Upcoming Publication


(Minimum review time 3 months for an article, 6 to 9 months or more for a book, Fast Track Publication is not possible), Plagiarism above 9% is not acceptable as per TNT policy, there could be a possible delay in publication because of COVID-19 predicament.


  • Impact of COVID-19 on Economy, Business, Education and Social Life

  • Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

  • The Ukraine Crisis and Solutions

  • Impact of New Age Investment Instruments

  • Recent Trends in Human Resource Management (RTHRM)

  • Racial Discrimination towards North-East Indian during Pandemic

  • The Perspective of India's New Education Policy 2020

  • Risk and Investment Management

  • Business Process Re-Engineering

  • A Trunk Full of Love


Marketing: Marketing During Crisis, Digital Marketing, Consumer Behavior Analysis, Consumer Psychology, Integrated Marketing Communications, Green Marketing, Rural Marketing & service marketing, Product & Brand Management


Banking, Insurance, Financial Services & Capital Market, Financial Innovations & Engineering, Financial Innovations & Engineering, Asset Pricing During Crisis Behavioural Finance, Blockchain and Fintech Applications, Macroeconomics and monetary economics, Financial Literacy & Financial inclusion, Accounting Standards & IFRS


Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship Techno entrepreneurship and woman entrepreneurship Inclusive growth strategy and policy New Age Start-Ups, SMEs for sustainable growth and development Project Appraisal


E-Governance, Business Analytics, IT and Decision Support, Knowledge Management, Impact of Crisis on Business Environment.


Tourism during COVID Times, Crisis Management in Tourism Industry, Tourism Analytics and Destination Management Social Inclusiveness and Green Practices, Heritage Conservation Conflicts Policies for Tourism Development


HR in COVID Times, HR Analytics, Change Management, Talent and Competency Management Industrial Relations & Labour Law Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.


Vision and non-contact sensory systems, Embedded Systems, Bio Inspiration and Robotics: Walking and Climbing Robots, Robotic Automation and Outsourcing, Drones and drone applications, New Approaches in Automation and Robotics, Electrical and Electronics in AI & Robotics, Robotic Surgery, Nanorobotics in Medicine, Robotics Intelligence, Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization, Sensors.


Blockchain in AI, Machine Learning, cyber security, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Blockchain tools, simulators, and test-nets, Blockchain-based IoT, fog, cloud, and mobile devices, Blockchain in cyber-physical systems (CPS), Building private blockchain systems


Software as A Service (SaaS), Cloud Security and Privacy, Cloud Storage, Cloud Application Development, Industry-Specific Clouds, Cloud Performance Management, Business Models in Cloud, 5G Cloud, Server less, Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), Platform As A Service (PaaS)


Cryptographic Algorithms, Risk and Reputation Management, Intrusion Detection and Response, Mobile Security, Cyber security Legal and Regulatory Issues, Malware Detection, Information Hiding and Anonymity, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Blockchain Technologies and Applications, Privacy-Enhancing Models and Technologies, AI/ Machine Learning for Security, Data and Software Security, Database Security Privacy, Security and Trust in Social Media, Identity and Trust Management, Content Protection and Digital Rights Management, Authentication, Privacy and Security Models, Privacy Metrics and Control, Security and Privacy in Cloud and Pervasive Computing Security Architecture and Design Analysis, Security Awareness and Education, Security Frameworks, Architectures and Protocols Security in IoT and Edge Computing, Security Testing, Software Security Assurance, Threat Awareness, Trusted Computing, Virtualization Security, Vulnerability Analysis and Countermeasures


Agile Software Development and Testing, Software Testing, Big Data and Data Science, Algorithms and Computational Mathematics, MDA - Model Driven Architecture, MDE - Model-Driven Engineering, Decision Support Systems using Computer Intelligence, Deep Learning and Neural Networks


