
Ailith Night


Just me and my blog, if anyone cares to know. His name is Nubbles. Non-binary- They/them

I love a character raised to be a weapon as much as the next guy. But what really gets me is a character raised to be a shield. Who can’t fathom being needed—or even being wanted— beyond keeping others safe. Who believe they are alive only to insure someone doesn’t die. no matter the cost. Characters who self-sacrifice not because they think they deserve it, but because no one else does deserve it, and it’s their job to protect.

Characters who’ve been told that’s why your important. Your worth something because this other person/ thing is important, and you are here solely to keep them safe.

Bonus points if it’s not a legitimate job they’ve been given. Maybe at one point it was, but now that they are free from it, they haven’t given up that mentality. No one is forcing or asking them to do this, but they need to. They need to in order to be deserving.


AU where Sam was livestreaming Danny's portal incident.

And the camera died a few seconds after the portal turned on, but before Danny crawled out as a halfa.

The A-Listers had been watching out of boredom.

Every single one of them got to hear Fenton scream as he died burning from the electricity.


So, in this version would everyone know he's a ghost and the big secret is he's also alive?

Obviously he continues to go about his normal life and everyone else just tries to pretend everything is okay and normal and not traumatizing even though they have the ghost of their classmate taking their math test two seats away.

Would they all know he's Phantom or is Danny still going about his life as "the ghost of Fenton" and keeping his two forms thing secret?

Ooh! What if Danny goes about his normal life as Phantom and turns a masked up tech armed Fenton into his herosona? What would he call himself? Hunter? Reaper?

Anonymous asked:

Dan opens a bar in Gotham and he has a rule, no bats and no Joker. He serves regular people, metas, and Rouges. He makes an acceptance to the rule for Red Hood after the vigilante rescued him from a mugger and he was a little in love with him. Jason suddenly has a new favorite bar mainly because he both likes the calming atmosphere and for some reason the place makes the pits quiet


Nightwing: Why does he get to go in?!

Dan: I like his *guns*. Now it's karaoke night. Leave.


A few hours later.

Nightwing: Wait... Was he talking about the actual guns, or Little Wings muscles...

Dick explaining the conversation to Tim, suddenly hit by confusion and asks. They state at each other. And this the above happens. Dick sounds amused, Tim sounds tired.

Jason probably keeps going back and trying to flirt with Dan. And it's going. Dan finds him cute. But he doesn't want to date him till his Ecto is unfucked. He can't be sure Hood wants him. And not the peace his clean Ecto brings. So he's just gonna wait for that to happen. Then take him on a date.


But can they come in if they aren't in mask?

Like, if Dick wants to take Jason to his favorite bar for some nice brotherly bonding, would Dan allow it? Or turn him away at the door because, "You know why."


Scenario: a sample of your DNA was taken, popped into a cell, and cloned into a baby, gestated in a sci-fi artificial womb vat. The first time you or anyone in your family meets this baby is after it has already been born out of said vat. You can hold the newborn if you want, it's up to you, but it is a living breathing baby that was cloned from your DNA and is genetically identical to you.

I love clone philosophy. Give me all your philosophy of clones


It’s basically impossible to distinguish between Ectoranium and Kryptonite with eyesight alone. It leads to lots of confusion.

For instance, Valerie was a new hire as a guard for a concert venue in Metropolis. She always kept some ectoranium on her just in case Ember tries to mind control any concert goers. Lucky for her, she has yet to bump into Ember. Unlucky for Clark who was at the concert to interview the band members for the Daily Planet, the effects of kryptonite have made him nauseous and off his game during the entire concert. It didn’t at all help that the security guard who carried him out of the concert hall to medical services was Valerie.

The biggest incident that made Superman and Lex Luthor aware of ectoranium was when Lex’s new shipment of Kryptonite crystals had no effect on Superman during their battle. Enraged, he contacts the seller to demand his money back. The seller, who also assumed the glowing green radiated rock was kryptonite, is equally as confused.


Batman testing whether something is ectoranium or not. He invites a super and Phantom to a meeting. Whoever faints determines what it is.


I wonder if it would be possible to make some kind of kryptonite-ectoranium alloy.

I know kryptonite is supposed to be crystalline, and of ectoranium is so similar it's hard to tell them apart, I'd imagine the ectoranium is crystalline too.

I just don't know enough about chemical/material engineering to guess if it's possible to create an alloy with 2 crystals. Or maybe if the could be ground up, melted down, and solidified into a kind of glass.

If something like that does make sense to work, it seems likely that one group or another will try to buy up the 'glowing green space rocks' from any source they can find. Either unknowing or uncaring that not all of those rocks were the specific kind they wanted. Then combine it all into one giant hunk of material to use against their target.

Ghost Beauty Standards

So what if ghosts have their own scale for beauty?

Waxy pale skin, half-lidded eyes, empty eyes, colorless lips, ashen complexion, and sunken cheeks.

These are considered the most attractive features of a ghost without the extra bells and whistles.

Tim did not know this when he sat at his desk after pulling a week straight of sleepless case-solving and his desk neighbor was staring at him.

Danny had never seen anyone more beautiful until he noticed Tim. He looked like he could drop dead at any moment. Did he even drink water? Eating?

Those beautiful glassy vacant eyes made Danny blush. He couldn't take his eyes off him.

When class ended Tim sat up Danny heard his back crack from his still position. Thoughts of rigor mortis filled his head and the sound of popping bones was almost a turn-on. Danny didn't even know what that said about him.

Danny had to consider what to do next to tame his feelings. He could stop his attraction by helping his classmate improve his health. Or he could satisfy his urges by courting him.

"He's just so pale and gaunt. Like a sickly Victorian." Danny whispered under his breath.

"Aww, baby pop has a crush~" Ember giggled affectionately nudging the body.

"You need to work quickly welp. Do not waste time lest a challenger come and steal your prize." Skulker blustered.

"But how! I can barely talk to him. Last time i just kept looking into his sunken eyes like an idiot." Danny disparaged feeling like girl with her first celebrity crush.

"Its simple. Kidnap him and make him your bride by force!" Frostbite growled.

"Frosty no, that's so old fashioned. These boys are still young." Ember countered. "You should serenade him."

"Don't forget gifts. Flowers and herbs to burn. Don't forget crystals, incense , and wine." Desiree joined in. "Of course, gold coins."

All the ghosts nodded in agreement coins were very important for any courting.

"Don't forget food, dearie. Sugar skulls are always a good idea, but sweet pastries and fruit are just as good. Spring water and quality coffee go a long way." Lunch lady said dropping off a plate of food for everyone before going back to the castle kitchen.

The next day Danny brought in a thermos of consecrated water from the north pole and pomegranate seeds he had harvested from the palace gardens.

Tim was confused but he took the offerings. Danny was elated and practically bursting with joy. They were courting now. Tim even offered him cookies that Alfred had made.

Danny continued to bring Time new gifts every day. All the while Tim was unaware of what he was agreeing to.

Tim once got Danny a coffee and watched the teen absolutely melt. Tim thought they were good friends and Danny was worried about his health.

Danny is taking all of the advice he can get, and Tim is returning the gestures! But the other ghosts aren't sure if this is gonna last because they still haven't met this 'gorgeous I swear, his skin looks like it's only gotten a collective 15 minutes of sunlight in the last 16 years!' person yet.

They send Kitty, Shadow, and Johnny to snoop.

Shadow is hiss-giggling into Kitty's back as she explains "he's actually gorgeous. Like, I literally thought he was a corpse for a minute. Danny better not screw this up because there is no way he is getting another date that hot again."

Johnny is grumbling behind her "he's not that pretty. His skin is pastier than mine sure, but you can only barely see his veins through it. Doesn't even have my sickly green complexion or nothing. His eyes aren't actually sunken, they just have bags under them that makes them LOOK sunken."


Dick just wanted to see Tim's new friend! Asking Babs for an innocent little wire tap isn't like, THAT bad. It would have been fine if he hadn't accidentally broadcast the conversation onto the coms during patrol. Or if the conversation he was eavesdropping on hadn't been so.......fascinating?

"-Death Wish coffee so I definitely need to make that a normal thing but the marigolds were a bust. He just looked at me weird and asked why I was giving him carnations." New friend!

"Maybe his culture doesn't use them, did you ask if he'd like a different flower?" Young voice, a child? "Cause I know I'd be way more into Alheli (Hoary stocks) if I were into that sort of thing"

"Don't listen to him punk, cempasuchil (marigold) are a classic. Maybe he's just allergic to flowers or something? Try bringing him to a fabric store! Picking out fabric for a coffin is super romantic!" Male, late teens. Dick isn't sure if he he should be excited that New Friend!TM is apparently crushing on his baby bird or worried about the advice he's getting.

"Right, maybe next time" his name was Danny? Why is he-? What kind of person thinks picking fabric for a coffin is a good date idea? "Tomorrow he's taking me to look at the oldest graveyard in Gotham." Tim why?

