
phandom is my home


just a place to post my fandom thoughts
Anonymous asked:

On the spirit of Olympics

Adult Danny (who's well off on money) was scrolling through multi media when someone either commented that there should be an Olympics for meta or someone got disqualified from the Olympics for being one. So he gets an idea.

He announced on the internet that he's sponsoring a meta exclusive Olympics and he's inviting every meta, hero or otherwise, as well as people willing to be hosting said event in a year top. Time, date, place would be announced at a later date.

Everyone got excited, a number of them got skeptical, and it got on the news. People expect it to turn into another area 51 event or dashcon 2 until there are live feeds via shared live streams a year later talking about the meta sport, on the 2nd day tv camera crews got in on said event to broadcast it live around the world and they see a couple of heroes and a few villains (after a thorough bg check and signed magical contracts on no hurting) being there acting civil and having fun as well as representing their countries amongst the many other metas attending the event.

For sure, there would be a next event that's more thoroughly extravagant.


Anonymous asked:

This is a Damian and Danny are twins but with a twist.

Through a series of unfortunate events a very young Danny gets put into the pit. Maybe it was a test from Ra, he was sick this was trying to save him, he was pushed purposely or he fell in accidentally. He never rises from the pit everyone thinks he died. But with Danny being in the pits (which is ectoplasma) Clockwork is able to grab Danny and send if off to Jack and Maddie. If Danny had stayed with the Al Ghul's he would have died. Now Clockwork works with time not space. It harder for him to send beings to a certain place during their present, it easier for him to get them directly where he wants them if he is sending them forwards or backwards. So when CW put Danny into the path of Jack and Maddie it is years in the past for Danny.

This is going to be a good parent Jack and Maddie. Jack and Maddie are having infertily issues. It was very hard to conceive Jasmine and afterwards the Doctors gave even lower chances of them having another natural child. They start looking into adoption but due to their research into ghosts they are not having luck. They about loose hope when they meet Danny. Danny is too young to really remember the League, so he grows up with no memories. He knows he adopted, Jack and Maddie didn't hide that from him.

Things progress the about the same as in the show, and it's a reveal gone right. Also when the Meta Human Act is put into law it repeals the Anti Ecto laws, so Danny doesn't worry about those anymore. He never really wanted to be a hero, he was trying to help because he felt responsible for the mayhem after he turned on the portal. Things become more stable in Amity Park and Danny is able to get his grades back up and pursue his dream of working for NASA.

Danny was brought to the past to grow up, I see him being around 5 years older the Dick in the present. When Danny was a teen the Justice League was being formed. Danny doesn't discover his bio parents until he is in his 30s. How this is discovered is Star Labs is partnering with JPL on a project they send over their top scientists, one of them being Danny. Barry sees Danny one day at the lab and at first thinks it's Bruce. He mentions to Danny how much he looks like Bruce Wayne, Danny laughs it off. Barry later in passing mentions to Batman during a league meeting that he met a Bruce Wayne clone. Batman and the Batfam take this info and do the paranoid thing and dig into Danny thinking maybe he is a clone. Then become confused when DNA says Danny is the son of Bruce and Talia, when he is older than Dick.


Anonymous asked:

Danny is tired of dealing with ghosts in his human form and people are starting to getting suspicious so he plans with his friends the greatest shinanigans to ever shinanigan

He fake marries himself

Its genius! Why does he close with ghosts when he'sthe town's scaredy cat, Phantom. Why does he know so much of the ghost zone then his own parents, Phantom. Is that his daughter?! Phantom! Its genius!!!

So he and his friends plants some evidence, a couple of name drops



Anonymous asked:

Danny finally tells his parents he's the ghost boy and after some initial tears and a grounding for not telling them about his lab accident the Fenton parents finally take lab safety seriously and Danny gets put on medication for his chronic pain since he didn't even realize how bad it actually was. The Fenton parents also adopt Ellie and help get her stable they also offered to adopt Dan who accepted after some tears, he's still partially living with Vlad who is trying to be better at least.



I'm sorry to ask this but I don't know why but I just need more of clockwork being overprotective father

Denny's dating Duke after meeting Wayne family and being slightly threatened and then by the bat family as his hero persona

Duke finally convinces doing to let him meet his ghost dad Clockwork and the rest of his ghost family the Fenton parents and this one disowned Danny after finding out he was a halfa

But Duke doesn't know about the whole time lord thing or the fact that one of his relatives is a yeti and his auntie is Pandora or that door can turn into a dragon and is sickly pale

The entire time Duke meets Danny's Phantom Clockwork is just making comments about how pathetic it is that he didn't bring flowers with him and mentioning how in other timelines of Daniel's different date would have brought flowers

Frostbite is giving concerning comments about how he does not believe Duke to be able to survive the winter games and far Frozen if Daniel was ever to spend Christmas with them

Pandora straight up book Duke in the eyes and when I see the spirit of a warrior in your eyes but I do not think that spirit is strong enough for our young Daniel

Nope the only one that likes him is Dora no one knows why she just does Danny is silently apologizing to Duke for his terrifying family

Duke leaves that night terrified of the Dead and realizing that he might have just had the epitome of he's definitely marrying a future God.