Machine Learning, Big Data, and Social Network Analysis, Sharing Economy, Social Commerce, and Social Media, Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Financial Technology and Markets, e-Learning and Content, Impacts of FinTech on e-Commerce, e-CRM: Consumer Intention and Adoption, Marketing and Pricing, e-Logistics and e-Transportation, Privacy and Security, AI Approaches: Neural Networks, Chatbot, and CBR, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Globalization and Cross-Border Issues, Business Models: Innovation and Entrepreneurship


System-on-chip and network-on-chip architectures, Multicore processor architecture, Application modelling and mapping schemes for multicore/SoC systems, Multicore computing and programming techniques, Power-efficient architectures and techniques for multicore/SoC systems, High-performance software systems and its applications, such as agent systems


Action recognition, Aerial images, Anomaly detection, Automatic segmentation, Background subtraction, Cognitive information processing, Feature extraction and classification, Image and Video Compression, Object tracking, Satellite images, Scene recognition, Visual content analysis


Contact tracing: Data dashboards; migration maps; machine learning; real-time data from smartphones and wearable technology Screening for infection: Artificial intelligence; digital thermometers; mobile phone applications; thermal cameras; web-based toolkits Contact tracing: Global positioning systems; mobile phone applications; real-time monitoring of mobile devices; wearable technology Quarantine and self-isolation: Artificial intelligence; cameras and digital recorders; global positioning systems; mobile phone applications; quick response codes Clinical management: Artificial intelligence for diagnostics; machine learning; virtual care or telemedicine platforms Countries experiences and innovations


Probabilistic Texture Synthesis, Benchmarking, 3D Data Modelling, Spatial Data Modelling, Probabilistic Expert Systems, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Probabilistic Neural Networks, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), Dynamic Textures, Multidimensional Texture Modelling Multispectral Textures, Texture Segmentation, Illumination and Rotation Invariance, Medical Image Recognition, Classification Mathematical Image Modelling


Dialogue and Interactive Systems, Computational Social Science and Social Media, Semantics: Lexical, Sentence level, Textual Inference and Other areas, Information Retrieval and Text Mining, Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP, NLP Applications Phonology, Morphology and Word Segmentation, Language Grounding to Vision, Robotics and Beyond, Machine Translation and Multilingualism, Information Extraction Linguistic Theories, Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics


Agile software development, Cloud and service-oriented computing, Cooperative, distributed, and collaborative software engineering, End-user software engineering, Human factors and social aspects of software engineering, Mining software engineering repositories, Model-driven engineering, Program comprehension and visualization, Requirements engineering, Software architecture, Software evolution and maintenance Software testing, Software quality, Tools and environments


Smart Grid Systems, Smart Cities, IoT Architectures, Human-object Integrations, Interoperability of IoTs, Cyber-physical Systems


Broadcast Channels and Information Theory, Cooperative Networking, Emerging Wireless Standards, Heterogeneous networks (HetNets), MIMO, LTE OFDM Modulation, Personal Area Networks, OFDMA, 4G Cellular, 5G Cellular, SDMA, Smart Antennas, Software Defined Radios, The future of Wi-Fi Traffic Analysis for 4G, Wireless Network Control, Zigbee and other Personal area networks


Higher Order Thinking Skills

Data Analytics for Social Sciences

International Human Rights

A Journey Through Pandemic

A Story of Beautiful Event

GOD is as GOD

The Lotus Feet

The Scientific Temper

Conflicting Thoughts

The Science and Art of Mathematics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Anxiety, Productivity, and Purpose in the Face of a Pandemic

Design Thinking (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Politics of Ecology, Gender, and Materiality (Manuscript can be submitted)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Public relations and Media Relationships (Manuscript can be submitted)

Emotion Management & Productivity

Federal Aspects of India's Foreign Policy Management

Democracy as a part of Inaugural Programme of The Constitutional Law

Demystifying AI and its Impact and Implications for Business (Manuscript can be submitted)

Crack UPSC Civil Service Examination

Bridging the Skill Gap between Academia & Industry in Analytics

Analytics for Decision Making

Business Intelligence (Manuscript can be submitted)