"Damn Babypop! You work fast!" Huh? Why is this getting approval?

Danny sounds sheepish as he tells the others to shut up and that he's hanging up. Dick is confused and thinking about how invasive his search on Danny should be.

Dick 'slightly' panics when he realizes the others heard the call after Jason responds. "Picking a fabric that matches your partner actually does sound pretty romantic."

I love this.

Jason is absolutely right, it's so romanic. It's basically like picking out the colors of your sheets for your wedding bed/wedding colors all rolled into one.

But Danny isn't ready for that commitment yet, give him time to get their funeral shrouds made. Let us not forget the procession. He's too young to plan all that out right now.

Dick better step in soon though or Tim may end up in a Corpse Bride style wedding.

Everyone: *freaking out at the freaky death-themed courting rituals*

Jason: I don’t get why you’re so worried? If I had a boyfriend I’d want to have matching coffins. What’s the point of dying if you can’t die with someone you love?

(Roy: …huh… hey-)

Damian is definitely seeing this go down and thinks it's normal. He has already secretly doodled what he wants his death shroud to look like a child drawing their future wedding dress. He wants it to be really cool looking.

He also wants to find Danny and stab him. He just wants to see how strong he is to see if he's worthy of taking Tim away.

Jason and Damian both acknowledge that Tim is attractive so suitors should be expected and Danny is showing the appropriate amount of respect to Tim.


Since Tim is apparently oblivious that he's being courted, and likely does not have the same instincts Damian and Jason clearly do, I imagine at some point he inadvertently ends up rejecting Danny's courtship.

Like, say an important step in ghost courtship is inviting them to your grave/resting place. For Tim, since he's still alive and doesn't have a grave, the equivalent would be wherever he feels safest; most at rest. His Nest maybe? I digress. Tim hasn't invited Danny to his 'resting place' so Danny decides to take the initiative and invite Tim to his first. Danny's grave/resting place is obviously back in Amity Park.

And Tim, busy with some case and completely oblivious to what's happening here, thinks Danny is just inviting him on a friendly road trip or something, declines. He just doesn't want to leave Gotham until he finishes this case. Not that he tells Danny that.

And Danny is absolutely devastated. Starts thinking back over all those not so enthusiastic responses to his courtship gifts. Starts wondering if maybe Tim was trying to gently turn him down all along. What if Tim only ever wanted to be friends? Or, Ancients, what if he doesn't want anything to do with Danny at all? What if Danny has just been bothering him? Dejected and heartbroken, Danny 'takes the hint' and withdraws. If Tim does want to be friends, he'll reach out, right? And if he doesn't... well, Danny won't bother him anymore.


thinking infinite realms fighting tournament thoughts

i absolutely LOVE every single fic out there that has fighting be like a common cultural thing in the ghost zone and i think once every something years theres a HUGE fighting tournament held in the infinite realms and anyone who resides there can enter. theres an infinity arena with multiple ways of viewing for every possible situation, theres shouts of excitement ringing throughout the universe, everything is put on hold, this one tournament is equivalent to the biggest holiday ever to exist and everyone in the ghost zone celebrates. with fighting being such a common and relaxed thing (its a goodbye, its a hello, its a conversation) the fighting tournament is really just like huge fun and wild reunion for everyone. there isn’t even a prize except for the obvious bragging rights of being the ultimate champion for the next however many years till another tournament is held.

and the thing is, this is danny’s first ever tournament. he has only been a ghost for so long, he didn’t even know this existed! until one day a portal opens directly in-front of him and a vaguely butler/messenger dressed ghost steps out and gives danny a ticket. danny is obviously absolutely buck-fucking-wild over the idea of fighting in the tournament, and as such does what he does best by being able to take it one step further.

danny claimed the title as king of the infinite realms by fighting. danny has some pent-up aggression anyway and think this could be a good way of getting all the annoying ghosts that have been attacking him out of nowhere for the ‘right to the crown’ off his back. danny decides why not give this year’s tournament a prize after all. danny grins like a fucking maniac and gets ready to kick some ghostly ass like the free therapy it is.

(cut to danny fighting and having the time of his life while he unknowingly shocks-slash-horrors whatever dc character decided to watch the fight and subsequently faces the reality that this skinny feral raccoon child is not only the current ghost king but he’s participating in the tournament and winning.)


In professional wrestling, there exists the concept of the open challenge, where a champion offers up a title match to anyone willing to accept. In storyline, they usually do it to prove they're a fighting champion, someone worthy of holding the championship belt. After all, someone willing to freely offer up a chance at their title in a sanctioned fight is generous, honorable, and most importantly, confident in their strength.

Danny showing up to the undead equivalent of the Royal Rumble and freely putting the title of King of the Infinite Realms on the line would be the open challenge to end all open challenges. Anyone who beats him in that tournament gets an unprecedented amount of power, either until they lose in the next round or win it all, period. But if fighting is a cultural thing in the Ghost Zone, putting the crown on the line and then winning it would actually be a legacy defining political power move.

Think about it. In order to win the tournament, Danny would have to emerge victorious in single combat against numerous highly talented, highly motivated ghostly warriors, most of whom have been honing their strength since before he was a concept. By putting his crown on the line he's displayed honor and a lot of confidence to any onlookers. He gives himself no advantages and just fights, and that is noble.

It's exhilarating to Danny to be able to fight at 100% effort, without a need to hold back to protect Amity Park or worry about what might happen to him or his people. But to any onlookers, every victory gives Danny more legitimacy as the ruler.

And if he were to actually run the gauntlet, landing the decisive blow against a presumably old foe (Aragon, maybe? Maybe even Vlad?), well, they may as well coronate him on the spot.

That's how you'd get people to listen to you.


Ah yes, Danny trying to get rid of the crown. And only grows his political power and fan base. This was NOT the intended outcome. BUT it would stop idiots from trying. They have just SEEN him go in and fight in possibly hundreds of single back to back fights and come out the other end, bloody but unbowed. And they are not foolish enough to risk that. Danny wanted an easy out. What he actually got was annoying but also incredibly useful.

I can totally see Danny entering the tournament to release his aggression and try to lose the throne.

He would succeed in releasing his aggression but fail to get rid of the crown.

It's rude to hold back in this tournament, especially since If he threw the fight he might accidentally win the crown back later.

So Danny is going all out and he's a very adaptable person in fights. When it seems like he's not gonna win he pulls some random shit out of his ass and it works.

Him gaining a fan base because of this means people would 100% try to marry him because he's strong and nice.

If you can't beat em join em.

Danny is of course horrified. He didn't mean for this to happen just by trying to not be the King.

Danny is like.. I am very flattered. But also VERY young. I will not be entertaining marriage for quite a while. I am only 3 years dead! And I died a child!

Which... That's a scary thought. Only 3 years dead? Yikes.... How are so strong? Is this a baby Ancient? Is that what's happening here?

Clockwork is laughing at him. He knows it. The asshole!

Of course, saying he's only 3 years dead gets a lot of the ghosts stuck in this awkward moment of terrified of this powerful ghost and 'awwh baby' and thus some of then start trying to parent him. It's really very weird honestly.

He eventually agrees to like.. 4 parent/mentor figures, mostly old allies

Danny stood there awkwardly hiding behind Pandora and Frostbite. Peeling out at the people who rushed to coo at him for being a baby. Pandora and Frostbite stood in front of him.

Pandora: Alright! Enough! Frostbite and I are his mentors! Clockwork is King Phantom's Guardian! Leave him be!

Lots more cooing over the baby, who immediately ran to hide behind his adults. That's so gosh darn cute! He has no problem fighting! But give him a situation he can't punch his way out of and he runs to Mum and Dad! adorable!

All the warriors King Phantom defeated in the Open Challenge for the Crown immediately swear allegiance. It's good for the Realms to have a strong and honorable king, and they're slightly terrified impressed with how much more powerful he could grow. If given TRAINING...

Danny: why do I hear boss music


Danny: Soooo the Yackety Sax a few minutes ago...


*cut to Dani"s tournament fight, during which she figured out how to make portals and is now having a VERY Good Time*

All the ghosts watching those two stomp anyone who goes up against them. Clearly perfecting new techniques on the fly. Just, wow, they are so young! But so powerful! And doing this properly? Yeah we got decent royalty for once!

Danny and Ellie getting offers of training and sparring. New friends and allies. Purely because they did this thing right!

Technus is probably filming their fights as well. Goes around Danny's rogue gallery showing the videos. Look how good he's getting!!!


I can see Danny's normal gallery taking offense to these other ghosts offering to train Danny.

Like, in their minds, they've been training him. Granted, their methods are... unorthodox. And don't do very well to teach him any kind of formal, controlled fighting form.

But look!

When they met the bumbling baby Bridge, he couldn't even control his intangibility. Now lookit him. A powerful Hero, a mighty King, and now a Champion too! Clearly they are awesome teachers. Someone should put them in charge of training more ghostlings.

