Central European Business Review, 2023 (vol. 12), issue 5


Critical Factors Influencing Firms' Risk-Taking Behaviour: CEO Characteristics and the Moderating Role of the Audit Committee

Benedict Valentine Arulanandam, Christo Selvan, Goh Xin Tong

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):1-41 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.337  

This paper aims to explore the effects of chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics on managerial risk-taking behaviour and the moderating impact of audit committee (AC) ownership and ethnicity in this relationship. The underlining theory employed in this study is the upper echelons theory (UET). Data were hand-collected from annual reports of the top 100 Malaysian PLCs over 2015-2020 and were analysed through multiple regression analysis and Hayes’ process moderation analysis. The findings suggest that CEO age negatively affects risk-taking. The results, however, do not support the use of CEO tenure and gender as proxies for managerial risk-taking...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Supply Chain Resilience: Conceptualization and Scale Development

Aziz Barhmi, Omar Hajaji

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):43-69 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.338  

This research aims, through a multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary approach, to identify the key dimensions as well as the scale of measurement of enterprise supply chain resilience for an in-depth understanding of the concept. This is among the first empirical studies examining the key dimensions and appropriate measurement scale of enterprise supply chain resilience to address disruptions induced by unavoidable risk events. A detailed literature review is conducted to identify the dimensions of the construct under study. Then, a measurement instrument is developed from a set of items. The questionnaire is purified through a pretest, a pilot test,...

Agri–Entrepreneurship: Measurement and Evaluation of Intellectual Capital Potential

Jadranka De�e, Tihana Sudari�, Ljubica Ranogajec

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):71-92 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.339  

In Central and Eastern European (CEE) business conditions, intellectual capital is becoming increasingly important as a form of intangible rather than tangible capital. The aim of this study is to determine the structure of intellectual capital, identify determinants and evaluate their values for agri-entrepreneurship development. Thereby, potentials are identified and strategic guidelines are created. The research methodology is based on a measurement and evaluation process using calculations of importance weights and ratings and values of all attributes and determinants. It is recognized as human, structural and consumer capital with different attributes...

Effective Domestic Tourism Advertising Layout: Lithuanian Perspective

Viktorija Grigaliūnaitė, Lina Pilelienė

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):93-116 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.340  

The issue of advertising is widely analysed in relevant literature; however, the emphasis is mainly on its commercial part. Advertising-related aspects in regard to domestic tourist behaviour still lack scholars’ attention. Therefore, outdoor advertising and its possibilities of attracting domestic tourists are under-assessed. The purpose of the study is to determine the effective advertising layouts to be used in static outdoor domestic tourism advertisements. Accordingly, this study contributes to the literature by analysing the peculiarities of static outdoor advertising layouts and determining the most effective compositions of its creative...

How to Enable Trust While Transforming Teamwork from a Face-to-Face to a Virtual Environment in the Context of COVID-19

Ina Kern, Philip Emmerich, Anna L�bbe

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):117-149 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.341  

The coronavirus pandemic was one of the greatest global challenges in history – primarily as a health issue, but also as an economic challenge. The need to control the pandemic has led to a significant shift towards virtual collaboration, which has also exposed the lack of preparedness of most German companies for the abrupt virtualization of teamwork. This raises the question of approaches to the implementation and design of virtual collaboration in practice. This paper reviews and extends the current state of research into virtual collaboration by interviewing experts in the IT consulting industry, considering the challenges in the context...

Firm Size Distribution in the Central European Context

Petra �tamfestov�, Luk� Sob��ek, Ji�� Hnilica

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):151-175 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.345  

This article analyses the distribution of firms by size in six selected countries in 2012 and 2017. Estimates are always made for the whole economy and two subgroups of firms. We compare the Visegrad Four countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) with similar economic activities and two neighbouring economically more developed countries (Germany and Austria). As the main objective of the article, we describe the distribution of firms by verifying the validity of Zipf's law in selected economies and their sectors. The results confirm the positively skewed distribution of company sizes measured by sales revenues, but Zipf's law does not...

Shaping Farm Workers' Political Trust: The Moderating Role of Misinformation Exposure

Stefanie Berg, Jindrich Spicka

Central European Business Review 2023, 12(5):177-199 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.357  

Political trust is an important indicator for evaluating relations between politicians and stakeholders. In agriculture, political trust has not been researched in depth, although agriculture is highly regulated by policies related to access to resources. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by answering the question of the role of institutionalized and non-institutionalized social communication in shaping farm workers' political trust. The multiple regression on a sample of 1,016 farm workers from the Europe-wide 2020 European Social Survey yields new insights. A key finding is the moderating effect of the opinion that online communication channels...