Big Data management

Electronic commerce (Manuscript can be submitted)

Intelligent Agents (Manuscript can be submitted)

Retail Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Financial Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Anomaly Detection (Manuscript can be submitted)

Health care Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Mobile Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Computer Vision (Manuscript can be submitted)

Block Chaim Applications (Manuscript can be submitted)

Fraud Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Clustering (Manuscript can be submitted)

Sport Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Marketing Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Text Mining (Manuscript can be submitted)

Deep Learning (Manuscript can be submitted)

Data Mining (Manuscript can be submitted)

Time Series forecasting (Manuscript can be submitted)

Social Networking Analysis (Manuscript can be submitted)

Recommender systems (Manuscript can be submitted)

Predictive Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Image processing (Manuscript can be submitted)

Video Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Risk Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Visual Analytics (Manuscript can be submitted)

Management Development Program on Analytics for Decision Making using R, Python and Tableau (Manuscript can be submitted)

Pandemic Pedagogies in Language Education (Manuscript can be submitted)

Children and Childhood: Imaginaries in Indian and Other Asian Literature and Film (Manuscript can be submitted)

Case Studies and Innovative Pedagogies (Manuscript can be submitted)

Around the World (Manuscript can be submitted)

Gender and Health in India (Manuscript can be submitted)

Psychology as a catalyst for mankind (Manuscript can be submitted)

Microbiology and its new science (Manuscript can be submitted)

Banking and its operation in India (Manuscript can be submitted)

Stress Reduction and evidence-based intervention (Manuscript can be submitted)

The art of Biotechnology (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Humanistic approach of Science (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Rainbow and the spectrum (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Perfect Science and Art (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Buddhic Nature (Manuscript can be submitted)

Kaleidoscopic Wellness (Manuscript can be submitted)

The evaluation of Science (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Human and Animal mind (Manuscript can be submitted)

Impact of Work from Home (Manuscript can be submitted)

Women Empowerment and Strategic Solution (Manuscript can be submitted)

My Experience with Pet during the pandemic (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Happiness (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Digital Culture (Manuscript can be submitted)

The cinematic to today's (Manuscript can be submitted)

Body, Mental illness and Female Language (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Language of Space (Manuscript can be submitted)

Research Methodology in Mathematics (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Perspective of India's New Farmers Bill 2020 (Manuscript can be submitted)

Research Methodology in Data Sc (Manuscript can be submitted)

Demonetization of India's currency and its impact (Manuscript can be submitted)

The Urban ritual (Manuscript can be submitted)

Environment - pandemics, forest fires, global warming, privatising space (Manuscript can be submitted)

Language - transforming lexicons, visual and computer language (Manuscript can be submitted)

Cinema - fandom, remakes, OTT platforms, web series (Manuscript can be submitted)

Networks - global capital, migration, media, phone apps, google maps (Manuscript can be submitted)

Food - diversity and homogenisation, agricultural and technology, cloud kitchens (Manuscript can be submitted)

Migrant labour and the scenario in India (Manuscript can be submitted)

India and International Relationship (Manuscript can be submitted)

Architecture - populism and the social construction of space, built environment, gated communities (Manuscript can be submitted)

The body - surveillance and CCTV culture, UIDs, prosthetics, queering bodies, labouring bodies

Performance - tik-tok and other mediatised forms, social media, selfies, folk forms (Manuscript can be submitted)

Memory - recording devices and outsourcing memory, post-truth, cognitive studies (Manuscript can be submitted)

Law - privacy, freedom of expression, constitutionalism, cyberlaw (Manuscript can be submitted)

Neo imperialism - new forms of global control through culture (Manuscript can be submitted)

Postcapitalism - knowledge economies, post-unionism, precarious labour (Manuscript can be submitted)

Rap, Hip Hop and Youth Subculture (Manuscript can be submitted)

Mass Protests and the Performance of Dissent (Manuscript can be submitted)