(No, actually, putting an infant into situations where they think they have to win or die is not in fact awesome teaching methods. Effective, yes. But not good.)


The Joker is Dead (and always has been)

Danny is attending Gotham U and gets caught up in a Joker escapade and realizes the clown is, in fact, a ghost.

Suddenly everything makes an insane amount of sense: the fact that no one has killed a psycho with seemingly human-normal abilities yet, that Arkham can’t keep him for more than a week, the obsessive behavior, the appearance.

Honestly, Danny should have clocked this before he even met the spook.

And Danny doesn’t want to step on any toes, really. The Bat and the Joker have A Thing going on. But, the Batman just isn’t equipped to really put a ghost away. No wonder there’s a breakout from Arkham every couple of months. How many other Gotham rogues are obsessive ghosts haunting the city?


Danny sighs. “Hey, clown. Want to see a magic trick?”

Joker turns back around. “A magic trick?”

“It only works on the dead, y’know. So I can prove it to you. I have the supplies I need for the magic trick in my bag! Have one of your goons go to my bag - it’s the black and green one over there - and grab the thermos. It’s a silver and green cylinder.”

Joker leans forward. “I would love to see where you’re going with this, kid. Batsy and I will get a huge laugh out of it!”

“I bet you will,” Danny replied as the goon handed over the thermos. He unscrewed the cap, pointing it at the Joker.

“And now, for my next trick,” Danny announced dramatically. “I shall make the ghost in front of me disappear!”

He clicked the button, sucking the Joker into the thermos.

Everyone in the room froze. His classmates were likely thinking “Oh my god, he attacked the Joker, his goons will kill us all!”

But the goons were just staring at him. “That proves nothing, kid,” one of the said.

“Okay, well it doesn’t work on the living.” He pointed it at the goon and clicked again. Nothing happened. “See?”

“What the hell?” Red Hood’s voice came from across the room. “So Joker is actually a dead guy and has been the whole time?”

“Yup!” Danny announced. “Here. You can keep him in the thermos as long as you want. It’ll keep him sustained and contained. It looks cramped but I’ve fit 20 ghosts in here at once before, so he’ll be fine.”

Red Hood cackled. “I like you, kid. Thanks for my favorite new paperweight! I’ll come grab it from you in a sec. But first.” He turned to the goons. “Let’s deal with the living before we handle the dead.”


Why do I feel like this would work? the whole magic trick thing on the Joker I think that would work honestly?

Then when you consider the bats and the birds appeared not long after Danny had that conversation with the joker

I'm kind of curious on how they would react to seeing the jokeer be proved to be dead already

And it's already been stated that Batman has like this weird yin yang kind of thing going on with the joker in a lot of the comics

So I'm very curious on how a missing villain of Gotham crime ecosystem affects the rest of it

Yeah, that’s exactly the kind of shit that the Joker would fall for

And I think him being missing wouldn’t affect things too much; it would be similar to him being in Arkham, he’s just in thermos jail now

I can’t remember which comic but there was one time Joker faked his death and the parties thrown by gothamites were practically violent.

So fair


I think maybe the celebrations would be a bit more subdued here cause, sure, the Joker's dead. But apparently he has been for a while and he's still fuckin here. Still fuckin shit up.

And sure, the guy said his thermos thing will keep him "sustained and contained." But, like, Arkham is supposed to do the same thing. It'll be a long while before anyone truly believes this random weird guy's weirder thermos is gonna hold. And there'll probably always be a sliver of doubt. If not even death could keep this maniac down, who's to say he won't weasel his way back out of this?

Course we know the thermos works. If it can handle Dan, it can handle Joker. But folks in universe would have reasonable doubt. The Bats even more so. Tempting as it is for Jason to keep his paperweight, he may ultimately deem it safer to pass it off to JLD or something to be extra warded to prevent escape.


DPxDC Prompt

A soulmate AU in which you crave the food your soulmate craves at any point in time.

For Danny that means he is craving coffee near constantly, which he is grateful for his ghost half's ability to process all the excess caffeine.

For Tim, he is confused because he doesn't know what he is craving, at first he assumes it is some sort of citrus food/drink and for months he goes through every single citrus flavored food or drink he can find. None of which are right, it is almost like they are adjacent to what he is craving and not at all close at the same time.

It isn't until he wakes up above a Lazarus pit after being stabbed through the gut does he figure out what he is craving and it honestly horrifies him.

Why is his soulmate craving Lazarus water? Are they a member of the League? Are they on this base? What does he do with this information!?

I'm working off the assumption that a person's cravings can be satisfied by their soulmate, like Tim can feel it that Danny just drank an enormous amount of coffee because Tim's craving has been satisfied

Tim, who blacked out for a hot second: *Cravings satisfied* Oof, this was some good soup. No wonder lemon fizzies didn't cut it!

Ra's, the monsterfucker: *Has seen horrors beyond his comprehension and is reluctantly turned on* Detective, did you just... unhinge your jaw like a snake?

Tim, the other monsterfucker: *Cautiously because he's seen that look before in the mirror* What?

Danny, half a world away in Metropolis with no way to drink ectoplasm for another week at least: *Surprised and impressed* How the fuck did my soulmate find ectoplasm?!?


So i am super overtired and have no filter right now.

I have seen alot of powerful ghosts eat smaller ghost ecto? Like they don't die, but a big ghost will eat a smaller ghosts ecto and the consciousness will just leave and reform with more ecto from the zone elsewhere. This is how blob ghosts work. Kinda cannibalism kinda not?

I raise you tim now knowing what he is craving is ecto and now has to deal with the fact that when he gets really bad ecto cravings from danny he kinda really wants to bite jason/cass/damian and does not know what to do with that info...

Tim, to himself: there's an explanation for this.

Tim, biting Jason for some reason and the craving disappeared: there's an explanation for this.


Tim, when his siblings are being especially annoying: My soulmate has been craving humans, guys. Knock it off.

Batfam, softly but with a lot of feeling: what the fuck


It wasn’t even a conscious decision for Tim. He’d been hungry for days, his soulmate had been hungry, and he’d tried just about anything he could find in Alfred’s kitchen to no avail.

They’d been messing around in the cave after patrol, their hair still wet from the showers. Tim had barely got his pants on when Jason decended upon him, wrapping his arm around his neck, trying for a fake choke hold while cackling in the midst of their banter.

Listen, Tim was a biter. He always had been, ever since he was small.

Jason knew that.

It was not his fault Tim gave Jason’s forearm a little chomp.


Now we could have Jason freak out at this.


Jason: *snorts* Of course. You would be a monsterfucker ya little freak.

If he does start hunting blobs, the others wouldn't see them.

Be funny if not even Duke can. And the others aren't liminal enough. So sometimes Tim will just randomly drop into predator mode for no reason, stalk something that isn't there, catch and eat the nothing thing, and then go back to normal like nothing happened.

And while Tim could explain to his family what he's experiencing and his theories on why, it is far more entertaining to not do that.


Danny is gravely injured by the GIW, his voice box is severely damaged.

Making use of his own voice is impossible, but through some ghostly means Danny doesn’t quite understand, he can mimic others voices he hears just fine.

It’s a ghostly ability he found out he had a few years ago, with just a sentence or two heard he can do a flawless impression of that person. Now it’s not so flawless. The mimicked voice warps and fluctuates pitch, it’s crackly and he has a hard time not switching between multiple voices with every sentence he speaks.

His voice is reduced to an uncanny frankenstined attempt at speech that activates the average persons fight or flight response.

It’s no surprise that Superman is startled when he calls out for survivors while freeing the ghostly captives and a “not a deer” version of his own voice responds back.

After being brought to the Watchtower to be questioned to help aid their ongoing dismantlement of the GIW and their bases, Batman enters the small guest room Danny is currently in. The surgeries to straighten improperly healed bones and the ectoplasm and saline IV drip seems to have made Danny fully sure that the Justice League was there to help.

“Phantom, I have some questions for you regarding the GIW.”

ASk awaY.”

Batman froze. What came out of Phantom’s mouth was not just his voice. It was Clark’s.

Clark had met this boy before as a civilian, but when?

behold my prompt art, boy. [Danny's text: I'm over here. please...]

this prompt has me in a vice grip [Batman text: Phantom, I have some questions for you regarding the GIW. Phantom text: Ask away.]



What if Clark met Danny Fenton when he was doing a fluff piece on paranormal scientists at a ghost hunting convention in Metropolis?

What if this was before Danny's accident, when he was, saw, twelve? Eleven?

Danny doesn't know why his mimicry keeps bringing up the voice of the nice reporter that bought him ice cream years ago, but he's not about to complain. The guy was nice.

Clark can't shake the feeling that, despite his ghostly appearance, he knows this ghost. He doesn't know from when or where, but something about them is familiar enough that he'd fought through the instinctive reaction to flinch back without thinking.

