Central European Business Review, 2020 (vol. 9), issue 5


CAT Model for Complex Evaluation of Organisational Maturity in Small and Medium Enterprises

Jaroslav Hrad�lek

Central European Business Review 2020, 9(5):1-23 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.248  

This paper deals with the need to complexly evaluate maturity, management, stakeholder relationship and resources utilisation of an organisation. It searches for an assessment tool independent on time and industry contexts. The research was conducted in two phases. The literature review on a set of existing performance models did not find any suitable tool. Based on that, a new performance model was created to assess the maturity of an organisation, focusing on soft factors like its leadership, processes and culture. It had been tested using structured interviews with managers in Czech, Slovak, German and Chinese companies. The model is based on a...

The Perception of Business Risks by SMEs in the Czech Republic

J�n Dvorsk�, �udmila Kozub�kov�, Barbora Bacov�

Central European Business Review 2020, 9(5):25-44 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.250  

This article aims to find out which business risks determine the perception of the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the future. 454 SMEs from the Czech Republic participated in the case study by filling in an online questionnaire. Linear regression models were used to verify statistically significant causal relationships between selected indicators of business risks and respondents' perception of the future of business. The results show that selected indicators of the market, financial, personnel, legal and operational risk determine the perceived future of business. Strategic risk indicators do not significantly...

Are There Any Economic Impacts of Business R&D Support? The Case of the Czech Republic

Tom� Ratinger, Vladislav �adil, Sylvester Amoako Agyemang

Central European Business Review 2020, 9(5):45-62 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.251  

Evaluation of the economic impact of public research and development (R&D) support has become an integral part of the policymaking process. The paper examines the economic effects of the Czech programme TIP supporting R&D in private companies in the recent decade and aspires to contribute to the debate on quantitative methods for assessing outputs additionality of public R&D programmes. The analysis is based on the counter-factual econometric approach, because an appropriate control group could not be found among the unsupported companies, a so-called generalized propensity score matching (GPSM) was used. Two data sources were used: monitoring...

Clustering of Millennials by Brand Perceptions in Relation to Demographic Factors

Veronika Bracin�kov�, Kate�ina Matu��nsk�

Central European Business Review 2020, 9(5):63-80 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.253  

The corporate brand represents a global set of perceptions of the unique functional and emotional attributes associated with it. These are the result of interactions of all the impressions, experiences, feelings and knowledge of all participating sides based on the products of the company, management style, and the planned or unscheduled communication activities. The study aims to describe Czech Millennials using demographic criteria in relation to their brand perception. The questionnaire was used as the research technique for gaining the primary data. The respondents were questioned about their opinions and perceptions of many issues such as attitudes...

COVID-19 and Central European Tourism: The Competitiveness of Slovak Tourist Guides

Martin Gran�ay

Central European Business Review 2020, 9(5):81-98 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.259  

When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in the Central European region in March 2020, one of the hardest-hit economic sectors was the tourism industry which virtually came to a complete standstill. The present paper uses licensed tourist guides from Slovakia as a case study of how significant the financial impact of the crisis was and what effect it might have on the future competitiveness of the industry, as perceived by the tourist guides themselves. The research is based on a questionnaire which was distributed among licensed tourist guides in Slovakia in July 2020. It is shown that the guiding income of more than four-fifths of the respondents decreased...