Reinventing Racism (Manuscript can be submitted)

Breed Differences of Heritable Behaviour Traits in cats and your Experience of Raising it (Manuscript can be submitted)

Breed Differences of Heritable Behaviour Traits in Dogs and your Experience of Raising it (Manuscript can be submitted)

Digital Archives and History

Copyright and Open-source Activism

Monumental statues, public spaces and renaming streets

Popular Culture

Visual Culture



Methods of knowledge: An Intersection of Philosophy and Literature

Music and Mental Health

COVID19 and Mental Health

Eco semiotics

Sound and Space

Temporality in Populist Revivalism

Celebrity, Fame and Recognition, Impression Formation and Impression Management in the Populist World

Movie, Superhero and Millennials and Post-millennials

Identity and Populism

The other in Populism (altruism and egocentrism)

Human Behaviour and Populism (rational being or emotional being)

Digitalization and Individual Rights

Tea cultivation of Assam and its Social Demographic Landscape

Farmers and Indigenous Rights

Social Media and Populism

Youth Mental Health in a Populist Era

Regional Populism in India: A case of India

Climate Emergency during Populist Leaders

Sanity and Insanity in Populism

Religion, Fear, and Nationalism in a Populist Era

Cognition, Neuroscience and Populism

Values (virtual and physical) and Populism

The relevance of Data Sci

Migration, Immigration and COVID-19

Leadership (Political, Social) and Populism

Multicultural and Intercultural Models: Clarifications, Reflections and Urgencies

Beyond the Multicultural Paradigm: The Contribution of Intercultural Education and Competence

Areas of culture and pandemic Superwoman new-age identity of working-women

Areas of Culture and Pandemic Superwoman new-age Identity of Working-women

New Isolationism


Authoritarian populist

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and SDG

Mindfulness and its Impact

Politics of Exclusion


Populist leaders: Vladimir Putin

Populist leaders: Viktor Orban

Populist Leaders: Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Populist leaders: Jair Bolsanaro