After seeing the ghost's face, it hadn't been a matter of "should I break this one out or wait for the JLD to ascertain if it's safe" it had just...been movement.

One second he'd been frozen, the next he'd had the door, crumpled out of shape, in one hand as he ripped it from the wall.

As he watches Batman go in to do his investigation, he really, really hopes that "knowing" this ghost doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

He knows that hope is only going to get him hurt, knows that listening into this is going to do the same if he...if he gets confirmation that he knows this ghost.

That he knew him.

Still, he can't stop himself from watching. He has to know.

Then the ghost, with their voice made of the voices of others, switches between his hero voice and his civilian one.

Clark closes his eyes.

He'd been right; it does hurt.


Actually, that's an interesting question. Why is Danny hotswapping between Clark and Superman? Why not anyone else? Sam, Tucker, Jazz? Batman, Wonder Woman? Literally anyone?

Perhaps the answer should be, succinctly, vibes. Danny's core is automatically selecting a voice to present a certain image based on Danny's perception of the voice owner.

His core selects Superman when Danny is trying to be strong, stable, confident, trustworthy. Because in Danny's mind, Superman is the epitome of those things.

Then when he's trying to be polite, gentle, caring, friendly, kind; he speaks in Clark's voice. Cause that's how Danny remembers the nice reporter a few years ago, who bought him ice cream when his parents ran off mid-interview to chase down a supposed ghost reading; leaving him and Mr. Kent, forgotten, behind.

(thank you to the wonderful @nerdpoe for betaing this :D)

Their first meeting was when Danny was 12. 

Clark was assigned to interview the owners of Tasty Burger (Dubbed Nasty Burger because of a vandalism attempt by some high schoolers where the name stuck.) about their new and booming restaurant chain that’s rapidly spreading over the midwest. The original store was still run by the original franchise owners in Amity Park.  

Clark was shocked to initially see a small local festival called Jack-O-Melons which was a halloween in summer celebration that has proudly been held yearly in Amity since the 80s. The festival was the perfect opportunity to both interview some locals about the new fast food chain and enjoy the festivals activities. 

Midway through looking around the booths and asking the willing Amity Parker some questions, he spotted a scrawny twelve year old with a shiner dressed up as a skeleton to hide the bruise with black and white face paint. Immediately worried for the kid he went straight into investigative reporter mode to make sure this kid was in an alright living situation. The boy, who introduced himself as Danny Fenton, happily talked about how Nasty Burger was The Spot to hang out for teens and their food had a near addictive quality, “It’s their sauce man, there’s something in it that makes you want to come back.”

It was nothing special. Clark interviewed the kid, overheard some kids snark about “Loser Fenton getting interviewed, like his opinion has any say in anything.” and deduced that the kid was being bullied. He wrote down Danny’s interview, sent an anonymous letter to the school about Danny being bullied and to take action, gave the kid his work email so he could send the kid a free version of the article he’ll publish with Danny’s quotes, bought the kid an ice cream from one of the nearby fair venders, and went on his way. 

A few weeks after sending the free articles to the interviewees of Amity Park, Wayne Enterprises bought the Daily Planet. Clark definitely in no way was pissed off by this particular event. Multiple changes in the company were made, including switching from his current email to a Wayne Enterprises owned email company. 

The next few weeks were a hurricane of new policies and new SOP’s to memorize and enforce. With so much happening in Clark’s life, the meeting with the skeleton costumed kid with the shiner was forgotten.

Three years after that interview, Clark is assigned a piece on a supposedly haunted town in Illinois and to either confirm or debunk it.

He interviews a few locals, all signs so far lead to there being a true paranormal situation going on but these creatures aren’t exactly like the usual ghost sightings. Current guess is that they're aliens. 

He spots that kid he interviewed all those years ago, now a bit taller, even more gangly, and with an equally as impressive shiner as before.

As he interviews Danny for the second time, he notices a few things; the childish joy in his eyes is gone. The glassy look of his eyes is similar to the citizens of Metropolis who’ve had their lives upended by supervillain attacks. He was skinny. Too skinny. After a small joke about growth spurts and being that gangly when Clark was Danny’s age, the boy made a comment about food coming alive? What on earth?

Clark tried to sprinkle lighthearted jokes into the interview, like how the last time he interviewed Danny he was dressed as a skeleton and now is here to interview folks about ghosts. What a coincidence meeting Danny twice and both partly related to different types of supernatural beings. Must be fate right? Haha. 

Danny’s responding laugh is hollow and devoid of humor. 

The interview was very informative. Danny tells Clark about the portal in his parent’s basement. He shows Clark the destroyed buildings of recent ghost attacks, he also shows one of the machines that activates the ghost shield around the entire town. Nothing has happened to necessitate the shields but his parents lobbied heavily with the town council to get them approved and installed everywhere.

Clark got more and more concerned as the interview went on. Danny appeared shocked that Clark cared about the ghost attacks. The kid’s brow continuing to furrow and his heartrate jump with each worried look Clark gave Danny as the boy mentioned incredibly distressing things that have happened since the portal opening. When asked if he was ok during the attacks, Danny offhandedly waved off the question, saying that his school gets attacked daily and everyone usually turns out fine by the end of the week. As if that wasn’t enough, the kid casually mentioned that an organization called the GIW raids his school every so often. Danny was busy looking into the distance pointing out destroyed buildings to notice Clark writing down the acronym on his notepad to research later. There’s no way in any world that that statement should be normal for a child to say. It was even more concerning that Danny acted like an adult figure not acting like ghost attacks were fine was unorthodox behavior. 

Clark wanted to scream. This kid was 14 and he’s wandering over rubble of destroyed buildings mentioning that, after reading a few internet forums written by people who lived in active war zones and his own experience, he knows what makes the best cover and how to hide. For Rao’s sake, the kid grabbed a broken white and green gun from the rubble, showed Clark the best ways to hold the defunct weapon as a bludgeoning device to defend yourself from ghosts. With every sentence out of Danny’s mouth his heart broke a bit more for this boy whose childhood was destroyed by this ghost portal. (Said portal quickly scrapped Clark’s initial hypothesis of aliens to them being extradimensional beings.)

At the end of the interview Clark asked if he could give the kid a hug, he really looked like he needed it. Danny was confused but accepted, Clark knew that he probably looked more sad as the interview went on and the kid tried to rationalize that Clark needed the hug more than him. The way Danny melted into his arms made his heart shatter. When was the last time this kid was hugged?

A week or so after Clark’s interview with Amity Park, he went to check into his email to see if Lois responded to his request to investigate the GIW, which he since discovered is a government organization that blatantly violates multiple meta protection acts. Accidentally clicking on his old email, it opens to hundreds of emails that should have been forwarded to his new email but never did. Danny had used his email as a weekly diary after first being sent the automatic “this email is no longer being used” reply. 

Instantly Clark was on alert and excited, thinking this might be a primary source of the first ghost attacks. Said enthusiasm quickly died down when he realized that that the last email was before the first recounted sighting of any ghosts in Amity. 

Scrolling through the emails it appeared they weren’t really anything too special. It was mainly  weekly school drama, the new bullying tactics used on Danny (he notes to himself to write another letter to the school), things that happened during the kid’s week, and small reports that his parent’s research was going well, never specifically mentioning that what his parents did was related to ghosts.

The second to last email was also nothing new. More school gossip, Danny being excited that his friends were going to hang out at his house, and ranting about the homework given to him by Mr. Lancer. 

The last email however made his blood go cold. 

It was short, containing only a single sentence; “I think I died, I don’t know what to do.” 

After a quick dip into the JL’s not so legal access to hospital records, he found that Danny was electrocuted a day before the last email. He was brought to the hospital to which they miraculously reported that Danny was not affected by the electrocution and was released from the hospital the next day.

Mentally filing away that Danny might be a meta because of the unique situation of him shaking off an electrocution and his last email. He promises to help Danny right after he finishes this article. 

The article spirals into 3 weeks of investigation that made Clark put Danny to the sidelines. The GIW have done some severely fucked up things and have rose from a reporter level issue to a Justice League level issue. During the whirlwind of investigation and plan of attack to dismantle the GIW, Danny was once again forgotten.

It took two years to dismantle the GIW and get permission from the US government to track down and dismantle GIW bases after they were considered a terrorist organization after a large amount of the GIW staff continued to work on eradicating and experimenting on ghosts, completely brainwashed by the false information that was shoved down their throat for the last 4 years. Clark wished it could have been done quicker but getting enough public outcry and legislation to dismantle an entire government branch takes time. 

On their fifth raid of a GIW base, the Justice League is prepared for the horrors within their facilities. Prepared may they be, but the brutal treatment of the ghosts make even the most seasoned hero’s stomach churn. 