Anonymous asked:

Adding onto the rat post for Danny's support mischief

Orion alerts for tremors

Hailey alerts for pain flares

Cosmo alerts for seizures

Pluto alerts when Danny's heart goes wonky besides ghost stuff

Astro alerts when Danny is about to have a panic attack

The rats have longer life spans and sleep in a pile on Danny's chest


Anonymous asked:

Danny has a thing for dangerous woman and whirlwind romances, the longest of which was Sam. The two broke up after the spark had died (pun not intended) the break up was a little messy and they're barely on speaking terms the thing is Sam left Danny with a pair of twins to look after. A few years of being a single dad and Danny and Valerie hook up.

The break up is also messy and leaves Danny with another child. His final romantic relationship came when the twins were twelve and his son was six with a woman named Tala al Ghul. Danny was smitten with her and was going to ask her to marry him when she just suddenly broke things off and left him with a child, the thing is he's sure that this little one isn't his but he can see that they were touched by some form of ectoplasm so they're his baby now.

Several years later and Damian is assigned by school to do a family tree project and to ensure he's the only blood son, after some teasing from Jason made him curious, when he discovers he had a twin brother that his mother claimed was still born and the pits failed to revive him. He was content learning this even though it made him a little sad. Imagine his shock when a few days later a boy that looks almost exactly like him transfers into his class. Tala has some explaining to do


Anonymous asked:

Danny either gets deaged or cloned and runs away as a seven year old and joins a traveling circus. He still has his powers and a few vague memory but the circus immediately becomes his new family. He gets new life experiences and actual medical help because he is in pain a lot. Danny is in the circus for about a decade when they end up in a new city and draw the attention of a caped vigilante named Batman who keeps trying to talk to him. Danny doesn't know that Batman came across his missing person's file after Vlad had visited Gotham and mentioned his missing godson


Anonymous asked:

Danny has a group of pet rats that he rescued from a lab. They follow him everywhere even as Phantom. Well Danny gets summoned one day and the league is surprised to see the ghost prince with five rats on his shoulders. "What's with the rodents?" Flash asked. "Kinda rude to ask someone about their service animals." Danny replies. The rats alert Danny before he has a chronic pain flare, before he has a tremor, and before he has a seizure. Being electrocuted messed up Danny's nervous system bad enough that he needs to have an alert animal or someone with him at times that recognize when he's about to have either a flare up or a seizure. The league is going to have a refresher HR course about service animals after the threat is dealt with.


Anonymous asked:

A lot of stories have Gotham being very ectoplasm contaminated second to Amity Park and because of that makes it a perfect place for Danny to go to. But what if while Gotham still has a very high ectoplasm count, the ectoplasm there was actually was contaminated and poisonous to ghosts. Danny only visited once but having what basically is a ghost asthma/allergery attack, made sure to cross off Gotham from his college lists.


Anonymous asked:

DP and DC separate universes

Danny is not a comic book nerd, he is a space nerd. Give him any topic about space and he can talk for hours on it. Tucker is the one into comics and it mostly horror/monster comics not superheroes. Danny has hardly any knowledge on characters from DC comics. What he knows about Batman came from the Batman Lego movie because that is the movie that was always put on when they had a sub teacher (the sub teacher was a big Batman fan and always raved about how it was the greatest Batman movie). Imagine Danny's superise when he is summoned my a group dressed in colorful costumes and one vaguely looks like Lego Batman.


Anonymous asked:

Danny shows up in Gotham, punches Bruce Wayne in the face, cusses at him in Esperanto and leaves with no explanation.

Bruce is extremely confused by the mini Jason look alike and weird language that he didn't understand.

Danny was jokingly dared by Tucker and Sam to punch Brucie Wayne and cuss at him in Esperanto. He got his fifty bucks and a pack of like and vinegar chips so he's happy.

The media is having a field day about Brucie Wayne having a new kid/family drama

The kids are laughing at Bruce and making bets on how long until new sibling is acquired.

Alfred is quietly getting a room ready


Anonymous asked:

Good Fenton Parents...

Maddie and Jack know that Danny is Phantom, they figured that out pretty early. I mean come on they are smart people being scientist who love and know their children, they would notice when Danny starts acting differently. Also Danny is not as sneaky or stealthy as he thinks. They don't confront him about it, they are waiting for him to come to them about it. (Like how some parents know their kid is gay but is waiting for them to feel comfortable to share that part of themselves).

Them going after Phantom is their way of training Danny and spending time with him. They also partnered with the GIW to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't hurt Danny and to have a way in, incase Danny does get caught by them.


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