Central European Business Review, 2015 (vol. 4), issue 3



Ond�ej Machek

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):3 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.127  


Comparison of Customer Attitudes towards Loyalty Programs in Prague and in London

Radek Tahal

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):5-12 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.128  

Loyalty programs rank among the most important marketing tools used for motivating customers in repeated purchases. The history is more than a hundred years old and there are many interesting points in the development. At present, programs can be built on the basis of various algorithms. In any case, it is necessary to develop such programs that are positively accepted by customers, viewed as useful, creating emotional ties to a retailer or to a brand. This study is based on primary data collected in the Czech Republic and in Great Britain, and it aims at two research targets. The first is to compare customers' preferences in choosing loyalty programs...

Shared Value and Its Regional and Industrial Reflection in Corporate Projects

Zuzana K�e�kov� Kroupov�

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):13-22 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.129  

The article analyzes Shared Value (CSV) implemented projects by regions, social issues, and industries that are involved in pursuing the CSV concept. Project preferences by region show South America, Central America and Caribbean, Global scope and Africa as key targets of CSV projects, followed by North America and Asia. Europe, both Western and Eastern, is at the edge of interest with only several projects implemented. Project preferences by industry clearly show that companies capitalize on their strengths and professional focus. Analyzed Shared Value projects proved simultaneous value to a wide range of corporate stakeholders by creating new products...

Market Entry Strategies of Passenger Carmakers - The Case Study of the Czech Republic

Hana Machkov�, Paul-Marc Collin

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):23-34 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.130  

In 2014, the Czech automotive industry had a record-breaking year with 1 278 000 motor vehicles manufactured. This was a result of the investment of three major carmakers, who entered into the Czech Republic, because they believed in the industrial capacity of the country and its strategic location in Central Europe. The goal of this article is to analyze the different entry strategies into the Czech market and to compare the results of different strategic approaches for both foreign private investors and the recipient country. The main research method used in this article is a case study. In our case studies, we will analyze the cases of the Volkswagen...

The Emerging Role of Mindfulness Research in the Workplace and its Challenges

Marek Vich

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):35-47 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.131  

This paper focuses on the current state of art in mindfulness research on workplace and identifies some of the necessary steps and risks in the creation of mindful leadership theory. Mindfulness has the potential to effectively address three topical organizational challenges of growing demands on adaptability, prevailing issues of work-related stress and the necessity to raise the moral level in organizations. Current studies seem to suitably respond to the issues of work-related stress; however, the challenges of adaptability and morality so far lack appropriate empirical validation. Lack of empirical support is also noticeable in the case of mindful...

Finding the Link between CSR Reporting and Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence on Czech and Estonian Listed Companies

Ji�� Strouhal, Natalja Gurvit�, Monika Nikitina-Kalam�e, Emilia Startseva

Central European Business Review 2015, 4(3):48-59 | DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.132  

Despite the fact that obligations to publish reports on corporate social responsibility will come into force in the European Union from 2018, an increasing number of companies are starting to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy into their everyday business practices, and as a result the information of this activity is disclosed in CSR reports or within annual reports. As the disclosure of such information is currently voluntarily based, we believe that the growing popularity of CSR leads to a direct link between the sustainability of the company and its financial performance. The purpose of this paper is therefore to determine the...