Superman stared in grim determination while opening the locks holding ghosts in their cages with his heat vision, calling out to any ghosts that may still exist to make sure he found all captives when he hears his own voice reply. It wasn’t exactly his voice, the pitch was off, fluctuating between his voice and a woman’s, the undertoning tiger growl pitch during the ghost’s speech making his fight or flight kick in ever so slightly. 

“I’m over here. Please… I’m here.” 

Superman freezes for a moment before flying over just below the speed of sound and ripping the bars off of the ghost’s cell. 

The ghost was a child. Somewhere in their teens, flowing white hair smeared with their own blood, his green skin shining so so dimly. 

The poor kid’s throat was shredded, muscles and sinew mangled. The ghostly kid swallows, showing the inside of his esophagus contract as he makes what would have been a scream as he accidentally jostles his dislocated shoulder, the one working eye blinking like he isn’t sure what he’s seeing, the other a shiner, the eye bruised closed. 


Superman is moving, not even noticing as he picks up the injured ghost and flies him to the outside of the facility, gently whispering to the ghost that everything is ok and that they’re here to help, dropping him off to the medical crew ready and waiting to treat the injured ghosts within, all of it is a blur. Something in the back of his mind poking at him, this kid seems familiar, this ghost is familiar and he can’t quite place how. 

But there’s something else, something he doesn’t register until he’s grabbed the next injured ghost and brought them to the medical team. That teen ghost, the one with the shiner and Not Right mimicry, he has a heartbeat. It’s very faint and he barely even noticed it with all of the other things he’s focusing on, but the ghost has a heartbeat. He spares a few seconds to x-ray the ghost kid who is moments from being sent through a zeta beam to the Watchtower to be sent to medical, the kid has organs, and in the right places for a human too. Out of all of the hundreds of ghosts he’s rescued, none of them have anything besides a single floating core inside of them.

He doesn’t know how but this kid isn’t a full ghost.

Danny’s vision is blurry as the people in black (After the first fiasco with the medical team wearing white coats, they since have changed their outfits to all black during GIW recoveries.) rush him through a makeshift looking teleportation stand. 

He doesn’t know what’s really going on, if he’s still alive, if this isn’t another dream or hallucination. All he knows is that when Superman lifted Danny into his arms he would have gasped if his vocal cords still existed. He hasn’t felt that gentle of a touch since that reporter hugged him.

There are whispers in the medical ward.

Out of all their research, they've never come across anything like this.

A ghost with human organs. The beings from the realm the Fenton's had punched a hole into didn't have a more official name, but it was widely accepted that they were, in fact, a type of alien.

But this one.

This one could, possibly, actually be a ghost of a human that had died.

And the Yetis from those self-same realms know something.

Amity Park had been one of the first places the JL had hit, after all, being the start of it all. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner had ventured into the "Ghost Zone", as dubbed by the Fentons. Green Lantern Kyle had been the one to be escorted to the Far Frozen. He'd been the one to return with a team of experienced, professional doctors for the ghosts they were rescuing.

Those same yetis had shared their knowledge with the medical staff of the Justice League, and proceeded to essentially kick absolutely everyone out of the room when the ghost-that-was-probably-human was brought in.

The regular medical staff was informed, on no uncertain terms, that they were not allowed in that ghost's room.

So, naturally, they gossiped in-between rushing to and from their patients.

"He has a heart. It doesn't beat very strongly, but it beats!"

"Maybe 'ghosts' have tiers? What if he's a higher tier than the rest?"

"The other ghosts look human enough, but their forms are always a little too stretched. His isn't, not that much."

"The GIW must have been experimenting with turning a human into a 'ghost'."

"The GIW must have done this, poor boy."

"The kid must have been their Control Specimen; a sorta how would a human react to those chemicals and who-knows-what kinda control, for a baseline."

"That's stupid, then how do the yetis know what to do with him? They clearly know him."

Naturally, Clark hears all of it. All of the whispers about what's wrong with this ghost, what makes this one so special; they push at his attention as he watches Batman fish for information from said ghost.

The longer he stares at that face, the more that nagging, awful feeling persists that he knows this kid.

"Is there anything we can do to...make this more comfortable for you?" Batman asks, not acknowledging hearing Clark's civilian voice come from the mouth of the ghost on the bed.

"I'd KilL for A nastY BurgeR," the ghost says, voice weaving between Clark's, Superman's, Batman's, a woman's, and that strange, ever-present growl. "That saUce is ADDIcting."

Then he lets out a tentative smile.

Clark feels his breath start to stutter.

The kid in the skeleton costume, with a busted, bruised eye.

The kid devoid of any sign of his younger self, even though it hadn't been that long, also with a shiner.

"I'd kill for a Nasty Burger right now," a teenager with tired, hopeless eyes had said, staring at the busted walls of the restaurant.

"It’s their sauce man, there’s something in it that makes you want to come back,” a child dressed as a skeleton had gushed, excited and full of life.

"...Danny?" Clark whispers, unable to stop himself.

Inside the room, the ghost's, Danny's head snaps over to stare at him through the glass.

'I should have put Danny first,' Clark thinks faintly, a low buzz starting to fill his ears. 'I never should have assumed he was safe. What have I done? How did this...what did I do?'

Danny's eyes narrow, and he ignores Batman's questions as he leans forward.


So, if Danny can mimic anyone's voice, could he mimic his own?

Like, if someone showed him a video/audio recording of him talking, let Danny hear it from an outside perspective, could he mimic it?

And if so, when would Danny's core decide to use his voice over anyone else's?

So... What I'm hearing is that Danny's own voice is what comes out when he's having nightmares and flashbacks. Pleading for his life, his parents, his fraid, for mercy, for the torture to just end; that's the first time Clark hears Danny's voice again. Wavering and uncanny, a mimicry, but unmistakably Danny's.


I've seen fear gas as weed, I've seen fear gas as food, I have seen fear gas a salt! What I've not seen?

Fear gas as caffeine.

Enter Danny "ADHD runs in the family" Fenton, in the middle of a Scarecrow attack, typing out three different essays amidst people shouting and screaming, completely In The Zone. At some point he decks Scarecrow himself in the face because the guy tried to attack him while he was finishing up citations.


As someone with ADHD, there's an alternate version of this where the fear gas actually just puts Danny to sleep*.

Just, Danny, mid scarecrow attack, curling up in the middle of it to take a nap. Crane both hates it and is fascinated. Tim 'fell asleep on a roller coaster' Red Robin calls, "mood."

*Cause that's a thing that can happen with ADHD. Instead of waking you up, caffeine can slow you down. It's like, I guess it sharpens your focus enough that your thoughts aren't spinning wildly out of control. Which can make you feel all relaxed and sleepy.


DPxDC Prompt

A soulmate AU in which you crave the food your soulmate craves at any point in time.

For Danny that means he is craving coffee near constantly, which he is grateful for his ghost half's ability to process all the excess caffeine.

For Tim, he is confused because he doesn't know what he is craving, at first he assumes it is some sort of citrus food/drink and for months he goes through every single citrus flavored food or drink he can find. None of which are right, it is almost like they are adjacent to what he is craving and not at all close at the same time.

It isn't until he wakes up above a Lazarus pit after being stabbed through the gut does he figure out what he is craving and it honestly horrifies him.

Why is his soulmate craving Lazarus water? Are they a member of the League? Are they on this base? What does he do with this information!?

I'm working off the assumption that a person's cravings can be satisfied by their soulmate, like Tim can feel it that Danny just drank an enormous amount of coffee because Tim's craving has been satisfied

Tim, who blacked out for a hot second: *Cravings satisfied* Oof, this was some good soup. No wonder lemon fizzies didn't cut it!

Ra's, the monsterfucker: *Has seen horrors beyond his comprehension and is reluctantly turned on* Detective, did you just... unhinge your jaw like a snake?

Tim, the other monsterfucker: *Cautiously because he's seen that look before in the mirror* What?

Danny, half a world away in Metropolis with no way to drink ectoplasm for another week at least: *Surprised and impressed* How the fuck did my soulmate find ectoplasm?!?


So i am super overtired and have no filter right now.

I have seen alot of powerful ghosts eat smaller ghost ecto? Like they don't die, but a big ghost will eat a smaller ghosts ecto and the consciousness will just leave and reform with more ecto from the zone elsewhere. This is how blob ghosts work. Kinda cannibalism kinda not?

I raise you tim now knowing what he is craving is ecto and now has to deal with the fact that when he gets really bad ecto cravings from danny he kinda really wants to bite jason/cass/damian and does not know what to do with that info...

Tim, to himself: there's an explanation for this.

Tim, biting Jason for some reason and the craving disappeared: there's an explanation for this.


Tim, when his siblings are being especially annoying: My soulmate has been craving humans, guys. Knock it off.

Batfam, softly but with a lot of feeling: what the fuck


It wasn’t even a conscious decision for Tim. He’d been hungry for days, his soulmate had been hungry, and he’d tried just about anything he could find in Alfred’s kitchen to no avail.

