Central European Business Review, 2018 (vol. 7), issue 4


The Relationship Between Tourism Experience Co-Creation, Life Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions

Dina Lon�ari�, Marina Peri�i� Prodan, Lidija Bagari�

Central European Business Review 2018, 7(4):1-14 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.203  

This paper contributes to the debate about the relationships among tourism experience co-creation, satisfaction with vacation experience, satisfaction with the impact of vacation on overall life, life satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of tourist engagement in the co-creation of the vacation experience and the impact of satisfaction with that experience on life satisfaction and behavioral intentions. A survey was conducted on a convenience sample of 263 international tourists who visited several tourist destinations in Croatia. To test the proposed model, partial least squares structural...

Hedonic and Utilitarian Drivers of Customer Engagement

Katarzyna �yminkowska

Central European Business Review 2018, 7(4):15-33 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.204  

Although the notion of customer engagement has been an important topic of ongoing discussion in marketing academia and business practice, still little is known on the impact of customer value that comprises of hedonic and utilitarian dimensions, on customer behavioral manifestations toward the brands or firms that goes beyond purchase. The main purpose of this study is to examine whether and how hedonic and utilitarian dimensions of customer value impact customer engagement across distinct consumer markets. Based on the computer-assisted web interviews with 1,559 consumers in the age of 15-64, descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling...

How Do Agricultural Biogas Investments Affect Czech Farms?

Jind�ich �pi�ka

Central European Business Review 2018, 7(4):34-60 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.205  

The article aims to evaluate the impacts of strategic investments in biogas plants on the economic sustainability and vulnerability of farms with a special focus on investment subsidies. Data spanning 148 farms from the Czech Republic over a thirteen-year period (2004-2016) are used to estimate random effects panel regression models to quantify the short-term and long-term economic sustainability and vulnerability of integrated energy production in the context of mixed type farming. Investments in biogas plants can negatively affect the viability of agricultural companies in the short term because farms which invest in biogas suffer from debt pressures...

An Overview of German Centers of Corporate Dominance and Motives for Corporate Headquarters Relocation

Ladislav Tyll, Mohit Srivastava, Flori�n Brezina

Central European Business Review 2018, 7(4):61-79 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.206  

The purpose of this paper is to identify the centers of corporate dominance in Germany, and the main drivers of recent headquarter relocations within the country. The analysis is based on a literature review, a database comprising the 10,000 most significant companies in Germany and additional research for qualitative input to support the interpretation of the findings. The findings show that corporate dominance in Germany is decentralized. Centers with relative corporate dominance tend to host a higher proportion of public limited companies. These public limited companies had a turnover of over one billion Euros, and most of these companies were founded...