Magazine Article
    From Ronald Reagan’s White House to the centers of French socialism, from the speeches of Democratic liberals to the pages of Britain’s Economist, one assumption about U.S. technology has long held firm: a key American asset is the startup culture of Silicon Valley and similar centers of entrepreneurship. In the late 1980s, however, the heralds […]
  • Who Supplied the Supply Side?

    Economics Magazine Article
    The Power of the Financial Press: Journalism and Economic Opinion in Britain and America, Wayne Parsons (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1990), 300 pages, $24.95. The Growth Experiment: How the New Tax Policy Is Transforming the U.S. Economy, Lawrence B. Lindsey (New York: Basic Books, 1990), 288 pages, $21.95. In 1944, an Australian taxi […]
  • Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers

    Customer experience Magazine Article
    To really win their loyalty, forget the bells and whistles and just solve their problems.
  • How to Implement a New Strategy Without Disrupting Your Organization

    Change management Magazine Article
    Strategic dreams often turn into nightmares if companies start engaging in expensive and distracting restructurings. It’s far more effective to choose a design that works reasonably well, then develop a strategic system to tune the structure to the strategy.
  • Electric Utilities: The Argument for Radical Deregulation

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    One man’s plan for blasting open the electricity market.
  • U.S. Industrial Policy: Inevitable and Ineffective

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    With the 1992 presidential election, the United States will close an important chapter in a ten-year political debate. No matter how sharp the disagreements among the candidates or who ultimately wins the election, one outcome at least is certain: in the next administration, the United States will have some kind of national industrial policy. Throughout […]
  • The Tourism Time Bomb

    Marketing Magazine Article
    International travel is no longer the exclusive province of the rich. Over the next several decades, hundreds of millions of new entrants to the middle class will want not only the things—but also the experiences—that money can buy. Indian call-center employees, Russian petrochemical engineers, Chinese middle managers, and Brazilian salespeople are already scouring the web […]
  • Who Is Them?

    Global strategy Magazine Article
    “We” are seated at a negotiating table. “They” are seated across from us. The outcome of these talks will shape America’s future competitiveness and economic well-being. But “us” is not necessarily companies based in the United States. “Them” is not foreign nations. Rather, us is the people—most prominently, the work force—of the United States. And […]
  • Don’t Assume the Shoe Fits

    Corporate social responsibility Magazine Article
    Most businesspeople will serve on the board of a nonprofit organization at some point. But the governance of nonprofits can differ dramatically from the governance of businesses. Even the best intentions can prove disastrous when new board members fail to understand that their traditional business experience can carry them only so far.
  • Change Through Persuasion

    Business communication Magazine Article
    Leaders can make change happen only if they have a coherent strategy for persuasion. The impressive turnaround at a world-renowned teaching hospital shows how to plan a change campaign—and carry it out.
  • Propais: Striving for the Future of Micro-Franchising in Colombia

    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study
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    Propais is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 in Bogota by the public and private sectors and supported by 76 partner organizations. In October...
  • From Spare Change to Real Change: The Social Sector as Beta Site for Business Innovation

    Economics Magazine Article
    Traditionally, business viewed the social sector as a dumping ground for spare cash, obsolete equipment, and tired executives. But today smart companies are approaching it as a learning laboratory.
  • Effective Public Management

    Strategic planning Magazine Article
    Political scientists, legislators, educators, business executives, lawyers, consumerists—practically everyone, it sometimes seems—is calling for better public management. For businessmen, the need is especially important because they feel surrounded by government institutions with which they are legally required to interact. But enthusiasm for good government is one thing; understanding the nature of it, to say nothing […]
  • The Shakedown

    Government policy and regulation Magazine Article
    A young American businessman in a developing country discovers that nothing gets done unless palms are greased. Should he play the game by his personal ethics—or the local rules?
  • Can't Fill Jobs? Deconstruct Them

    Technology & Operations Digital Article
    Organizations are facing a labor supply problem as they compete for skilled workers, but they can reframe the issue on the demand side. How? By deconstructing...
  • Jimmy Carter: The Statesman as CEO

    Leadership Magazine Article
    This is the fourth in HBR’s series of interviews with some of the world’s recognized leaders—individuals who have led not a company but a country. Each leader illuminates something different about the subject of leadership: the quality of thinking, the sense of responsibility, the style of management. The qualities of the individuals vary, in part […]
  • Profits with a Purpose: An Interview with Tom Chapman

    Public relations Magazine Article
    Greatest Southeast Community Hospital is a 494-bed acute care facility located in southeast Washington, D.C. With revenues of $145 million and 2,650 employees, it is both the largest private employer and the only medical facility in a troubled and isolated community called Anacostia. Nearly a quarter of the area’s residents live below the poverty line, […]
  • VITAL: A Singapore Public Agency Transforming from Within for Revitalisation, Efficiency, and Future-Readiness

    Management Case Study
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    Singapore public agency VITAL offered corporate shared services including human resources (HR), payroll, and finance to agencies across the Singapore...