They’d been messing around in the cave after patrol, their hair still wet from the showers. Tim had barely got his pants on when Jason decended upon him, wrapping his arm around his neck, trying for a fake choke hold while cackling in the midst of their banter.

Listen, Tim was a biter. He always had been, ever since he was small.

Jason knew that.

It was not his fault Tim gave Jason’s forearm a little chomp.


Now we could have Jason freak out at this.


Jason: *snorts* Of course. You would be a monsterfucker ya little freak.


Danny is gravely injured by the GIW, his voice box is severely damaged.

Making use of his own voice is impossible, but through some ghostly means Danny doesn’t quite understand, he can mimic others voices he hears just fine.

It’s a ghostly ability he found out he had a few years ago, with just a sentence or two heard he can do a flawless impression of that person. Now it’s not so flawless. The mimicked voice warps and fluctuates pitch, it’s crackly and he has a hard time not switching between multiple voices with every sentence he speaks.

His voice is reduced to an uncanny frankenstined attempt at speech that activates the average persons fight or flight response.

It’s no surprise that Superman is startled when he calls out for survivors while freeing the ghostly captives and a “not a deer” version of his own voice responds back.

After being brought to the Watchtower to be questioned to help aid their ongoing dismantlement of the GIW and their bases, Batman enters the small guest room Danny is currently in. The surgeries to straighten improperly healed bones and the ectoplasm and saline IV drip seems to have made Danny fully sure that the Justice League was there to help.

“Phantom, I have some questions for you regarding the GIW.”

ASk awaY.”

Batman froze. What came out of Phantom’s mouth was not just his voice. It was Clark’s.

Clark had met this boy before as a civilian, but when?

behold my prompt art, boy. [Danny's text: I'm over here. please...]

this prompt has me in a vice grip [Batman text: Phantom, I have some questions for you regarding the GIW. Phantom text: Ask away.]



What if Clark met Danny Fenton when he was doing a fluff piece on paranormal scientists at a ghost hunting convention in Metropolis?

What if this was before Danny's accident, when he was, saw, twelve? Eleven?

Danny doesn't know why his mimicry keeps bringing up the voice of the nice reporter that bought him ice cream years ago, but he's not about to complain. The guy was nice.

Clark can't shake the feeling that, despite his ghostly appearance, he knows this ghost. He doesn't know from when or where, but something about them is familiar enough that he'd fought through the instinctive reaction to flinch back without thinking.

After seeing the ghost's face, it hadn't been a matter of "should I break this one out or wait for the JLD to ascertain if it's safe" it had just...been movement.

One second he'd been frozen, the next he'd had the door, crumpled out of shape, in one hand as he ripped it from the wall.

As he watches Batman go in to do his investigation, he really, really hopes that "knowing" this ghost doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

He knows that hope is only going to get him hurt, knows that listening into this is going to do the same if he...if he gets confirmation that he knows this ghost.

That he knew him.

Still, he can't stop himself from watching. He has to know.

Then the ghost, with their voice made of the voices of others, switches between his hero voice and his civilian one.

Clark closes his eyes.

He'd been right; it does hurt.


Actually, that's an interesting question. Why is Danny hotswapping between Clark and Superman? Why not anyone else? Sam, Tucker, Jazz? Batman, Wonder Woman? Literally anyone?

Perhaps the answer should be, succinctly, vibes. Danny's core is automatically selecting a voice to present a certain image based on Danny's perception of the voice owner.

His core selects Superman when Danny is trying to be strong, stable, confident, trustworthy. Because in Danny's mind, Superman is the epitome of those things.

Then when he's trying to be polite, gentle, caring, friendly, kind; he speaks in Clark's voice. Cause that's how Danny remembers the nice reporter a few years ago, who bought him ice cream when his parents ran off mid-interview to chase down a supposed ghost reading; leaving him and Mr. Kent, forgotten, behind.

(thank you to the wonderful @nerdpoe for betaing this :D)

Their first meeting was when Danny was 12. 

Clark was assigned to interview the owners of Tasty Burger (Dubbed Nasty Burger because of a vandalism attempt by some high schoolers where the name stuck.) about their new and booming restaurant chain that’s rapidly spreading over the midwest. The original store was still run by the original franchise owners in Amity Park.  

Clark was shocked to initially see a small local festival called Jack-O-Melons which was a halloween in summer celebration that has proudly been held yearly in Amity since the 80s. The festival was the perfect opportunity to both interview some locals about the new fast food chain and enjoy the festivals activities. 

Midway through looking around the booths and asking the willing Amity Parker some questions, he spotted a scrawny twelve year old with a shiner dressed up as a skeleton to hide the bruise with black and white face paint. Immediately worried for the kid he went straight into investigative reporter mode to make sure this kid was in an alright living situation. The boy, who introduced himself as Danny Fenton, happily talked about how Nasty Burger was The Spot to hang out for teens and their food had a near addictive quality, “It’s their sauce man, there’s something in it that makes you want to come back.”

It was nothing special. Clark interviewed the kid, overheard some kids snark about “Loser Fenton getting interviewed, like his opinion has any say in anything.” and deduced that the kid was being bullied. He wrote down Danny’s interview, sent an anonymous letter to the school about Danny being bullied and to take action, gave the kid his work email so he could send the kid a free version of the article he’ll publish with Danny’s quotes, bought the kid an ice cream from one of the nearby fair venders, and went on his way. 

A few weeks after sending the free articles to the interviewees of Amity Park, Wayne Enterprises bought the Daily Planet. Clark definitely in no way was pissed off by this particular event. Multiple changes in the company were made, including switching from his current email to a Wayne Enterprises owned email company. 

The next few weeks were a hurricane of new policies and new SOP’s to memorize and enforce. With so much happening in Clark’s life, the meeting with the skeleton costumed kid with the shiner was forgotten.

Three years after that interview, Clark is assigned a piece on a supposedly haunted town in Illinois and to either confirm or debunk it.

He interviews a few locals, all signs so far lead to there being a true paranormal situation going on but these creatures aren’t exactly like the usual ghost sightings. Current guess is that they're aliens. 

He spots that kid he interviewed all those years ago, now a bit taller, even more gangly, and with an equally as impressive shiner as before.

As he interviews Danny for the second time, he notices a few things; the childish joy in his eyes is gone. The glassy look of his eyes is similar to the citizens of Metropolis who’ve had their lives upended by supervillain attacks. He was skinny. Too skinny. After a small joke about growth spurts and being that gangly when Clark was Danny’s age, the boy made a comment about food coming alive? What on earth?

Clark tried to sprinkle lighthearted jokes into the interview, like how the last time he interviewed Danny he was dressed as a skeleton and now is here to interview folks about ghosts. What a coincidence meeting Danny twice and both partly related to different types of supernatural beings. Must be fate right? Haha. 

Danny’s responding laugh is hollow and devoid of humor. 

The interview was very informative. Danny tells Clark about the portal in his parent’s basement. He shows Clark the destroyed buildings of recent ghost attacks, he also shows one of the machines that activates the ghost shield around the entire town. Nothing has happened to necessitate the shields but his parents lobbied heavily with the town council to get them approved and installed everywhere.

Clark got more and more concerned as the interview went on. Danny appeared shocked that Clark cared about the ghost attacks. The kid’s brow continuing to furrow and his heartrate jump with each worried look Clark gave Danny as the boy mentioned incredibly distressing things that have happened since the portal opening. When asked if he was ok during the attacks, Danny offhandedly waved off the question, saying that his school gets attacked daily and everyone usually turns out fine by the end of the week. As if that wasn’t enough, the kid casually mentioned that an organization called the GIW raids his school every so often. Danny was busy looking into the distance pointing out destroyed buildings to notice Clark writing down the acronym on his notepad to research later. There’s no way in any world that that statement should be normal for a child to say. It was even more concerning that Danny acted like an adult figure not acting like ghost attacks were fine was unorthodox behavior. 

Clark wanted to scream. This kid was 14 and he’s wandering over rubble of destroyed buildings mentioning that, after reading a few internet forums written by people who lived in active war zones and his own experience, he knows what makes the best cover and how to hide. For Rao’s sake, the kid grabbed a broken white and green gun from the rubble, showed Clark the best ways to hold the defunct weapon as a bludgeoning device to defend yourself from ghosts. With every sentence out of Danny’s mouth his heart broke a bit more for this boy whose childhood was destroyed by this ghost portal. (Said portal quickly scrapped Clark’s initial hypothesis of aliens to them being extradimensional beings.)

At the end of the interview Clark asked if he could give the kid a hug, he really looked like he needed it. Danny was confused but accepted, Clark knew that he probably looked more sad as the interview went on and the kid tried to rationalize that Clark needed the hug more than him. The way Danny melted into his arms made his heart shatter. When was the last time this kid was hugged?