Global Governance and Populist Leaders

Social Media Democracy

Post-truth Politics

Refugee Crisis as a Cause

Natural Resource Politics

Leader Democracy


Political Mobilization

Mediatization of Politics in the Digital Age

Media Freedom and Free Speech

Microtargeting on Social Media and Algorithmic Rise of the alt-right

Social Media Users and Politics

Media and Populism in the USA

Media and Populism in Eastern Europe

Media and Populism in Africa

Journalistic Ethics under the Pressure of Populism & Social Media

Media and Polarisation

Professional values of journalism and their relationship with populist discourse

Rationality and Bounded Rationality

Nudge and populism

New Institutional Economics and populism

Well Being

Game Theory and populism

Religion and Economics Decision

Neuro Economics

Economic and Analytics

Behavioural Economics

Innovation Economics

Gender Economics

Economics of Social Sector

Innovation Economics

Migration and Uneven Development


Fiscal Sustainability

Economics of Labour


New Nationalism

Electoral Behaviour

Political Rhetoric



New nationalism

Electoral Behaviour


Politics of exclusion

US populism

New isolationism


Authoritarian populist

Politics of exclusion


Advanced Economies/Emerging Economies/ Top of Pyramid/Base of Pyramid

Authoritarian Capitalism/ Shareholder/Stakeholder Capitalism


Benchmarking/Big Data/Data Mining/Business Analytics

BRICs/Rising Asia/China/India/Trade Tensions

Business Models/Brand Management/Customer Relationship Management

Globalization/Glocalization/Global Logistics/Sourcing

Co-Value Creation/ Cross-functional work/ Sharing/Gig-Economy

Competitive Advantage/Ambidexterity/Coopetition/Industry Competitiveness

Complexity Management/Dynamic Capabilities

COVID-19/Remote Work/Social Distancing

Corporate Social Responsibility/ Sustainability/Environmentalism

Digitalization/Digital Transformation/ E-Commerce

Diversity/Workforce Training/Organizational Culture

Emotional Intelligence/EQ Leadership/Servant Leadership

Entertainment Industries/K-Pops/Hanryu/BTS/Social Media/Social Entrepreneurship

Essential/Non-Essential Products Services/Business Lockdowns

Financial Accountability/Materiality/Externalities Reporting

Future Shock/World of Work/Living in the Future

Information Society/The “Gilded Age”/Post Industrial Society

Frugal/Incremental/Open/Radical/Disruptive Innovation

Management Integrity/Accountability

Multinational Corporations (MNCs)/Global Firms


Risk Management/Scenario Planning/Cyber Security/Surveillance

Strategy/Corporate Strategy/Marketing Strategy

Productivity Movement/Quality/Lean Management/Six Sigma

Supply Chain Management/Global Production Network

Technology Imperatives (AI, Blockchain, IoT, Automation, Robotics)

Value Creation/Capture/Delivery/Value Priorities/Value Propositions

Exclusivism and populism

Generating popular consent and populism

Left-wing - Right wing divide in populism

Social Service and Populism

Social Work/ Social Service and Populism

Populism, Public Health & Family Care

Populism, Identities and Law

Globalization and Populist Responses

Populism in Social Movements

Race/Caste and Populism

Populism in the Public Sphere

Populism and Solidarity

Nationalism and Populism

Leadership styles, Charisma and Populism

People's Sentiments/ Mass Sentiments

Inter-party and Intra-party democracy and populism

Populism and Exploitation


Arts (aka: structure, spatial identity, architecture)

City, The (aka: Urban Culture, Urbanism, Urban Society)

Food (aka: Diet, Politics of Food, Food History)

Federalist Overtones and Populist Responses

Populism and Social solidarity

Social polarization and populism

Civil Society and Populism

Issues of the Migrants and Populism

Patronage Politics and Populism

Government (types, democracy – electoral participation)

Language (aka: Native and regional languages VS globalization; Language Acquisition; Literacy)

Religion (aka: Organized Religion [excluding cults])

Popular Culture, Symbols and Populism

Social Sciences in Education (aka: relevance of social sciences in education, shrinking of space)

Women's Rights (Gender; Sexuality)

Labour activism: Marginalised Unionism (aka: The Working Life; The Gig Economy; Unions)

Popular reconstruction of Local History (legends, narratives of an area)

Oral Narratives

Documentary film (documentary as sources, archival)

Historiography (change in writing of history, change of focus groups)

Lingering impact: Colonialism in post-colonial territories

Post-Colonial constructions in History Multiculturalism as new historical identity

History and Films as visual text

Ownership of Cityscapes

Historicising local myths

Dilemmas in identities: Immigrants and Migration

To whom does the land belong? State and indigenous people

Motifs, Mediums and Men: Jewellery as sources for History

History in popular fiction: 20th-century writings

Interdisciplinary construction of Historical narratives

Populist Leader (Rise of the middle-class popular leaders, shifting political agendas of populist leaders, political leaders and their politics of appeasement)

Environmentalism (forest laws, water, green zones, protected forests, parks)

Political Parties (ideology, long-lasting)

Political Movements (grassroots, Mass movements, temporary)

Protests (power of protests, specific protests, outrage

History (Archives; Museums; Interpreting Past & Present; How the past isn't what it used to be)

Elites (social class; work specialisation; social structure)

Digital populism (online campaigns, Twitter, Facebook, eg Jasmine Revolution)

Populism, Public Health & Family Care

Populism, Identities and Law

Marginalized, Marginalization and Populism

Popular Culture and Populism

Religious Undercurrents and Populist Responses

Ideology, Crisis and Populism

Social Welfare and Populism

Reflexivity and Populism

Sex, Gender and Populism

Patronage Politics

Left wing and Right-wing

Issues of the Migrants

Urban Poor, Poverty and Populism

Civil Society and Populism