A week or so after Clark’s interview with Amity Park, he went to check into his email to see if Lois responded to his request to investigate the GIW, which he since discovered is a government organization that blatantly violates multiple meta protection acts. Accidentally clicking on his old email, it opens to hundreds of emails that should have been forwarded to his new email but never did. Danny had used his email as a weekly diary after first being sent the automatic “this email is no longer being used” reply. 

Instantly Clark was on alert and excited, thinking this might be a primary source of the first ghost attacks. Said enthusiasm quickly died down when he realized that that the last email was before the first recounted sighting of any ghosts in Amity. 

Scrolling through the emails it appeared they weren’t really anything too special. It was mainly  weekly school drama, the new bullying tactics used on Danny (he notes to himself to write another letter to the school), things that happened during the kid’s week, and small reports that his parent’s research was going well, never specifically mentioning that what his parents did was related to ghosts.

The second to last email was also nothing new. More school gossip, Danny being excited that his friends were going to hang out at his house, and ranting about the homework given to him by Mr. Lancer. 

The last email however made his blood go cold. 

It was short, containing only a single sentence; “I think I died, I don’t know what to do.” 

After a quick dip into the JL’s not so legal access to hospital records, he found that Danny was electrocuted a day before the last email. He was brought to the hospital to which they miraculously reported that Danny was not affected by the electrocution and was released from the hospital the next day.

Mentally filing away that Danny might be a meta because of the unique situation of him shaking off an electrocution and his last email. He promises to help Danny right after he finishes this article. 

The article spirals into 3 weeks of investigation that made Clark put Danny to the sidelines. The GIW have done some severely fucked up things and have rose from a reporter level issue to a Justice League level issue. During the whirlwind of investigation and plan of attack to dismantle the GIW, Danny was once again forgotten.

It took two years to dismantle the GIW and get permission from the US government to track down and dismantle GIW bases after they were considered a terrorist organization after a large amount of the GIW staff continued to work on eradicating and experimenting on ghosts, completely brainwashed by the false information that was shoved down their throat for the last 4 years. Clark wished it could have been done quicker but getting enough public outcry and legislation to dismantle an entire government branch takes time. 

On their fifth raid of a GIW base, the Justice League is prepared for the horrors within their facilities. Prepared may they be, but the brutal treatment of the ghosts make even the most seasoned hero’s stomach churn. 

Superman stared in grim determination while opening the locks holding ghosts in their cages with his heat vision, calling out to any ghosts that may still exist to make sure he found all captives when he hears his own voice reply. It wasn’t exactly his voice, the pitch was off, fluctuating between his voice and a woman’s, the undertoning tiger growl pitch during the ghost’s speech making his fight or flight kick in ever so slightly. 

“I’m over here. Please… I’m here.” 

Superman freezes for a moment before flying over just below the speed of sound and ripping the bars off of the ghost’s cell. 

The ghost was a child. Somewhere in their teens, flowing white hair smeared with their own blood, his green skin shining so so dimly. 

The poor kid’s throat was shredded, muscles and sinew mangled. The ghostly kid swallows, showing the inside of his esophagus contract as he makes what would have been a scream as he accidentally jostles his dislocated shoulder, the one working eye blinking like he isn’t sure what he’s seeing, the other a shiner, the eye bruised closed. 


Superman is moving, not even noticing as he picks up the injured ghost and flies him to the outside of the facility, gently whispering to the ghost that everything is ok and that they’re here to help, dropping him off to the medical crew ready and waiting to treat the injured ghosts within, all of it is a blur. Something in the back of his mind poking at him, this kid seems familiar, this ghost is familiar and he can’t quite place how. 

But there’s something else, something he doesn’t register until he’s grabbed the next injured ghost and brought them to the medical team. That teen ghost, the one with the shiner and Not Right mimicry, he has a heartbeat. It’s very faint and he barely even noticed it with all of the other things he’s focusing on, but the ghost has a heartbeat. He spares a few seconds to x-ray the ghost kid who is moments from being sent through a zeta beam to the Watchtower to be sent to medical, the kid has organs, and in the right places for a human too. Out of all of the hundreds of ghosts he’s rescued, none of them have anything besides a single floating core inside of them.

He doesn’t know how but this kid isn’t a full ghost.

Danny’s vision is blurry as the people in black (After the first fiasco with the medical team wearing white coats, they since have changed their outfits to all black during GIW recoveries.) rush him through a makeshift looking teleportation stand. 

He doesn’t know what’s really going on, if he’s still alive, if this isn’t another dream or hallucination. All he knows is that when Superman lifted Danny into his arms he would have gasped if his vocal cords still existed. He hasn’t felt that gentle of a touch since that reporter hugged him.

There are whispers in the medical ward.

Out of all their research, they've never come across anything like this.

A ghost with human organs. The beings from the realm the Fenton's had punched a hole into didn't have a more official name, but it was widely accepted that they were, in fact, a type of alien.

But this one.

This one could, possibly, actually be a ghost of a human that had died.

And the Yetis from those self-same realms know something.

Amity Park had been one of the first places the JL had hit, after all, being the start of it all. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner had ventured into the "Ghost Zone", as dubbed by the Fentons. Green Lantern Kyle had been the one to be escorted to the Far Frozen. He'd been the one to return with a team of experienced, professional doctors for the ghosts they were rescuing.

Those same yetis had shared their knowledge with the medical staff of the Justice League, and proceeded to essentially kick absolutely everyone out of the room when the ghost-that-was-probably-human was brought in.

The regular medical staff was informed, on no uncertain terms, that they were not allowed in that ghost's room.

So, naturally, they gossiped in-between rushing to and from their patients.

"He has a heart. It doesn't beat very strongly, but it beats!"

"Maybe 'ghosts' have tiers? What if he's a higher tier than the rest?"

"The other ghosts look human enough, but their forms are always a little too stretched. His isn't, not that much."

"The GIW must have been experimenting with turning a human into a 'ghost'."

"The GIW must have done this, poor boy."

"The kid must have been their Control Specimen; a sorta how would a human react to those chemicals and who-knows-what kinda control, for a baseline."

"That's stupid, then how do the yetis know what to do with him? They clearly know him."

Naturally, Clark hears all of it. All of the whispers about what's wrong with this ghost, what makes this one so special; they push at his attention as he watches Batman fish for information from said ghost.

The longer he stares at that face, the more that nagging, awful feeling persists that he knows this kid.

"Is there anything we can do to...make this more comfortable for you?" Batman asks, not acknowledging hearing Clark's civilian voice come from the mouth of the ghost on the bed.

"I'd KilL for A nastY BurgeR," the ghost says, voice weaving between Clark's, Superman's, Batman's, a woman's, and that strange, ever-present growl. "That saUce is ADDIcting."

Then he lets out a tentative smile.

Clark feels his breath start to stutter.

The kid in the skeleton costume, with a busted, bruised eye.

The kid devoid of any sign of his younger self, even though it hadn't been that long, also with a shiner.

"I'd kill for a Nasty Burger right now," a teenager with tired, hopeless eyes had said, staring at the busted walls of the restaurant.

"It’s their sauce man, there’s something in it that makes you want to come back,” a child dressed as a skeleton had gushed, excited and full of life.

"...Danny?" Clark whispers, unable to stop himself.

Inside the room, the ghost's, Danny's head snaps over to stare at him through the glass.

'I should have put Danny first,' Clark thinks faintly, a low buzz starting to fill his ears. 'I never should have assumed he was safe. What have I done? How did this...what did I do?'

Danny's eyes narrow, and he ignores Batman's questions as he leans forward.


So, if Danny can mimic anyone's voice, could he mimic his own?

Like, if someone showed him a video/audio recording of him talking, let Danny hear it from an outside perspective, could he mimic it?

And if so, when would Danny's core decide to use his voice over anyone else's?


crazy how many people will just eat moldy food and not give a damn. and then be weird about it when you don't want to eat it after the moldy parts have been cut off. the mold is in there. im not gonna eat mold spores. What else do you do? Do you fucking huff asbestos? Do you go out of your way to huff asbestos because it wouldn't surprise me given your current behavior. One of us will be developing some strange form of cancer or poisoning and it's not gonna be me



It's just 5 pages in a fairly large and spaced out font and page 4 and 5 this nifty spreadsheet chart of when moldy food is safe, can be salvaged, and when it needs to be discarded.

Wish I had that chart in a nice, aesthetically pleasing poster to put up in the kitchen/on the fridge cause it's good info that would be nice to have on hand.


the thing about being a self-professed slut is that people really, really don’t want the details. Bruce Wayne limps into a boardroom at Wayne Enterprises, makes finger guns at Lucius Fox, and loudly says rough night with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

suddenly no one in that room is pressing him for details. they absolutely don’t want further illustration of whatever encounter Wayne had last night, and that’s exactly why they ignore the clearly broken and taped ribs, the way the limp is a strained ankle and not something else, the puffiness to his nose that suggests someone hit him in the face with a closed fist, multiple times. one look at that suggestive, playboy smile and the rest of the details fade away.


Imagine if Matches Malone goes around talking about how he's under an NDA about the sex stuff that Brucie is into, while he's purchasing some hard core BDSM equipment.


This plays very nicely with the headcanon of Bruce having a BDSM dungeon above the Batcave specifically so that Alfred has a plausible excuse to any hired cleaners about why they aren't allowed down in the basement in case someone "stumbles" into it.


Danny somehow some way accidentally gets stuck possessing bat man's cape

Now this isn't so bad for them danny gets a safe warm place to live and bruce gets what is basically the cloak of levitation plus the ability to hide in shadows (literally) and the presence of an eldritch entity

Unfortunately said entity is apparently a mother hen to rival Alfred (Alfred makes sure to take care washing the cloak afrer learning this)

Side note he can still eat while in the cloak the family find this out after bruce comes to dinner still wearing the cape and it latches over the dinner about a minute later it retracts leaving a empty plate


All magic users can now sense Batman from the EXTREMELY powerful aura coming from his cape.


@phoenixcatch7 It’s Danny’s version of a hug. He just fully envelops the Robins and just gently hums to them while they’re cradled inside the cloak

Danny acting as a hammock when batman or Robin get knocked out on patrol or fall asleep. Someone breaks red hoods mask and Danny immediately SNAPS in front, dragging b, spread wide like a curtain to hide his identity until Jason points out his second mask and then he gets embarrassed. Batman slowly gravitating to the windows whenever he's in the watchtower doing paperwork, someone asks and he's like 'my Cape keeps drifting that direction like a magnet, it's easier'.

Someone down the the cave working on some tech, 'hey Alfred could you pass - thanks' and not realising Danny's hovering over their shoulder handing them things. Play tugging with Titus and getting drool all over batmans Cape. Alfred pointing firmly at a tub of soapy water like 'I'll not have you drag filth all over this house Mr Cape, nor will I accept master Bruce going on patrol in a stained outfit. I will not hesitate to drag you in myself.' while Danny's hiding up near the ceiling. Robin trying to get away with petting the cape without b noticing he's being patted, but Danny Cape keeps purring and giving it away.

Everyone being like 'aw cute mascot' until one of them gets injured and Danny makes very, VERY good use of being kevlar lined fabric by turning into a whirlpool of death, temperature plummeting and hairs raising.

Danny finally escaping to realise he's got his own, identical cape attached to his costume, and that the time he spent in the cape turned it mildly sentient Fenton hot dog style, so now the bats have a little pet cloak with much the same capabilities and temperament. Everyone demands Danny pay child support by coming for tea and visiting as often as he can.

Danny Cape often being found crouched over Alfred the cat, until he can mimic the Healing Purring frequency and he uses it ALL THE TIME. Sometimes hanging loose, sometimes he makes the shape of an invisible person wearing it to convey body language. MAGIC CARPET BAT CAPE.


#:0 MAGIC CARPET CAPE!!!#and the thick plotens#Aw the idea that the cape purrs is so cute ;-;#oh the bats instantly accept Danny as family. they already kinda view the cape as family and NOW they find out he’s a teen?!#idk his age who knows#for this au at least#but like- they see that the cape is a kid and just go ‘you’re staying here now’ and give him an apartment in Gotham#(if he wants to be on his own at least.)#i really like to imagine that Cloak!Danny starts gaining a liking towards these other young heroes that the Batkids bring over#and they’re shown the Batcape.#imagine: Tim is bringing Bart and Connor down into the batcave to show them some cool gadgets#and out of nowhere this large black fabric just zips over and nails Connor in the head and chest#akin to an overexcited puppy greeting their owner and Danny knocks him down to the floor and just starts fussing over him#Tim has no clue why Cloak is doing this and is trying to ask Cloak to leave Connor be.#Cloak has a corner of the cape slap Tim’s outstretched hand as a ‘no stop that >:(‘ and continues encasing Connor#Cape (I keep saying cloak whoops) covers Connor’s torso and arms. extremely happy purrs can be heard from the Cape#after a moment the Cape shifts. it molds itself to the shape and size of Connor’s leather jacket and purrs triumphantly at his achievement#Connor is baffled. Batman’s cloak just made a mock jacket out of itself#“I uh- guess it likes me?” says a both confused and excited Connor#as he inspects his new attire#the Capes purrs just get louder.#bones writes in the tags

I know it ends with "bones writes in the tags" but at this point theres enough for a real post so... i took it out of the tags

Ok i hear you and I see you and I love it sm.

you think Superman’s cape dramatically flutters in the wind for no reason? That’s 100% Danielle being dramatic as hell.

Another idea I propose too: she possesses Superboy’s leather jacket. Since she’s unstable goo she uses that to her advantage and kinda pulls a Venom and just melds herself into his iconic leather jacket.

Sjjsjdjfn i said superman so he could go up to batman like. It happened to me what do i do what do i feed it what nutrients does it need. While danny and dani are both absolutely HYPED to see each other

Being superboys jacket is rlly cool too!!! I imagine that the scene above plays out relatively similarly except dani sloughs off into her brothers "arms" bsjsjdjfj

Oh my god yES!

The JL and the Batkids would tease both of them relentlessly that both of their capes are seemingly great friends. The capes sometimes just kinda ribbon dance flit and twirl around each other in mesmering patterns to chase each other around. Maybe it’s a form of tag, maybe they’re just goofing around. Either way it’s surprisingly adorable for a bunch of fabric.

The Superboy jacket Dani just being cradled in Danny’s cloak is just so cute ;-;. They also fuck around with Dani’s non-Newtonian consistency and Danny will just fling her at people to see her splat against them like some shitty low frame rate inkblob attack and then instantly wrap around her victim in an arm pinning hug.

Also also also a thing I wanna add here because I’ve been unable to get it out of my head is this:

flour sack emotion sketches. It could easily be shifted to a flatter object but I have a firm belief that when Danny isn’t being worn by Bruce, he’s super expressive and emotive because that’s the only form of communication he really has. He also can bundle himself up into a simple shape or sign.

Like bundling himself into a question mark, a check mark, maybe he folds himself until he resembles a simple lightning bolt and zips around behind Wally as a way to have fun.

An additional idea that I just had: There’s only so much cloth he can use but if he could make the cloth rigid and fold himself like origami into animals or flowers or anything else you can craft with origami.

Imagine a massive black origami dog that leaps and bounds around the mansion looking to interact with whoever is in the Manor.


Danny!Cape drifting off Batman to his kid on patrol. Batman notices and smirks. The kid doesn't until Danny blocks a bullet for them. And then it's Danny fussing over them hours. With the kid like, but you blocked the shot! Cape acting huffy and then picks the kid up and carries them to Batman like, you deal with them!


Various Plot Thoughts:

When Danny Cape realizes B will postpone patrol to look for him, he absolutely uses that to his mother henning advantage by disappearing himself (and all of Batman's other suits when B gets really stubborn) whenever Bruce tries to patrol while injured.

The first time Jason comes around after the cape is possessed, Danny uses his weirdness to consume the former Robin. Despite pleadings from the family, Jason is not released for 13 hours, by which point he comes out Pit free and very confused.

Dick comes back from a long mission and the Cape demands a family cuddle pile immediately. No patrol, Cape needs his family home and safe and warm where he can see them tonight. If they don't come willingly, they will ba kidnapped.

Cape Danny finding ways to coerce the Batfam into just talking to each other goddammit. Not even always about feelings (though definitely about those to) but sometimes just "Look, the case Dick is working on and the completely unrelated one Tim is doing are actually very much related and please just communicate and work together there is no need to drag this out and let more innocent people get put in danger or hurt."

Danny is stuck in the Cape because he's very injured and needs time and a safe place to heal before he can reassert his normal physical body.

Danny is very conscientious about pretending to be an inanimate object while Batman patrols. Partially because he doesn't want to make anything harder for Batman or add targets to his back by people thinking B is magic or something. But also because Danny is very afraid of being found by whoever (>:]) hurt him in the first place.

Batman will sometimes leave his cape draped over a civilian to protect them, especially if it's a kid. Danny dislikes not being able to protect both the civilian and Batman, but he stays bbecause he trusts B to at least survive and protecting civilians/kids is very important to both of them. Goons and Rogues learn very quickly that Batman taking off his cape is an "Oh Shit" moment almost on par with actually seriously hurting a Robin.

Despite his efforts to remain inconspicuous, Danny is still a teenager and is more than a little impulsive, so rumors spread eventually and sooner or later someone kidnaps the cape. (Could lead to crack or angst.)

Batman eventually figures out based on behavior that the entity giving his cape sentience is at most a teenager. Danny learns the true meaning of Brooding when Batman flips the mother henning on to him. None of the kids want to come to the manor that week because Batman + Cape both broody and mother henning is not something anyone wants to end up in the middle of. Not that they can stay away long when Cape apparently misses them.

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